Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days

Infernal Engine

Revision as of 03:31, 3 December 2009 by Urutapu (talk | contribs) (is drawn art not worth keeping or something? D<)

Template:HeartlessBoss/358 The Infernal Engine (デモンズフォートレス Demonzu Fōtoresu?, lit. "Demon's Fortress") is a Heartless boss which appears in Beast's Castle in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days.

Journal Entries

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days

The cannonballs this heavy tank Heartless fires can be returned with a block to take out the archers perched atop it.
The battering ram that emerges from its mouth before it charges is especially weak. Capitalize on that vulnerability, but be sure to get out of there before it begins to advance.


File:Demon's Fortress.png
Artwork of Infernal Engine.

The Infernal Engine is, in appearance, a large vehicle controlled by the darkness. Driven by three lesser Heartless of an unknown name during battle (Archers), this Heartless has a large, wooden body and gaping maw with red teeth. Four large wheels on its sides, this beast bears the Heartless Emblem between two large, yellow eyes.


The battle with the Infernal Engine can be quite difficult, but not if the player utilizes a good strategy. When the three lesser Heartless drive the main boss, they can allow it to perform a variety of attacks. These all appear rapidly, and the flurry of moves can only be slowed by defeating the three lesser creatures. When the smaller Heartless are in control, the Demon's Fortress' attacks are as follows:

  • Causes energy to rain down from above. Can be avoided via not allowing the Heartless Emblem that scales the ground to stand under Roxas.
  • Summons bombs from the Infernal Engine's maw. Can be blocked with the Guard Ability.
  • Causes a giant hammer to appear from out of the Infernal Engine's maw, smashing the ground and creating a giant shockwave.
  • The Infernal Engine moves forward, trampling Roxas. Can be avoided by keeping away from the Heartless.
  • Causes a cannon to appear and shoots fireballs. Can be blocked and reflected back to destroy one of the lesser heartless. Keep blocking the shots until all three of the lesser heartless are destroyed.

When the archers have been destroyed, the Infernal Engine will spit out boxes containing Soldier Heartless until they have returned.

As in all boss battles in 358/2 Days, utilize the Limit Break, should you hit low HP. Heal periodically. The three smaller creatures will respawn in a short time. Follow this strategy and keep these things in mind, and the Infernal Engine should fall rather easily.

Worlds Fought


