Oh no! The water! I'm in big trouble if I don't fetch it!
Fantasia Mickey B 6★ KHUX.png
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Issues: Kingdom Hearts X information and stats

Large Snowman

Large Snowman KHX.png

Japanese ラージスノーマン
Rōmaji Rāji Sunōman
Translation Large Snowman

Type Emblem Heartless
Games Kingdom Hearts χ
Kingdom Hearts Dark Road
Large Body
Fat Bandit
Large Armor
Clay Armor
Solid Armor
Land Armor
Huge Snowman
Ferocious Fins
Shipwreck Shark
Icy Beast
Helmed Body

The Large Snowman is an Emblem Heartless introduced in Kingdom Hearts χ during the Christmas Event in 2013.


The Large Snowman has a snowy white body with blue buttons on its abdomen. It has a blue head with yellow eyes, a red zigzag mouth and a carrot for a nose. It wears a cyan pail for a hat, with light brown antlers on either side of the pail.

Its gloves and scarf are dark pink, and its scarf has a yellow button. It also wears green ice skates with yellow laces. The blades of its ice skates are cyan. The Heartless emblem is on its chest.