Spear Lizard

Spear Lizard KHIII.png

Japanese スピアリザード
Rōmaji Supia Rizādo

Type Emblem Heartless
Game Kingdom Hearts III

The Spear Lizard is an Emblem Heartless that appears in Kingdom Hearts III.


The Spear Lizard is an aquatic Heartless. Its body is composed of many student shades of blue, while the fins on its head and tail are purple; its eyes are yellow, surrounded by black with a large white jaw below. It has four webbed fingers on each hand and three toes on each foot.

It has silver bands on its wrists and around its waist. It also appears to be wearing dark shorts. Finally, it carries a spear that looks like fish skeleton with a "?" at the end; the mouth of which periodically opens in a chattering motion.


Spear Lizards have very low health and defenses, so a few hits of the Keyblade can kill them very quickly. When fighting groups of Spear Lizards, the recently acquired Thundaga can kill them even faster, thanks to their weakness to it.

Technique Element Status Power Block? Repel LV
Downswing (振り下ろし
Physical 1.0 2
Steps back and swings spear downward.
Jump Attack (ジャンプ攻撃
Janpu Kōgeki
Physical 1.5 ◯ (Risk Dodge) 3
Leaps forward and swings spear downward.
Water (ウォータ
Water 1.5
Shoots water in an arc-shaped motion.
Float Bubble (フロートバブル
Furōto Baburu
Water Sneeze (100%/15s) 0.5
Generates bubbles directly in front of itself and launches them forward.
Guard/Block: △ = Can be blocked; O = Can be blocked and interrupted (melee) or deflected back (projectile); X = Cannot be blocked.