Hammer Frame
Japanese ハンマーボディ
Rōmaji Hanmā Bodi
Translation Hammer Body

Type Emblem Heartless
Games Kingdom Hearts II
Kingdom Hearts χ
Iron Hammer
Gold Hammer Frame
Silver Hammer Frame

The Hammer Frame is an Emblem Heartless that was introduced in Kingdom Hearts II. As its name implies, it has a hammer like body and capable of dishing out wild attacks. Its main attack is continuously smacking the ground, creating shockwaves. One of the storyline sidequests includes defeating them before they completely break the chain supporting the hanged construction site.


A Hammer Frame has a thin, black body with yellow bracelets around its wrists, a grey belt, four-fingered hands, and yellow and purple shoes. Its head is spherical and pitch-black with glowing, yellow eyes and a black, jagged mouth. The Heartless's torso and head are enveloped in a red suit attached to an enormous, red hammerhead. Both ends of the hammer are black, and the Heartless emblem is printed on its front tip. A long, curled, black antenna sprouts out of the top of the Hammer Frame's helmet.

In Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix, the Hammer Frame's body and antenna are bronze, its bracelets, belt, and the tips of its shoes are yellow, the rest of its shoes are brown, and the hammerhead suit is yellow orange.

The Hammer Frame's name is a reference to the suit it wears. Its Japanese name, "Hammer Body", also references this, as "frame" can be defined as "the structure of a person's body".


Hammer Frames are relatively weak Heartless, but their attacks can still be fatal if they connect. However, the Heartless's attacks are all ground based, so aerial attacks are the best way to attack them without getting hit. Reflect magic also works well, if timed correctly.

Hammer Frames will most frequently use their Hammer attack on nearby opponents. When damaged, they will retaliate with their Shockwave attack, and when reduced to 40% HP they will exclusively use Spin Rush outside of counterattacks.

Technique Element Power Guard?
Shockwave (衝撃波
Neutral x1.5 X
Strikes the ground and generates a shock wave.
Hammer (ハンマー
Physical x1.0 O
Strikes with its hammer-like chest.
Spin Rush (回転突進
Kaiten Tosshin
Physical x1.0
Hit 2+: x0.5
Charges while spinning vertically.
Guard/Block: △ = Can be blocked; O = Can be blocked and interrupted (melee) or deflected back (projectile); X = Cannot be blocked.