Angel Star
Japanese エンジェルスター
Rōmaji Enjeru Sutā

Type Emblem Heartless
Games Kingdom Hearts
Kingdom Hearts Re:coded

The Angel Star is an Emblem Heartless found in Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts Re:coded.


Angel Stars, at first glance, appear to be fragile and weak Heartless. They get their name from their golden wings, which are formed from two larger lower wings that have two slightly smaller wings attached to the top of them; the whole assembly is kept on with two bright yellow orbs that form the joints.

Their transparent glass bodies form a delicate bell shape, housing a single filament that bears a strong resemblance to the jagged jawlines of other Heartless. It rests on a tapering blue-colored stand which ends in a spike and is decorated with two pale gold rings. The top of the glass is covered with blue cap, on top of which is a tear shaped gold topper; the topper features three shining bright gold dots towards the bottom resembling eyes, and the top end of it is curled in a manner reminiscent of the hats of several other types of Heartless.

The Kingdom Hearts Final Mix version features a different but equally ethereal color scheme, with the wings now in soft blues and purples, the glass body a slightly smoky color, and the end-caps now done in silver and gold.

The Angel Star's name refers to its elegant, angelic wings and its ability to use light-based magic.


Kingdom HeartsEdit

Angel Stars shoot long-range attacks that home in on Sora's position. It is suggested that Sora defeats the Angel Stars before focusing on other enemies. Try to attack them from behind to catch them off guard, because sometimes they will hide underneath their wings and become invulnerable to attacks if attacked from the front. If an Angel Star is glowing, attack it immediately, as this is a sign of it performing one of three special attacks depending on the color of the glow: a pink glow will allow it to produce a strong tornado-like spell that follows Sora and can deal heavy damage.

If it glows blue, it will begin charging up a ball of light that erupts into a pillar when it hits the ground and may create a new Angel Star. It is very easy to dodge, but it would be wiser to interrupt it to prevent a new Angel Star. If it glows white, it is preparing to fire three rapid-fire balls of lightning consecutively. The lightning is fast and difficult to anticipate, but can be reflected back for damage, tech points and stunning if timed correctly. Magic is not as effective against these enemies, and they absorb Thunder. Note that their ranged attack may be deflected back at them by using guard, leaving them stunned.

Technique Element Tech Power Bonus Guard?
Wing Attack (ウィングアタック
Wingu Atakku
None x0.1 4 Repellable
(Recoil: 90)
Swings its wings forward.
Thunderbolt (サンダーボルト
Thunder x0.1[KH I]
x0.2[KH I FM]
4 Returnable
(Recoil: 0)
Fires three lightning bullets from its lower body.
Dark Tornado (ダークトルネド
Dāku Torunedo
Dark 6
Spins sideways to generate a small tornado.
Holy (ホーリー
None x0 8 Returnable
(Recoil: 0)
Forms a bullet of light in front of itself and fires it.
Guard: Repellable = Can be blocked and interrupted ; Returnable = Can be blocked and deflected back ; Preventable = Blockable by Goofy's shield only.

Kingdom Hearts Re:codedEdit

Technique Element Status Power Block?
Holy (ホーリー
  Clock Rewind (Medium) 1.38 [1.56]
Gathers light and fires a homing glowing bullet.
Power in [] is for bugged enemies; Block: △ = Can be blocked; O = Can be blocked and interrupted (melee) or deflected back (projectile); X = Cannot be blocked.

Notes and referencesEdit

  1. ^ Excluding LV Up, Trophy, Blank, and Lucky Strike chips.