This article is about the Heartless.
You may be looking for the Gummi Ship Blueprint.
Hot Rod

Hot Rod KHII.png

Hot Rod KHIIFM.png

Japanese ホットロッド
Rōmaji Hotto Roddo

Type Emblem Heartless
Games Kingdom Hearts II
Kingdom Hearts Melody of Memory
Mad Ride
Hot Rod

Kingdom Hearts II
It attacks and withdraws quickly, making it hard to hit. Use magic to defeat this enemy.

When its HP gets low, it moves around even quicker, so be sure to defeat it as soon as possible.
Location HP Strength Defense EXP
Timeless River
Episode 1
123 20 11 113
Timeless River
Post-1000 Heartless
185 32 18 398
Physical Fire Blizzard
×1.0 ×1.0 ×1.0
Thunder Dark Neutral
×1.0 ×1.0 ×1.0

HP prize (5) ×2, Drive prize (3%) ×4
Frost Stone (12%), Hi-Potion (10%), Serenity Shard (4%)
Timeless River
Location HP Strength Defense EXP
Timeless River
Episode 1
123 20 11 90
Timeless River
Post-1000 Heartless
185 32 18 318
Physical Fire Blizzard
×1.0 ×1.0 ×1.0
Thunder Dark Neutral
×1.0 ×1.0 ×1.0

HP prize (5) ×2, Drive prize (3%) ×2
Frost Stone (12%), Hi-Potion (10%), Serenity Shard (4%)
Timeless River
Cup HP Strength Defense
Pain and Panic Cup

Match 4: 2 Hot Rod

128 21 11
Goddess of Fate Cup

Match 9: 2 Hot Rod

263 48 28
Pain and Panic Paradox Cup

Match 4: 2 Hot Rod

293 54 31
Hades Paradox Cup

Match 46: 2 Hot Rod

453 87 51
Physical Fire Blizzard
×1.0 ×1.0 ×1.0
Thunder Dark Neutral
×1.0 ×1.0 ×1.0
Cup HP Strength Defense
Pain and Panic Cup

Match 4: 2 Hot Rod

148 25 14
Goddess of Fate Cup

Match 9: 2 Hot Rod

273 50 29
Pain and Panic Paradox Cup

Match 4: 2 Hot Rod

293 54 31
Hades Paradox Cup

Match 46: 2 Hot Rod

453 86 51
Physical Fire Blizzard
×1.0 ×1.0 ×1.0
Thunder Dark Neutral
×1.0 ×1.0 ×1.0

The Hot Rod (ホットロッド Hotto Roddo?) is an Emblem Heartless that is found in Kingdom Hearts II. Hot Rods are Heartless resembling cartoonish cars that appear in the Timeless River.


The Hot Rod resembles a cartoonish version of a real-world car. Its body is primarily blue, and its roof is sky blue with a bent, navy blue antenna on its top. Its four black tires are set rather close together and have grey hubcaps, and its fenders are silver. The silver grill of the car acts as the Heartless's sharp-toothed mouth. It also has two headlights with yellow tips that act as its "eyes", though it has actual, glowing yellow eyes set in its black windshield. Its Heartless emblem is actually its hood ornament. Like all Heartless, it takes on a monochromatic coloration in the Timeless River.

In Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix, the Hot Rod's body, roof, and antenna are all black, its fender, underside, and headlights are white, and its tires are dark grey with white hubcaps. This makes it strongly resemble its form in the Timeless River, the only difference being that its Heartless emblem is still in color.

A "hot rod" is a car modified to run faster, particularly pre-1960s models. This references the Hot Rod's resemblance to a car, its tendency to damage opponents by driving at high speeds, as well as the early 1900s theme of the Timeless River, the only world it normally appears in.


Hot Rods attack with their tires until 50% of their HP is depleted. Afterwards, they go berserk and attempt to repeatedly and rapidly mow down Sora with their Flip-Dash attack, paying little attention to Donald Duck and Goofy. Hot Rods are invincible to all physical attacks while charging, except for Counterguard. In all cases, immediately Guard when it attacks, then follow with Counterguard to stagger it. Alternatively, it is vulnerable to magic, especially Thunder and Reflect magic.

Technique Element Power Guard?
Bite (かみつき
Physical x1.5 O
Bites forward with its mouth.
One-Two Punch (ワンツーパンチ
Wantsū Panchi
Physical Right: x1.5
Left: x0.5
Punches with its right and left front wheels in succession.
Flip-Dash (フリップダッシュ
Furippu Dasshu
Physical x1.0
Hit 2+: x0.25
Charges three times at extreme speeds.
Guards against physical attacks during this attack.
Guard/Block: △ = Can be blocked; O = Can be blocked and interrupted (melee) or deflected back (projectile); X = Cannot be blocked.
