Oh no! The water! I'm in big trouble if I don't fetch it!
Fantasia Mickey B 6★ KHUX.png
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Issues: Kingdom Hearts χ information and stats

Poison Apple

Poison Apple KHX.png

Japanese アップルヘッド
Rōmaji Appuru Heddo
Translation Apple Head

Type Pureblood Heartless
Game Kingdom Hearts χ
Gigas Shadow
Flower Rider
Gift Shadow
Lion Dancer
Rodeo Rider
Candy Apple
Shadow Witch
Shadow Magician
Flappy Rider

The Poison Apple is a Pureblood Heartless that appears in Kingdom Hearts χ.


The Poison Apple has the basic appearance of a standard Shadow: large, yellow eyes, a black, humanoid body, hands with three clawed fingers, feet without any discernible digits, and a spherical head. A black stem appears at the tip of this Heartless's head; a red ribbon is tied in a bow around it. A turquoise slime completely covers the Poison Apple's head, save for the area around its eyes and a small area just below them that is shaped like a small, upside-down heart; this "nose" gives the Heartless's head a skull-like appearance that alludes to the appearance of the Queen's poisoned apple when she first creates it in Disney's 1937 animated feature, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.