Oh no! The water! I'm in big trouble if I don't fetch it!
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This article is about the Pirate Heartless.
You may be looking for Barbossa's cursed crew.
Japanese パイレーツ
Rōmaji Pairētsu

Type Emblem Heartless
Games Kingdom Hearts
Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories
Kingdom Hearts Melody of Memory

The Pirate is an Emblem Heartless found in Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories.


Kingdom HeartsEdit


The Heartless Pirate is made to fit in with the crew members aboard Captain Hook's ship at first glance, though their costumes don't quite succeed in covering the traditional Heartless dark skin and toothy jaw. Bare-chested on their bellies and wearing black turtleneck shirts that are stitched into their chests, covering their upper torsos, save for the Heartless Emblem in between, Pirates are clad in brown and tan-patched pants and matching shoes, a red sash, bright yellow wristbands, and skull-shaped shoulder armor. They wear bright red bandannas on their heads that cover their eyes; in place of one eye is a black eyepatch with a white cross on it, while in place of the other is an angular black spiral.

Pirates wield a sword that boasts a wide, curved blade, similar to a Chinese dao; halfway down, the blade is etched with a bright red crack and a yellow angled spiral mirroring the one on the Pirate's bandanna, which make it look like it features a frowning face. There is no hilt, though the blade is held to the handle by a heavy duty clip. The sword's grip is covered in the same bright red fabric as the sash and bandanna.

The Pirate's name is a reference to its stereotypical pirate-like appearance. Pirates were outlaws who sailed the seas, robbing and murdering passing sailors.


Kingdom HeartsEdit

This Heartless rears back before launching its attack, giving Sora plenty of warning. If the attack is avoided, the Pirate will stumble, leaving itself open to a counterattack. If the attack is blocked or deflected, the Pirate will fall over, leaving it open to attack for a longer period of time. If Sora blocks its Aerial Attack or Jump Downswing, he will receive 24 Tech Points.

Technique Element Tech Power Bonus Guard?
Sword Swing Walk (剣振り歩き
Ken Furi Aruki
None x0.1 2 Repellable
(Recoil: 90)
Walks while swinging its sword around.
Charge Attack (チャージ攻撃
Chāji Kōgeki
None x0.1[KH I]
x0.2[KH I FM]
6 Repellable
(Recoil: 90)
Gathers light in its hand, then swings its sword sideways.
Aerial Attack (空中攻撃
Kūchū Kōgeki
None x0.1[KH I]
x0.3[KH I FM]
2 Repellable
(Recoil: 90)
Jumps low and swings its sword sideways in the air.
Jump Downswing (ジャンプ振り下ろし
Janpu Furioroshi
None x0.1[KH I]
x0.3[KH I FM]
4 Repellable
(Recoil: 90)
Jumps high and swings down its sword upon landing.
Rising Attack (起き上がり攻撃
Okiagari Kōgeki
None x0.1[KH I]
x0.2[KH I FM]
2 Repellable
(Recoil: 90)
Swings its sword sideways immediately upon getting up.
Used when knocked down.
Counter Attack (カウンター攻撃
Kauntā Kōgeki
None x0.1[KH I]
x0.2[KH I FM]
4 Repellable
(Recoil: 90)
Counters by swinging its sword, and stumbles.
High chance of using this attack after blocking an attack with its sword, stumbling from taking damage, or having an attack repelled.
Guard: Repellable = Can be blocked and interrupted ; Returnable = Can be blocked and deflected back ; Preventable = Blockable by Goofy's shield only.

Kingdom Hearts Chain of MemoriesEdit


Card 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
  Pirate X O O X X X X X X X

Technique Element Status Power Cards
Sword Swing Walk (剣振り歩き
Ken Furi Aruki
Physical x0.6[KH CoM]
x1.0[KH Re:CoM]
Swings its sword back and forth while moving towards the opponent. Can hit multiple times.
Charge Attack (チャージ攻撃
Chāji Kōgeki
[KH CoM]
Physical Stun x1.0  
After making its sword glow, swings it forward in a wide arc.
Charge Swing (チャージ振り
Chāji Furi
[KH Re:CoM]
Physical Stun x2.0  

Notes and referencesEdit

  1. ^ x0.8 after rescue.
  2. ^ x0.6 after rescue.