Solid Armor

Solid Armor KHD.png

Japanese ソリッドアーマー
Rōmaji Soriddo Āmā

Type Emblem Heartless
Game Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
Large Body
Fat Bandit
Large Armor
Clay Armor
Land Armor
Large Snowman
Huge Snowman
Ferocious Fins
Shipwreck Shark
Icy Beast
Helmed Body

The Solid Armor is an Emblem Heartless that appears in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days. It serves as a boss in Agrabah.


The Solid Armor is a large, rotund Heartless with a body covered almost entirely in armor. It has a small, black head, yellow eyes, and a jagged mouth. Purple horns appear atop the Solid Armor's head, and silver boots appear on its feet. Silver and yellow gauntlets cover the Solid Armor's wrists, and its breastplate is red and maroon in coloration. The armor covering this Heartless's lower body is black; a dark purple zig-zag wraps around its abdomen. The Solid Armor's Heartless emblem appears in the center of its stomach, just below its breastplate.

The Solid Armor's name refers to its strength and large amount of HP. It also references the thick armor that covers this Heartless's body.


The Solid Armor can be hit most easily from behind using aerial attacks. When it is downed, extra damage can be dealt to its head, providing the perfect opportunity to use Blizzard magic against it, which it is weak to. Be sure to back away in time, as after recovering from being downed it will always counter with its Angry Punch attack. Air Slide and Glide can prove useful in dodging its attacks.

Technique Element Status Power Block?
Mow Down Attack (なぎ払い攻撃 Nagiharai Kōgeki?)   1.20
Punches in front of itself from left to right.
Rush (突進 Tosshin?)   1.30
Rushes the target while sliding on its stomach.
Angry Punch (怒りのパンチ Ikari no Panchi?)   Moon Silence (100%) 1.80 X
Spreads its arms out and rotates its body while swinging.
Hip Drop (ヒップドロップ Hippu Doroppu?)   Moon Silence (100%) 1.50 X
Jumps up high and lands down at the target, generating a shockwave upon landing.
Guard/Block: △ = Can be blocked; O = Can be blocked and interrupted (melee) or deflected back (projectile); X = Cannot be blocked.
