Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories
Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories
Kingdom Hearts II
Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
Kingdom Hearts χ
Kingdom Hearts Union χ
Kingdom Hearts Melody of Memory


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This article is about the Heartless.
You may be looking for one of Demyx's Sitars.
Japanese ラウドネス
Rōmaji Raudonesu
Translation Loudness
Other names Crescendo

Type Emblem Heartless
Games Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories
Kingdom Hearts II
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
Kingdom Hearts χ
Kingdom Hearts Melody of Memory
Flare Note
Bubble Beat
Rainy Loudmouth

The Loudmouth, also called Crescendo, is an Emblem Heartless introduced in Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories. It is one of only three Heartless that debut in Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories, along with the Creeper Plant and Tornado Step.


Based on the design of an old-fashioned vehicle horn, the round, black body of the Loudmouth resembles a squeeze bulb, while its golden mouth resembles the bell of an instrumental horn. The Heartless's black head and antenna resembles a musical note, notably a quaver or an eighth note. A red collar separates the head and body. Two yellow eyes can be seen on its face, and it seems to be wearing earmuffs on its head, which are light and dark blue in color. The Heartless emblem can be seen clearly on the front of its body.

The colors of the Loudmouth become brighter in Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix. Its body and head are now blue, the mouth-bell is now red, the collar is now a light blue, and the earmuffs are yellow and orange in color.

The Loudmouth resembles a creature featured in the 1951 film, Alice in Wonderland. This creature resembled a duck, with a golden horn bell for a bill, and a purple squeeze bulb for a body.

Musically, a crescendo is a gradual increase in volume.


Kingdom Hearts Chain of MemoriesEdit


Card 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
  Crescendo X X O X O X O X X X

Technique Element Status Power Cards
Trumpet Blow (ラッパなぐり
Rappa Naguri
Physical x1.0[KH CoM]
x2.0[KH Re:CoM]
Jumps forward and quickly raises its trumpet-shaped mouth.
Dispatch Trumpet (出動のラッパ
Shutsudō no Rappa
Repeatedly sounds its trumpet to summon a Heartless.
The summoned Heartless will be a Soldier in Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories, and any Heartless that appears in the current battle (excluding another Crescendo) in Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories.
This attack will result in a miss if the summoning would cause the amount of Heartless to exceed its maximum, or after successfully summoning three times.
Healing Trumpet (いやしのラッパ/癒しのラッパ
Iyashi no Rappa
Recovers 20 HP[KH CoM]
Fully recovers HP[KH Re:CoM]
Sounds the trumpet to restore HP to itself or to one nearby Heartless.

Kingdom Hearts IIEdit

These Heartless can be both a pain and a gain. They have low strength, but they can call in reinforcements. They can also heal nearby Heartless, but by using the Heal Stomp Reaction Command, the Crescendo's healing sounds are directed towards Sora's party instead.

The Crescendo retaliates with its Trumpet Strike or Trumpet Summon techniques when damaged.

Technique Element Power Guard?
Healing Trumpet (いやしのラッパ
Iyashi no Rappa
Amount recovered: Crescendo's Strength ×10
Sounds its trumpet, restoring HP to itself and allies.
Trumpet Strike (ラッパなぐり
Rappa Naguri
Physical x1.0 O
Swings trumpet upward while leaping.
Trumpet Summon (召喚ラッパ
Shōkan Rappa
Summons new enemies. Only includes any enemy that normally appears in the area, excluding Crescendos.
Guard/Block: △ = Can be blocked; O = Can be blocked and interrupted (melee) or deflected back (projectile); X = Cannot be blocked.
Reaction Commands
Reaction Command Element Power Description
Heal Stomp (スタンプヒール
Sutanpu Hīru
?, lit. "Stamp Heal")
Physical x1.0 Can be used when a Crescendo is about to use Healing Trumpet.
Perform a small jump and trample the Crescendo, after which it drops HP prizes and its trumpet notes heal Sora's party for (Sora's Magic x 30) HP.

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 DaysEdit

Loudmouths should generally be targeted first, as their healing of other Heartless will prove a major annoyance. If they begin their healing attack, quickly dispatch them before they can finish with Fire or Blizzard magic, which they are weak to. They have little in the way of offensive capabilities save for a projectile attack which can easily be blocked, but will always inflict the Air-toss status effect if the attack lands.

Technique Element Status Power Block?
Wind Bullet (風弾 Fūtan?)   Wind Air-toss (100%) 0.73
Fires a wind projectile at the target.
Trumpet Recovery (ラッパ回復 Rappa Kaifuku?)  
After a delay, heals nearby Heartless, including itself, by 50% of their maximum HP.
Guard/Block: △ = Can be blocked; O = Can be blocked and interrupted (melee) or deflected back (projectile); X = Cannot be blocked.
