Scarlet Tango

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
These small flying Heartless strike with fireballs that bounce around, and you can't interrupt their magic by attacking.

TIP: Fire-based attacks can ignite you, which will gradually sap your HP for as long as it lasts.

Story Mode Mission Mode
00 233 2 8
07 123 368 3 26
15 93 278 2 14
16 104 2 18
18 104 311 2 18
21 104 311 3 18
24 104 311 3 18
32 104 3 18
34 104 3 18
74 149 446 9 36
75 149 446 10 36
82 186 559 14 51
89 149 22 36
90 149 446 27 36
Fire Blizzard Thunder Aero
x-0.10 x4.80 x0.90 x2.55
Ignite Freeze Jolt Air-Toss
x0 x1.50 x1.00 x1.00
Defense Power Adjustment Heart Points
• Full Body: 1.25 15
Flinch? Bloom-Out?

Missions 1-14
Blazing Shard (10%)
Missions 15-35
Blazing Shard (5%)
Missions 73-93
Blazing Crystal (5%)

Story Mode
Munny x16, HP prize (small) x3
Mission Mode
Munny x8, HP prize (small) x2
Twilight Town, Agrabah

The Scarlet Tango is an Emblem Heartless that appears in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days.


A Scarlet Tango has a smooth, conical, black body that is red at its base and has a Heartless emblem emblazoned on its chest. The top of its body flares outward and forms a jagged, orange "collar" below the Heartless's spherical, pitch black head. It also wears a conical, orange hat that has a jagged brim and a thin, curled tip. Like many Heartless, the Scarlet Tango has glowing yellow eyes. Its seemingly useless feet sport three small, thin toes.

The Scarlet Tango's name has the same structure as other Heartless in its family. Consisting of a name of a color—in this case, scarlet—and a musical term—Tango, a type of Argentinian dance.


Scarlet Tangoes can easily be defeated, as they possess very little HP. Their only attack causes them to shoot a single bouncing fireball at Roxas, this can be easily avoided with Block or Dodge Roll. While a simple aerial combo can eliminate them, the fireballs the Scarlet Tangoes launch have a 70% chance of dealing the Ignite status effect. Therefore, a Scarlet Tango should be defeated quickly or from afar, so that the Ignite status effect is not inflicted.

Technique Element Status Power Block?
Bouncing Fire Bullet (はねまわる火の弾
Hane Mawaru Hi No Dan
  Fire Ignite (70%) 0.98
Fires a fireball that bounces along the ground towards the target.
Guard/Block: △ = Can be blocked; O = Can be blocked and interrupted (melee) or deflected back (projectile); X = Cannot be blocked.
