Turquoise March

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
These small flying Heartless shoot water missiles.
Attacking a Turquoise March in mid-cast won't interrupt its magic, so strike fast!

TIP: Water-based attacks can damage-drain targets, awarding their HP to the attacker.

Story Mode Mission Mode
53 262 785 3 36
58 262 785 4 36
60 262 4 36
64 262 785 4 36
76 222 667 8 27
77 262 8 36
86 262 12 36
Fire Blizzard Thunder Aero
x1.46 x1.60 x1.80 x2.55
Ignite Freeze Jolt Air-Toss
x1.50 x0.10 x1.00 x1.00
Defense Power Adjustment Heart Points
• Full Body: 1.09 14

Missions 51-61
Shining Gem (7%)
Missions 62-72
Shining Gem (20%)
Missions 73-93
Shining Crystal (4%)

Story Mode
Munny x25, HP prize (small) x4
Mission Mode
Munny x13, HP prize (small) x2

The Turquoise March is an Emblem Heartless that is found in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days.


A Turquoise March has a smooth, conical body that is predominantly blue with a thick, horizontal, sky blue stripe along its midsection. It also has a Heartless emblem emblazoned on its chest. The top of its body flares outward and forms a jagged "collar" below the Heartless's spherical, pitch black head. It also wears a conical, sky blue hat that has a blue-white, jagged brim and a thin, curled tip. Like many Heartless, the Turquoise March has glowing yellow eyes. Its seemingly useless feet sport three small, thin toes.

The Turquoise March's name follows the same pattern as other Heartless in its family. It refers to the color turquoise, a shade of blue, and a "march", a piece of music designed or fitted to accompany and guide the movement of troops.


Turquoise Marches are rather easy to defeat, as they do not possess a lot of HP. They do, however, possess a single potentially devastating attack in their arsenal. These Heartless fire spheres of water-based energy at Roxas that will eventually erupt into a large water pillar. While this tactic is easily dodged by increasing or decreasing one's altitude while in the skies of Neverland, Dodge Roll can be used to avoid this attack when on the ground. Aerial combos serve as one's best chance of defeating a Turquoise March, but take extreme caution not to be hit by the spheres of water energy. Should the attack of a Turquoise March make contact, the Damage Drain status effect shall be inflicted, and a small portion of its HP will be restored.

Technique Element Status Power Block?
Water Bullet (水弾 Mizu-dan?)   Water Damage Drain (100%) 1.30
Charges up a bullet which it then fires from its head.
Guard/Block: △ = Can be blocked; O = Can be blocked and interrupted (melee) or deflected back (projectile); X = Cannot be blocked.
