Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days


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Creepworm KHD.png

Japanese クリープワーム
Rōmaji Kurīpuwāmu

Type Emblem Heartless
Game Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
Though fast, these Heartless are unfit for combat and low in HP. A single blow should be enough to take them out.

Story Mode Mission Mode
42 10 29 2 30
45 10 29 2 30
52 10 29 2 30
62 10 29 3 30
72 16 4 68
Fire Blizzard Thunder Aero
x1.00 x1.00 x1.00 x1.00
Ignite Freeze Jolt Air-Toss
x1.00 x1.00 x1.00 x1.00
Defense Power Adjustment Heart Points
• Full Body: 1.00 10
Flinch? Bloom-Out?

Missions 36-50

Missions 51-61

Missions 62-72

Story Mode
Munny x10, HP prize (large) x1
Mission Mode
Munny x5, HP prize (large) x1
Halloween Town

The Creepworm is an Emblem Heartless that is found in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days.


Kingdom Hearts 358/2 DaysEdit

During one of his missions in Halloween Town, Roxas is startled when a Creepworm is devoured by a Tentaclaw.


A Creepworm is a small, insect-like Heartless with a bulky, lilac-colored, hexagonal body. It has six short, black, spiked legs on its underside, three on either side of its body. Its face is black with a light grey area surrounding it, and sports a jagged mouth, two glowing yellow eyes, and two bent antennae, one over each eye. Its rear is black and there is a thick, zig-zagging stripe on either side of its body that is a darker shade of lilac than the rest. Its Heartless emblem is on its back.

"Creep" may refer to a method of movement that involves using the abdomen to crawl close to the ground. "Creep" could also refer to a frightening or unnerving person or situation, relating to the only world the Heartless appears in, Halloween Town. This leads into the other half of the Heartless's name, as worms use this form of movement. Alternatively, "worm" could simply refer to the Creepworm's small size, relative harmlessness, and lack of power.


They appear as small bugs, but will not attack Roxas. Their sole action is to scamper away from him, yet they release a large quantity of Heart Points if defeated. A single attack should be powerful enough to destroy the Creepworm, making this Heartless even weaker than the Shadow.