This article is about the Heartless from Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days.
You may be looking for the Heartless from Kingdom Hearts.
Shadow Glob

Shadow Glob KHD.png

Japanese シャドウブロック
Rōmaji Shadō Burokku
Translation Shadow Block

Type Pureblood Heartless
Game Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
Shadow Glob

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
These dark masses tend to attract Purebloods. Destroy them on sight.

Story Mode Mission Mode
20 55 164 1 18
26 61 182 1 23
63 102 307 3 54
76 124 372 5 71
Fire Blizzard Thunder Aero
x2.10 x2.20 x0.90 x2.50
Ignite Freeze Jolt Air-Toss
x0 x0 x0 x0
Defense Power Adjustment Heart Points
• Full Body: ?
Flinch? Bloom-Out?

Missions 15-35

Missions 62-72

Missions 73-93

Story Mode
Munny x6
Mission Mode
Munny x3
Twilight Town, Agrabah, Wonderland, Neverland

The Shadow Glob is a Pureblood Heartless in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days. It is an immobile, black-violet orb of darkness.


Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days

According to the data Saïx provides Roxas, Shadow Globs are naturally occurring dark masses that attract Pureblood Heartless. However, they only appear in worlds where the Heartless have already infiltrated.

Twilight Town, Beast's Castle, Agrabah, Neverland, Wonderland, and Halloween Town each suffer at least one infestation of Shadow Globs during Roxas's time in the Organization. Roxas is sent to get rid of them, in order to restore the Emblem Heartless quality for heart collection.

This information is based on alternate scenes or materials and is not considered canon within the overall plot of the series.
In the manga, the Queen of Hearts constructs castle out of Shadow Globs. However, Roxas destroys it. A temporarily giant Luxord replaces the castle with one made of cards.


Shadow Globs are semi-spherical, tumorous, black blobs with an inner purple glow. When hit, they wobble much like gelatin.
