Oh no! The water! I'm in big trouble if I don't fetch it!
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Metal Bug

Metal Bug KHREC.png

Japanese メタルバグ
Rōmaji Metaru Bagu

Type Pureblood Heartless
Game Kingdom Hearts coded
Pot Spider
Barrel Spider
Pot Scorpion
Pot Centipede
Blox Bug
Danger Bug
Prize Bug

The Metal Bug is a Pureblood Heartless found in Kingdom Hearts coded and Kingdom Hearts Re:coded.


A Metal Bug's body is nearly identical to a Metal Blox; it is a metallic, silver cube with patterns resembling computer circuitry covering it. A single, glowing yellow eye is present near the center of the front of its body. Four silver, grey, and black, spider-like legs sprout from its sides.

The Metal Bug's name is a play on its insectoid appearance and its resemblance to a Metal Blox.


Unlike the other bugs, the Metal Bug can turn back into a blox for a short period; as it is based on a Metal Blox, this makes it temporarily invulnerable.