Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days

Land Armor

Revision as of 20:48, 2 December 2023 by Aid1043 (talk | contribs) (Variations moved to template)
Land Armor

Land Armor KHD.png

Japanese グラウンドアーマー
Rōmaji Guraundo Āmā
Translation Ground Armor

Type Emblem Heartless
Game Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
Large Body
Fat Bandit
Large Armor
Clay Armor
Solid Armor
Large Snowman
Huge Snowman
Ferocious Fins
Shipwreck Shark
Icy Beast
Helmed Body
Land Armor

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
Armor covers every inch of these large Heartless, allowing them to deflect blows from every direction.
Instead, aim for the head and knock them down, rendering them vulnerable to further attack. Use Aero magic to keep them down longer.

Story Mode Mission Mode
90 1666 4999 74 104
Fire Blizzard Thunder Aero
x0.50 x0.56 x0.20 x0.85
Ignite Freeze Jolt Air-Toss
x0 x0 x0 x0.12
Defense Power Adjustment Heart Points
• Full Body: ? 47
Flinch? Bloom-Out?

Missions 73-93
Mithril (80%)

Story Mode
Munny x36
Mission Mode
Munny x18

The Land Armor is an Emblem Heartless that is found in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days. It is one of the bosses at Agrabah.


A Land Armor has a very large, round body that is almost entirely covered in armor. Its head is very small, pitch-black, and has a jagged mouth, glowing yellow eyes, and short, light blue horns. It wears gold boots and large, gold and navy blue gauntlets. The armor around its neck is gold, its breastplate is dark blue and sky blue, and the armor on its lower body is brown with a tan, zig-zagging line around its abdomen. Its Heartless emblem is in the middle of its belly, just below its breastplate.

The Land Armor's name references the Heartless's ability to use Earth-based attacks. The name also highlights the thick armor plating adorning the Heartless's body.


Land Armor can only be attacked on its head. Standing on a higher surface and casting magic is an option, but be sure to lock-on to it. If the Land Armor is not defeated quickly, it may be heal by the Loudmouths accompanying it. Physical combos are recommended to be prioritized as the Land Armor is resistant to all forms of magic, though casting Aero can still provide some damage.

Technique Element Status Power Block?
Mow Down Attack (なぎ払い攻撃 Nagiharai Kōgeki?)   1.25
Punches in front of itself from left to right.
Angry Punch (怒りのパンチ Ikari no Panchi?)   Earth Halve HP (100%) 1.90 X
Spreads its arms out and rotates its body while swinging.
Hip Drop (ヒップドロップ Hippu Doroppu?)   Space Shoe-glue (100%) 1.60 X
Jumps up high and lands down at the target, generating a shockwave upon landing.
Ground Attack (グラウンドアタック Guraundo Atakku?)   Flower Blind (40%) 1.40
Brings its hands to the ground, then launches them up to send forth a shockwave from the ground that travels straight forward.
Guard/Block: △ = Can be blocked; O = Can be blocked and interrupted (melee) or deflected back (projectile); X = Cannot be blocked.