Creeper Plant

Creeper Plant

Creeper Plant KHIIFM.png

Creeper Plant KHX.png

Field sprite in Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories

Japanese クリーププラント
Rōmaji Kurīpu Puranto
Translation Creep Plant

Type Emblem Heartless
Games Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories
Kingdom Hearts II
Kingdom Hearts χ
Kingdom Hearts Melody of Memory
Dire Plant
Fire Plant
Ice Plant
Poison Plant
Dark Plant
Red Rose
White Rose
Creeper Bouquet
Prank Bouquet
Creeper Plant

Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories
A flower-like Heartless.

It's rooted in one place, but staying far away isn't enough, since it can spit seeds and attack from below with its sharp roots.
Kingdom Hearts II
It stays in place and shoots seeds. Use reaction commands when it counterattacks with its roots. Use Root Ravager to uproot and attack surrounding enemies at once!
Kingdom Hearts Union χ
A plant-like Heartless which inflicts opponents with status ailments. Equip recovery Medals and use special attacks to nip it in the bud!
Sora Riku

2F B11F 66 4 20
3F B10F 72 5 32
4F B9F 78 7 44
5F B8F 84 8 56
6F B7F 90 9 68
7F B6F 96 10 80
8F B5F 102 11 92
9F B4F 108 13 104
10F B3F 114 14 116
12F B1F 192 13 228
Physical Fire Ice Lightning Neutral
x1.0 x1.0 x1.0 x1.0 x1.0
Stun Percentage Stop
x1.0 x1.0 x1.0
Warp Bind Confuse Terror
x1.0 x1.0 x1.0 x1.0
Wonderland, Halloween Town, Destiny Islands
Enemy Card
Creeper Plant (card).png
Ability Duration Cost
Leaf Bracer 1 reload 35 CP
Stops enemies from breaking Cure abilities you use.
Location HP Strength Defense EXP
Olympus Coliseum
Episode 1
44 17 9 33
Halloween Town
Episode 2
86 39 22 248
Physical Fire Blizzard
×1.0 ×1.0 ×1.0
Thunder Dark Neutral
×1.0 ×1.0 ×1.0

MP prize (1) ×2, Munny (5) ×2
Power Shard (8%), Bright Shard (4%)

If Root Ravager or Magnet-line magic is used
HP prize (1) ×10
Olympus Coliseum, Halloween Town
Cup HP Strength Defense
Pain and Panic Cup

Match 9: 4 Creeper Plant

51 21 11
Goddess of Fate Cup

Match 3: 3 Creeper Plant

105 48 28
Pain and Panic Paradox Cup

Match 9: 4 Creeper Plant

117 54 31
Hades Paradox Cup

Match 4: 2 Creeper Plant
Match 18: 3 Creeper Plant
Match 23: 2 Creeper Plant

181 87 51
Physical Fire Blizzard
×1.0 ×1.0 ×1.0
Thunder Dark Neutral
×1.0 ×1.0 ×1.0
Cup HP Strength Defense
Pain and Panic Cup

Match 9: 4 Creeper Plant

59 25 14
Goddess of Fate Cup

Match 3: 3 Creeper Plant

109 50 29
Pain and Panic Paradox Cup

Match 9: 4 Creeper Plant

117 54 31
Hades Paradox Cup

Match 4: 2 Creeper Plant
Match 18: 3 Creeper Plant
Match 23: 2 Creeper Plant

181 86 51
Physical Fire Blizzard
×1.0 ×1.0 ×1.0
Thunder Dark Neutral
×1.0 ×1.0 ×1.0

The Creeper Plant is an Emblem Heartless that appears in Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories, Kingdom Hearts II, and Kingdom Hearts χ. It is one of only three Heartless that debut in Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories, along with the Crescendo and Tornado Step.


The round, silver-lined head of the Creeper plant has a small face, with two glowing yellow eyes and a jagged maw. Four large flower petals border the head, two of which are orange, and two of which are yellow. Four orange and yellow spikes can be seen protruding from the head, the orange ones appearing in front of the yellow petals, the yellow ones appearing in front of the orange petals. A thin, green, vine-like neck extends from the back of the head to the small, blue-green body, where four root-like legs extend from the corners and into the ground. Small mounds of brown earth gather where the legs enter the ground.

The colors of the Creeper Plant become dramatically lighter in Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix; the body, neck, and legs are now light-green, the face is now a reddish color, the mouth is larger, all four spikes around the head are now orange, and the petals blend from yellow to light-pink.

In botany, a creeper plant is a type of vine.


Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories

Creeper Plants don't move, but they can shoot long-range seed projectiles. It also can stab Sora with a small root that will shoot from the ground.

Creeper Plants have relatively low-level cards. Its seed projectiles can be stopped with a Card Break. Its enemy card provides the Leaf Bracer ability, which stops enemies from card breaking Cure cards and sleights Sora uses.

Kingdom Hearts II

The Creeper Plant still stays in one place. It can spit out three seeds in a fan-like pattern that can strike Sora and company from far away. Magic, especially Reflect and Magnet, is the best way to approach these enemies. When the Creeper Plant creates its roots, the Root Ravager Reaction Command appears, allowing Sora to uproot a Creeper Plant, creating a shockwave that creates HP prizes and damages surrounding enemies. When struck with Root Ravager or Magnet magic, the Creeper Plant goes limp and is less likely to attack.

It often counters with Root Needle when damaged, allowing Sora to reliably bait out its Reaction Command.

Technique Element Power Guard?
Seed Scatter (タネ飛ばし
Tane Tobashi
Physical x1.0
Shoots three seeds.
Root Needle (根っこニードル
Nekko Nīdoru
Physical x1.5 X
Roots emerge underneath opponents and strike them.
Vine (ツル
Physical x0.5
Hit 2+: x0.25
Lashes out to its left and right with vines.
Guard/Block: △ = Can be blocked; O = Can be blocked and interrupted (melee) or deflected back (projectile); X = Cannot be blocked.
Reaction Commands
Reaction Command Element Power Description
Root Ravager (ルートパニック
Rūto Panikku
?, lit. "Root Panic")
Neutral x2.0 Can be used when standing above the roots the Creeper Plant creates with Root Needle as they begin to appear.
Grab and pull the roots near Sora, making them scatter HP prizes; you can uproot several Creeper Plants simultaneously in this way. The shock wave produced by the uprooting damage nearby grounded enemies.