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Issues: Strategy for Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories.

Japanese パワーワイルド
Rōmaji Pawāwairudo

Type Emblem Heartless
Games Kingdom Hearts
Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories
Kingdom Hearts χ
Kingdom Hearts III
Cheery Ape
Wild Shaman

The Powerwild is an Emblem Heartless introduced in Kingdom Hearts.


The monkey-like Powerwild are covered in blue fur, appearing lighter around their head and torso, and darker around their arms, legs and long tails. The center part of their face is pitch-black with jagged edges, and two glowing, yellow eyes can be seen. The inner sections of their round ears are a light purple color, as are their large paws and feet, which end with sharp, black claws. They seem to be wearing golden bracelets and anklets, and the Heartless emblem can clearly be seen emblazoned on their chest.

The Kingdom Hearts Final Mix recolor makes the Powerwilds strongly resemble their simian cousins the Bouncywilds, featuring brown skin tones instead of blue.

The former part of the Powerwild's name is a reference to their quick and powerful attacks. Other Heartless of its family share the latter part of the name, signifying that they are of the same species. It could also be referring to the Heartless's wild, monkey-like appearance.


Kingdom Hearts

The Powerwild fights in close-combat, as opposed to the range supportive Bouncywilds. The first attack the Powerwild has is a close-ranged swipe attack. The second attack in a Powerwild's arsenal is a sliding dash attack in which the Powerwild will use to close the distance between it and Sora. The final attack a Powerwild can use is a leaping attack. The Powerwild jumps high into the air, swinging both claws down upon Sora and his allies. All of its attacks can be blocked either by defending or timing a precise strike with the Keyblade. The Powerwild has one defensive move. Although simple, it can be problematic. This move occurs mainly if Sora follows a direct, frontal attack method. The Powerwild may dodge by lightly jumping to its left or right, then preparing a quick attack.

If timed correctly, Sora can earn Tech Points for blocking all attacks.[3][4]

Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories

Kingdom Hearts III

The Powerwild is easy to defeat, but can trip newbie players up. They retain their old scratching attack and sliding kick from the original games. They can also throw nuts at Sora if he is far away. These nuts will inflict Stun unless Sora has Stun Protection equipped. However, if blocked, the nuts will instead stun the Powerwild if it hits, leaving them open for attack. To put it simply, blocking and counterattacking is the best way to defeat a Powerwild, though simply charging and attacking can do the trick due to their small amount of HP.

Notes and references

  1. ^ x0.8 after rescue.
  2. ^ x0.6 after rescue.
  3. ^ Before Kairi's rescue, 1 and 2 Tech Points can earned for blocking any attack in Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts Final Mix, respectively.
  4. ^ After Kairi's rescue, 9 and 30 Tech Points are earned for blocking any attack in Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts Final Mix, respectively.