Kingdom Hearts (game)
Kingdom Hearts Final Mix

Bit Sniper

Revision as of 03:56, 3 June 2010 by KrytenKoro (talk | contribs) (in the lead already)

Template:Enemy The Bit Sniper is a Pureblood Heartless that is found in Kingdom Hearts. It only appears during the final battle with Ansem and the World of Chaos, which makes it one of the eight enemies that do not have an entry in Jiminy's Journal.


The Bit Sniper has a simple, but surprisingly frightening appearance. It has a large, black teardrop shaped body, black bat wings, which enable it to fly and crawl around, the classic Heartless jagged jawline, and bright yellow eyes; looking closely around the eyes, blue vein-like patterns also can be seen.

The Heartless's name is a reference to its relatively small size, low strength and its ability to fire its lasers from long distances. A "bit" can mean a small amount of something, and sniper rifles are accurate weapons that can hit targets from considerable distances.


The Bit Sniper is largely ignorable during the last fight with Ansem, but if it's giving you trouble with its lasers, or you just want HP, it can be defeated in a few quick strikes of the Keyblade. Its lasers can stagger Sora, so if you're close to death, try to fly somewhat erratically to avoid them, but they are very weak, so if you have a lot of HP, just charge in and kill them.