Template:Enemy The Pink Agaricus is an Emblem Heartless that is found in Kingdom Hearts Final Mix and Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 ReMIX.
A Pink Agaricus has a spherical, pitch black head with two glowing yellow, beady eyes. It wears a round, pink cap on its head that sports two black, angular spirals on its front and several pale pink hearts decorating its top and sides. It also seems to wear an aquamarine smock that completely covers its legs and thin, fingerless arms. Its Heartless emblem is present on the front of this smock. The Pink Agaricus is by far the largest member of its family, standing twice as tall as Sora.
The Pink Agaricus's name references its pink cap and the Agaricus genus of mushrooms.
When entering the Tree House in Deep Jungle or the Undersea Cave in Atlantica, three White Mushrooms will appear in various areas of the map. All of them have the Stop gesture and Sora must cast Stop on them. Once all of them have been found and Stop has been cast on each one, the Pink Agaricus will appear.
In order to achieve the most rewards, Sora must cast Stop on the Pink Agaricus and then attempt to inflict as many hits as possible before the spell expires. If Sora lands forty hits, the chance of getting Serenity Power appears, and if 100, the Prime Cap. In addition, more Munny is earned for every ten hits. Because Stop only lasts for twenty seconds, Sora must land an average of 5 hits per second.
To deal the highest amount of hits, Aerora or Aeroga should be cast before Stop, as they land two hits per second when Sora is close enough to the Pink Agaricus. Firing the maximum number of projectiles with Ragnarok, following it up with a combo, and repeating this while wasting as little time as possible are the components of a successful attack. When Ragnarok ends, signaled by the green lighting vanishing, quickly use Ragnarok again. In order to use Ragnarok, Sora must target the Pink Agaricus's head.
In Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 ReMIX, Goofy and Donald will come to Sora's aid when is pressed and will decrease the count with their hits, the same button used for commands such as Ars Arcanum or Ragnarok. It is advised to use the Bambi Summon after finding a nearby wall that Goofy and Donald can get stuck behind, using the Summon, and proceeding to use Stop on all the White Mushrooms. Afterwards, turn the camera to where Donald and Goofy were last seen and dismiss Bambi. If done correctly, Donald and Goofy should not end up behind Sora and attack the Pink Agaricus as he uses Ragnarok. Because no such walls exist in Atlantica, this will only work at the Tree House.
Pink Agaricus - 100 Hits (Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 ReMIX) |
<youtube width="320" height="240">EVAf3jG0xCk</youtube> |
Kingdom Hearts Final Mix |
Additional enemies |
Bosses |
Arch Behemoth - Destroyed Behemoth - Red Armor - Sneak Army - Unknown |
Enemy Heartless |
Black Ballade - Chimera - Gigas Shadow - Grand Ghost - Jet Balloon - Missile Diver - Neoshadow - Stealth Soldier - Pot Scorpion - Pink Agaricus - Sniperwild |
Additional weapons |
Diamond Dust - One-Winged Angel - Fantasista - Meteor Strike - Mighty Shield - Seven Elements |
Additional music |
Kingdom Hearts Final Mix - Additional Tracks - Kingdom Hearts Original Soundtrack Complete |
Archives |
Additional accessories - Additional abilities - Another side, another story... [deep dive] - Artwork - Enemy renders |