Template:HeartlessBoss/358 Avalanche (アヴァランチ Avaranchi?) is a Heartless boss which appears in Twilight Town in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days. It resembles the Wyvern, but is white and uses ice-based attacks. This Heartless served as a threat to Roxas and Xion while they explored Twilight Town. It also appeared before Roxas in Neverland. Avalanche is fought on Days 174 and 195 196.

Journal Entries

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days

These large aerial Heartless use their potent ice breath to attack their prey.
Strike their wings and tail to force them to land, then focus attacks on their head, which is weak against Fire.


The powerful Avalanche is truly a challenge to defeat! Immediately Lock-On to it at the start of the battle and use a Fire Spell. This should deal a great amount of damage. Attack with your Keyblade a few times, and the Heartless Boss should plummet to the ground, stunned for a short time. Attack the beast until it awakens.

Once it recovers, the Avalanche will attempt to stop you with a variety of attacks. First flying a short distance away and then landing with a mighty shockwave, the Heartless will then fly low to the ground in a straight line, dealing impact damage if you fail to dodge. It should be noted that both of these attacks can be blocked through use of the Guard Ability. Attack whenever possible, but beware! The Boss will then shoot homing balls of ice at you and Xion. These deal heavy damage, so stay as far away as you can.

Bring as many healing items as possible into this battle. Make use of your Limit Break, and also equip the Thunder and Fire Spells. Follow this strategy, and the Avalanche should be relatively simple to defeat.

Worlds Fought


Twilight Town with Xion Neverland
<youtube width="320" height="240">mnHmHAb3NPg&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&feature=player_embedded&fs=1</youtube> <youtube width="320" height="240">37g9p7J9GDE&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&feature=player_embedded&fs=1</youtube>

See Also
