It is just a flawed specimen that has wandered out.
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Saïx B 6★ KHUX.png
Yes, the untapped power that lies within you. Now, child, it's time you awakened that power and realized your full potential.
Prime - Maleficent 6★ Medal
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Template:Enemy The Runemaster (ルーンマスター Rūnmasutā?) is an Emblem Heartless introduced in Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix.


A Runemaster is a rather small Heartless that wears long robes that cover its feet. It also wears a tall, cylindrical, black and grey hat with a white brim and what seem to be black gloves. The only part of the Heartless no covered by clothing is its face, which somewhat resembles that of a Shadow, sporting the same black, spherical head and yellow, glowing eyes. All Runemasters hold a book known as the Akashic Record+.

The Runemaster’s name holds a similar meaning to that of the Bookmaster, and references magical runes.


It is unable to take damage from the front and will be blocked by the book. Since it is also immune to magic like the Bookmaster, the only way to defeat it is by attacking from behind.


  • The Runemaster is reading the book the Japanese way, from right to left, like the Bookmaster, if the Heartless symbol is the cover.