Nobody.png Userboxes Nobody.png

  About Me  

en This user is a native speaker of English.
en-5 This user is able to contribute with a professional level of English.
Sora_%28Sprite%29_KHCOM.png This user is male.
20 This user is 20 years old.
19th of February This user's birthday is on the 19th of February.

EST This user's time zone is EST.
ipuOopZ.png This user is a fan of Disney movies.
LsZ7CQm.png This user is a fan of the Final Fantasy games.


LQYMY29.png This user contributes using Safari.
l1IX4ys.png This user contributes with a Mac.
This user edits on a SEIWA site!
kDErcyR.png This user edits the Final Fantasy Wiki.

  Favorite Characters  

M1W9Bdq.png This user is a fan of Terra.
RyYAxRo.png This user is a fan of Aqua.
H0DHaC8.png This user is a fan of Eraqus.

7jSGSbY.png This user is intrigued by the Lingering Will, and hopes that one day he may set things right.
E0kmxPh.png This user is a fan of Riku
c2EJrun.png This user is a fan of DiZ.
Template:User MX
nXQSvrR.png This user is a fan of slave to Vanitas.

FjkVfAw.png This user is a fan of Terra-Xehanort.
Template:User Xehanort Heartless Template:User Repliku
8xoi8c0.png This user had better be discreet in gushing over Mickey Mouse...
FtdWLXz.png This user is a fan of Donald Duck. Quack!
RFHVGtI.png Gawrsh! This user is a fan of Goofy.
1ycYIih.png This user is a fan of Jiminy Cricket.
7dNeXdU.png Tarzan will forever be in this user's heart.
qc7APiX.png Genie, my final wish! Let this user be a fan of Aladdin!
8xSneDP.png This user is a fan of Jack Skellington, the...... new Santa Claus??
d2q3K3P.png This user is a fan of Peter Pan.
by0Slbb.png This user is a fan of the Beast.
1Fv4HGC.png This user is a fan of Mulan.
CUkLU9z.png This user is a fan of Jack Sparrow. Savvy?
RoyHe8j.png This user is a fan of Simba.
C67aCxq.png C:\Users\EternalNothingnessXIII > run TRON.exe
VWWvEkR.png This user is a fan of Jaq, zugk-zugk!
GfQsBVB.png This user is a dan of Foc—uh, fan of Doc.
5Tg1w9F.png This user is a fan of Dopey, and is also probably able to cause hilarity without speaking.
ZuXTGqe.png This user is a fan a' Grumpy! *grumble*
CQvHXdU.png This user thinks there is no better host than Lumiere.
PWJMPWZ.png This user is a fan of Wonderboy.
h8f52Jf.png This user is a fan of Phil and has two words of advice for you: heroes only, now!
DyuCnRZ.png This user loves to bounce with Tigger!
QgaEj1Z.png This user is a fan of Eeyore, who didn't expect any fans.
UYBQEs7.png This user is a fan of Gopher.
yET0AAD.png This user is a fan of Quorra, and is all for diversity over racial purity.
xbvaPJN.png This user is a fan of the big blue lump!
plycVXt.png This user is a fan of Mushu, the bona fide guardian dragon!
xOTF1do.png This user is a fan of Stitch.
8cqYs9u.png This user is a fan of the Mad Hatter and wishes you a very merry unbirthday!
mis5nEF.png This user is a fan of Experiment 221 and like him, electrocutes anyone in sight!
Template:User Chesh
hsb6N0i.png This user feels sorry for Iago, but still can't tell where his allegiances lie.
KYKzxtL.png This user somehow feels pity for Pete.
R3asNK7.png This user is a fan of Chernabog, and awaits the eruption of Bald Mountain on Walpurgis Night.
LFaBqcP.png This user somehow tolerates Lady Tremaine, and what a scary world they must live in...
4X8wNA9.png This scurvy brat be a fan of Captain Hook.
Template:User MalefChar
rdJVz7N.png This poor unfortunate soul is captivated by Ursula.
XMrY6dF.png This streetrat bows to Jafar.
cuvg4Jo.png This user is a fan of The Oogie Boogie Man!
dAymBL8.png This user is a fan of Scar.
cmh4lJY.png This user is a fan of Hades and DRIVES HIM CRAZY!

tUyQU80.png This user answers to the bloodthirsty Shan Yu.
UJebl2s.png This user likes to think that Gantu is merely big-boned.
HDzyRdo.png This user is part of Captain Barbossa's motley crew.
Zack2_zps3ls4kmrh.png This user is a fan of Zack.
ou5JnEC.png This user is not interested in anything except Cloud.
knFHeVL.png This user is a fan of the One-Winged Angel.
R0D1ykY.png This user is a fan of Tifa, and begs pardon for bothering you.
JUy9SUt.png This user is a fan of Aerith.
Q6a5k5G.png This user is a fan of Squa-- uh, Leon. Whatever.
EHA430s.png This user is a fan of Seifer.
iws5VfD.png This user is a fan of Auron, and would like to be part of his story.
hkKeT3X.png This user is a fan of Yuna.
7R71LsR.png This user is a fan of Paine.
DobGD0s.png This user is no more eternal than that radiance of yours...
XarXPUo.png This user will make you see that your hopes are nothing... nothing but a mere illusion!
zpt3vzO.png This user is a master of the moon. Now move aside!
QZbVJv5.png This user wants to let the flames burn you! Got it memorized?
cjREgxg.png This user is a master of flowers.
hIwWxNJ.png This user should warn you that they are in an EXTREMELY FOUL MOOD!
Template:User Xehanort
icAdyRY.png This user keeps forgetting not to mess with Keyblade wielders.
Xo7lPal.png This user won't forget you, even though they try all the time.
rJAEUSU.png This user wishes to live on forever. Get it memorized!

  Favorite Enemies  

Shadow02_zpss8s6j9oy.png This user will chase their prey till the bitter end.
SoldierMobile_zps3m0jhi6w.png This user is a member of the dark infantry.
Airsoldier_zpskv9bdlgw.png Tally ho, chaps. We're ready for another aerial chase.
Sniperwild_zpsrkb8jwqc.png This user calls their brethren to shoot from afar.
RedNoctMobile_zpswwtdnjo4.png This user is on fire!
BlueRhaps_zpsumpacily.png This user is cold as ice.
Yellowopera_zpslyggwsjq.png This user has a rather shocking personality.
GreenReq_zps5yo9ulps.png This user is a skilled medic. You know the rule: don't shoot the medic.
Blkblld_zpsazzyhgzf.png This user loves to sing in beautiful ballade.
Gigasshadow_zpsfapzxbtw.png This user is overgrown...
SearchGhostHT_zpsusorswdw.png This user has a penchant for draining others' health.
GrandGhost_zpseqlydl6q.png This user cannot be healed.
WightKnightFM_zpsike8lwv6.png This user has been trained in the art of spooky dance...
GargoyleFM_zpsmyh5kfab.png This user loves to slink away without notice.
Chimera_zpsrkxbquhu.png This user seems to have been cobbled together from various bits lying around...
Shelteringzone1_zpsnk57h894.png This user is a swift swimmer.
Shelteringzone_zpsqp5tbhtp.png This user causes massive damage when knocking things or people aside...
Aquatank2_zpsvpjuktxn.png This user is a laid-back swimmer.
Screwdiver2_zpsvdpd8ufz.png This user knows that water and electricity always make a fatal combination.
ShadowSora_zpshf3t4c6g.png This user is a mere shadow of a newborn warrior...
Pirate_zpsv04zfmcl.png This user is a stark ravin' pirate, yarr!
Airpirate2_zpsvvkqes9i.png This user prefers to do their pillaging in the air.
Battleship1_zps67v4kife.png This user appreciates a fine pirate vessel.
Jet%20Balloon_zps1vycht8m.png This user lets other kamikaze fighters do the work for them.
Missilediver_zps2e3lquk7.png This user crashes into their adversary at top speed!
Darkball_zpsocbredqn.png This user pops up in front of you without warning.
DefenderStd_zps3lkidcxu.png Beware this user's monstrous shield.
Wyvern_zpssrdpv2vr.png This user would rather be a winged dragon.
Wizard_zps7a7eclwx.png This user is a master of powerful spells.
InvisibleOrig_zpsh2ufefut.png This user attacks with a ring of dark flames.
Blackfungus_zpsm4eqvppc.png This user poisons its foes. Or stuns them. Pick your poison (pardon the pun).
Pinkagaricus_zpszdmlyyh7.png This user dances by swaying from side to side!
Neoshadow_zpshhl3lgpe.png This user is the next evolution of the dark being.
Stealth%20Soldier_zpsovm7n7ry.png This user is invisible...
CreeperPlantHTStd_zpsvsvyf8u5.png This user is here to brighten up anyone's front garden.
Tornadostep_zpstinieetc.png This user never gets vertigo.
Silverrock_zpsagff55k0.png This user can transform into a devastating ball of light.
EmeraldBlues%20SP_zpslvzv1ufe.png This user creates wind just by twirling around.
Crimson%20Jazz_zpssxlsig5c.png This user derives much cruel pleasure from setting lots of mines!
SpringMetal_zpsw5m53l4i.png This user creates tornadoes wherever they go!
TrickGhost_zpsqvtxfevy.png This user has two faces.
Rabiddog_zpsscc0gy8s.png Down, you bad dog! Down!
Hookbat2_zps4n1vsw9g.png This user annoys foes... and does so pretty well.
Befuddler_zpsgpwkl0l8.png This user is only the start of your troubles...
Bookmaster3_zpspkdkygp8.png This user has mastered the use of three major elements.
HammerframeFM_zpsoyfwxcph.png This user loves creating shockwaves!
Ironhammer_zpswtyfdcwg.png This user enjoys spinning frantically in the air.
Fortuneteller2_zpsg5yab7jn.png This user foresees an attack!
Rapid%20Thruster%20TR_zpszmbolwpf.png This user appears in swarms.
MorningStar_zpsrsmtkaun.png This user is a living mace.
Fiery%20Globe_zps0qtz4szr.png This user is a little ball of fire.
Icecube_zpseuhyuznm.png This user is a small frozen specimen.
Lunabandit_zpspgjuwrkm.png This user is good with dual scimitars.
GargoyleKnightStd_zpsjcofsgmw.png This user becomes skilled with the sword when possessed by the darkness...
GargoyleWarrior_zpsre10ymph.png This user becomes adept at using an axe when possessed by the darkness...
Graveyard_zpsjtfytqi4.png This user respects the dead.
Toysoldier_zpsqotced0f.png This user makes the perfect gift... if ruining someone's childhood is an option.
AeroplaneTR_zpsazq5tuua.png Tally ho, chaps. We have a target to gun down.
HotRod_zpsr3obo8dv.png This user cannot be trusted behind the wheel.
Madride_zpsoeur6kp2.png This user takes dangerous driving to a whole new level.
Nightwalker_zpszgsaqfdj.png This user is here to suck the life energy out of you!
Bolt%20Tower%202_zpsljmmoexw.png This user would rather not be hit in the face.
MagnumLoaderG_zpsoodq7iit.png This user enjoys zipping around the Game Grid at high speeds.
Strafer_zpssyz3wbwf.png C:\Users\Ansem>run ELECTRIFY.exe
Devastator_zpsgb5qnboi.png C:\Users\Ansem>run ERADICATE.exe
Reckless_zpszs24uxhg.png This user attacks without a care in the world.
LivingBone_zpsrbnmrrlc.png This user makes a fine steed.
Shaman1_zpsdmbrq5kn.png This user is a figure of utmost standing in their tribe.
AerialKnocker_zpspyyo1dcw.png This user is a decently skilled boxer.
Surveillance%20Robot_zps5uh1bngb.png This user steadfastly watches over all who pass by...
BitSniperArt_zpsftgqan9h.png This user awaits you at the end of the world...
AerialViking_zpsxqzcrvao.png This user is part of a mighty race of pillagers!
Megashadow_zps9zhkgejv.png This user is not your typical average grunt.
Scarlettango_zps5abaejdf.png This user is fiery and passionate.
GreyCaprice_zpscvxnpxsy.png This user has mastered the use of antimatter long before the rest of humanity will ever do so.
Sapphireelegy_zpss0sga16i.png This user has mastered the art of teleportation.
Turquoisemarch_zpsnma4aunl.png This user is a living water gun!
Emeraldserenade_zps2shxxh42.png This user is tricky to finish off...
Fireplant_zps5wyg4ub6.png This user spits fireballs.
Iceplant_zpsparshnuw.png This user knows how to head-butt enemies.
MASSIVEPOSSESSOR_zpskglvict5.png This user is a big ball of chaos.
Guardian_zpsw9tjkrwe.png This user keeps constant guard over you...
Destroyer_zpsubi8hrr6.png This user is programmed to destroy everything in their path!
Deserter_zps5bmeduko.png This user has just abandoned his ranks.
Sergeant_zpskx504sxr.png This user will have you know that they are a sergeant and you will not disobey!
Commander_zpswl44cc4v.png This user has a high rank to boast about.
LargeArmor_zps7yvwd5cc.png This user blocks attacks from every direction.
Bullydog_zpsddapufor.png This user is quite the bully.
Air%20Battler_zpsb7pfmrkb.png This user is aggressive in the air.
Aerial%20Master_zpscm4ljllm.png This user is a master of aerial combat.
Artfulflyer_zpsb0xki1tw.png This user is an expert in using wind.
Skygrappler1_zpsjyh0xail.png This user wrestles in the air.
SnowyCrystal_zpsyrifq9ro.png This user is a large frozen specimen and will take quite a while to melt...
SpikedCrawler_zpshdpqzr9o.png This user is a slow, defensive crawler.
ScorchingSphere_zpslgk36n1x.png Touch this user and you will burn!
Orcus_zpsmnlrr3ex.png Have you ever heard of a demon more powerful than your worst nightmare?
Tailbunker_zpsezkg3nkz.png Ready the anti-air batteries; a wild user with bombs has been sighted...
Phantomtail_zpsebqngl82.png Just how many Heartless is Captain Hook planning to summon—?!
Wavecrest_zpsk6u0tkyo.png Today's forecast: heavy rain.
zn52UZf.png This user has taken on the Dustflier, and won multiple times!
Eliminator_zpsr9oyeqxe.png This user is the kind of enemy that nightmares are made of.
ChocolateStatue_zpszufanqhw.png This user is a delight for chocolate lovers everywhere.
WhiteChocStatue_zpsf48butjy.png This user is just as delightful a sweet treat as any.
DarksideMobile_zps9pbxecki.png The closer this user gets to the light, the greater their shadow becomes.
DarksideSubsp_zpssvpiaic5.png This user's shadow manifests a little... differently.
GuardArmorFM_zpsx3qdvx7w.png This user stands with the leader of the Heartless of Traverse Town.
RedArmor_zpsomoxapuh.png This user likes to paint the arena red.
GuardArmorSubsp_zpsfjudvx0q.png This user prefers a different kind of Guard Armor.
Trickmaster_zpsblomoogt.png This user confuses people with herky-jerky moves.
StealthSneak_zps3rm5f6za.png This user relates to the darkness in Clayton's heart.
Sneakarmy_zpsjzbrkh7b.png It appears that Clayton's darkness is back from the dead... and stronger than ever.
Pot%20Centipede_zps8hcnnpfu.png This user is a town-destroying menace.
Parasite%20Cage_zpsqvalfjiq.png This user is as nasty as a stomach virus.
AntiSora_zps7z9m2nds.png This user needs to confront their shadowy doppelganger once and for all...
Behemoth_zpsgybaxyz8.png This user is enamored by the mighty and powerful.
DestrBehemoth_zpsoq1yskt1.png This user is not just mighty and powerful, but has great aptitude too.
Arc%20Behemoth_zpsj9plhwz1.png This user is mighty and powerful, but doesn't have as much aptitude as their brethren...
Phantom1_zpsxaul305p.png This user is here to steal your heart...
Thresholder_zps5tauqmwx.png You shall not pass this user!
Shadowstalker_zps0iqj94dr.png This user uses their boundless energy to break free of their chains.
Darkthorn_zpsubhrzrz9.png This user lives unbound and unchained.
Blizzard%20Lord_zpsptptugte.png This user is a big blue lump!
Volcanic%20Lord_zpsersuvmyk.png This user is a big orange lump... because it can be.
PrisonKeeper1_zps61qag8oe.png This user has the unsavory distinction of eating children for breakfast... and regurgitating them.
Stormrider_zpshn4t3hqb.png This user is a mighty guardian dragon... turned dark.
Groundshaker2_zpswpu1ea9m.png This user causes massive tremors with their every movement!
Veillizard_zpsxftdxms0.png This user likes to haunt old, uninhabited mansions.
Lurklizard_zpsd4f1zmnv.png This user likes to lurk in weird places.
Antlion_zpsinivlxly.png This user is the cause of desert sandstorms.
Leechgrave_zpsyno4mzmh.png This user bids you prepare to die!
Rulerofthesky_zps4jmvbczq.png This user is the embodiment of a pirate captain's greed.
Darkhide_zpsg6bgmipx.png This user is a newly-discovered specimen.
Dancer_zps1tw3iwb6.png Everybody dance! This user thinks Dancers are love.
UserAssassin.png This user is a paid Assassin.
UserDusk.png The user you see before you is known as a Dusk.
Gambler_zpsyu6xrvr7.png This user is a Gambler. Raise or Fold?
UserSniper.png This user is a Sniper and has got you in his or her sights.
Sorcerer_zpsylntasrz.png This user is an unstoppable Sorcerer. Dare you try to break his or her poise?
Berserker_zpsxrvxi22f.png This user is a mighty Berserker and warns you to move aside!
Dragoon_zpsbi69h5on.png This user is a powerful Dragoon. You would do well to learn from him or her.
UserSamurai.png This user is a noble Samurai, now draw your weapon.
UserCreeper.png This user is a stealthy Creeper; can you predict his or her next move?
UserTwilightThorn.png This user will be a thorn in your side for all eternity!
Specter_zpsvpzbwuan.png This user is a ghastly Specter, graceful yet carrying a traitor on their back.
Flood1_zpseknspp9j.png This user is tiny and tenacious.
Scrapper2_zpssmkrc4yq.png This user only travels in straight lines.
Bruiser1_zpslv0ymi4t.png This user knows that size matters.
RedHotChili_zpszqvm2fch.png Don't expect this spice churl to hold still.
Monotrucker2_zpsibekekjh.png This user knows how to pick a fight with pickaxes.
Thornbite1_zps0cndwvjp.png This user bears no roses... only thorns.
Shoegazer2_zpshzdixios.png This user only wants to hop around and defend! Leave this user alone!
Spiderchest2_zps7rxk0uyg.png This user is going to EAT YOU!
Archraven1_zpsh2aaectw.png This user will make off with your treasure... because they like to.
Hareraiser1_zpshwcze3yn.png Cute? Nope. Meet the anti-cuddly.
Jellyshade%20B_zpsberbx3v4.png This user has a cold temperament, but would rather stick with the group.
VilePhial2_zpsctavwe06.png This user would gladly pump their comrades full of HP.
SonicBlaster2-1_zpsf7s1k5gg.png Currently acquiring coordinates...
WildBruiser1_zpsymxgqvum.png Where this user goes, a lot of monkey business will follow.
BlueSeaSalt_zps5obynu9r.png Don't expect this chilly adversary to hold still.
YellowMustard_zpsuaecmykh.png Don't expect this crafty condiment to hold still.
Mandrake1_zpsqmj3m1xb.png Get ready to be poisoned, confused, and generally messed around by this user.
ChronoTwister_zpsmea50hhg.png This user would rather hide in the sand in its hourglass.
Axeflapper_zpszagpnm7t.png This user gives out powerful wind blasts.
PrizePod2_zpsgbhdmdje.png Do you call dibs on this user's deliciousness?
Blobmob2_zpsreeagbh4.png This user knows how to make duplicates of themself.
GlidewinderB_zpsk1gji3ec.png This user is an avid racer.
Flamebox_zpsmeuconsz.png This user is gonna set the place on fire!
LoneRunner_zps26h6xiep.png Try and catch this user... if you can...
Vitalityvial_zpsapmzr4xe.png This user is about to poison the room; can you keep up?
Ringer_zpsb685axe1.png One by one, they materialize, until there's a horde of this user around...
GluttonousGoo_zpsr4goodhg.png This user advises you to get your grubby hands away from their precious orbs.
FloatingFlora_zpswyskz3c8.png This user wants you to watch that they don't fall.
WheelMaster2_zpswttohjcw.png This user likes tearing up people's emotions with cruel timing.
SymphonyMaster2_zpsgidcfl97.png Drum roll please!
CursedCoach2_zpsngjtgazd.png Try to put the brakes on this user, now, would you?
TrinityMAIN_zpseejyirpe.png Taking out this big guy... it takes three.
Metamorphosis_zpsartxnlc7.png This user is a stowaway.
IronImpr1-2_zpsofqftucx.png This user willingly binds themself in chains.
zuD393l.png This user has taken on the Vanitas Remnant and won!
krMqDfm.png Nobody rams like this user does.
Id6czMx.png This user doesn't use magic, they hit you with magical awesome.
PMTJNx3.png This user can outrun lightning.
vGlqfRN.png This user knows how to tether the weather.
IpBaTOC.png This user is a snouted lout.
O5cgiKy.png This user is a mythical monstrosity.
yPtD4mw.png This user is just vunderful.
PSMrCRP.png This user likes to burn rubber.
FTR1okt.png This user likes fishsticks.
ozdQ1IJ.png This user has the unfortunate habit of gloating when landing a hit.
q2v5Rpz.png This user likes to pester their prey.
IJqruU7.png This user is a bubble-blowing deadeye.
ru0KSVL.png This user can disassemble themself.
AF8MI6Z.png This user is prepared for burnination.
Template:User Buzzerfly
WOlekDC.png This user makes life generally less pleasant.
MJJAfPq.png This user's identity remains a secret.
lQ9srJf.png This user tried to help a friend, but only made it worse.

  Favorite Forms  

JW9wURh.png This user loves all of Sora's Drive Forms.
Y3Ul89L.png This user loves Sora's Vampire Form.
2EtzbFx.png This user loves Sora's Data Form.
mvJyNHE.png This user loves Sora's Santa Form.
NrbT8dW.png This user loves Donald's Mummy Form.
JYO6KRj.png This user loves Donald's Bird Form. Squawk!
s2hxkex.png This user loves Donald's Data Form.
hxgBlO8.png This user loves Donald's Retro Form.
meq2FxD.png This user loves Donald's Snowman Form.
EWqzpfw.png This user loves Goofy's Frankenstein Form.
CItDbsn.png This user loves Goofy's Data Form.
lRFiX2h.png This user loves Goofy's Retro Form.
vbxGFId.png This user loves Goofy's Reindeer Form.
EvHYzFX.png This user loves Riku's Dark Mode.
3C3p2Y2.png This user loves Sora's Data Form.
92e1gTC.png This user loves Riku's Data Form.

  Favorite Quotes  

u4afBV0.png Any empire of yours... would be an empire of ignorance.
f7KYdoJ.png My name is Aqua. My friends are Terra and Ventus.
NBynfg0.png You will need to follow your memories.
zRudaWQ.png Hmph. For a Keyblade Master, you're not very— what's the word— good?
GAkS0ZJ.png Oh, so cute... but behind this little face, you do awful things.
L0jXOBL.png See, I'm immortal!
aeiM23q.png A window of opportunity can open and close in the blink of an eye.
QpeEg36.png So you only eliminated Vexen to obtain proof of our plan?
QT99spW.png You may not know who it is I am, but I know things about you.
zS2LY8B.png That's it. When this slacker wakes up, I'll tell him off.
SoD2kPk.png You're letting yourself get too attached to them.
Wy2JtWG.png Relax, Ven. We're here and we're gonna take care of you.
XKiYV62.png What's wrong? Giving up already?
HUTaJeO.png I am Vexen. I have come to collect your debt, Sora.
pZ1VC7L.png She's scheming to take everything you have. This castle, your precious rose. And then— your life.
Lgc8B7O.png Darkness cannot be destroyed. It can only be channeled.
9rILfFg.png My friends! Let us gain further power, to conquer the human heart, and claim it as our own.
fYfM3dZ.png I've been to see him. He looks a lot like you.
HuMy6xT.png I'm with the Organization. Nothing "any old" about me.
JvqMLsY.png I don't know... but let me try again.
1MA9pgk.png After all your protests, you're still like us, on the side of darkness.
meNcv8X.png What does he want here?
WK3eeIt.png Don't worry. We'll find the king and this "key."
gRQ1On8.png Gawrsh, the King must be pretty far away by now...
RU9lAtU.png If I become a true hero, I can rejoin my father and go back to Olympus.
FBT2klt.png You sure have lotsa friends to help.
wp90LjZ.png Uh... knock it off!
OkcC8Cc.png Who you callin' a shrimp, panda lips? I'm a bona fide guardian dragon!
FelS9B1.png Sometimes bad things happen and there's nothing you can do about it.
LrKmSWw.png Captain Jack Sparrow, if you please.
GlivoJ3.png *&&X%. *&&X%. Friends here.
mZsOUgW.png Such disgusting attire. I know what you are.
88qwSd8.png I know it says you're only required to kill Hercules in this tournament.
cWn3cW0.png Jafar! I've looked everywhere for Jasmine. She's disappeared like magic!
RGao9Lh.png No... How can I BE defeated again, by a pack of filthy street rats?
A0JjVkE.png And his only, singular instinct— to destroy everything he touches! See?
yCqglKe.png I still haven't located the password to the dataspace.
m6T9xbe.png I'll never forget what they did to me...
L4He8GG.png You can sign up for a tournament here. You can enter as many times as you want.
lqr5CuW.png Secret? What kinda secret? Oh, never mind.
MiTrkzs.png What I demand is her life. I have had more than enough of her light.
1bPUWaM.png Tenacious little bugs! Your time is up.
E0DKo7V.png This is just the way your father looked... before he died.
9hxTleN.png Alice, no. Shadows, yes!
ueoae8d.png The castle's supposed to be guarded by magic, an' crawling with monsters.
OdCtGh2.png Of course, you don't have to if you don't want to.
UNGXn5h.png Thank you. You stood up for me.
ohTR2Cc.png You do and you'll be sorry! Now bring it over here.
qOFmbBf.png Oh, really? With this big block? You think so?
qlIOjE4.png Why? Because it's Windsday, of course!
1nEeDwj.png Cricket's the name. Jiminy Cricket, at your service.
seSGl5d.png She's got a dream— a big dream. The dream's gonna come true!
lxVWGSr.png Shan-Yu has invaded our country. We must stop him at all costs.
UnvqUmg.png It was such a curious book, I asked Cid to repair it for me.
LGQVrh8.png You rookies still don't understand what it takes to be a true hero.
G176Hxe.png But today I think I shall call you "my friend Piglet who is very brave!"
jCbbdhh.png What are we gonna do if that beast comes here?
M418Mjw.png To face his fears, he must go somewhere where the only thing to think of is what to do.
CCTzyIy.png Yes, and I've got lots of names to check and preparations to finish!
5qXG9cj.png Ye'll not be gettin' my money!
BOnP4qD.png Well now! I don't think I've ever seen you before!
hWnjIaO.png A busy rehearsal schedule might be just the thing she needs to stop thinking about life up on the surface.
FaKoyPS.png Court is now in session!
hteLFA2.png I had hoped, Xehanort, your heart would no longer lead you astray.
kSbBfL6.png I don't know whether to say "nice to meet you" or "good to see you again."
bmJxF1N.png But now... there's no one left to protect.
N2FCF8I.png And we fought for you guys.
DeTMnEF.png Tell Cloud to get over here. Say that Sephiroth wants to settle things.
gfAQMFU.png Let me win, and I'll make it worth your while.
v8TAZd4.png Whether you like it or not, you're their hero, and mine too.
k7xoKqV.png I can see you...
IxaGT9n.png I will lead you to the Promised Land!
RwdoDvw.png Power sleeps within you. If you give it form, it will give you strength. Choose well.
xIR9THP.png These suits of armor appear impassable.
hshblk9.png ...all who visit this land will be lost to oblivion, none ever able to solve the mystery. None, Aqua, except you.
Ze6sHoe.png I just can't wait. Once we set sail, it'll be great.
DF64Cfr.png Navigation failure. Do not engage hyperdrive. Repeat. Do not engage—
NZVuHpz.png Gawrsh, is that all that's left of the worlds taken by the Heartless?
cfLbJ7G.png Remember, you are the one who will open the door to the light.
E2UTeKf.png This sure is a spooky place.
vvBc2hx.png No vessel, no help from the Heartless... So tell me, how'd you get here?
oSIMruP.png You won't need a home anymore where you're going!
wRSHZcf.png You can see the town back when it was first built.
U4VbU7N.png What's going on? Everything's black and white.
8urAhXX.png I'm surprised this old place even has curtains.
jSxMO34.png Are you prepared for what lies ahead?
7Kgwj5X.png ...I hereby grant Ursula (UNINTELLIGIBLE TEXT) for all eternity.
a3yDe35.png O purest of hearts! Reveal to me the Keyhole!
k0Nqmq6.png Somewhere out there, there's this tree with star-shaped fruit...
FApzLpj.png So long as you and your friends carry good luck charms shaped like it...

  Favorite Actions  

PHXilVT.png Fire!
jWF4CuL.png Wind!
HrLYwJ4.png Stop!
QOqWrLr.png Go!

  Favorite Songs  

Xsb2q89.png This user loves the PlanitB Remix of Simple and Clean.
SyOLkfy.png This user loves the song Simple and Clean.
zd3Hu7n.png This user loves the song Sanctuary.
NMy5EyS.png This user loves the ~after the battle~ version of Sanctuary.
CwPDoNJ.png This user loves the orchestrated version of Hikari.
mnMUMJK.png This user loves the orchestrated version of Passion.
CqyI18B.png This user loves the song Under the Sea.
FvA9AAm.png This user loves Sora's character theme.
gTYgWcQ.png This user loves Riku's character theme.
KT2QE1p.png This user loves Naminé's character theme.
3u4SbQd.png This user loves the song Musique pour la tristesse de Xion.
o44Aqo8.png This user loves Terra's character theme.
68Qbiy0.png This user loves Aqua's character theme.
uhE4kV8.png This user loves the song The 13th Anthology.
sHfcvqA.png This user loves the song Access the Grid.
5D6Udkz.png This user loves the song Another Side.
K04cbeb.png This user loves the song Byte Bashing.
wRaEFfO.png This user loves the song Cavern of Remembrance.
oeoSLxK.png This user loves the song Dance to the Death.
88L2GI8.png This user loves the song Dark Impetus.
UfuGwYK.png This user loves the song Darkness of the Unknown.
AGcEfoB.png This user loves the song A Date with Fate.
OZSoTof.png This user loves the song Deep Drive.
R6XIQRx.png This user loves the song The Deep End.
UdQnDIb.png This user loves the song Desire for All That is Lost.
jHQVQ07.png This user loves the song Destiny's Force.
mgR1lLf.png This user loves the song Disappeared.
cRlM2jV.png This user loves the song End of the World.
IvwyUA9.png This user loves the song Enter the Darkness.
7Y389iI.png This user loves the song Face It!.
vRd320Q.png This user loves the song Fate of the Unknown.
tlngt4A.png This user loves the song Fields of Honor.
QAw9aQY.png This user loves the song A Fight to the Death.
EahUtf2.png This user loves the song Fragments of Sorrow.
Uc6Q7bc.png This user loves the song Graceful Assassin.
KxmVJLW.png This user loves the song Guardando nel buio.
qfhdByr.png This user loves the song He's a Pirate.
WshR9nG.png This user loves the song Hollow Bastion.
n16ZDpz.png This user loves the song Hunter of the Dark.
NFaOfii.png This user loves the song Mákaukau?.
se02ZHL.png This user loves the song Master, Tell Me the Truth.
SxD1aWF.png This user loves the song Night of Fate.
wMKLInP.png This user loves the song Organization XIII.
zcRUjT6.png This user loves the song One-Winged Angel.
ooQPoJr.png This user loves the song Rage Awakened.
7Gn4dt7.png This user loves the song Revenge of Chaos.
PDmodzs.png This user loves the song Reviving Hollow Bastion.
7MkWrXj.png This user loves the song Rinzler Recompiled.
P6r91sg.png This user loves the song Sacred Moon.
fiMAee5.png This user loves the song Scherzo Di Notte.
bgCqoyA.png This user loves the song Sinister Sundown.
uF09joE.png This user loves the song Spooks of Halloween Town.
wVLrRUX.png This user loves the song Sunset Horizons.
bdQ7DvL.png This user loves the song This Is Halloween.
TzZDtCc.png This user loves the song Vim and Vigor.
4p3lLuc.png This user loves the song Vector to the Heavens.

  Game Accomplishments  

  Power Walker
This user walked 99,999 steps in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep!
This user has defeated 9,999 Unversed in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep!
This user has played Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep for eighty hours!
  Arena Sweeper
This user has completed all the matches in the Mirage Arena in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep!
  In the Munny
This user has collected 33,333 Munny in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep!
  One Down
This user has completed one story in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep!
  Eliminator's End
This user defeated in Eliminator in a system sector in Kingdom Hearts Re:coded!
  Twilight Triumph
This user defeated the mysterious enemy in Castle Oblivion in Kingdom Hearts Re:coded!
  Closed Book
This user saw the story through to the end in Kingdom Hearts Re:coded!
  In the Clear
This user completed Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance!
  Stop Drop Roller
This user has acquired 2,000 Drop Points in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance!
This user has defeated 2,500 Dream Eaters in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance!
  In the Munny
This user has collected 5,000 Munny in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance!
  Motion Slickness
This user has defeated 1,000 enemies using Flowmotion in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance!
  Treasure Seeker
This user has found every treasure chest in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance!
  Spirit Guide
This user has acquired every Spirit Dream Eater in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance!
  Reality Shifter
This user has defeated 50 enemies using Reality Shift in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance!
  Pro Linker
This user has linked with Spirit Dream Eaters 50 times in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance!
  Memento Maniac
This user saved 20 photos while bonding with Spirits in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance!
  He Who Doesn't Exist
This user defeated the Enigmatic Man in Hollow Bastion!
  The Cloaked Shadow
This user defeated the Phantom at the clock tower in Neverland!
  The Sandy Blade
This user defeated Kurt Zisa in Agrabah!
  Novice Hero
This user finished the Phil Cup Tournament in Olympus Coliseum!
  Artisan Hero
This user finished the Pegasus Cup Tournament in Olympus Coliseum!
  Hero of the Coliseum
This user finished the Hercules Cup Tournament in Olympus Coliseum!
  Coliseum Champion
This user finished the Hades Cup Tournament in Olympus Coliseum!
  The Frosty Giant
This user defeated the Ice Titan in the Gold Cup Tournament in Olympus Coliseum!
  One-Winged Angel
This user defeated Sephiroth in the Platinum Cup Tournament in Olympus Coliseum!
  Supreme Soloist
This user cleared the Solo Challenge for one of the Coliseum Tournaments!
  Time Attacker
This user cleared the Time Trial Challenge for one of the Coliseum Tournaments!
  Level Master
This user has reached level 100 for Sora in Kingdom Hearts Final Mix!
  Treasure Hunter
This user has opened 100 treasure chests in Kingdom Hearts Final Mix!
  From Rags to Riches
This user currently has over 10,000 munny!
  Heartless Hunter
This user is a Heartless hunter and has defeated over 2000 Heartless!
  Where the Bells Toll
This user has sealed the keyhole to Traverse Town. The Adventure Begins!
  The Rabbit Hole
This user has sealed the Wonderland keyhole!
  Junior Hero
This user has sealed the keyhole to Olympus Coliseum!
  Member of the Tribe
This user has sealed the keyhole to Deep Jungle!
  Magic Lamp
This user has sealed the keyhole to Agrabah!
  Honest Soul
This user has completed the chapter in Monstro!
  Master of the Seas
This user has sealed the keyhole to Atlantica!
  Pumpkin Prince
This user has sealed the keyhole to Halloween Town!
  Pixie Dust
This user has sealed the keyhole to Neverland!
  End of the World
This user has sealed the keyhole to Hollow Bastion!
  Pooh's Friend
This user has sealed the keyhole to the 100 Acre Wood!
This user has completed the story section of Jiminy's Journal!
This user has completed the Ansem's Report section of Jiminy's Journal!
This user has completed the Character section of Jiminy's Journal!
  Top Dog
This user has completed the 101 Dalmatians section of Jiminy's Journal!
  Best Friend
This user has completed the Trinity List section of Jiminy's Journal!
  First Synthesis
This user has synthesized his/her first item!
  Synthesis Novice
This user has synthesized three items!
  Synthesis Amateur
This user has synthisized fifteen items!
  Flying Ace
This user has defeated over 2500 enemy ships with the gummi ship!
  Test Pilot
This user has cleared gummi ship mission 1!
This user has received the Oathkeeper keychain!
  Blade Master
This user has obtained all the keychains in Kingdom Hearts Final Mix!
  Novice Player Sora
This user finished Sora's story in Beginner mode!
  Novice Player Riku
This user finished Riku's story in Beginner mode!
  A Slumber to Remember
The user cleared Sora's story!
  Card of Memories
This user cleared Castle Oblivion 1F!
  Woven Memories
This user cleared Castle Oblivion 5F!
  The Truth
This user cleared Castle Oblivion 13F!
  Road to Dawn
This user cleared Riku's story!
  Confronting the Darkness
This user cleared Castle Oblivion B12F!
  Challenge from the Inner Darkness
This user cleared Castle Oblivion B8F!
  Overcoming the Darkness
This user cleared Castle Oblivion B1F!
  Storyteller Sora
This user collected all Story entries in Jiminy's Journal!
  Character Professor Sora
This user collected all Character entries in Jiminy's Journal!
  Record Keeper Riku
This user collected all entries in the D Report!
  Card Master Riku
This user collected all Card Collection entries in the D Report!
  Storyteller Riku
This user collected all Story entries in the D Report!
  Character Professor Riku
This user collected all Character entries in the D Report!
  Novice Deck Builder
This user edited a card deck for the first time!
  Premium Card Maker
This user created 20 Premium Cards!
  No Escape
This user cleared the game without fleeing a single battle!
  Level Master Sora
This user has gotten Sora to level 99!
  Level Master Sora
This user has gotten Riku to level 99!
  Card Breaker
This user broke an enemy's cards 1,500 times!
  Tightrope Walker
This user healed with less than 5% HP left!
This user struck an enemy before entering a battle 150 times!
  Duel Master
This user won 100 duels!
  Battle Card Collector
This user obtained over 300 battle cards!
  Moogle Mogul
This user obtained over 10,000 Moogle Points!
  Regular Customer
This user used over 20,000 Moogle Points at Moogle Shops!
  Room Creator
This user synthesized 300 rooms!
  Treasure Hunter
This user opened 10 chests from hidden rooms!
  Ace Striker
This user hit an enemy with an object!
  358/2 Days Master
This user has earned all the Trophies for Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days!
  Dear Diary
This user has read all of Roxas's Diary entries!
  Special Investigator
This user has read all the Secret Reports!
  Days of Connection
This user has viewed Ch. 1 through 37 of Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days!
  Days of Reflection
This user has viewed Ch. 38 through 74 of Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days!
  Where the Heart Lies
This user has viewed Ch. 75 through 109 of Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days!
  Ambitious Adventurer
This user has completed Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix and watched the ending sequence!
  Level Master
This user got Sora to level 99!
  My Hero
This user has been rescued by King Mickey!
  Lingering Will
This user defeated the Lingering Will!
  One-Winged Angel
This user defeated Sephiroth!
  To Rule Them All
This user won all the Organization XIII Data Rematches!
Template:User Mushroom Master
This user won the Pain and Panic Cup in Olympus Coliseum!
  Novice Hero
This user won the Cerberus Cup Tournament in Olympus Coliseum!
  Artisan Hero
This user won the Titan Cup Tournament in Olympus Coliseum!
  True Hero
This user won the Goddess of Fate Cup in Olympus Coliseum!
  Coliseum Competitor
This user won the Pain and Panic Paradox Cup in Olympus Coliseum!
  Coliseum Star
This user won the Cerberus Paradox Cup Tournament in Olympus Coliseum!
  Hero of the Coliseum
This user won the Titan Paradox Cup Tournament in Olympus Coliseum!
  Coliseum Champion
This user won the Hades Paradox Cup Tournament in Olympus Coliseum!
  Summer's End
This user completed Roxas's episode in Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix!
  A Timeless World
This user has completed the chapter for Timeless River!
  Above Honor
This user completed the chapters for The Land of Dragons!
  A Budding Romance
This user completed the chapters for Beast's Castle!
  Hail the Hero
This user completed the chapters for Olympus Coliseum
  Lifting the Curse
This user completed the chapters for Port Royal!
  What Friends Are For
This user completed the chapters for Agrabah!
Template:User The Give of Love KHIIFM
  Return of the King
This user completed the chapters for Pride Lands!
  Electric Spark
This user completed the chapters for Space Paranoids!
  Always Together
This user completed the chapter for the 100 Acre Wood!
  Kindred Spirits
This user completed the chapter for Atlantica!
  A Taste of the Past
This user completed the chapters for Twilight Town!
This user has reunited Sora with Kairi and Riku!
This user has completed the Secret Ansem's Report section of Jiminy's Journal!
This user has completed the Character section of Jiminy's Journal!
  Heartless Highbrow
This user has collected all the Heartless entries of Jiminy's Journal!
  Nobody Know-It-All
This user has collected all the Nobody entries of Jiminy's Journal!
  Treasure Hunter
This user has collected all treasure chests in Jiminy's Journal!
This user has completed the Puzzle entries in Jiminy's Journal!
This user has collected all Maps in Jiminy's Journal!
  Limit Master
This user has collected all Limit entries in Jiminy's Journal!
This user has collected all the Character Links in Jiminy's Journal!
  Struggle Champion
This user won the Struggle tournament by collecting all the opponent's orbs!
  Corroded by Darkness
This user has activated Antiform 13 times!
  Veteran Pilot
This user obtained a Rank S on a Gummi Ship mission!
  The Vessel
This user has completed Terra's story!
  The Dormant
This user has completed Ventus's story!
  The Seeker
This user has completed Aqua's story!
  Connected Hearts
This user completed the Final Episode!
  A Mere Shell
This user defeated the Vanitas Remnant!
  Time's Teller
This user defeated the Hooded Unknown!
  Darkness's Will
The user defeated No Heart!
  Light's Will
This user defeated the Armor of Eraqus!
This user has collected all of Xehanort's Reports!
The user has collected all stickers!
  Perfect Shot
This user used Shotlocks 50 times!
  Justice & Dark
This user used Pete's D-Link 10 times!
This user used the Rhythm Mixer Command Style 20 times!
  The Warrior: Aqua
This user learned all of Aqua's Finish Commands!
This user used Terra's Break Time!
This user used Ventus's Break Time!
This user used Aqua's Break Time!
  Command Board Conqueror
This user has won on each board of the Command Board!
  Rapid Racer
This user has gotten First Place in all the Rumble Racing tracks!
This user has beaten all opponents in Fruitball!
  The Journey Begins
This user cleared the Prologue Chapter, Land of Departure!
  Pursuit of Truth
This user completed the Mysterious Tower chapter in Terra's story!
  Defying Darkness
This user completed the Disney Town chapter in Terra's story!
  Entrusting Power
This user completed the Destiny Islands chapter in Terra's story!
Template:User Encounter KHBBS
  A Moment of Rest
This user completed the Disney Town episode in Ventus's story!
  A Friend in Need
This user completed the Mysterious Tower chapter in Ventus's story!
  Drifting Apart
This user completed the Radiant Garden chapter in Aqua's story!
  Hopeful Hearts
This user completed the Destiny Islands chapter in Aqua's story!
  Pawn of the Arena
This user completed all the 1-Star missions in the Mirage Arena!
  Knight of the Arena
This user completed all the 2-star missions in the Mirage Arena!
  Queen of the Arena
This user completed all the 3-star missions in the Mirage Arena!
  King of the Arena
This user completed all the 4-star missions in the Mirage Arena!
  Keepers of the Arena
This user won the Keepers of the Arena battle in the Mirage Arena!
  Villains' Vendetta
This user won the Villains' Vendetta battle in the Mirage Arena!
  Re:coded Master
This user has earned all the Trophies for Kingdom Hearts Re:coded!
This user has viewed all the Character entries!
  100% Debugged
This user has completed all chapters in Kingdom Hearts Re:coded!
  80% Debugged
This user has completed all chapters up to and including Hollow Bastion II in Kingdom Hearts Re:coded!
  40% Debugged
This user has completed all chapters up to and including Olympus Coliseum in Kingdom Hearts Re:coded!