Oh no! The water! I'm in big trouble if I don't fetch it!
Fantasia Mickey B 6★ KHUX.png
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Issues: Change in wording of the design (parallelism) so that the two passages are different

Japanese イダテンキリン
Rōmaji Idaten Kirin
Translation Idaten Kirin

Type Spirit Dream Eater
Nightmare Dream Eater
Game Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance

The Thunderaffe is a Dream Eater that appears in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance.


The Thunderaffe is a giraffe-like Dream Eater. Its Emblem is on its forehead.

The Thunderaffe's English name is a portmanteau of "thunder" and "giraffe". Its Japanese name comes from Kirin (麒麟?), the Japanese word for giraffe. Idaten alludes to a Buddhist figure synonymous with speed in Japan.


As a Spirit, its body is primarily a yellow color covered with light yellow lines, forming heart symbols. It has four purple and yellow horns on the top of its head, and two similar shorter ones in the middle. It has black eyes, with circular yellow pupils, and a purple nose. It has a green necklace, with a big diamond attached to the middle of its neck which blends down from purple to blue. It has yellow, purple, and light yellow feet, and golden hooves. On the top of its legs are light blue wings. Similar shorter ones can be found on the sides of its hooves.


As a Nightmare, its body is primarily a purple color covered with dark purple lines, forming heart symbols. It has four black and white horns on the top of its head, and two similar shorter ones in the middle. It has black eyes, with circular red pupils, and a black nose. It has a purple necklace, with a big purple diamond in the middle of its neck which blends down to yellow. It has grey, white, and black feet, and purple hooves. On the top of its legs are purple wings. Similar shorter ones can be found on the sides of its hooves.


As a Rare Nightmare, it has a similar color scheme to its Nightmare version. Its body is primarily glowing blue and green colors covered with dark purple lines, forming heart symbols. It has four black and white horns on the top of its head, and two similar shorter ones in the middle. It has black eyes, with circular red pupils, and a black nose. It has a purple necklace, with a big purple diamond in the middle of its neck which blends down to yellow. It has grey, white, and black feet, and glowing blue and green hooves. On the top of its legs are purple wings. Similar shorter ones can be found on the sides of its hooves.


Technique Enemy Level Element Status Power Block?
Reverse Kick (バックキック
Bakku Kikku
?, lit. "Back Kick")
1   Physical 1.5 ?
Lightning Dash (稲妻ダッシュ
Inazuma Dasshu
1   Physical 1.0 ?
Refract Beam (リフレク光線
Rifureku Kōsen
?, lit. "Reflect Ray")
1   Thunder 1.0 ?
The time for which the rays are active is extended at Level 15 and Level 30.
Thunder (サンダー
1   Thunder 1.2 ?
Thundara (サンダラ
10   Thunder 1.6 ?
Thundaga (サンダガ
20   Thunder 2.0 ?
Guard/Block: △ = Can be blocked; O = Can be blocked and interrupted (melee) or deflected back (projectile); X = Cannot be blocked.


Ability LinkEdit


Name Element Level Disposition
  Reverse Kick Physical 1      
  Headlong Dash Physical 1    
  Lightning Dash Physical 1    
  Refract Beam Thunder 1    
  Thunder Thunder 1    
  Thundara 10
  Thundaga 20
  Protect 1    
  Shell 12    
  Haste 10    
  Auto-Life 38      
  Combo Assist 15    


Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop DistanceEdit

The Thunderaffe Recipe can be obtained by Sora from the fourth Special Portal in Traverse Town, or purchased from the Medal Shop for 280 medals after reaching Shop LV 4. The Thunderaffe can be created through five different recipes.

Rank   Ingredients   Fleeting Fancy x5
  Noble Figment x9

Rank     Ingredients   Fleeting Fancy x9
  Noble Fancy x7
Rank   Ingredients   Fleeting Fantasy x2
  Noble Fancy x4
Rank   Ingredients   Fleeting Fantasy x2
  Lofty Fancy x3

Success 60%
Chance   Pegaslick
Rank   Ingredients   Fleeting Fantasy x2
  Brilliant Fantasy x1