Oh no! The water! I'm in big trouble if I don't fetch it!
Fantasia Mickey B 6★ KHUX.png
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Issues: Decide a way to cover the AR card; entry should use card number

Sudo Neku

Sudo Neku (Spirit) KH3D.png

Japanese ネクッポイ
Rōmaji Nekuppoi
Translation Nekuppoi

Type Spirit Dream Eater
Game Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance
Hebby Repp

The Sudo Neku is a Dream Eater that appears in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance and can be acquired through the use of an AR Card.


The Sudo Neku resembles a Hebby Repp modeled after Neku Sakuraba. Its blue head is adorned with a pink horn and spiky orange hair. Its eyes are yellow and diamond-shaped, with circular pupils. The Sudo Neku wears a pair of black headphones covered with yellow stars. It wears what resembles a sweatshirt over its curved body, whose end is marked by a sweat band on its tail. The Sudo Neku's back and tail are covered with spikes. Its body metamorphoses from red to yellow to green to blue, and its tail changes in the opposite color scheme. The Sudo Neku wears comically large green shoes, with a yellow stripe down the center of each one. The Dream Eater emblem is present on the front of its chest.

The "Sudo" in the Sudo Neku's English name is a play on "pseudo", a prefix that indicates something that is deceptively similar to another, referencing the Sudo Neku's resemblance to Neku. Its Japanese name roughly translates to "Neku-esque".


Ability LinkEdit


Name Element Level Disposition
  Hebby Needle Physical 1    
  Hebby Sweep Physical 1    
  Hebby Whip Physical 1    
  Burning Rubber Fire 1  
  Hebby Fire Fire 1  
  Hebby Burst Fire 1    
  Hebby Berserk 1  


Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop DistanceEdit

The Sudo Neku Recipe can be purchased from the Medal Shop for 2000 medals after reaching Rank 20 in Flick Rush, or by clearing a Battle Portal received through Streetpass with a Sudo Neku as one of the enemies[KH 3D]. The Sudo Neku can be created through two different recipes.

  Sudo Neku
Rank     Ingredients   Wild Fantasy x1
  Noble Fantasy x2

Rank   Ingredients   Fleeting Fantasy x3
  Wild Fantasy x2
