Oh no! The water! I'm in big trouble if I don't fetch it!
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Japanese オバケピエロ
Rōmaji Obake Piero
Translation Obake Pierrot

Type Spirit Dream Eater
Nightmare Dream Eater
Games Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance
Kingdom Hearts Melody of Memory

The Jestabocky is a Dream Eater that appears in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance.


Jestabockies are small, ghost-clown like Dream Eaters that resemble a jester or a puppet.

The Dream Eater's name uses the Japanese word for "Ghost" (御化け Obake?). Its name also contains the French word pierrot, which is a stock character in pantomime, denoting a sad clown with a whitened face. It is one of the few Dream Eaters whose design is not based on some sort of animal, though its physical appearance resembles an egg, which is produced by certain animals. The English name is a portmanteau of "jester" and "obake", here romanized as "-abocky".


Spirit Jestabockies have an egg-shaped body with a white 'skin-tone', red markings that look similar to a vest, and a yellow chest with the Spirit Dream Eater symbol sitting squarely on its chest. Its yellow eyes are oval with black rims. Its overly large tongue is half yellow and half pink, situated in a dark magenta mouth. It has nubby little arms the same color as its 'skin-tone' and equally small, light blue feet. It has an iconic, red jester's hat on its head dotted with light blue and yellow spots. The balls (or bells) on each tip of its hat are blue, yellow, and red striped. Its "clothes" change color when the player uses Paint Guns.


A Nightmare Jestabocky is just a palette-swap of light green-blue "skin-tone" and red, pink, and purple "clothes", as well as red feet. It wears a big jester's hat that is purple with magenta and sea green spots. On the ends of the hat are red and yellowish-green balls or bells. It has a purple colored mouth with a large green and blue tongue. It also has pink and orange cheeks and black rimmed red eyes.


Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop DistanceEdit

A few Nightmare versions appear in Prankster's Paradise, transformed into miscolored copies of Pinocchio. When Sora investigates, they discard their disguises and summon other Nightmares to help battle him.


As an enemy, the Jestabocky will often disguise itself as HP orbs, Munny, Drop Points, or a treasure chest, but will shed its disguise and attack when the protagonist attempts to retrieve the prize. It can also pick up prizes, making them disappear; prizes picked up by a Jestabocky will not reappear when they are defeated.

As an ally, the Spirit will attempt to swallow prizes and enemy Nightmares for the protagonist, but only if it does not have the Picky Eater disposition.

Technique Enemy Level Element Status Power Block?
Pirouette (くるり一回転
Kururi Ikkaiten
?, lit. "Spin Around")
1   Dark 0.3 x2 ?
Chomp (かみつき
?, lit. "Bite")
1   Dark 0.5 x3 ?
Noisy Slurp (すいこみ
?, lit. "Suction")
Inhale 1   Dark 0.05 x6 ?

Spitting Out 1   Dark 1.0 ?
The range of suction expands at Level 15 and Level 25.
Icy Reflux (凍える冷気
Kogoeru Reiki
?, lit. "Freezing Cold")
1   Blizzard Freeze (30%/5s) 0.8 x2[1] ?
Sneak Attack (だましうち
1   Dark 0.5 x3 ?
Guard/Block: △ = Can be blocked; O = Can be blocked and interrupted (melee) or deflected back (projectile); X = Cannot be blocked.


Ability LinkEdit


Name Element Level Disposition
  Pirouette Dark 1    
  Chomp Dark 1
  Tongue Tie Dark 1    
  Noisy Slurp Dark 1  
  Icy Reflux Blizzard 1  
  Go Go Ghostling Dark 1    
  Sneak Attack Dark 1    


Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop DistanceEdit

Sora receives the Jestabocky Recipe after defeating the Dream Eaters pretending to be Pinocchio at the Amusement Park. The Jestabocky can be created through four different recipes.

Rank     Ingredients   Rampant Figment x4
  Vibrant Fancy x3

Rank   Ingredients   Fleeting Figment x2
  Vibrant Fancy x11

Success 30%
Chance   Escarglow
Rank   Ingredients   Rampant Figment x8
  Vibrant Fantasy x2
Rank   Ingredients   Charming Fantasy x1
  Vibrant Fantasy x2

Notes and referencesEdit

  1. ^ Increases to x3 at Level 10 and x4 at Level 20.