Japanese ファントム
Rōmaji Fantomu

Type Emblem Heartless
Game Kingdom Hearts
Themes Header.png

KH tracks
Battle theme - Destiny's Force

The Phantom is an Emblem Heartless that is found in Kingdom Hearts. He is one of the bosses at Neverland. While the Phantom is in possession of the Clock Tower, the hourly treasures cannot be obtained.


Kingdom HeartsEdit

The Phantom emerged from the Final Keyhole after he was opened by the Princesses of Heart, and went straight to Neverland, where he possessed the Clock Tower. Tinker Bell discovered him there, and flew back to the Cabin of Captain Hook's ship, where Sora, Donald, Goofy, and Peter Pan find her. She leads them back to the Clock Tower, where they are attacked by Phantom. However, after a violent battle, he is defeated.


The Phantom wears a long, tattered, black cloak with long sleeves that gradiates into cyan from the waist down. He has a long, pointed hood and he does not seem to have a face or body of any kind. Only his clawed, five-fingered hands are visible, but even they seem to be wrapped in the cloak. The apparent source of his power is an orb that contains his heart in the lower section of the cloak. This orb glows in a different color—red, blue, yellow, and white—depending on the type of attack he is currently vulnerable to. The orb can also disappear entirely for short periods of time. The Heartless emblem is displayed on his back.

In Kingdom Hearts Final Mix, the Phantom is largely unchanged, though his cloak is now predominantly white with black sleeves decorated by a flame-like pattern.

The Phantom's name is a reference to his eerie, ghost-like appearance.


Because it is essential to be able to consistently freeze the clock, the party should prepare to boost their MP regeneration as much as possible. Goofy should be in the party equipped with MP Gift, Sora should equip the best MP-boosting equipment he can, and all characters should have MP Rage, MP Haste, and plenty of Ethers equipped. The player should also fully upgrade the three elemental spells to deal as much damage as quickly as possible.

The Phantom will only sustain damage when the glowing orb beneath him is visible. Even then, Sora will only be able to damage him in a specific way, determined by the color of the orb. Each time the orb is hit, he will change color. Once struck three times, it will disappear.

Following his victory, Sora's Stop magic will be upgraded.

Technique Element Tech Power Bonus Guard?
Dark Claw (ダーククロウ
Dāku Kurou
Dark x0 20 Repellable
(Recoil: 100)
Slashes with his claws.

Only performed at close range.
Energy Drain Shot (エナジードレイン弾
Enajī Dorein Dan
Dark x0 20 Returnable
(Recoil: 0)
Shoots a sphere of dark energy that homes in on his target. If hit, the target will take continuous damage up to five times.

Can be avoided by taking cover behind the Clock Tower, by casting Aerora or Aeroga, or by batting away the sphere.
Doom (死の宣告
Shi no Senkoku
?, lit. "Death Sentence")
Puts a counter over an opponent's head. Once it hits 0, they cannot be revived for the rest of the fight.

The counter ticks down every time the minute hand reaches the next five-minute mark on the Clocktower, but casting Stop on the clock hands will pause the countdown for 60 seconds. While the spell is in effect, the Phantom is prevented from casting Doom again. Phantom always targets Peter Pan first, and Sora last.
Guard: Repellable = Can be blocked and interrupted ; Returnable = Can be blocked and deflected back ; Preventable = Blockable by Goofy's shield only.
Orb color Sora's action
Red Cast Fire
Blue Cast Blizzard
Yellow Cast Thunder
White Perform a physical attack


Phantom – Kingdom Hearts