Kingdom Hearts coded
Kingdom Hearts Re:coded

Game:Sora's Heartless

Sora's Heartless (Neo Darkside)

Sora's Heartless - Neo Darkside

Japanese ソラ・ハートレス(ネオダークサイド)
Rōmaji Sora Hātoresu (Neo Dākusaido)
Translation Sora Heartless (Neo Darkside)

Type Heartless
Game Kingdom Hearts coded
Dark Follower
Darkside Subspecies
Themes Header.png

KHREC tracks
Battle theme - Destiny's Force

Sora's Heartless is the penultimate boss in Kingdom Hearts coded and Kingdom Hearts Re:coded. Data-Sora fights it in five phases, all immediately beginning after the last phase.


Kingdom Hearts codedEdit

Form 1—Neo DarksideEdit

Sora's Heartless fights very similarly to Darkside, except that every move unleashes a Debug Attack. The left fist uses Blizzard, and the right fist uses Fire. The head launches Slow, avoid it at all costs, if possible. Focus on dodging attacks and then attack the fists when they are on the ground. Make sure not to fall off the platform while dodging. Be sure to heal when necessary.

Form 2—True FormEdit

Sora's Heartless is invincible under his shield. Notice that a white, ghostly Keyblade is hovering over the field. This is what Sora has to hit. To find it, hold still a moment until it comes lunging at Sora. The target Keyblade is different from the ones Sora's Heartless attacks with, but looks similar. When successfully attacked, Sora's Heartless will turn into a simple Shadow. Use a simple combo on the Shadow, and the second phase shall be cleared.

Form 3—OffshootEdit

In the third phase, several copies of Sora's Heartless appear in the place of a single enemy. Dodge their attacks and wait for white, ghostly Keyblades to appear again. Hit the copies of Sora's Heartless while their shields are down to make them disappear. If the chance is missed, hit their Keyblades until they are open again. Repeat the pattern against the last remaining copy of Sora.

Form 4—OffshootEdit

In this phase, Sora will be facing off against four copies of Sora's Heartless, all with shields up. Whenever a copy is defeated, it will turn into a ghostly Keyblade and keep attacking, eventually turning back into its original form. Focus all attacks on the real copy of Sora's Heartless. Only bother with the fakes if they get in the way. Sora's Heartless will eventually turn into a Shadow again.

Form 5—ShadowEdit

Sora's Heartless retains its weak Shadow form that was previously battled in the second phase. This battle serves as nothing more than an ending battle, and does not pose any challenge. Simply attack the Shadow a few times to complete the final phase of the battle with Sora's Heartless.

Kingdom Hearts Re:codedEdit

Neo DarksideEdit

First, bring many long-ranged commands, as it is difficult to attack it at the close range. After the Rail-Shooting, Sora's Heartless has transformed into its Darkside form. It can use its right arm to smash the ground, creating a fire-based shock wave which deal a great amount of damage and three fire balls which will slowly chase after Sora. Another attack is using its left arm to smash the ground, which will produce an ice-based shock wave that can freeze Sora. After that, it will create three ice pillars around its hand which sprout up after a short time, making it harder to hit its hand. These two attacks can be avoided by jumping at the precise time its hand hits the arena and attacking its hand later. Another attack is when Sora's Heartless shoots a column of light into the sky, which summons many light columns around Sora, that can inflict Slow on if it hits.

After its HP dwindles, it will disappear in light and upthrust Sora directly under the ground. Quickly dodge roll the circle of light that appears under Sora. If the punch misses, it's hand will be immobile for a while, quickly attack it. After several punches, Sora's Heartless will prepare the explosion, Sora can attack it and deal more damage but the explosion will deal a great amount of damage to him. To avoid this attack, quickly run to a corner and Sora will receive no damage from the explosion. Afterward, it will begin its attacks again.

Technique Element Status Power Block?
Dark Punch (Left) (ダークパンチ(左)
Dāku Panchi (Hidari)
Shock Wave   Blizzard Freeze (Medium) 1.94 X

Icicle   Blizzard Freeze (Medium) 1.25 X
Swings left hand down, and sends a shock wave of cold air along the ground. After about 5 seconds, three icicles appear in the surrounding area.
Used at close range.
Dark Punch (Right) (ダークパンチ(右)
Dāku Panchi (Migi)
Shock Wave   Fire Ignite (Medium) 1.94 X

Fireball   Blizzard Ignite (Medium) 1.25
Swings right hand down, and sends a shock wave of flames along the ground. Additionally, three fireballs appear and get launched one by one.
Used at close range.
Homing Darkness (ダークホーミング
Dāku Hōmingu
?, lit. "Dark Homing")
  Slow (Low) 1.00 per hit X
Shoots light from its chest into the sky, then rains down several beams of light around the opponent twice.
Used at long range, or at close range after two uses of either Dark Punch.
Ground Punch (グラウンドパンチ
Guraundo Panchi
  Slow (Low) 1.75 per hit X
Disappears and raises its fist from below the ground up to 9 times.
Used when HP drops to 50% and 10%. While using Ground Punch, HP cannot decrease below 1. If HP reaches 1, immediately uses Reverse Dive.
Reverse Dive (リバースダイブ
Ribāsu Daibu
  2.50 X
Thrusts its upper body up from under the ground.
Used following Ground Punch when HP is below 10%, or when HP reaches 1.
Power in [] is for bugged enemies; Block: △ = Can be blocked; O = Can be blocked and interrupted (melee) or deflected back (projectile); X = Cannot be blocked.

True FormEdit

First battle

After beating Sora's Heartless in its Neo Darkside form, it will transform into an AntiSora-like form. It will attack by using its ghost copies of the Keyblade to attack, these types of attacks can be blocked easily. Another attack includes Sora's Heartless floating into the air and summoning many copies of ghost Keyblade to fall behind Sora, dodge the Keyblades by using Dodge Roll. After the attack ends, a golden Keyblade will drop to the ground signified by the burst of light and create a yellow radial aura. Quickly run into it, then use the Special command Drag n' Drop to transform the boss into its Shadow form, which is much easier to fight.

Second battle

This battle is similar to the first, except the boss can now summon two clones to attack. The clones take extra damage, but while they're present, Sora's Heartless cannot be damaged. The Rain Blade attack does not have a golden Keyblade when used by the clones.

Third battle

This battle is mostly the same as the second, except the clones can now join Sora's Heartless when using Rain Blade, and the golden Keyblade will always drop in the center of the arena, striking Data-Sora with a shockwave if he is on the ground.

Fourth battle

In this battle, King Mickey will help transform the boss into a Shadow Heartless. Kill it with a simple combo or two to end the final fight against it. Doing so grants Data-Sora the Zero-One.

Technique Element Status Power Block?
Combo (コンボ
Upswing   0.75
Clone: 0.63

Thrust   0.75
Clone: 0.63
Down Thrust   1.47
Clone: 1.22
Performs an upswing, a thrust, and a downward thrust that creates a shock wave. The downward thrust can be performed multiple times in succession.
Shock Wave (衝撃波
Jumps and sends out a shock wave. Sora's Heartless is invincible for the duration of the attack.
Used after flinching.
Rolling Blade (ローリングブレード
Rōringu Burēdo
  1.00 per hit
Clone: 0.88 per hit
Orbits three Keyblades around itself before launching them around itself. Doesn't flinch for the duration of the attack.
Used at close range. Sora's Heartless cannot use Rolling Blade if any clones are present.
Speed Blade (スピードブレード
Supīdo Burēdo
  1.00 per hit
Clone: 0.88 per hit
Summons three Keyblades and repeatedly moves in a straight line before launching one Keyblade. Doesn't flinch for the duration of the attack.
Used at medium range. Sora's Heartless cannot use Rolling Blade if any clones are present.
Homing Blade (ホーミングブレード
Hōmingu Burēdo
  1.00 per hit
Clone: 0.88 per hit
Launches three Keyblades that track the opponent, then performs a charging thrust. Doesn't flinch for the duration of the attack.
Used at long range. Sora's Heartless cannot use Rolling Blade if any clones are present.
Rain Blade (レインブレード
Rein Burēdo
  1.00 per hit
Golden Keyblade: 1.50
Clone: 0.88 per hit
Floats in the air and rains down 20 Keyblades. When used by Sora's Heartless itself, an additional golden Keyblade is also rained down, creating a shock wave where it lands. Sora's Heartless is invincible for the duration of the attack.
Used after being hit with a combo finish, after 5 attacks (first battle), or when all clones are defeated (second and third battle). During the third battle, clones will use Rain Blade together with Sora's Heartless, but the number of Keyblades raining down is not changed. Once the attack ends, all clones disappear. Clone will use Rain Blade when hit by a combo finish three times.

Summons two clones during the second and third fight. About 30 seconds after the clones are defeated, they will reappear.
Will not attack when Data-Sora has access to Drag 'n' Drop. After Drag 'n' Drop is used, Sora's Heartless turns into its Shadow form for 15 seconds.
Power in [] is for bugged enemies; Block: △ = Can be blocked; O = Can be blocked and interrupted (melee) or deflected back (projectile); X = Cannot be blocked.


Sora's Heartless – Kingdom Hearts coded Sora's Heartless – Kingdom Hearts Re:coded

Notes and referencesEdit

  1. ^ a b c d Becomes x0.50 during the second and third battle.