Kingdom Hearts II
Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix

Trick Ghost (KHII)

Revision as of 19:09, 30 January 2010 by LevL (talk | contribs)

Template:Heartless/KHII The Trick Ghost (トリックゴースト Torikku Gōsuto?) is an Emblem Heartless that is found in Kingdom Hearts II.

Trick Ghosts are almost like two enemies in one. A Trick Ghost attacks from a distance in the air by firing dark fireballs from the candle it holds. It may also attack by similarly releasing a slow, zig-zagging dark wisp. Alternatively, the Trick Ghost may drop to the ground and flip onto its head. On the ground, it will use a close-range strategy (similar to the Powerwild) and attack with its muscles. Though its attacks are considerably hard to avoid at close range, they are not all so devastating. The fact that they float often high up can make them a considerably hard target to reach when not on the ground. They are also one of the few species of Heartless which use a darkness attack.

Journal Entry

It has two faces, both of which need to be fought differently.

When in the air, move in close to seal its long-range attacks. When on the ground, move far away to avoid its short-range attacks.



  • Shot: Fire dark shots from mouth
  • Candle Attack: Strike with lit candles
  • Triple Shot: Fires three dark fireballs in a spread
  • Whip Attack: Multi-hit head-whip attack


See Also