Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days

Bully Dog

Revision as of 02:23, 5 October 2023 by Aid1043 (talk | contribs) (Music)
Bully Dog

Bully Dog KHD.png

Japanese マッドブル
Rōmaji Maddo Buru
Translation Mad Bull

Type Emblem Heartless
Game Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
Bad Dog
Snapper Dog
Raging Reindeer
Rush Sheep
Themes Header.png

KHD tracks
Battle theme - Tension Rising
Bully Dog

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
Larger and faster than the Bad Dog, but these canine Heartless bark just the same.
Physical attacks won't knock them off balance. Exploit their weakness to magic instead.

Story Mode Mission Mode
31 485 1454 8 27
38 485 1454 9 27
49 485 1454 10 27
50 485 1454 10 27
83 715 2146 41 51
Fire Blizzard Thunder Aero
x1.65 x1.80 x0.68 x2.13
Ignite Freeze Jolt Air-Toss
x0.80 x0.80 x0.80 x0.50
Defense Power Adjustment Heart Points
• Full Body: ? 44
Flinch? Bloom-Out?

Missions 15-35
Shining Shard (100%)
Missions 36-50
Lightning Shard (50%)
Missions 73-93
Diamond (100%)

Story Mode
Munny x32
Mission Mode
Munny x16
Beast's Castle

The Bully Dog is an Emblem Heartless that is found in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days. It is one of the bosses at Beast's Castle.


Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days

While unable to summon her Keyblade, Xion is sent on a mission with Roxas to eliminate a Bully Dog. After finding and eliminating the Bully Dog together with Roxas, Xion regains her ability to use the Keyblade.


A Bully Dog resembles a large, purple dog with a massive head and an equally massive, toothed maw. Its ears are long, stand on end, and curl at the tips. It has a crooked, purple tail and four short legs with no discernible digits on its paws. Its long, pink tongue is often seen hanging out of its mouth. The Bully Dog's large, yellow eyes each sport a black spiral pattern. It also wears a large, yellow collar with several conical, silver spikes on it, though, because of the Heartless's size, it is worn around its waist instead of its neck. Its legs, the tip of its tail, and the tips of its ears are all orange. Its Heartless emblem is on its rear.

The Bully Dog's name is a reference to a "bulldog". The former part of the Heartless's name could also reference its violent nature.


Battling the Bully Dog should not be much of a challenge. It will lumber around the battlefield, making attack quite easy. It can attack by biting Roxas with its sharp fangs and by unleashing a shockwave from its mouth. So long as Roxas dodges its attacks and otherwise keep attacks constant, the Bully Dog should fall rather quickly. If utilizing Magic, the Fire and Aero spells are recommended. The Bully Dog can be quite a nuisance if versing two or more at once so it is recommended to utilize magic and the Limit as well as carrying a few Potions.

Technique Element Status Power Block?
Bite (かみつき
Jumps forward and bites the target.
Bark Attack (吠え攻撃
Hoe Kōgeki
  Moon Silence (3%) 1.43
Barks and sends a short ranged shockwave in front of itself.
Continuous Bark (連続吠え
Renzoku Hoe
  Moon Silence (25%) 0.73
Barks repeatedly, sending several shockwaves forth.
Guard/Block: △ = Can be blocked; O = Can be blocked and interrupted (melee) or deflected back (projectile); X = Cannot be blocked.