KHWiki:Userboxes/Characters/Enemies: Difference between revisions

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| {{Template Display|user Yoggy Ram|width=auto}} || {{Template Display|user Necho Cat|width=auto}}
| {{Template Display|user Yoggy Ram|width=auto}} || {{Template Display|user Necho Cat|width=auto}}
| {{Template Display|user MeMeBunny|width=auto}} || {{Template Display|user Aura Lion|width=auto}}
| {{Template Display|user Thunderaffe|width=auto}} || {{Template Display|user MeMeBunny|width=auto}}
| {{Template Display|user Aura Lion|width=auto}} ||

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| {{Template Display|user Peepsta Hoo|width=auto}} || {{Template Display|user Chef Kyroo|width=auto}}
| {{Template Display|user Peepsta Hoo|width=auto}} || {{Template Display|user Chef Kyroo|width=auto}}
| {{Template Display|user Lord Kyroo|width=auto}} ||
| {{Template Display|user Lord Kyroo|width=auto}} || {{Template Display|user Electricorn|width=auto}}

Revision as of 17:13, 8 May 2015

This section focuses on the various enemies that appear in the Kingdom Hearts series. Currently a work in progress.

The Heartless

PurpleShadow_zpsnaphdtdy.png This user will chase their prey till the bitter end.
Code: {{user Shadow|}}   (edit, links)
Soldier%20Normal_zps0lf1i4es.png This user is a member of the dark infantry.
Code: {{user Soldier|}}   (edit, links)
Code: {{user Large Body|}}   (edit, links)
Airsoldier_zpskv9bdlgw.png Tally ho, chaps. We're ready for another aerial chase.
Code: {{user Air Soldier|}}   (edit, links)
Code: {{user Powerwild|}}   (edit, links)
BouncywildFM_zps7wog0mxf.png This user believes in the power of the almighty slingshot!
Code: {{user Bouncywild|}}   (edit, links)
Sniperwild_zpsrkb8jwqc.png This user calls their brethren to shoot from afar.
Code: {{user Sniper Wild|}}   (edit, links)
RedNctrn_zpsiwjfyap2.png This user is on fire!
Code: {{user Red Nocturne|}}   (edit, links)
BluerhapsodyX_zpsplecic1y.png This user is cold as ice.
Code: {{user Blue Rhapsody|}}   (edit, links)
YellowOpMobile_zpsdklcyeqb.png This user has a rather shocking personality.
Code: {{user Yellow Opera|}}   (edit, links)
Greenreq_zpsqezvrbv9.png This user is a skilled medic. You know the rule: don't shoot the medic.
Code: {{user Green Requiem|}}   (edit, links)
Blkblld_zpsazzyhgzf.png This user loves to sing in beautiful ballade.
Code: {{user Black Ballade|}}   (edit, links)
Gigasshadow_zpsfapzxbtw.png This user is overgrown...
Code: {{user Gigas Shadow|}}   (edit, links)
Code: {{user Bandit|}}   (edit, links)
RedBandit_zpsskxv2ioz.png This user sets themself apart from other petty thieves.
Code: {{user Red Bandit|}}   (edit, links)
Code: {{user Fat Bandit|}}   (edit, links)
Potspider2_zpsvm8k42q8.png Rumor has it that defeating this user brings you lots of money...
Code: {{user Pot Spider|}}   (edit, links)
PotScorpion_zpstl5vrynq.png This user tackles, poisons and charges relentlessly!
Code: {{user Pot Scorpion|}}   (edit, links)
SearchGhostHT_zpsusorswdw.png This user has a penchant for draining others' health.
Code: {{user Search Ghost|}}   (edit, links)
GrandGhost_zpseqlydl6q.png This user cannot be healed.
Code: {{user Grand Ghost|}}   (edit, links)
BarrelSpider3_zpstat1p3tj.png This user has an EXPLOSIVE temper!
Code: {{user Barrel Spider|}}   (edit, links)
WightKnightFM_zpsike8lwv6.png This user has been trained in the art of spooky dance...
Code: {{user Wight Knight|}}   (edit, links)
GargoyleFM_zpsmyh5kfab.png This user loves to slink away without notice.
Code: {{user Gargoyle|}}   (edit, links)
Chimera_zpsrkxbquhu.png This user seems to have been cobbled together from various bits lying around...
Code: {{user Chimera|}}   (edit, links)
Shelteringzone1_zpsnk57h894.png This user is a swift swimmer.
Code: {{user Sea Neon|}}   (edit, links)
Shelteringzone_zpsqp5tbhtp.png This user causes massive damage when knocking things or people aside...
Code: {{user Sheltering Zone|}}   (edit, links)
Aquatank_zpsqjqsiyot.png This user is a laid-back swimmer.
Code: {{user Aquatank|}}   (edit, links)
Screwdiver2_zpsvdpd8ufz.png This user knows that water and electricity always make a fatal combination.
Code: {{user Screwdiver|}}   (edit, links)
ShadowSora_zpshf3t4c6g.png This user is a mere shadow of a newborn warrior...
Code: {{user Shadow Sora|}}   (edit, links)
Pirate_zpsv04zfmcl.png This user is a stark ravin' pirate, yarr!
Code: {{user Pirate|}}   (edit, links)
Airpirate2_zpsvvkqes9i.png This user prefers to do their pillaging in the air.
Code: {{user Air Pirate|}}   (edit, links)
Battleship1_zps67v4kife.png This user appreciates a fine pirate vessel.
Code: {{user Battleship|}}   (edit, links)
Jet%20Balloon_zps1vycht8m.png This user lets other kamikaze fighters do the work for them.
Code: {{user Jet Balloon|}}   (edit, links)
Missilediver_zps2e3lquk7.png This user crashes into their adversary at top speed!
Code: {{user Missilediver|}}   (edit, links)
Darkball_zpsocbredqn.png This user pops up in front of you without warning.
Code: {{user Darkball|}}   (edit, links)
DefenderArt_zpsm4yrhk7q.png Beware this user's monstrous shield.
Code: {{user Defender|}}   (edit, links)
Wyvern_zpssrdpv2vr.png This user would rather be a winged dragon.
Code: {{user Wyvern|}}   (edit, links)
WizardHT_zpskas0nitc.png This user is a master of powerful spells.
Code: {{user Wizard|}}   (edit, links)
Code: {{user Angel Star|}}   (edit, links)
InvisibleOrig_zpsh2ufefut.png This user attacks with a ring of dark flames.
Code: {{user Invisible|}}   (edit, links)
WhiteMushroom%20-%20FIRE_zps684wlrdc.png Brrrr.... It's cold...
Code: {{user White Mushroom|}}   (edit, links)
Black%20Fungus%20HT_zpsot0gnjih.png This user poisons its foes. Or stuns them. Pick your poison (pardon the pun).
Code: {{user Black Fungus|}}   (edit, links)
RareTruffleHT_zpsgd2atf8q.png This user likes to be bounced high into the air. Wheeeeee!
Code: {{user Rare Truffle|}}   (edit, links)
Pinkagaricus_zpszdmlyyh7.png This user dances by swaying from side to side!
Code: {{user Pink Agaricus|}}   (edit, links)
Neoshadow_zpshhl3lgpe.png This user is the next evolution of the dark being.
Code: {{user Neoshadow|}}   (edit, links)
XJ1cJ31.png This user is invisible...
Code: {{user Stealth Soldier|}}   (edit, links)
CreeperPlantFM_zpsvgrjjd32.png This user is here to brighten up anyone's front garden.
Code: {{user Creeper Plant|}}   (edit, links)
CrescendoFM_zps6r3rlqlr.png Heal... heal... heal...
Code: {{user Crescendo|}}   (edit, links)
TornadoStep_zpsqgmubozt.png This user never gets vertigo.
Code: {{user Tornado Step|}}   (edit, links)
Silverrock_zpsagff55k0.png This user can transform into a devastating ball of light.
Code: {{user Silver Rock|}}   (edit, links)
EmeraldBluesHT_zpsptmfjf0r.png This user creates wind just by twirling around.
Code: {{user Emerald Blues|}}   (edit, links)
Crimson%20Jazz_zpssxlsig5c.png This user derives much cruel pleasure from setting lots of mines!
Code: {{user Crimson Jazz|}}   (edit, links)
SpringMetal_zpsw5m53l4i.png This user creates tornadoes wherever they go!
Code: {{user Spring Metal|}}   (edit, links)
TrickGhostHTFM_zpsnh6gcdoq.png This user has two faces.
Code: {{user Trick Ghost|}}   (edit, links)
Code: {{user Magic Phantom|}}   (edit, links)
RabidDogStd_zpscmfnoh5b.png Down, you bad dog! Down!
Code: {{user Rabid Dog|}}   (edit, links)
Hookbat_zpslv0urift.png This user annoys foes... and does so pretty well.
Code: {{user Hook Bat|}}   (edit, links)
Befuddler_zpsgpwkl0l8.png This user is only the start of your troubles...
Code: {{user Befuddler|}}   (edit, links)
Bookmaster2_zpsu7rcnjky.png This user has mastered the use of three major elements.
Code: {{user Bookmaster|}}   (edit, links)
Code: {{user Runemaster|}}   (edit, links)
MinuteBombStd_zpsuabdngbw.png This user is a ticking time bomb.
Code: {{user Minute Bomb|}}   (edit, links)
HammerframeFM_zpsoyfwxcph.png This user loves creating shockwaves!
Code: {{user Hammer Frame|}}   (edit, links)
Ironhammer_zpswtyfdcwg.png This user enjoys spinning frantically in the air.
Code: {{user Iron Hammer|}}   (edit, links)
BulkyVendor2_zpsv24hmaxm.png Capsule toys! Capsule toys for sale! Get 'em while they're hot!
Code: {{user Bulky Vendor|}}   (edit, links)
Fortuneteller1_zpsudfgz6rl.png This user foresees an attack!
Code: {{user Fortuneteller|}}   (edit, links)
CannonGun2_zpsmlv4vier.png Ready... aim... FIRE!!
Code: {{user Cannon Gun|}}   (edit, links)
Code: {{user Camo Cannon|}}   (edit, links)
Rapid%20Thruster%20TR_zpszmbolwpf.png This user appears in swarms.
Code: {{user Rapid Thruster|}}   (edit, links)
Drillermole2_zps0lik5ejf.png This user likes to burrow underground.
Code: {{user Driller Mole|}}   (edit, links)
Code: {{user Lance Warrior|}}   (edit, links)
MorningStar_zpsrsmtkaun.png This user is a living mace.
Code: {{user Morning Star|}}   (edit, links)
Fiery%20Globe_zps0qtz4szr.png This user is a little ball of fire.
Code: {{user Fiery Globe|}}   (edit, links)
Icecube_zpseuhyuznm.png This user is a small frozen specimen.
Code: {{user Icy Cube|}}   (edit, links)
LunaBanditORIG_zpsvr3ddqed.png This user is good with dual scimitars.
Code: {{user Luna Bandit|}}   (edit, links)
GargoyleKnight_zpstwv1vpjq.png This user becomes skilled with the sword when possessed by the darkness...
Code: {{user Gargoyle Knight|}}   (edit, links)
GargoyleWarrior_zpsre10ymph.png This user becomes adept at using an axe when possessed by the darkness...
Code: {{user Gargoyle Warrior|}}   (edit, links)
GraveyardFM_zpsdk1zjqcv.png This user respects the dead.
Code: {{user Graveyard|}}   (edit, links)
ToySoldier1_zps59pgrmct.png This user makes the perfect gift... if ruining someone's childhood is an option.
Code: {{user Toy Soldier|}}   (edit, links)
Aeroplane1_zps0avxpb71.png Tally ho, chaps. We have a target to gun down.
Code: {{user Aeroplane|}}   (edit, links)
HotRod_zpsr3obo8dv.png This user cannot be trusted behind the wheel.
Code: {{user Hot Rod|}}   (edit, links)
Madride_zpsoeur6kp2.png This user takes dangerous driving to a whole new level.
Code: {{user Mad Ride|}}   (edit, links)
Nightwalker_zpszgsaqfdj.png This user is here to suck the life energy out of you!
Code: {{user Nightwalker|}}   (edit, links)
Bolt%20Tower%201_zpsueybpi20.png This user would rather not be hit in the face.
Code: {{user Bolt Tower|}}   (edit, links)
MagnumLoaderY_zpsbjzmrskl.png This user enjoys zipping around the Game Grid at high speeds.
Code: {{user Magnum Loader|}}   (edit, links)
Strafer_zpssyz3wbwf.png C:\Users\Ansem>run ELECTRIFY.exe
Code: {{user Strafer|}}   (edit, links)
DevastatorNormal_zpstwhput9e.png C:\Users\Ansem>run ERADICATE.exe
Code: {{user Devastator|}}   (edit, links)
Reckless_zpszs24uxhg.png This user attacks without a care in the world.
Code: {{user Reckless|}}   (edit, links)
LivingBoneFM_zps3jp2oq3g.png This user makes a fine steed.
Code: {{user Living Bone|}}   (edit, links)
Shaman_zpsjtbup5dz.png This user is a figure of utmost standing in their tribe.
Code: {{user Shaman|}}   (edit, links)
Code: {{user Necromancer|}}   (edit, links)
AerialKnocker_zpspyyo1dcw.png This user is a decently skilled boxer.
Code: {{user Aerial Knocker|}}   (edit, links)
Code: {{user Aerial Champ|}}   (edit, links)
Code: {{user Armored Knight|}}   (edit, links)
Surveillance%20Robot_zps5uh1bngb.png This user steadfastly watches over all who pass by...
Code: {{user Surveillance Robot|}}   (edit, links)
Megashadow_zps9zhkgejv.png This user is not your typical average grunt.
Code: {{user Mega Shadow|}}   (edit, links)
Scarlettango_zps5abaejdf.png This user is fiery and passionate.
Code: {{user Scarlet Tango|}}   (edit, links)
GreyCaprice_zpscvxnpxsy.png This user has mastered the use of antimatter long before the rest of humanity will ever do so.
Code: {{user Grey Caprice|}}   (edit, links)
Code: {{user Striped Aria|}}   (edit, links)
Sapphireelegy_zpss0sga16i.png This user has mastered the art of teleportation.
Code: {{user Sapphire Elegy|}}   (edit, links)
Code: {{user Pink Concerto|}}   (edit, links)
Turquoisemarch_zpsnma4aunl.png This user is a living water gun!
Code: {{user Turquoise March|}}   (edit, links)
Emeraldserenade_zps2shxxh42.png This user is tricky to finish off...
Code: {{user Emerald Serenade|}}   (edit, links)
Code: {{user Dire Plant|}}   (edit, links)
Fireplant_zps5wyg4ub6.png This user spits fireballs.
Code: {{user Fire Plant|}}   (edit, links)
Iceplant_zpsparshnuw.png This user knows how to head-butt enemies.
Code: {{user Blizzard Plant|}}   (edit, links)
Code: {{user Poison Plant|}}   (edit, links)
MASSIVEPOSSESSOR_zpskglvict5.png This user is a big ball of chaos.
Code: {{user Massive Possessor|}}   (edit, links)
RareVendor_zps8umxln56.png Whatever you do, don't let this user get away!
Code: {{user Rare Vendor|}}   (edit, links)
Guardian_zpsw9tjkrwe.png This user keeps constant guard over you...
Code: {{user Guardian|}}   (edit, links)
Destroyer_zpsubi8hrr6.png This user is programmed to destroy everything in their path!
Code: {{user Destroyer|}}   (edit, links)
Skaterbomb_zpsq1asi5ud.png This user is here to freeze you nicely in place.
Code: {{user Skater Bomb|}}   (edit, links)
Stormbomb_zps9xbhyftm.png This user draws you in... and then goes for the kill.
Code: {{user Storm Bomb|}}   (edit, links)
Detonator_zps9wjcxjk2.png This user would be a hazard to the general public if they should explode...
Code: {{user Detonator|}}   (edit, links)
Deserter_zps5bmeduko.png This user has just abandoned his ranks.
Code: {{user Deserter|}}   (edit, links)
Sergeant_zpskx504sxr.png This user will have you know that they are a sergeant and you will not disobey!
Code: {{user Sergeant|}}   (edit, links)
Commander_zpswl44cc4v.png This user has a high rank to boast about.
Code: {{user Commander|}}   (edit, links)
Flarenote_zpsjknsenxn.png Heal... heal... heal...
Code: {{user Flare Note|}}   (edit, links)
Bubblebeat_zpsh9gids3h.png Heal... heal... heal...
Code: {{user Bubble Beat|}}   (edit, links)
LargeArmor_zpskdkbpyvg.png This user blocks attacks from every direction.
Code: {{user Large Armor|}}   (edit, links)
Clay%20Armor_zpsatxelccs.png Look what this user made in pottery class.
Code: {{user Clay Armor|}}   (edit, links)
Code: {{user Solid Armor|}}   (edit, links)
LandArmor_zps26p8i5kz.png This user is huge and solid... but blow a gust of wind and it would work against them...
Code: {{user Land Armor|}}   (edit, links)
SnapperDog_zpsrfmcipba.png This user's bite is worse than their bark!
Code: {{user Snapper Dog|}}   (edit, links)
Bullydog_zpsddapufor.png This user is quite the bully.
Code: {{user Bully Dog|}}   (edit, links)
Cymbalmonkeyart_zpsprci2jxa.png This user is the epitome of disturbing.
Code: {{user Cymbal Monkey|}}   (edit, links)
Trickymonkeyart_zpsuq2ofkcc.png You thought you heard noise... until you heard this user...
Code: {{user Tricky Monkey|}}   (edit, links)
Code: {{user Novashadow|}}   (edit, links)
Air%20Battler_zpsb7pfmrkb.png This user is aggressive in the air.
Code: {{user Air Battler|}}   (edit, links)
Aerial%20Master_zpscm4ljllm.png This user is a master of aerial combat.
Code: {{user Aerial Master|}}   (edit, links)
Artfulflyer1_zps0gtyc0wq.png This user is an expert in using wind.
Code: {{user Artful Flyer|}}   (edit, links)
Skygrappler1_zpsjyh0xail.png This user wrestles in the air.
Code: {{user Sky Grappler|}}   (edit, links)
SnowyCrystal_zpsyrifq9ro.png This user is a large frozen specimen and will take quite a while to melt...
Code: {{user Snowy Crystal|}}   (edit, links)
IceCannon_zpsirlc6b0l.png This user does not fire your typical cannonball at their foes.
Code: {{user Ice Cannon|}}   (edit, links)
Switchlauncher_zps0yepaac8.png This user doesn't quite like their place. Can they switch places with you?
Code: {{user Switch Launcher|}}   (edit, links)
JumboCannon_zpsp2bccslb.png This user is taller than most other Heartless... which isn't quite tall at all.
Code: {{user Jumbo Cannon|}}   (edit, links)
SpikedCrawler_zpshdpqzr9o.png This user is a slow, defensive crawler.
Code: {{user Spiked Crawler|}}   (edit, links)
ScorchingSphere_zpslgk36n1x.png Touch this user and you will burn!
Code: {{user Scorching Sphere|}}   (edit, links)
CreepwormArt_zps0bmcpco1.png This user is the meekest and most helpless of their kind.
Code: {{user Creepworm|}}   (edit, links)
Code: {{user Hover Ghost|}}   (edit, links)
CarrierGhost_zpseioqcmu7.png This user will sweep you off your feet... and take your life!
Code: {{user Carrier Ghost|}}   (edit, links)
LivingPod_zpss7at9aw8.png This user will drain your life faster than you can say "Living Pod."
Code: {{user Living Pod|}}   (edit, links)
DualBlade_zpsx8ha5jp0.png This user has learnt from the best and the brightest: two blades work better than one.
Code: {{user Dual Blade|}}   (edit, links)
Chill%20Ripper_zpsxlzepbvc.png This user kills in cold blood.
Code: {{user Chill Ripper|}}   (edit, links)
Blitzspear_zps9j0eylz7.png This user will pierce you with lightning!
Code: {{user Blitz Spear|}}   (edit, links)
Stalwartblade_zpssgubib2o.png This user is sturdily built.
Code: {{user Stalwart Blade|}}   (edit, links)
Tailbunker_zpsezkg3nkz.png Ready the anti-air batteries; a wild user with bombs has been sighted...
Code: {{user Tailbunker|}}   (edit, links)
Code: {{user Avalanche|}}   (edit, links)
Wavecrest_zpsk6u0tkyo.png Today's forecast: heavy rain.
Code: {{user Wavecrest|}}   (edit, links)
Phantomtail_zpsebqngl82.png Just how many Heartless is Captain Hook planning to summon—?!
Code: {{user Phantomtail|}}   (edit, links)

Heartless Bosses

Darkside_zpsvtoy8gys.png The closer this user gets to the light, the greater their shadow becomes.
Code: {{user Darkside|}}   (edit, links)
DarksideSubsp_zpssvpiaic5.png This user's shadow manifests a little... differently.
Code: {{user Darkside Subsp|}}   (edit, links)
GuardArmor_zpsdtliwgzu.png This user stands with the leader of the Heartless of Traverse Town.
Code: {{user Guard Armor|}}   (edit, links)
RedArmor_zpsomoxapuh.png This user likes to paint the arena red.
Code: {{user Red Armor|}}   (edit, links)
GuardArmorSubsp_zpsfjudvx0q.png This user prefers a different kind of Guard Armor.
Code: {{user GuardArm Subsp|}}   (edit, links)
TrickmasterFM_zpsgs4zh3vj.png This user confuses people with herky-jerky moves.
Code: {{user Trickmaster|}}   (edit, links)
TrickmasterSubsp_zpstyvaw4rm.png This user is a much more FABULOUS juggler than their counterparts!
Code: {{user Trickmaster Subsp|}}   (edit, links)
Stealthsneak_zpszr85gqac.png This user relates to the darkness in Clayton's heart.
Code: {{user Stealth Sneak|}}   (edit, links)
Sneakarmy_zpsjzbrkh7b.png It appears that Clayton's darkness is back from the dead... and stronger than ever.
Code: {{user Sneak Army|}}   (edit, links)
Pot%20Centipede_zps8hcnnpfu.png This user is a town-destroying menace.
Code: {{user Pot Centipede|}}   (edit, links)
ParasiteCage1_zps6r4m7v8c.png This user is as nasty as a stomach virus.
Code: {{user Parasite Cage|}}   (edit, links)
AntiSora_zps7z9m2nds.png This user needs to confront their shadowy doppelganger once and for all...
Code: {{user AntiSora|}}   (edit, links)
Behemoth_zpsuin8ccr3.png This user is enamored by the mighty and powerful.
Code: {{user Behemoth|}}   (edit, links)
DestrBehemoth_zpsoq1yskt1.png This user is not just mighty and powerful, but has great aptitude too.
Code: {{user Destr Behemoth|}}   (edit, links)
Arc%20Behemoth_zpsj9plhwz1.png This user is mighty and powerful, but doesn't have as much aptitude as their brethren...
Code: {{user Arch Behemoth|}}   (edit, links)
Phantom1_zpsxaul305p.png This user is here to steal your heart...
Code: {{user Phantom|}}   (edit, links)
Thresholder_zps5tauqmwx.png You shall not pass this user!
Code: {{user Thresholder|}}   (edit, links)
Possessor_zpskzuo8aha.png This user is tiny, but causes a lot of mayhem.
Code: {{user Possessor|}}   (edit, links)
Shadowstalker_zps0iqj94dr.png This user uses their boundless energy to break free of their chains.
Code: {{user Shadow Stalker|}}   (edit, links)
Darkthorn_zpsubhrzrz9.png This user lives unbound and unchained.
Code: {{user Dark Thorn|}}   (edit, links)
Illuminator_zps8wbxplwp.png This user exists to snuff out the light.
Code: {{user Illuminator|}}   (edit, links)
Blizzard%20Lord_zpsptptugte.png This user is a big blue lump!
Code: {{user Blizzard Lord|}}   (edit, links)
Volcanic%20Lord_zpsersuvmyk.png This user is a big orange lump... because it can be.
Code: {{user Volcanic Lord|}}   (edit, links)
PrisonKeeper2_zpsydeowchr.png This user has the unsavory distinction of eating children for breakfast... and regurgitating them.
Code: {{user Prison Keeper|}}   (edit, links)
Stormrider_zpshn4t3hqb.png This user is a mighty guardian dragon... turned dark.
Code: {{user Storm Rider|}}   (edit, links)
Groundshaker2_zpswpu1ea9m.png This user causes massive tremors with their every movement!
Code: {{user Groundshaker|}}   (edit, links)
HunterStd_zps9cbdr0wv.png Defeat this user in battle, and reap the many treasures that they hold!
Code: {{user Hunter|}}   (edit, links)
HunterX_zps3wkfdxwn.png Abandon all hope, all ye who enter here...
Code: {{user Hunter X|}}   (edit, links)
Veillizard_zpsxftdxms0.png This user likes to haunt old, uninhabited mansions.
Code: {{user Veil Lizard|}}   (edit, links)
Lurklizard_zpsd4f1zmnv.png This user likes to lurk in weird places.
Code: {{user Lurk Lizard|}}   (edit, links)
PoweredArmor_zpsmnops3he.png Oh look! It's a stronger version of an enemy that appears several times in the series!
Code: {{user Powered Armor|}}   (edit, links)
Antlion_zpsinivlxly.png This user is the cause of desert sandstorms.
Code: {{user Antlion|}}   (edit, links)
Leechgrave_zpsyno4mzmh.png This user bids you prepare to die!
Code: {{user Leechgrave|}}   (edit, links)
Rulerofthesky_zps4jmvbczq.png This user is the embodiment of a pirate captain's greed.
Code: {{user Ruler Sky|}}   (edit, links)
Darkhide_zpsg6bgmipx.png This user is a newly-discovered specimen.
Code: {{user Dark Hide|}}   (edit, links)
Code: {{user Carp Submarine|}}   (edit, links)
Cruelsweets_zpssrm7uwqq.png This user knows just how cruel rejection can be...
Code: {{user Cruel Sweets|}}   (edit, links)
EggMaster_zpsal9mhfql.png This user is out to ruin everyone's Easter Sunday.
Code: {{user Egg Master|}}   (edit, links)
HocusPocus_zpszhz7smum.png Hocus pocus, how atrocious!
Code: {{user Hocus Pocus|}}   (edit, links)
Jackinthebox_zpspxc4qa44.png This user is about to serve up a hot plate of herky-jerky this Christmas!
Code: {{user JackInTheBox|}}   (edit, links)
LionDanceHeadliner_zpsxi21dni8.png This user is headliner of a demonic dance.
Code: {{user LD Headliner|}}   (edit, links)
TridentAnchorStd_zps9dttxnen.png Beware this user's mighty jaws.
Code: {{user Trident Anchor|}}   (edit, links)
Code: {{user Trident G|}}   (edit, links)
Code: {{user Trident R|}}   (edit, links)
TridentAnchorSubsp_zpsnux6h7pi.png Ha! Bet you're taking these jaws seriously now, aren't ya? Aren't ya?
Code: {{user Trident Subsp|}}   (edit, links)
VenomSpider_zpsiwnzfzwh.png This user has a thing for poisonous spiders.
Code: {{user Venom Spider|}}   (edit, links)
ViciousSpider_zpsejm2ydct.png This spider should not be touched within close range.
Code: {{user Vicious Spider|}}   (edit, links)
Whitereturner_zpsnp7u2u0r.png This user is going to jilt someone on White Day...
Code: {{user White Returner|}}   (edit, links)
WitchBomber_zpszxsngnwv.png Bombs away! Eeheeheeheehee!
Code: {{user Witch Bomber|}}   (edit, links)

The Nobodies

Dancer_zps1tw3iwb6.png Everybody dance! This user thinks Dancers are love.
Code: {{user Dancer|}}   (edit, links)
UserAssassin.png This user is a paid Assassin.
Code: {{user Assassin|}}   (edit, links)
UserDusk.png The user you see before you is known as a Dusk.
Code: {{user Dusk|}}   (edit, links)
UserTwilightThorn.png This user will be a thorn in your side for all eternity!
Code: {{user Twilight Thorn|}}   (edit, links)
Gambler_zpsyu6xrvr7.png This user is a Gambler. Raise or Fold?
Code: {{user Gambler|}}   (edit, links)
UserSniper.png This user is a Sniper and has got you in his or her sights.
Code: {{user Sniper|}}   (edit, links)
Sorcerer_zpsylntasrz.png This user is an unstoppable Sorcerer. Dare you try to break his or her poise?
Code: {{user Sorcerer|}}   (edit, links)
Berserker_zpsxrvxi22f.png This user is a mighty Berserker and warns you to move aside!
Code: {{user Berserker|}}   (edit, links)
Dragoon_zpsbi69h5on.png This user is a powerful Dragoon. You would do well to learn from him or her.
Code: {{user Dragoon|}}   (edit, links)
UserSamurai.png This user is a noble Samurai, now draw your weapon.
Code: {{user Samurai|}}   (edit, links)
UserCreeper.png This user is a stealthy Creeper; can you predict his or her next move?
Code: {{user Creeper|}}   (edit, links)
Specter_zpsvpzbwuan.png This user is a ghastly Specter, graceful yet carrying a traitor on their back.
Code: {{user Specter|}}   (edit, links)

The Unversed

Flood2_zpsujvkjiqt.png This user is tiny and tenacious.
Code: {{user Flood|}}   (edit, links)
Scrapper2_zpssmkrc4yq.png This user only travels in straight lines.
Code: {{user Scrapper|}}   (edit, links)
Bruiser1_zpslv0ymi4t.png This user knows that size matters.
Code: {{user Bruiser|}}   (edit, links)
RedHotChili_zpszqvm2fch.png Don't expect this spice churl to hold still.
Code: {{user RedHotChili|}}   (edit, links)
Monotrucker2_zpsibekekjh.png This user knows how to pick a fight with pickaxes.
Code: {{user Monotrucker|}}   (edit, links)
Thornbite2_zpslzb1xrjg.png This user bears no roses... only thorns.
Code: {{user Thornbite|}}   (edit, links)
Shoegazer2_zpshzdixios.png This user only wants to hop around and defend! Leave this user alone!
Code: {{user Shoegazer|}}   (edit, links)
Spiderchest2_zps7rxk0uyg.png This user is going to EAT YOU!
Code: {{user Spiderchest|}}   (edit, links)
Archraven1_zpsh2aaectw.png This user will make off with your treasure... because they like to.
Code: {{user Archraven|}}   (edit, links)
Hareraiser1_zpshwcze3yn.png Cute? Nope. Meet the anti-cuddly.
Code: {{user Hareraiser|}}   (edit, links)
Jellyshade%20O_zpsy2dew4oo.png This user is fiery, but would rather stick with the group.
Code: {{user Jellyshade|}}   (edit, links)
VilePhial2_zpsctavwe06.png This user would gladly pump their comrades full of HP.
Code: {{user VilePhial|}}   (edit, links)
SonicBlaster2-1_zpsf7s1k5gg.png Currently acquiring coordinates...
Code: {{user SonicBlaster|}}   (edit, links)
WildBruiser1_zpsymxgqvum.png Where this user goes, a lot of monkey business will follow.
Code: {{user WildBruiser|}}   (edit, links)
BlueSeaSalt_zps5obynu9r.png Don't expect this chilly adversary to hold still.
Code: {{user BlueSeaSalt|}}   (edit, links)
YellowMustard_zpsuaecmykh.png Don't expect this crafty condiment to hold still.
Code: {{user YellowMustard|}}   (edit, links)
Mandrake1_zpsqmj3m1xb.png Get ready to be poisoned, confused, and generally messed around by this user.
Code: {{user Mandrake|}}   (edit, links)
ChronoTwister2_zpsazjyhzjs.png This user would rather hide in the sand in its hourglass.
Code: {{user ChronoTwister|}}   (edit, links)
Axeflapper_zpszagpnm7t.png This user gives out powerful wind blasts.
Code: {{user AxeFlapper|}}   (edit, links)
PrizePod1_zpsvnvs2gtt.png Do you call dibs on this user's deliciousness?
Code: {{user PrizePod|}}   (edit, links)
Blobmob2_zpsreeagbh4.png This user knows how to make duplicates of themself.
Code: {{user Blobmob|}}   (edit, links)
GlidewinderY_zpssbbrbzgm.png This user is an avid racer.
Code: {{user Glidewinder|}}   (edit, links)
Flamebox_zpsmeuconsz.png This user is gonna set the place on fire!
Code: {{user FlameBox|}}   (edit, links)
LoneRunner_zps26h6xiep.png Try and catch this user... if you can...
Code: {{user LoneRunner|}}   (edit, links)
Vitalityvial_zpsapmzr4xe.png This user is about to poison the room; can you keep up?
Code: {{user VitalityVial|}}   (edit, links)
Ringer_zpsb685axe1.png One by one, they materialize, until there's a horde of this user around...
Code: {{user Ringer|}}   (edit, links)
GluttonousGoo_zpsr4goodhg.png This user advises you to get your grubby hands away from their precious orbs.
Code: {{user GluttonousGoo|}}   (edit, links)
FloatingFlora_zpswyskz3c8.png This user wants you to watch that they don't fall.
Code: {{user FloatingFlora|}}   (edit, links)

Unversed Bosses

WheelMaster1_zpseyvr8oqx.png This user likes tearing up people's emotions with cruel timing.
Code: {{user Wheel Master|}}   (edit, links)
SymphonyMaster2_zpsgidcfl97.png Drum roll please!
Code: {{user Symphony Master|}}   (edit, links)
CursedCoach2_zpsngjtgazd.png Try to put the brakes on this user, now, would you?
Code: {{user Cursed Coach|}}   (edit, links)
SpiritMagMirror_zpsdcdmwq3i.png It takes coercion to make a powerful enemy.
Code: {{user Spirit Mag Mirror|}}   (edit, links)
TrinityArmor2_zpslqsaxjpe.png Taking out this big guy... it takes three.
Code: {{user Trinity Armor|}}   (edit, links)
Metamorphosis_zpsartxnlc7.png This user is a stowaway.
Code: {{user Metamorphosis|}}   (edit, links)
Mimicmaster_zpsbu0kwcey.png This user is a living photocopier.
Code: {{user Mimic Master|}}   (edit, links)
IronImpr2-1_zpsfwpzch6h.png This user wields a hammer of awesome.
Code: {{user Iron Imprisoner|}}   (edit, links)
zuD393l.png This user has taken on the Vanitas Remnant and won!
Code: {{user Vanitas Remnant|}}   (edit, links)

The Dream Eaters

The following userboxes have three variations
  • {{User ...|1}} for the Spirit Dream Eater
  • {{User ...|2}} for the Nightmare Dream Eater
  • {{User ...|3}} for the Rare Nightmare Dream Eater
GJDetEf.png This user is a doggish cat-thing.
Code: {{user Meow Wow|}}   (edit, links)
R4PPpD3.png This user has "mutton" to worry about.
Code: {{user Tama Sheep|}}   (edit, links)
krMqDfm.png Nobody rams like this user does.
Code: {{user Yoggy Ram|}}   (edit, links)
Ye5BKrP.png This user doesn't use magic, they hit you with magical awesome.
Code: {{user Necho Cat|}}   (edit, links)
RLlVVh3.png This user can outrun lightning.
Code: {{user Thunderaffe|}}   (edit, links)
4vFIzv2.png This user knows bun fu!
Code: {{user MeMeBunny|}}   (edit, links)
Code: {{user Aura Lion|}}   (edit, links)
The following userboxes have two variations
  • {{User ...|1}} for the Spirit Dream Eater
  • {{User ...|2}} for the Nightmare Dream Eater
igTYKXn.png This user is just vunderful.
Code: {{user Komory Bat|}}   (edit, links)
y54xjf0.png This user might turn red with rage.
Code: {{user Pricklemane|}}   (edit, links)
Sc8wCjs.png This user likes to burn rubber.
Code: {{user Hebby Repp|}}   (edit, links)
E2xlDzJ.png This user is armed with plants.
Code: {{user Sir Kyroo|}}   (edit, links)
Code: {{user Peepsta Hoo|}}   (edit, links)
pNXF5A3.png This user is skilled with a skillet.
Code: {{user Chef Kyroo|}}   (edit, links)
Code: {{user Lord Kyroo|}}   (edit, links)
The following userboxes have only one variation
UserMeowjesty.png This user is a fan of Meowjesty.
Code: {{user Meowjesty|}}   (edit, links)
jpexR3P.png This user could really use some vacation.
Code: {{user RR Seal|}}   (edit, links)

Dream Eater Bosses

WOlekDC.png This user makes life generally less pleasant.
Code: {{user Spellican|}}   (edit, links)
Code: {{user Commantis|}}   (edit, links)
HoleyMoley_zps3jeccvq7.png Mole?... Mole. Mole. MOLEH MOLEH MOLEH MOLEH!
Code: {{user Holey Moley|}}   (edit, links)
WargoyleRiku_zpsyycesg6m.png This user is no demon. They are righteous judgement!
Code: {{user Wargoyle|}}   (edit, links)
BrawlamariSideRiku_zpspx8vdely.png This user is having Brawlamari for dinner tonight!
Code: {{user Brawlamari|}}   (edit, links)
MJJAfPq.png This user's identity remains a secret.
Code: {{user AntiBlackCoat|}}   (edit, links)
lQ9srJf.png This user tried to help a friend, but only made it worse.
Code: {{user AVN|}}   (edit, links)