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Actions involve magic, Limit Breaks and summons which are done by player characters. They can also cover magic done by enemies, if the spells are common between players and enemies (e.g. Fire, Blizzard, Thunder, Stop).

More advanced spells, such as Firaga Burst, Transcendence, Glacier and Mega Flare, will be included in the userboxes for their respective base spells (in this example, Fire, Magnet/Zero Gravity, Ice and Fire again).

GtzQly5.png Fire!
Code: {{user Fire}}   (edit, links)
Variations: 4
PHXilVT.png Fire!
Code: {{user Fire|1}}
YuSXoMW.png Fire!
Code: {{user Fire|2}}
q2y2xg2.png While hovering about, they attack by casting Fire.
Code: {{user Fire|3}}
GtzQly5.png Fire!
Code: {{user Fire|4}}
Code: {{user Blizzard}}   (edit, links)
Variations: 3
Code: {{user Blizzard|1}}
Code: {{user Blizzard|2}}
Code: {{user Blizzard|3}}
Code: {{user Thunder}}   (edit, links)
Variations: 2
Code: {{user Thunder|1}}
Code: {{user Thunder|2}}
Code: {{user Cure}}   (edit, links)
Variations: 4
Code: {{user Cure|1}}
xom9q2C.png Heal!
Code: {{user Cure|2}}
Code: {{user Cure|3}}
PtSSaJb.png Heal!
Code: {{user Cure|4}}
kpwl88M.png Wind!
Code: {{user Aero}}   (edit, links)
Variations: 3
Code: {{user Aero|1}}
kpwl88M.png Wind!
Code: {{user Aero|2}}
jWF4CuL.png Wind!
Code: {{user Aero|3}}
Code: {{user Gravity}}   (edit, links)
Code: {{user Magnet}}   (edit, links)
Variations: 2
Code: {{user Magnet|1}}
Code: {{user Magnet|2}}
Code: {{user Reflect}}   (edit, links)
Code: {{user ZeroGravity}}   (edit, links)
HrLYwJ4.png Stop!
Code: {{user Stop}}   (edit, links)
Code: {{user Light}}   (edit, links)
Variations: 2
Code: {{user Light|1}}
Code: {{user Light|2}}
Code: {{user Earth}}   (edit, links)
Variations: 3
Code: {{user Earth|1}}
Code: {{user Earth|2}}
Code: {{user Earth|3}}
Code: {{user Limit Beast}}   (edit, links)
Code: {{user Limit Mulan}}   (edit, links)
Variations: 2
Code: {{user Limit Mulan|1}}
Code: {{user Limit Mulan|2}}
Code: {{user Limit Simba}}   (edit, links)
Code: {{user Assist Ariel}}   (edit, links)
Code: {{user Shotlock}}   (edit, links)
Variations: 4
Code: {{user Shotlock|1}}
QOqWrLr.png Go!
Code: {{user Shotlock|2}}
Code: {{user Shotlock|3}}
Code: {{user Shotlock|4}}