Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix
Kingdom Hearts III
Kingdom Hearts III Re Mind

Absolute Zero (ability)

This article is about the ability.
You may be looking for the shield.

Absolute Zero
(アブソリュートゼロ Abusoryūto Zero?)

Aqua using Absolute Zero in Olympus Coliseum.

Cloak yourself in ice and rush targets repeatedly.
LV CP Required Attack No. of Hits Power Additonal input time
LV1 Absolute Zero 1~12 1.0 None
Additional input 2 1.5
Icicles 3 1.5
LV2 500 Absolute Zero 1~12 1.0 2 sec
Additional input 2 1.5
Icicles 3 1.5
LV3 550 Absolute Zero 1~12 1.0 2.5 sec
Additional input 2 1.5
Icicles 3 1.5
LV4 600 Absolute Zero 1~12 1.0 3 sec
Additional input 2 1.5
Icicles 3 1.5
Element Status Effect Reload Speed Command Gauge
Blizzard +0

Absolute Zero is a technique that appears in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep and Kingdom Hearts III. It allows the user to summon icicles from the ground that send foes flying.


In Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, Absolute Zero is a Shotlock that has a maximum level of 4 and max lock of 12. After the initial attack, the player can perform extra attacks by pressing  ,  ,  , or   when prompted to dive down on foes, causing pillars of ice to erupt beneath you.

In Kingdom Hearts III, Absolute Zero is an action ability exclusive to the Blizzard Blades Formchange. It is the Formchange's second and final ground combo finisher and deals Blizzard damage. It has a 100% chance to freeze enemies hit by the kick for five seconds.

Learning Absolute ZeroEdit

Kingdom Hearts Birth by SleepEdit

Kingdom Hearts IIIEdit

Other apperancesEdit

Kingdom Hearts II Final MixEdit

  • Vexen's Absent Silhouette uses a version of Absolute Zero that has him summon a blizzard that turns the screen white, trapping the enemy in ice for 4 seconds.