
Blizzard element table

Ability Type Description
Blizzard Edge Attack Command Wrap your Keyblade in ice, then bash foes with a powerful jumping attack.
Ice Dash Attack Command Wrap yourself in ice, then hit faraway enemies with a sliding attack.
Blizzard Blast Attack Command Wrap yourself in ice, then punish surrounding foes with a spinning attack.
Blizzard Buster Attack Command Wrap your Keyblade in ice, then lay into enemies with a powerful charging attack.
Blizzard Slam Attack Command Wrap your Keyblade in ice, then smack foes over the head.
Ice Dive Attack Command Wrap yourself in ice, then dive at enemies with the Keyblade.
Blizzard Raid Attack Command Wrap your Keyblade in ice, then hurl it toward enemies.
Ice Sweep Attack Command Wrap yourself in ice, then crack down on surrounding foes with a jumping spin attack.
Ice Storm Attack Command Wrap yourself in ice, then deal multiple hits with a somersault attack.
Blizzard Magic Command Launch a chunk of ice right at enemies. It can pass through multiple targets.
Blizzara Magic Command Launch a chunk of ice right at enemies. It can pass through multiple targets.
Blizzaga Magic Command Launch a chunk of ice right at enemies. It can pass through multiple targets.
Triple Blizzaga Magic Command Launch three consecutive chunks of ice right at enemies. They can pass through multiple targets.
Blizzaga Pursuit Magic Command Launch a chunk of ice that changes direction, hunting down and passing through multiple targets.
Triple Pursuit Magic Command Launch a series of ice chunks that change directions, hunting down and passing through multiple targets.
Icicle Mine Magic Command Place an ice crystal in the middle of the air. It will explode if an enemy approaches.
Blizzard Dart Overlay Command
Blizzard Arrow Overlay Command
D-Blizzara Finish Command Encase yourself in ice and bowl over foes. Adjust your trajectory by holding   and using up and down in the D-Pad.
D-Blizzaga Finish Command Encase yourself in ice and bowl over foes. Adjust your trajectory quickly by holding   and using the D-Pad.
Blizzard Counter Clock Ability Potentially freeze enemies by blocking their attack.
Attach Blizzard Clock Ability Potentially freeze enemies when you attack.
Blizzard +1 Stat Chip Increases the power of your Blizzard attacks by 1%.
Blizzard +2 Stat Chip Increases the power of your Blizzard attacks by 2%.
Blizzard +3 Stat Chip Increases the power of your Blizzard attacks by 3%.
Blizzard +4 Stat Chip Increases the power of your Blizzard attacks by 4%.
Blizzard Resistance +1 Stat Chip Reduces the damage you take from Blizzard attacks by 1%.
Blizzard Resistance +2 Stat Chip Reduces the damage you take from Blizzard attacks by 2%.
Blizzard Resistance +3 Stat Chip Reduces the damage you take from Blizzard attacks by 3%.
Blizzard Resistance +4 Stat Chip Reduces the damage you take from Blizzard attacks by 4%.

Thunder element table

Ability Type Description
Thunder Edge Attack Command Wrap your Keyblade in lightning, then bash foes with a powerful jumping attack.
Spark Dash Attack Command Wrap yourself in lightning, then hit faraway enemies with a sliding attack.
Thunder Blast Attack Command Wrap yourself in lightning, then punish surrounding foes with a spinning attack.
Thunder Buster Attack Command Wrap your Keyblade in lightning, then lay into enemies with a powerful charging attack.
Thunder Slam Attack Command Wrap your Keyblade in lightning, then smack foes over the head.
Spark Dive Attack Command Wrap yourself in lightning, then dive at enemies with the Keyblade.
Thunder Raid Attack Command Wrap your Keyblade in lightning, then hurl it toward enemies.
Spark Sweep Attack Command Wrap yourself in lightning, then crack down on surrounding foes with a jumping spin attack.
Spark Storm Attack Command Wrap yourself in lightning, then deal multiple hits with a somersault attack.
Thunder Magic Command Hit the surrounding area with multiple lightning bolts.
Thundara Magic Command Hit the surrounding area with multiple lightning bolts.
Thundaga Magic Command Hit the surrounding area with multiple lightning bolts.
Thunder Tracer Magic Command Unleash a wave of lightning bolts that swiftly home in on enemies and deal continual damage.
Pulse Tracer Magic Command Unleash a wave of lightning bolts that slowly home in on enemies and deal continual damage.
Exo Spark Magic Command Discharge a torrent of electricity that deals continual damage to surrounding foes.
Thunder Spear Overlay Command
Thunder Rain Overlay Command
D-Thundara Finish Command Use the D-Pad to take aim, then press   to drop lightning on foes. Hold   to intensify the lightning.
D-Thundaga Finish Command Use the D-Pad to quickly take aim, then press   to drop lightning on foes. Hold   to intensify the lightning.
Thunder Counter Clock Ability Potentially jolt enemies by blocking their attack.
Attach Thunder Clock Ability Potentially jolt enemies when you Attack.
Thunder +1 Stat Chip Increases the power of your Thunder attacks by 1%.
Thunder +2 Stat Chip Increases the power of your Thunder attacks by 2%.
Thunder +3 Stat Chip Increases the power of your Thunder attacks by 3%.
Thunder +4 Stat Chip Increases the power of your Thunder attacks by 4%.
Thunder Resistance +1 Stat Chip Reduces the damage you take from Thunder attacks by 1%.
Thunder Resistance +2 Stat Chip Reduces the damage you take from Thunder attacks by 2%.
Thunder Resistance +3 Stat Chip Reduces the damage you take from Thunder attacks by 3%.
Thunder Resistance +4 Stat Chip Reduces the damage you take from Thunder attacks by 4%.

Aero element table

Ability Type Description
Aerp Edge Attack Command Wrap your Keyblade in wind, then bash foes with a powerful jumping attack.
Wind Dash Attack Command Wrap yourself in wind, then hit faraway enemies with a sliding attack.
Aero Blast Attack Command Wrap yourself in wind, then punish surrounding foes with a spinning attack.
Aero Buster Attack Command Wrap your Keyblade in wind, then lay into enemies with a powerful charging attack.
Aero Slam Attack Command Wrap your Keyblade in wind, then smack foes over the head.
Wind Dive Attack Command Wrap yourself in wind, then dive at enemies with the Keyblade.
Aero Raid Attack Command Wrap your Keyblade in wind, then hurl it toward enemies.
Wind Sweep Attack Command Wrap yourself in wind, then crack down on surrounding foes with a jumping spin attack.
Wind Storm Attack Command Wrap yourself in wind, then deal multiple hits with a somersault attack.
Aero Magic Command Shoot a gust of wind that lifts enemies that lifts them into the air.
Aerora Magic Command Shoot a gust of wind that lifts enemies that lifts them into the air.
Aeroga Magic Command Shoot a gust of wind that lifts enemies that lifts them into the air.
Tornado Tracer Magic Command Shoot a gust of wind that homes in on enemies and keeps them airborne.
Wind Tracer Magic Command Shoot a gust of wind that homes in on enemies and deals continual damage.
Cyclone Magic Command Call upon the wind to pull surrounding enemies in, then fling them high into the air.
Aero Shield Overlay Command
Wind Spin Overlay Command
Aero Counter Clock Ability Potentially air-toss enemies by blocking their attack.
Attach Aero Clock Ability Potentially air-toss enemies when you Attack.
Aero +1 Stat Chip Increases the power of your Aero attacks by 1%.
Aero +2 Stat Chip Increases the power of your Aero attacks by 2%.
Aero +3 Stat Chip Increases the power of your Aero attacks by 3%.
Aero +4 Stat Chip Increases the power of your Aero attacks by 4%.
Aero Resistance +1 Stat Chip Reduces the damage you take from Aero attacks by 1%.
Aero Resistance +2 Stat Chip Reduces the damage you take from Aero attacks by 2%.
Aero Resistance +3 Stat Chip Reduces the damage you take from Aero attacks by 3%.
Aero Resistance +4 Stat Chip Reduces the damage you take from Aero attacks by 4%.

Accessory and armor-Thunder

Kingdom Hearts

Name Fire Resistance
Thunder Ring +20%
Thundara Ring +20%
Thundaga Ring +20%
Element Ring +20%
Three Stars +20%
Holy Circlet +20%
Ribbon +20%

Kingdom Hearts Final Mix

Name Fire Resistance
Thundagun Wrist +20%
Ramuh Belt +40%
Royal Crown +20%

Kingdom Hearts II

Name Fire Resistance
Thunder Trinket +20%
Thundara Trinket +20%
Thundaga Trinket +20%
Thundagun Trinket +25%
Abas Chain +20%
Aegis Chain +20%
Acrisius +20%
Acrisius+ +20%
Cosmic Chain +30%
Champion Belt +20%
Petit Ribbon +10%
Ribbon +20%
+15%[KH II FM]

Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix

Name Fire Resistance
Highest Ribbon +25%

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days

Hades Paradox Cup Table

Hades Paradox Cup Enemies




Walkthrough stuff




World Type Mission Type Objective Intel Clear Bonuses Random Bonuses Other Bonuses Treasure Chests Partner Enemies Items Dropped by Enemies
World Type Mission Type Objective Intel Clear Bonuses Random Bonuses Other Bonuses Treasure Chests Partner Enemies Items Dropped by Enemies
Mission 10
World Type Mission Type Objective Intel Clear Bonuses Random Bonuses Other Bonuses Treasure Chests Partner Enemies Items Dropped by Enemies
World Type Mission Type Objective Intel Clear Bonuses Random Bonuses Other Bonuses Treasure Chests Partner Enemies Items Dropped by Enemies
Mission 53
World Type Mission Type Objective Intel Clear Bonuses Random Bonuses Other Bonuses Treasure Chests Partner Enemies Items Dropped by Enemies
World Type Mission Type Objective Intel Clear Bonuses Random Bonuses Other Bonuses Treasure Chests Partner Enemies Items Dropped by Enemies
World Type Mission Type Objective Intel Clear Bonuses Random Bonuses Other Bonuses Treasure Chests Partner Enemies Items Dropped by Enemies
World Type Mission Type Objective Intel Clear Bonuses Random Bonuses Other Bonuses Treasure Chests Partner Enemies Items Dropped by Enemies



Roxas's Diary

You get another entry for Roxas's Diary, Day : .


  • Talk to
  • Talk to


  • You can now buy:
  • You can now synthesize:


New World: [[]]

  • new missions
  • new task mission

are optional, while are story-related.

Recommended Order:

World Type Mission Type Objective Intel Awards Additional Awards Treasure Chests Partner Enemies

Old stuff


Nothing is true   Everything is permitted

Talk Bubble

The World Ends With You — Outta my face!

And this is where this all goes to hell.


IRC Archive

Crono owns the world

[14:10] == SilvaKrono [~ENUO@c-68-51-128-115.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #wikia-kingdomhearts
[14:10] <OathkeeperKH> Oh gawd.....
[14:10] <Randomnessity> Noooooooooooo.
[14:10] <the17m|studdeh> CRONO
[14:10] <SilvaKrono> D:
[14:10] <KKD> To me, all the others water down what FPS is all about.
[14:10] <the17m|studdeh> DID YOU DESTROY CHUCK
[14:10] <SilvaKrono> Yes, I did.
[14:11] <the17m|studdeh> IMPOSSIBLEEEEEE
[14:11] <SilvaKrono> I used my extreme god powers to destroy his very essence.
[14:11] <SilvaKrono> Besides memories, Chuck Norris now never existed.
[14:11] <NumberXVMoogle> A blind man once stepped on Chuck Norris' shoe. Chuck replied, "Don't you know who I am? I'm    Chuck Norris!" The mere mention of his name cured this man blindness. Sadly the first, last, and only thing this man  ever saw, was a fatal roundhouse delivered by Chuck Norris.
[14:11] <SilvaKrono> No.
[14:11] <SilvaKrono> Judgement day is nothing.
[14:11] <SilvaKrono> Apocalypse can only be caused by my willing.
[14:11] <SilvaKrono> But... why should I?
[14:11] <the17m|studdeh> O.O
[14:11] <OathkeeperKH> ._.
[14:12] <SilvaKrono> What good will annihilating humanity give me?
[14:12] <the17m|studdeh> orz
[14:12] <SilvaKrono> What if it's.. not satisfying?
[14:12] <SilvaKrono> After all, why should the aged bird spread it's wings?
[14:12] <the17m|studdeh> ....don't tell me you're willing to destroy the world for teh lulz?
[14:12] <SilvaKrono> ...I repent. Your mortal minds cannot imagine the true depth of my despair.
[14:13] <SilvaKrono> In your mortal, weak eyes, yes, that's exactly what I'm saying.
[14:13] <SilvaKrono> In equal ignorance, my answer is "what if it's not enough lulz"?
[14:13] <OathkeeperKH> ._.
[14:13] <the17m|studdeh> ._.
[14:13] <the17m|studdeh> O_O
[14:13] <the17m|studdeh> OKH SEND HIM BACK TO HELL
[14:13] <SilvaKrono> Then I will be left with one less planet full of pawns with which I can toy with.
[14:13] <Randomnessity> Is he saying something?
[14:13] <the17m|studdeh> DO ET
[14:13] <Randomnessity> I'm not reading.
[14:13] <KKD> GoldenEye=Win
[14:13] <OathkeeperKH> I would, but god wasn't let me
[14:13] <SilvaKrono> An eternally powerful being is not as chocked up as it sounds.
[14:13] <OathkeeperKH> *won't
[14:14] <the17m|studdeh> ._.
[14:14] <OathkeeperKH> Like what the hell...
[14:14] <the17m|studdeh> REPENT!!!! REPENT FOR THY SINS!!!
[14:14] <SilvaKrono> With the strongest and best abilities in the universe, there is nobody to antagonize me.
[14:14] <SilvaKrono> And no antagonation brings about boredom.
[14:14] <the17m|studdeh> There is someone...
[14:14] <SilvaKrono> Endless boredom with which there is no cure.
[14:14] <SilvaKrono> So I keep you mortals here to entertain me.
[14:14] <Randomnessity> Are you trying to be interesting?
[14:14] <Randomnessity> Curious.
[14:14] <SilvaKrono> Your endless quarrels and foolish hopes and dreams are amusing to me.
[14:15] <SilvaKrono> ...But one irks me.
[14:15] <SilvaKrono> We were once friends, comrades...
[14:15] <Hexedmagica> huh?
[14:15] <OathkeeperKH> ._. Oh gawd......
[14:15] <Randomnessity> HEXEDY!
[14:15] <Hexedmagica> ohayo... dajikio
[14:15] <the17m|studdeh> ..... Jesus Christ....
[14:15] <OathkeeperKH> Is alive
[14:15] <Hexedmagica> ko*
[14:15] <SilvaKrono> But now, for some reason, he tries to bring about my destruction.
[14:15] <SilvaKrono> He irritates me.
[14:15] <Randomnessity> Who's this now?
[14:15] <SilvaKrono> Thus, my recent pondering of Man's death.
[14:16] <SilvaKrono> But... I falter.
[14:16]  * the17m|studdeh unleashed Kratos to destroy Crono
[14:16] <SilvaKrono> Your human ways must have rubbed off on me.
[14:16] <OathkeeperKH> Crono say who the fuck it is already
[14:16] <NumberXVMoogle> Adola, OathkeeperKH said a curse word.  The incident has been logged, and will be reported.
[14:16] <OathkeeperKH> Geez.....
[14:16]  * SilvaKrono destroys Kratos by spontaneously destroying all of his atoms
[14:16] <the17m|studdeh> !beat3
[14:16] <NumberXVMoogle> *punched across the face* MEEOOORW- *punched again* ROOOWL..... *drops to the ground* Murr... *dragged to a swimming pool* R-Rowl...? *held under the water* MBUBUBBROWBUBblubbubbrowl.....
[14:16] <SilvaKrono> Your petty impatience is unneeded.
[14:16] <the17m|studdeh> NOOOO THE GOD-KILLING BALD MAN
[14:16] <SilvaKrono> Calm yourself, female.
[14:17] <the17m|studdeh> ._.
[14:17] <OathkeeperKH> ._.
[14:17] <the17m|studdeh> how about this...
[14:17] <OathkeeperKH> I'm done with this....
[14:17] <SilvaKrono> But fine, since you beg so much.
[14:17] == OathkeeperKH [4420a231@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has left #wikia-kingdomhearts []
[14:17]  * the17m|studdeh releases Enuo from his seal
[14:17] <Randomnessity> Crono, have fun copying my speech pattern.
[14:17] == Randomnessity [d07bf059@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has left #wikia-kingdomhearts []
[14:17] <SilvaKrono> The human named Randomnessity is the one who irks me.
[14:17] <SilvaKrono> Hah! He has left.
[14:17] <SilvaKrono> My problems are forever solved.
[14:17] <SilvaKrono> ah, you poor fool.
[14:17] <the17m|studdeh> ......fail
[14:17] <SilvaKrono> Have you not seen through my delusion yet?
[14:17] <SilvaKrono> I am Enuo.
[14:17] <the17m|studdeh> wh... what delusion?
[14:17] <the17m|studdeh> ...
[14:18] <the17m|studdeh> O_O
[14:18] <SilvaKrono> I have been warning you foolish mortals in my human vessel.
[14:18] <SilvaKrono> Prophesizing Enuo's coming.
[14:18] <SilvaKrono> My coming.
[14:18] <SilvaKrono> But you refused to listen.
[14:18] <the17m|studdeh> then who the hell did I release just now?
[14:18] <SilvaKrono> Your people chocked me as crazy.
[14:18] <SilvaKrono> Hah... you did nothing.
[14:18] <SilvaKrono> I, who created you!
[14:18] <SilvaKrono> I, who created everything you know and enjoy!
[14:18] <the17m|studdeh> You didn't create me. My mom and dad did.
[14:18] <SilvaKrono> And yet the Humans disregarded me.
[14:19] <SilvaKrono> Ah, but I created your mother and father! and their ancestors!
[14:19] <the17m|studdeh> No, my source of joy is stuff created by teh Japanese
[14:19] <the17m|studdeh> LIEZ
[14:19] <SilvaKrono> Which was created by me.
[14:19] <the17m|studdeh> LIEZ. ALL LIEZ
[14:19] <SilvaKrono> Foolish mortal! You dare question my tellings?!
[14:19]  * the17m|studdeh covers ears
[14:19] <SilvaKrono> Have I not just showed you my power!
[14:19] <the17m|studdeh> I'M NOT LISTENING, YOU TELL BULLSH*T
[14:19]  * SilvaKrono destroys 17's arms
[14:19] <the17m|studdeh> GAAAAH
[14:20] <the17m|studdeh> NO I WON'T
[14:20] <SilvaKrono> I have just destroyed Kratos, your warrior!
[14:20] <SilvaKrono> And I have maimed you!
[14:20] <SilvaKrono> Do you not see your mere point in the matter?
14:20] <the17m|studdeh> I can still fight!
[14:20] <SilvaKrono> You matter not!
[14:20]  * the17m|studdeh summons Barney to gay Crono up
[14:20] <SilvaKrono> Raise arms against me and die.
[14:20]  * SilvaKrono disintegrates Barney
[14:21] <the17m|studdeh> .... I don't have any arms. you destroyed them, remember?
[14:21] <SilvaKrono> ...
[14:21] <the17m|studdeh> MWAHAHAHA
[14:21] <SilvaKrono> Your mortal attempt at humor irritates me.
[14:21]  * SilvaKrono disintegrates 17's legs
[14:21] <the17m|studdeh> gah
[14:21] <the17m|studdeh> GAAAAH
[14:21] <SilvaKrono> Don't you see? I am letting you life.
[14:21] <SilvaKrono> So you can feel intense pain.
[14:21]  * the17m|studdeh summons Gangster Bahamut
[14:21] == KKD [~Darkside@S010600222dda033f.gv.shawcable.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds]
[14:21] <SilvaKrono> And see the wrongs of your actions.
[14:21]  * SilvaKrono destroys Gangster Bahamut
[14:22] <the17m|studdeh> nuuuuu
[14:22] <SilvaKrono> THAT'S IT!
[14:22]  * the17m|studdeh does a barrel roll
[14:22] <the17m|studdeh> ROLL. ROLL FOR YOUR LIVEEEE
[14:22] <the17m|studdeh> *life
[14:22] <SilvaKrono>  TIME FOR YOUR KIND TO DIE.
[14:22] <SilvaKrono> YOU HAVE AMUSED ME ENOUGH.
[14:22] <SilvaKrono> AND NOW IT IS YOUR TIME TO DIE.
[14:23] <SilvaKrono> SAY GOODBYE, MORTAL. 
[14:23]  * the17m|studdeh is still rolling
[14:23] <the17m|studdeh> MY BODY MAY PERISH BUT MY HEART WILL NEVER DIE!!!
[14:23]  * SilvaKrono disintegrates the entire universe and existence. Also, 17's heart
[14:23] <SilvaKrono> All is silent.
[14:23] <the17m|studdeh> ..
[14:23] <SilvaKrono> All is right.
[14:23] <SilvaKrono> And now...
[14:23] <SilvaKrono> I slumber.
[14:23] == SilvaKrono [~ENUO@c-68-51-128-115.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has left #wikia-kingdomhearts ["Crono out."]

Battle for rights, freedom, honor...and nonsense

[21:57]	* Organization13	hits HKH with guitar
[21:57]	<Organization13>	Sorry , just wanted to try it :)
[21:57]	<Sove>	These stupid Disney Town minigames are so stupid
[21:57]	* the17master	appears out of nowhere and hits Org with a drum
[21:58]	<the17master>	HAHAHAHAHA
[21:58]	* Organization13	is wearing drum shield, so drum bounces of org13 and hits 17
[21:58]	<Sove>	And now I'm bored ._.
[21:58]	* the17master	is hit, and his forehead is bleeding
[21:59]	<the17master>	;-;
[21:59]	<Organization13>	Do you give up 17?
[21:59]	<the17master>	Umm....NO
[21:59]	* Organization13	decapatates 17
[21:59]	* the17master	takes a gun out of his pocket an-
[21:59]	<Organization13>	>:(
[21:59]	* the17master	's head is decapitated
[22:00]	<Organization13>	*>:)
[22:00]	<Organization13>	I'm 3.5 steps ahead of you 17.
[22:00]	* Organization13	Org burns 17s body.
[22:00]	* LightMouse	Try use Curaga in 17m
[22:00]	[ERROR]	The command “me's” is not known to the server.
[22:00]	* the17master	's body strangles Org
[22:00]	<Sove>	Curaga is not working on the dead
[22:00]	<Sove>	:/
[22:00]	* Organization13
[22:00]	* the17master	's body burns together with Org's
[22:01]	<LightMouse>	Bad,for this I try
[22:01]	* Organization13	uses curaga on himself before he dies but 17 perishes
[22:01]	* LightMouse	trow water in org13 and 17m and the two falls
[22:01]	<the17master>	HAH! LM saved meh!
[22:02]	* the17master	shoots Org with a gun
[22:02]	* Sove	decapitates Org like Armstrong was jurdered
[22:02]	* Organization13	transforms into hawk and picks up 17
[22:02]	<Sove>	murdered*
[22:02]	<the17master>	.......................wut?!
[22:02]	<Organization13>	Uh.... Nobody Hawk?
[22:02]	<the17master>	Where are you taking my body?!
[22:03]	<Organization13>	I'm just recpaing what happened there...
[22:03]	<Sove>	Nobodys home and I'm bored ._.
[22:03]	<Organization13>	17, I had bullet proof vest for when you shot me
[22:03]	* LightMouse	catch your keyblade(Oblion) and attacks org13 and 17m
[22:04]	<Organization13>	Sove, I grow another head
[22:04]	<Sove>	._.
[22:04]	<the17master>	Sove: ...Nobody's home eh? wtach out, they might take your heart
[22:04]	<Sove>	I mean, I'm alone here
[22:04]	<the17master>	oyea? the gun was a magnum!
[22:04]	* Organization13	catches oblivion with other claw and uses it to stab 17s dead burnt body
[22:05]	* the17master	regenerates using the power of darkness and summons World of Chaos
[22:05]	* Organization13	is shot starts to plummit into the sea with 17
[22:05]	* the17master	gives off a vilanous laugh
[22:06]	<the17master>	The WORLD OF CHAOS uses DARKGA on Organization13! It is super effective!
[22:06]	<Organization13>	17master and org13 drown and are destroyed by WoC
[22:06]	* LightMouse	Remember,the keyblade is myyyyy,and use the power to catch it
[22:06]	<Organization13>	LM, I caught it and stabbed 17 remember?
[22:07]	<the17master>	oh right, this
[22:07]	* the17master	removes the Oblivion form his body
[22:07]	<LightMouse>	How,you aren't a keyblade master
[22:07]	* Organization13	plucks it out of 17s han before he does anything with Keyblade
[22:07]	* the17master	stabs Org with Chaos Ripper
[22:08]	<Organization13>	I'm hawk, roxas, xion thing
[22:08]	<Sove>	:O
[22:08]	<Organization13>	X_X
[22:08]	=-=	Organization13 is now known as Org13|Dead
[22:08]	* LightMouse	Catch the keyblade and attacks 17m and org13's body
[22:08]	* the17master	loses a lot of blood
[22:08]	* Org13|Dead	has bomb in chest and will blow up in- *Boom*
[22:09]	<Org13|Dead>	X\_/X
[22:09]	* the17master	dies as LM deals the final blow
[22:09]	<Sove>	;-;
[22:09]	=-=	YOU are now known as teh17m|Ded

Bedtime story

[20:28] <Pea14733> It's funny how a boy could defeat an adult.
[20:28] <The17master> With an oversized key
[20:28] <The17master> And the adult rides on a big-ass battleship of darkness
[20:29] <Pea14733> ^
[20:30] <The17master> On KHII, the boy beats another adult that wields the power of nothingness while riding on a huge-ass awesome mechanical dragon with yet, an oversized key
[20:30] <Pea14733> >.>
[20:31] <Pea14733> And on side-stories, there're many conflict between the children.
[20:31] <The17master> As cliche as it is, the game still kicks major butt
[20:32] <Pea14733> With, yet again, about the overaized key.
[20:32] <The17master> Yeah, like the boy's emo "empty shell"
[20:32] <Pea14733> *oversized
[20:32] <The17master> Yep.
[20:32] <Pea14733> lol
[20:32] <Pea14733> H is just about those things.
[20:32] <Pea14733> *KH
[20:33] <The17master> To put it simply: "The story about a boy who saves the world... with an oversized key."
[20:33] <Pea14733> ^
[20:33] <Pea14733> He had a conflict between his own body and heart.
[20:34] <The17master> He was turned into an oversized ant and made an emo version of himself
[20:39] <Pea14733> He also made a witch, who can mess others memories.
[20:41] <The17master> And had another boy's heart in him.
[20:41] <The17master> And created an evil version of himself because of that.
[20:44] <Pea14733> His friend stalked him. 
[20:45] <Pea14733> And got possessed by an adult.
[20:47] <The17master> After his friend got off of the adult's control, he went emo
[20:48] <The17master> But then used the power of Darkness for serving the Light
[20:49] <Pea14733> He went into his darkness just to do things that he didn't have to do.
[20:50] <Pea14733> However, he did it because another avenging adult made him to.
[20:50] <The17master> And he wanted to wake his friend from a deep slumber
[20:51] <The17master> On the other side of the story, a girl who is supposedly the boy's best friend and love interest, forgot all  about the boy 
[20:51] <The17master> And yet she remembers the emo boy
[20:53] <Pea14733> Suddenly, she heard the boy's emo version and then remembered the boy's name.
[20:54] <The17master> The boy soon wakes up inside a pod, in a mysterious mansion, on an unknown town
[20:55] <The17master> Along with his two companions, a dog and a duck, they went to a strange tower by the order of their king, a  mouse
[20:55] <Pea14733> He thought he was raped
[20:56] <The17master> XD
[20:56] <Pea14733> XD
[20:57] <Pea14733> At the strange tower, he knew about a human's shell problem.
[20:57] <The17master> And then 3 fat fairies changed his clothes with magic
[20:58] <The17master> and gave him an orb that allows him to wield TWO oversized keys
[20:58] <Pea14733> He also gained a power to change the color of his cloth.
[20:59] <Pea14733> So he wouldn't trouble the fairies again.
[20:59] <The17master>  Which would've made textile business much easier
[20:59] <The17master> XD
[20:59] <Pea14733> XDD
[20:59] <The17master> Then he took off with his friends with a spaceship made of blocks
[21:00] <The17master> Just like Lego, but not Lego
[21:00] <Pea14733> XD
[21:00] <The17master> XD
[21:00] <Pea14733> Then he fight oversized ants around the realm.
[21:00] <Pea14733> *fought
[21:01] <The17master> While making friends with dragon, lions, chinese people, mermaids, and pirates
[21:01] <The17master> And a prince which was turned into a savage beast
[21:01] <Pea14733> XD
[21:01] == Sora1995 [~Sora1995@24-171-2-5.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
[21:01] <The17master> XD
[21:02] <Pea14733> He also befriended a computer program.
[21:03] <The17master> Which doesn't know how to dance but did it eventually
[21:04] <The17master> Then he went back to the unknown town to meet his new friends in which they parted through a teary, emotional  moment... even though they left for like, a few hours
[21:05] == ErryK|Android [~ErryK@] has joined #KHWiki-social
[21:05] <The17master> Hi Erry!
[21:05] <Pea14733> He found a game-like computer and tried to activate it.
[21:06] <ErryK|Android> Hi guys, finally back in Qatar.
[21:06] <Pea14733> Hi Erry :DD
[21:06] <The17master> Congrats!
[21:06] <The17master> And the game tried to kill him
[21:06] <The17master> Without him knowing it
[21:07] <The17master> Then he obviously luckily survives the game
[21:08] <Pea14733> (What? You didn't mean Twilight Town?)
[21:08] <The17master> (I did)
[21:10] <Pea14733> lol We talked about KH really long.
[21:10] <The17master> And making fun of it at the same time XD