Kingdom Hearts (game)
Kingdom Hearts Final Mix
Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories
Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories
Kingdom Hearts II
Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
Kingdom Hearts coded
Kingdom Hearts Re:coded
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix
Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance
Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance HD
Kingdom Hearts χ
Kingdom Hearts Union χ
Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep -A fragmentary passage-
Kingdom Hearts III

Mickey Mouse

Revision as of 12:14, 1 October 2019 by (talk) (not necessary to mention and don't use piped-links)
King Mickey Mouse

File:Mickey Mouse 01 KHIII.png

Japanese ミッキーマウス
Rōmaji Mikkī Mausu
Other names The King (王様 Ō-sama?)
Voice actors (Ja:) Takashi Aoyagi
(En:) Wayne Allwine
(KH through KHD)

Bret Iwan
(BBS onward)

Homeworld Disney Castle
Mysterious Tower
Timeless River
Origin Steamboat Willie
Games Kingdom Hearts
Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories
Kingdom Hearts II
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep
Kingdom Hearts coded
Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance
Kingdom Hearts χ
Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep -A fragmentary passage-
Kingdom Hearts III
King Mickey Mouse

Kingdom Hearts
King of Disney Castle. He set out to learn more about the darkness, and left instructions for Donald and Goofy to find and follow the key bearer. No one knows where King Mickey is now, but they are determined to find him.

He made his debut in "Steamboat Willie" (1928).
Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories
The king who reigns over Disney Castle.

He set off alone to protect his world and all worlds from the dominion of the dark.

When Riku fell into the realm of darkness, the king showed him the way, but the two were separated when the door to darkness was closed.
Kingdom Hearts II
First entry
Steamboat Willie (1928)

The king of Disney Castle. It's been a while since he set off alone to fight the darkness threatening the worlds.

King Mickey and Riku stayed behind the realm of darkness to keep the Heartless from escaping again.

Donald, Goofy, and Sora will keep searching until they're reunited with the King.

Second entry
Steamboat Willie (1928)

The king of Disney Castle. He was the first to realize what a threat the darkness was, and the first to act. King Mickey travels across the worlds, battling the Heartless and searching for an answer to the riddle of Organization XIII and the Nobodies.

After many great battles, the King seems even more determined than ever to fight against the darkness.

First entry (Timeless River)
Steamboat Willie (1928)

It's King Mickey all right, but in this world, he doesn't have a lot to say, and he doesn't look exactly like the king we all know.

His Majesty's acting like he's somebody completely different. I wonder what's going on.

Second entry (Timeless River)
Steamboat Willie (1928)

It's King Mickey, but back when he was working on Pete's steamboat.

One thing sure hasn't changed—His Majesty was just as brave back then as he is now.
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
HD 1.5 ReMIX
A Keyblade Master and lord of Disney Castle. He travelled with Riku, but worries after being separated from him. Wearing a black coat, he pretends to be a member of the Organization and gathers information on their actions.
Kingdom Hearts Re:coded
The king of Disney Castle. Just like Sora, he wields a Keyblade. In the past, he traveled from world to world to watch over Sora, Donald, and the others, and guide them in their journey to save all worlds from the forces of darkness.

Once the crisis was averted, Mickey returned to Disney Castle to live a peaceful life with his friends there.
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep
Steamboat Willie (1928)

King of Disney Castle. He put aside his training under Yen Sid and ran off when he heard the worlds were in trouble.

So far his travels from world to world have been mostly accidental, since he cannot control the Star Shard he "borrowed." (A)
Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance
King Mickey
"Steamboat Willie" (1928)
The king of Disney Castle and one of the Keyblade Masters. He was among the first to notice something amiss in the worlds and take action.

Mickey watches over Sora and Riku anxiously as they complete the Mark of Mastery exam.

Mickey (Country of the Musketeers)
"Mickey, Donald, Goofy: The Three Musketeers" (2004)
King Mickey back when he was still in training. After being suddenly made Musketeer, he was ordered to serve as Princess Minnie's bodyguard and got dragged into Captain Pete's dastardly scheme.

Mickey (Symphony of Sorcery)
"The Sorcerer's Apprentice" (1940)
Mickey back when he was still in training. In this world, he is a sorcerer's apprentice. He was trapped in a nightmare, but Sora and Riku pulled him out of it.
Kingdom Hearts Union χ
KH II King Mickey
Steamboat Willie (1928)
The king of Disney Castle, and the first to realize the threat of darkness.

Fantasia Mickey A
The Sorcerer's Apprentice (1940)
Mickey back when he was still in training under Master Yen Sid.

Black Coat King Mickey/Illustrated King Mickey/HD King Mickey
Steamboat Willie (1928)
The king of Disney Castle and one of the Keyblade Masters.

Timeless River Mickey
Steamboat Willie (1928)
The king of Disney Castle, and a former deckhand on Pete's steamboat.

Musketeer Mickey
Mickey, Donald, Goofy: The Three Musketeers (2004)
A musketeer in training along with his friends Donald and Goofy.

KH CoM King Mickey
The king of Disney Castle. He was the first to realize the threat of darkness and the first to act.
Kingdom Hearts III
Steamboat Willie (1928)

The king of Disney Castle and one of the true Keyblade Masters. He was among the first to notice something amiss in the worlds and take action.

In order to gather the remaining guardians of light to confront Master Xehanort, King Mickey and Riku have gone searching for the lost Keyblade wielders who vanished over ten years ago.
"Helping others should always come before asking others for help. We're safe and sound and free to choose! So there's no reason we shouldn't choose to help our friends."
—King Mickey to Sora, Donald and Goofy

Mickey Mouse, formally referred to as The King, Your Majesty, or King Mickey, is the king of Disney Castle and a recurring character in the Kingdom Hearts series.

Originally a ship's hand working with Captain Pete at Timeless River, Mickey became a student of the Keyblade Master Yen Sid. After completing his training and becoming a Keyblade Master himself, Mickey travels to other worlds to battle the forces of darkness. Once believing that darkness had to be eliminated, he eventually realized that light and darkness are interdependent and cannot exist without the other due to his encounters with Riku, who he forms a strong bond with over the course of the series.

Mickey is an important figure in the conflict with Master Xehanort, and was later one of the first to notice the threat of the Heartless, inventing the first Gummi Ship to travel to other worlds in order to fight against the monsters.


Kingdom Hearts χ

Mickey saves Player from a swarm of Wizards.

King Mickey's power was channeled by the Book of Prophecies to form various Medals, specifically KH II King Mickey, Timeless River Mickey, Black Coat King Mickey, Musketeer Mickey, Mickey & Minnie VD Ver, Fantasia Mickey A, and Fantasia Mickey B.

While using the Star Shard to search for Donald and Goofy, Mickey, Chip, and Dale are unknowingly brought to the past by unknown means, and land in Daybreak Town's Market just in time to save the Player from a swarm of Wizards. Learning that Player is trying to help Donald and Goofy rebuild their Gummi Ship in order to return home, the King sends Chip and Dale to help finish the ship. Mickey speculates that a force other than his Star Shard led him there, remaining unaware that Foreteller Invi is watching him from a nearby rooftop. Quest 60: The Warehouse Pt. 6

After Player retrieves the last of the needed Gummi Blocks and the ship is finished, Mickey thanks them for their help before departing. Quest 81: Gummi Block Battle Pt. 4

Between Kingdom Hearts χ and Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

When he was young, Mickey worked as a deck hand with his captain, Pete. He and Pete sailed the steamboat Willie throughout Timeless River. This past association causes Pete to refer to Mickey as "the Boat-Boy King."

When Sora comes from the future using a door in the Hall of the Cornerstone, he, along with the future versions of Donald Duck and Goofy, mistake Mickey for being himself from the future. Four times, Mickey appears at scenes of trouble, either in peril (or appearing to be so), saving the day, or both. On one such occasion, his house is attacked by hordes of Heartless and a mini black hole that sucks up all his furniture. After each time Sora helps him out, Mickey shakes his hand and leads him to another scene of peril.

At some point, Mickey gains knowledge of the Keyblade and begins to study them, as well as how to travel to other worlds. Eventually, he travels to Country of the Musketeers to solve a problem, along with Donald and Goofy. Though his skills with a sword are not excellent, he nevertheless doesn't give up on his duty and continues to fight for everything that defines a Musketeer. His task while here is to protect Minnie, who would eventually join him in ruling over Disney Castle.

At another point in time, he finds his way to the Mysterious Tower, where Master Yen Sid takes him in as an apprentice. One day, Master Yen Sid leaves his sorcerer's hat out and Mickey places it on his head, casting spells of all types. By enchanting the brooms, he has them do his chores and eventually decides to take a nap, only to awaken and find that the spell has gone horribly wrong and chaos is running rampant, with the entire tower flooded.

Despite his mistakes, Yen Sid keeps him on as his apprentice and Mickey eventually is able to wield the Star Seeker Keyblade.

Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

Mickey faces Vanitas along with Ventus.

While Terra, Ventus, and Aqua search for Master Xehanort and Vanitas, King Mickey undergoes the Mark of Mastery Exam under the supervision of Yen Sid at the Mysterious Tower, accompanied by Donald and Goofy, during which he uses the Star Seeker Keyblade. Later on, Mickey runs away without Yen Sid's permission, using a Star Shard that allows him to travel throughout other worlds; however, it works rather randomly, as he has not learned how to control it. Terra witnesses the King's leave when he first visits the tower.

Upon visiting the Mysterious Tower, Terra watches Mickey's Star Shard take him to the Keyblade Graveyard. The Star Shard knew that Mickey needed to be there to save Ventus. When Ventus loses a fight with Vanitas, he steps in to help. They successfully drive him off before Mickey's Star Shard brings them to Radiant Garden. He later teams up with Aqua after Ven attempts to get inside the Radiant Garden castle, rescuing a young Kairi from the Unverseds' attempt to capture her. He is whisked off to Neverland when the battle ends, telling Aqua to not worry about him.

While exploring Neverland, Mickey is ambushed by Vanitas and knocked unconscious, who then proceeds to kidnap Mickey and take him to the Keyblade Graveyard. Ven tries to help Mickey when he finds out about it, only for them to both get sucked into a vortex. Mickey is left stranded in space before Aqua finds him and takes him back to the Mysterious Tower.

Mickey guards Aqua from a possessed Ventus.

Upon regaining consciousness, Mickey returns to the Keyblade Graveyard, where he helps Aqua battle Ventus, who is possessed by Vanitas, and eventually guides them to the Mysterious Tower, where they discover that Ventus's heart has left his body. Later, after Aqua leaves with Ventus to find him a safe place, Mickey sorrowfully hands in the Star Shard and his Star Seeker Keyblade, thinking he has failed to reach his goal and disappointed his master, and begins to leave. Before he departs, however, Master Yen Sid hands him back the Keyblade with a smile, showing him that he is indeed worthy of the title of Keyblade Master. Mickey then happily accepts it.

Between Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep and Kingdom Hearts

Mickey consults Ansem the Wise and discusses the worlds' safety.

After the barriers between the worlds shatter, causing meteors to fall from the sky, Mickey realizes the threat that the Darkness presents. Mickey seeks help for his concerns and the danger he expects. Inspecting the meteors, Mickey found they had a similar property to the Star Shard. Gathering up enough of the raw material, Mickey built his first Gummi Ship, using it to travel in search of any world that was in danger of the Darkness. This eventually brought him back to Radiant Garden, where he befriended it's ruler Ansem the Wise. They would discuss many topics.

At one point, Mickey visited Ansem to discuss the growing threat the Heartless posed to the stability of the worlds. Their meeting is interrupted by Xehanort, who seemingly disturbs the King due to his resemblance to Terra and having the same name as the Keyblade Master that caused Eraqus' pupils to vanish. Because of his feelings towards the man and his persistent interest in certain experiments, coupled with the growing threat of Darkness, Mickey advises Ansem to review the research in his lab's computer in case Xehanort was continuing research behind his back.

Sometime during these years, Scrooge and Mickey traveled together to create a transit system. Kingdom Hearts II

Kingdom Hearts

"Don't worry. There will always be a door to the light."

Ten years after the loss of his fellow Keyblade wielders, Mickey takes notice that the stars in the sky were blinking out one after another. Knowing that each star was the light of a world's heart, Mickey realizes that the Heartless were devouring the worlds. Hoping to stop them, Mickey plans to enter the Realm of Darkness and find its Keyblade in order to seal the Door to Darkness. However, as this task would requite at least two Keyblades, Mickey leaves a letter instructing Donald and Goofy to head to Traverse Town to ask Leon for help to find the "find the Key". Mickey arrives in Traverse Town at the same time as Sora.[1] Keeping himself out of sight, he locates a Corridor of Darkness after the battle with Guard Armor and passes through it to the Dark Realm. He is followed by his dog, Pluto, who ends up lost along the way. Kingdom Hearts Re:coded

Once there, he stumbles upon Aqua, floating unconscious in the void. After a brief reunion, they are attacked by a swarm of Heartless, but manage to defeat them. Mickey is surprised that he has finally found Aqua, and she explains how her sacrifice to save Terra-Xehanort from sinking into darkness trapped her there. Afterward, she joins him on his journey through the Realm of Darkness to find the Keyblade. Eventually, the pair arrive at the wreckage of Destiny Islands and are intercepted by a massive swarm of Heartless at the entrance to the Secret Place. Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep -A fragmentary passage-

Inside the Door to Darkness, Mickey appears to seal the door from the inside.

After defeating the Heartless, they enter the cave and discover the Keyblade, but just as Mickey acquires it, they spot Riku, whose body had been stolen by Ansem, Seeker of Darkness, being chased by a swarm of Heartless. Aqua uses her Master's Defender to ensnare the Heartless, allowing Mickey and Riku to escape, but leaving her once more all alone. Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep -A fragmentary passage-

Shortly after Ansem is defeated, Mickey and Riku arrive at the Door to Darkness, and help Sora to seal the door to prevent the Heartless from escaping through it. Although Sora is reluctant to leave Mickey and Riku trapped within the Realm of Darkness, Mickey assures them that there will always be the Door to Light, and thanks Donald and Goofy for their loyalty.

Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories

"Your darkness belongs to you, just the same way your light does. Up til now, I thought darkness was something that should never exist. Then I spent time with you and changed my mind. The road you chose, I didn't know. Light and dark, back to back. In you they might met in a way nobody's seen before. Wonder where that road leads; I'd like to know myself. I'd like to walk the road with ya."
—Mickey begins his journey with Riku
Mickey's light reaches Riku's heart and protects him from Ansem's darkness.

Although Sora, Donald and Goofy initially enter Castle Oblivion believing the King to be there, Mickey is only able to send a bit of his light to help Riku in the twelfth basement, when he is attacked by Ansem. When Riku enters the eleventh basement, Mickey is able to project an image of himself, and he makes Riku promise to keep fighting the darkness, while promising to find a way to where Riku is. Riku is then able to call upon Mickey's power in battle as he ascends through the castle's basements.

When Ansem attempts to possess Riku after his fight with Lexaeus in the B4F Exit Hall, Mickey sends his light to drive him off. After Riku emerges from the third basement, Ansem takes advantage of Riku's acceptance of his own darkness to attempt possessing him once again. Mickey's light drives Ansem off once more, and Mickey arrives in person, explaining to Riku that a World Card, leading to Twilight Town, had appeared before him and showed him a path from the Realm of Darkness to where Riku was. After Mickey took the World Card, he went through a Corridor of Darkness constructed by Organization XIII to get to Castle Oblivion. Secret Ansem's Report 11 Mickey meets Riku at the B2F Exit Hall, happy to see Riku chose not to be put to sleep by Naminé, and they speak with DiZ, who seems familiar to Mickey.

Mickey promises to save Riku if he is defeated by Ansem.

Mickey accompanies Riku to the entrance to the first basement, where Riku intends to face Ansem once and for all. Riku asks Mickey to let him face Ansem alone, and he tries to get Mickey to promise to destroy him if Ansem possesses him again. Mickey refuses and promises instead to rescue Riku, no matter what. After Ansem is defeated, Mickey rescues Riku from the sudden rush of darkness and takes him to the castle's entrance hall. He calms Riku's concerns about the remnants of darkness in his heart by pointing out that Riku's darkness is his own to control, explaining that although he used to think darkness was only bad, he is fascinated by Riku's ability to use light and darkness together and wants to accompany Riku along his chosen path. When Riku thanks "[his] Majesty", Mickey laughs and says that, as a friend, Riku can just call him "Mickey".

Mickey and Riku leave the castle, wearing the black coats given to them by DiZ, who they encounter at the crossroads. He asks Riku whether he has chosen to follow the roads of light or darkness. Riku instead chooses the "road to dawn", and he and Mickey continue on.

Some time after this, the two of them walk through The Great Maw, where Riku momentarily collapses under the strain of the darkness in his heart. Although a concerned Mickey tries to help, Riku shrugs him off. The two of them eventually split up after Riku realized that he couldn't completely rid himself of the darkness festering in him.

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days

Mickey promises Riku not to tell what has happened to him.

King Mickey reunites with Riku in the Twilight Town woods, who has taken on the form of Ansem, Seeker of Darkness. Initially perceiving him as an enemy, Mickey readies his Keyblade to attack until Riku calmly ties his blindfold into place, shocking Mickey as he reverts to his true self. Riku assures Mickey that he has gained some control over the darkness, but explains that Naminé cannot finish restoring Sora's memories because his most important ones, which are of Kairi, are missing. Mickey is left confused, but Riku further explains that the Organization used the memories they stolen from Sora at Castle Oblivion to create a copy of Sora to do their bidding; if Sora does not get his memories of Kairi back, he will remain asleep. Mickey urges Riku to let him help, but the latter declines. Revealing his plans to face a member of the Organization soon and his insecurity about surviving the fight, Riku makes Mickey promise to guide and protect Sora and their friends once they awaken.

Kingdom Hearts II

Mickey saves Sora, Donald, and Goofy from a pack of Dusks.

As Sora, Donald, and Goofy have been asleep for a year and remain unaware of recent events, Mickey pays a visit to Yen Sid to ask him to brief the trio on the threat of the Nobodies. To help them get to the Mysterious Tower, Mickey rides a train provided by his teacher back to Twilight Town. Arriving at the train station, Mickey is met by Riku, who gives him the Munny Pouch that he had stolen from Roxas in the Simulated Twilight Town. Not wanting Sora and Kairi to know about his condition, Riku pleads with Mickey not to reveal his whereabouts or his condition to Sora, and Mickey reluctantly agrees.

Mickey later arrives to help Sora fend off the Nobodies that attacked them in Twilight Town posing as somewhat of a fake Organization XIII member. After the battle, he hands Sora the pouch of munny Riku gave him and instructs him to visit his mentor, Yen Sid, running off afterward. Yen Sid reveals that Mickey's reasons for leaving Disney Castle in the first place was to investigate the mysterious outbreak of Heartless and the more mysterious Organization.

This information is based on alternate scenes or materials and is not considered canon within the overall plot of the series.
If Sora falls in battle against certain enemies, the King will arrive to stall the enemy and restore Sora to full health.
Mickey reveals to Sora, Donald, and Goofy the true identity of Ansem, Seeker of Darkness.

At Hollow Bastion, Mickey reveals the truth about "Ansem", but is reluctant to reveal any information on Riku. He then aides the group in fending off the Heartless that Maleficent has summoned to destroy Radiant Garden. Initially, he orders Sora, Donald, and Goofy to leave Hollow Bastion and leave the Heartless to them, but Donald and Goofy go against his orders when they realize how desperate Sora is to help Leon. He later confronts them after they defeat Demyx, at first appearing angry, but soon simply decides to allow them to help.

When Goofy apparently dies after taking a nasty blow to the head while saving Mickey from the same fate, Mickey swears that the Heartless would pay and permanently discards his Organization XIII disguise. They are later relieved to discover that Goofy was only unconscious. When he and Sora confront Xemnas, he jumps after Xemnas into a corridor of darkness before it closed, thus preventing Sora, Donald and Goofy from going after him, but since he appears later in Twilight Town, it is apparent that he could not follow Xemnas all the way back to the Organization's base.

Sora and the others meet him in Twilight Town, where they find a way into The World That Never Was through the Simulated Twilight Town DiZ had created. When they enter the world, Mickey goes ahead of Sora to look for Ansem the Wise. He eventually finds him, and rescues him from a group of Nobodies. Ansem then attempts to use his machine to convert Kingdom Hearts into data, but was unsuccessful and vanishes when the machine explodes.

Mickey explains that one cannot live in a world without light nor darkness.

Mickey then confronts Xemnas with Sora, Riku, Kairi, Donald and Goofy, and watches as Xemnas opens Kingdom Hearts. Xemnas then blocks out King Mickey and Kairi from participating in the final fight, first by launching a building at him and Kairi, closing the door to Kingdom Hearts, and later closing the dark portal to the Destiny Islands, preventing Mickey, Kairi, Donald, and Goofy from returning to aid Sora and Riku.

After Sora and Riku end the Organization's plot, Mickey waits with Donald, Goofy, and Kairi on Destiny Islands for their return. Once they do, he runs to Riku and congratulates them both for defeating Organization XIII. During the end credits, King Mickey is seen returning with Donald, Goofy, Scrooge McDuck, Huey, Dewey, and Louie, Pluto, and Jiminy to Disney Castle, where he shares a kiss with Queen Minnie.

Soon after, Mickey sends Sora, Riku, and Kairi a bottled letter.

Kingdom Hearts coded

As Heartless suddenly appears inside Disney Castle, Mickey summons his Keyblade to fight them off.

Mickey digitizes Jiminy's Journal to investigate a mysterious message saying: "We must return to free them from their torment". When bugs appear in the digital system, he decides to create a data version of Sora to fix them.

Following the digital Sora's time in Traverse Town, he is attacked by Heartless. After disposing of them with the Star Seeker, he tries to leave the library to check the castle, but finds himself locked in, along with Jiminy, Donald, and Goofy. Somehow, they have been transported into the digital journal itself. While in the journal, he joins forces with Data-Sora and the journal itself (in the form of Riku) to dispatch the Heartless and debug the digital world. After defeating Sora's own Heartless, who was corrupting the journal, Mickey and his friends are returned to the real world when the debugging is completed, but a message claiming that a door to a new world has opened appears on the screen. Preparing for another adventure, Mickey requests to be taken into the digital world again to solve this new mystery.

Inside, he escorts Data-Sora throughout Castle Oblivion until they encounter the data version of Naminé, who tells them about Terra, Ventus, Aqua, and the reason behind the Bug Block corruption, which was caused by the real Naminé when she removed Sora's memories and later restored them.

Mickey writing the letter to Sora.

After everything in the journal was restored, Mickey returns to the real world to write the letter to Sora to tell him about those who need him to heal their sadness, and a new journey is about to begin.

Later, Mickey reports to Yen Sid that he believes he has finally found where Ventus's missing heart is, leaving only Terra's heart to be found. Their discussion quickly shifts towards the topic of Master Xehanort, who Mickey is stunned to learn will return due to the defeat of his Heartless, Ansem, and his Nobody, Xemnas, and the subsequent restoration of Xehanort. Fearing that they may have to fight more than a "single one of Xehanort", Yen Sid orders Mickey to bring Sora and Riku before him so that they may take the Mark of Mastery exam.

Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance

Mickey, Donald and Goofy watch Yen Sid prepare Sora and Riku for their Mark of Mastery Exam.

Mickey is present with Donald and Goofy in the Mysterious Tower as Yen Sid puts Sora and Riku through the Mark of Mastery exam in the Sleeping Worlds.

While in the Sleeping Worlds, Sora learns about Mickey's past as a musketeer and Yen Sid's apprentice.

While overseeing the exam, Mickey receives a note from Maleficent and Pete along with Minnie's crown, ordering him to return to Disney Castle, where he finds them holding Minnie hostage. Maleficent demands that Mickey hand the Datascape over to her, but Mickey refuses. Lea arrives and helps free Minnie. Mickey orders Maleficent to leave, and he and his friends return to the Mysterious Tower.

Mickey accuses Xehanort of ruining the lives of his friends.

Later on, when Sora and Riku do not return from the Sleeping Worlds at the expected time, Mickey enters and finds Riku in Where Nothing Gathers, using a Stopza spell to freeze Young Xehanort and help him save the comatose Sora, but Xehanort remains unaffected by the spell and knocks Mickey aside in order to battle Riku. Following the fight, Mickey and Riku meet the revived Master Xehanort, who explains to them the details of his past endeavors and his continuing plans to recreate the χ-blade and restart the Keyblade War. Mickey openly accuses Master Xehanort of ruining the lives of Terra, Aqua, Ven and Master Eraqus, but Xehanort merely quips that it was their destiny. As Master Xehanort prepares to turn Sora into a vessel for a piece of his heart, Xemnas physically restrains Mickey from rescuing him. Lea arrives in time to protect Sora, and Ansem responds by releasing his Guardian, who grabs Mickey and Riku, but is knocked out by Donald and Goofy. Master Xehanort and the rest of Organization XIII are forced to retreat, but swear revenge.

Mickey helps bring Sora's body back to the tower, where Riku manages to mend his broken heart and awaken him. Riku is named a Keyblade Master for this and Mickey congratulates his friend, but is shocked when Lea summons his own Keyblade. Later on, Yen Sid tells Mickey of their plans to form a group of seven Keyblade warriors of Light to counter Master Xehanort, and Mickey is visibly stunned when Yen Sid's newest student turns out to be Kairi.

Along their journey, Sora and Riku also cross paths with two past incarnations of Mickey: one as a Musketeer and the other as a Sorcerer apprentice under Yen Sid.

Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep -A fragmentary passage-

Shortly after Kairi's arrival, Mickey tells her and Riku the story of how he found Aqua in the Realm of Darkness and what happened to her when he and Riku helped Sora seal the Door to Darkness. After he finished his explanation, he thinks he hears Aqua's voice in the distance. A frustrated Riku demands to know why Mickey didn't tell him sooner, but Mickey clarifies that he had to respect her choice, and his claims bolstered by Yen Sid's insistence that had Riku found out sooner, he and Sora would have staged a fruitless rescue mission. When Yen Sid orders Kairi to train with Lea under Merlin, Mickey informs Kairi who Lea is. Yen Sid then assigns Riku and Mickey the mission to rescue Aqua and gives the two Keyblade Masters new clothes from the three fairies to shield them from the darkness.

Kingdom Hearts III

In order to gather the seven guardians of light, Riku and King Mickey enter the Dark World in search of Aqua. They follow her trail to the Dark Margin, but when they arrive they find no trace of her, her trail having gone cold deeper into darkness. Though Riku insists on staying to save Aqua from the same fear and loneliness he once felt in the Dark World, Mickey convinces him to retreat back to Yen Sid to regroup and resupply.

At the Mysterious Tower, Yen Sid suggests that as Aqua visited many worlds during her own journey, it may be prudent for Riku and Mickey to follow her footsteps to gain clues to her current whereabouts. He provides new garments for Kairi and Lea, and requests that Riku and Mickey deliver them when they visit Merlin to gain new Keyblades. Mickey travels with Riku to Radiant Garden, the last place Aqua was seen in the Realm of Light. They discuss the path of Xehanort's heart through time and vessels, and the realization that the Xehanort that served Ansem the Wise was in fact a possessed Terra. After a phone call from Sora, they head into the castle to discuss the replica project with Ienzo.

Without any new leads to her location, Mickey and Riku travel back to the Dark Margin to pick up Aqua's trail. Once again, they are assaulted by the Demon Tower, and are overwhelmed by it. This time, however, Mickey is disarmed and trapped within it, and Anti-Aqua reveals herself from its depths. She claims Mickey's Keyblade, planning to use it to return to the Realm of Light, leaving Mickey and Riku trapped behind as she was. Riku connects with his replica's heart and uses their combined strength to confront Aqua and the Demon Tower. The fight takes its toll on Riku and, faltering, he speaks Sora's name. This connection allows Sora to enter the realm of darkness, where he defends Mickey and Riku and defeats Aqua, freeing her from the darkness.

Other appearances

Kingdom Hearts Re:coded

King Mickey's KH CoM outfit is available through the King Mickey A ensemble, and his KH II outfit is available through the King Mickey B ensemble. An Avatar named "ClubLeader", based on his KH I outfit, can send a Balloon Letter in the Avatar Sector via Tag Mode.

Kingdom Hearts Union χ

King Mickey's KH CoM outfit is available through the KH CoM King Mickey (Male) and KH CoM King Mickey (Female) Avatar Boards, and his KH II outfit is available through the KH II King Mickey (Male), and KH II King Mickey (Female) Event Boards.

Disney Infinity 3.0

Mickey wearing his Kingdom Hearts outfit in Disney Infinity 3.0.

Mickey Mouse's Kingdom Hearts attire can be worn by Mickey in the toys-to-life game Disney Infinity 3.0 as an exclusive giveaway from Disney's D23 Expo 2015.


Main article: Form:Mickey Mouse

Mickey is an anthropomorphic mouse with black fur, round ears of the same color, and a thin, long, black tail. The fur on his face is cream-colored. His usual outfit in the Kingdom Hearts series is a modified version of the one he wears in modern Disney cartoons. He wears a short-sleeved jacket with white lining. The top half of this jacket is black, while the bottom half is red, and there are two yellow straps dangling in front of it. His pants are red and sport a zipper going down the front of each leg. Each leg also has a yellow pouch with a black strap that partially cover the zipper, as well as a blue strap on the outer side of each pant leg. Mickey wears very large, yellow shoes with grey backs and two orange, intersecting straps attached to the front of each shoe. Throughout the Kingdom Hearts series, Mickey appears in numerous outfits and forms from different worlds. In all of his appearances, except for when he wears the black coat, Mickey dons the famous, white gloves common to most older Disney characters.


"They'll pay for this."
—King Mickey after Goofy is knocked unconscious.

In the past, Mickey is a mischievous and playful individual, often skipping work and getting himself into trouble. He tends to steer clear of dangerous fights, but he shows moments of bravery, such as when he saves Sora from a Heartless ambush. Even as an apprentice under Yen Sid, he often goes against his master's instructions, whether it is to get out of doing chores or to explore other worlds.

As king of Disney Castle, Mickey is much more responsible and dutiful. He commands the respect and loyalty of his subjects, especially Donald and Goofy. Mickey is very friendly and loyal, always thinking positively. He is always ready to help his friends and tries to protect them at any costs. He always tries to keep the promises he makes to his friends. When he sees his friends get hurt, he becomes surprisingly serious and angry, such as when Goofy appears to be mortally wounded after saving him during the Battle of the 1000 Heartless.

Mickey's valiant nature often pits him against villains that try to hurt his friends and allies or conquer worlds. He is especially antagonistic towards Maleficent, with whom he has clashed multiple times, and towards Master Xehanort, whose actions have caused a great deal of pain and destruction throughout the worlds, including the ruining of the lives of Terra, Aqua, and Ventus.


While only being a few feet tall, King Mickey is an incredibly powerful Keyblade wielder as shown when he defeats three Darkside Heartless in a single blow, even in the Realm of Darkness where all Heartless are exponentially stronger. Extremely skilled with the weapon, he uses his size and agility to maximize his advantages and wear down his foes, flipping and spinning constantly to attack from all sides and heights, and finishing with wide, powerful strokes of his blade. Mickey's skill in battle is great enough to be able to momentarily hold off a simultaneous assault from Xemnas, Marluxia, Larxene, and Luxord during the battle at the Keyblade Graveyard.

Mickey is also adept with magic. Kingdom Hearts II demonstrates Mickey's ability to use the "Pearl" and "Holy" light-based spells. In Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, he is shown to heal Ventus with Cure after Vanitas nearly kills him. In Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance, Mickey is shown casting Stopza, freezing everyone in Where Nothing Gathers in time. However, according to Riku, using time magic uses a great deal of Mickey's stamina, to the point where it would inhibit his ability to fight normally. In Kingdom Hearts III, Mickey had demonstrated that he is able to use the spell “Ultima”, however was unable to finish casting due to the intervention of Master Xehanort's Stopza.

Mickey can coat himself in light and travel through the Lanes Between; this ability is automatic, as he was too badly wounded by Vanitas in Birth by Sleep to stay conscious.[citation needed]

During his time as a Keyblade wielder, Mickey has used two Keyblades: Star Seeker and the Kingdom Key D, a Keyblade of the Realm of Darkness. The Kingdom Key D grants him the ability to open doorways between the realms of light and darkness, and he has spent large amounts of time in the Dark Realm. Yet, as testament to his strong heart, Mickey has never once fought with his inner darkness and can travel through Corridors of Darkness completely unaffected.

After Mickey's Kingdom Key D is damaged during a fight with a Demon Tower, Mickey goes to the Mysterious Tower to upgrade his Keyblade to Kingdom Key W.

Ansem's Reports claim Mickey was the first to discover the properties of Gummi material and used it to travel to other worlds. Ansem's Report 9


Main article: Game:Mickey (D-Link)

In Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, Mickey becomes a D-Link for Ventus and Aqua. While using him as a D-Link, they can either create an aerial attack or release multiple spheres of light to inflict damage on the enemy.

Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories

The King appears in Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories as a friend card in Reverse/Rebirth.

This card summons King Mickey, who heals Riku, stuns and deals damage to all enemies, and reloads Riku's deck. Stocking multiple of these cards creates the MM Miracle sleight, increasing the amount of health restored and damage done to enemies. Amongst using enemy cards with healing effects, such as Oogie Boogie, Mickey's friend card is one of the few methods in which Riku can heal. In Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories, Riku has two new sleights. He can perform the Holy Burst and Inverse Burst Sleights with King Mickey, in normal and Dark Mode respectively, in which Mickey hovers and shoots orbs of light from his Keyblade.

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days

King Mickey is playable in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days's Mission Mode, wearing his Organization XIII cloak. To unlock him, the player must complete every mission, which will make the item "Return of the King" available from the Moogle shop. Purchasing it will unlock him. He wields both the Star Seeker and the Kingdom Key D, along with several upgraded forms of the latter.

He has rather low HP, average strength and attack speed but excels in the Magic and Critical areas. He uses his small size to his maximum advantage, swiftly evading enemy attacks while exploiting enemy openings likewise with wide, fast strokes of his Keyblade. His Limit Break is the Holy technique that he uses in Kingdom Hearts II.

Kingdom Hearts II

In certain battles against bosses, if Sora is defeated, an alternate menu option will appear. Instead of the normal "Continue" and "Load Game," Sora is then given the options "I won't give up!" and "It's all over..". If the former is chosen, the player will be able to play as Mickey temporarily. This can happen a number of times in one battle.

In battle, Mickey can perform two attacks: the first being simply Attack, and the other being Pearl, a magical attack that damages the opponent with a homing ball of light. Like Sora,   allows the player to jump and   performs reaction commands. However, Mickey's can use a Reaction Command to slowly charge his Drive Gauge, and the process is sped up during MP Charge. Once the Drive Gauge is full, Mickey can activate Healing Light, which will fully recover Sora's HP, MP, and Drive Gauge as well as switch the player back to Sora. If Mickey is defeated before using Healing Light, Mickey will instead use a Hi-Potion to heal Sora so that he regains half of his HP, although his MP and Drive Gauge will remain the way it was before he was defeated.

While Mickey can deal damage, it is impossible to actually defeat a boss as Mickey due to the fact that he lacks a finishing move. However, Mickey is very powerful and one could use him to damage the boss to the point where Sora need only land a finishing blow to finish the battle after reviving him.

King Mickey can be playable during the following battles:

Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep -A fragmentary passage-

Mickey joins Aqua as a party member, although he does visit prior areas where Aqua was alone. He has the ability to use a team attack with Aqua called Wayfinder.

Kingdom Hearts III

Mickey serves as a party member to Riku in their first visit to the Realm of Darkness. He mostly behaves identically to how he does in 0.2. Riku can use the Double Duel Situation Command to team up with Mickey and perform spinning attacks of light and darkness.

Mickey also serves as a party member to Sora in the Keyblade Graveyard in the fight against Marluxia and Larxene, and later in the fight against Ansem, Xemnas, and Young Xehanort.


Mickey's famous symbol.

Mickey Mouse was created by Walt Disney and Ub Iwerks in 1928. Although it is commonly thought that Steamboat Willie was his first cartoon, it was actually Plane Crazy where he made his debut six months before, albeit in a test screening. The reason why Steamboat Willie premiered was because it was the first cartoon in history which had synchronized sound. Since then, Mickey Mouse has become one of the most recognizable symbols in the world, existing for almost ninety years as the mascot of The Walt Disney Company.

On May 18, 2009, Mickey's first voice actor for Kingdom Hearts, Wayne Allwine, passed away from complications due to diabetes. Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days became the last work in which Allwine provided the voice of Mickey Mouse (and his final performance overall), and the English versions of the game were dedicated in his memory. Mickey is now voiced by Bret Iwan, who gave his first full performance as Mickey in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, and later voiced him in Re:coded, Dream Drop Distance, and the HD ReMIXes.

Notes and references

  1. ^ Kingdom Hearts Ultimania, Interviewer: "In the end of the ending, Pluto has the King's letter. Is that implying that the King returned through the Door of Light?" / Tetsuya Nomura: "Actually, between when he [Pluto] first disappears and then appears again in the ending, he met with the King. The reason why Pluto perked up in Traverse Town was because he felt the King's presence." Translation via Rasenth.