Oh no! The water! I'm in big trouble if I don't fetch it!
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Official render for Roo

Japanese ルー
Voice actors (Ja:) Masaya Sugimoto [KH II]
Kōsei Kimura [KH III]
(En:) Jimmy Bennett [KH II]
Aidan McGraw [KH III]
Homeworld 100 Acre Wood
Origin Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree
Games Kingdom Hearts
Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories
Kingdom Hearts II
Kingdom Hearts III

Roo is one of the characters residing in the 100 Acre Wood, and the son of Kanga. He appears in Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories, Kingdom Hearts II and Kingdom Hearts III. Whenever he goes out with his mother, he goes inside her pouch. Roo is never seen alone; he is always found with either Kanga or Tigger (whom he idolizes from their shared love of bouncing).

Roo appears in many of the mini-games in 100 Acre Wood: Tigger's Giant Pot, Pooh's Muddy Path, Balloon Bounce, and The Expotition. In Kingdom Hearts, he is a big help in the Bouncing Spot page area where he helps Sora by catapulting him into the trees to get special items or Rare Nuts for Owl and he helps Sora with advice with Tigger's challenges.


Kingdom HeartsEdit

Roo is one of Pooh's friends that he is looking for.

Kingdom Hearts Chain of MemoriesEdit

Roo is one of Pooh's friends that must be found for Sora to complete the 100 Acre Wood.

Kingdom Hearts IIEdit

Roo is seen with Kanga and Tigger and also helps Sora with the others find Pooh in the Spooky Cave.

Kingdom Hearts IIIEdit

Other appearancesEdit

Kingdom Hearts mangaEdit

Roo makes a brief cameo appearance alongside Kanga when Pooh and Piglet explain to Sora what has happened to their friends.


Roo is a joey whose height is similar to Piglet's. Roo has light brown fur and an upturned tail. The pads of his feet are a light pink, along with the inside of his ears. He has beady, black eyes and thin eyebrows. He also has a small nose and black mouth. His only attire is a sky blue T-shirt that he wears all the time. Finally, Roo sports two strands of black hair on the top of his head.


Roo is a playful, curious, happy-go-lucky joey who can be quite a handful at times. Unlike Piglet, his size does not inhibit his self-confidence. Roo is strongly determined as evidenced in his time spent furthering his bouncing abilities. Roo loves to get himself in trouble, but always learns a lesson from his mistakes. Roo is amazingly optimistic and enthusiastic as shown in the search for Pooh. He has great admiration for Tigger, who he views as the epitome of bouncing and dreams of bouncing just like him someday.


Roo made his Disney debut in the 1966 film, Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree. He is inspired by the character from A.A. Milne's 1929 book Winnie-the-Pooh.