Crono owns the world
[14:10] == SilvaKrono [] has joined #wikia-kingdomhearts
[14:10] <OathkeeperKH> Oh gawd.....
[14:10] <Randomnessity> Noooooooooooo.
[14:10] <the17m|studdeh> CRONO
[14:10] <SilvaKrono> D:
[14:10] <KKD> To me, all the others water down what FPS is all about.
[14:10] <the17m|studdeh> DID YOU DESTROY CHUCK
[14:10] <SilvaKrono> Yes, I did.
[14:11] <the17m|studdeh> IMPOSSIBLEEEEEE
[14:11] <SilvaKrono> I used my extreme god powers to destroy his very essence.
[14:11] <SilvaKrono> Besides memories, Chuck Norris now never existed.
[14:11] <NumberXVMoogle> A blind man once stepped on Chuck Norris' shoe. Chuck replied, "Don't you know who I am? I'm Chuck Norris!" The mere mention of his name cured this man blindness. Sadly the first, last, and only thing this man ever saw, was a fatal roundhouse delivered by Chuck Norris.
[14:11] <SilvaKrono> No.
[14:11] <SilvaKrono> Judgement day is nothing.
[14:11] <SilvaKrono> Apocalypse can only be caused by my willing.
[14:11] <SilvaKrono> But... why should I?
[14:11] <the17m|studdeh> O.O
[14:11] <OathkeeperKH> ._.
[14:12] <SilvaKrono> What good will annihilating humanity give me?
[14:12] <the17m|studdeh> orz
[14:12] <SilvaKrono> What if it's.. not satisfying?
[14:12] <SilvaKrono> After all, why should the aged bird spread it's wings?
[14:12] <the17m|studdeh> ....don't tell me you're willing to destroy the world for teh lulz?
[14:12] <SilvaKrono> ...I repent. Your mortal minds cannot imagine the true depth of my despair.
[14:13] <SilvaKrono> In your mortal, weak eyes, yes, that's exactly what I'm saying.
[14:13] <SilvaKrono> In equal ignorance, my answer is "what if it's not enough lulz"?
[14:13] <OathkeeperKH> ._.
[14:13] <the17m|studdeh> ._.
[14:13] <the17m|studdeh> O_O
[14:13] <the17m|studdeh> OKH SEND HIM BACK TO HELL
[14:13] <SilvaKrono> Then I will be left with one less planet full of pawns with which I can toy with.
[14:13] <Randomnessity> Is he saying something?
[14:13] <the17m|studdeh> DO ET
[14:13] <Randomnessity> I'm not reading.
[14:13] <KKD> GoldenEye=Win
[14:13] <OathkeeperKH> I would, but god wasn't let me
[14:13] <SilvaKrono> An eternally powerful being is not as chocked up as it sounds.
[14:13] <OathkeeperKH> *won't
[14:14] <the17m|studdeh> ._.
[14:14] <OathkeeperKH> Like what the hell...
[14:14] <the17m|studdeh> REPENT!!!! REPENT FOR THY SINS!!!
[14:14] <SilvaKrono> With the strongest and best abilities in the universe, there is nobody to antagonize me.
[14:14] <SilvaKrono> And no antagonation brings about boredom.
[14:14] <the17m|studdeh> There is someone...
[14:14] <SilvaKrono> Endless boredom with which there is no cure.
[14:14] <SilvaKrono> So I keep you mortals here to entertain me.
[14:14] <Randomnessity> Are you trying to be interesting?
[14:14] <Randomnessity> Curious.
[14:14] <SilvaKrono> Your endless quarrels and foolish hopes and dreams are amusing to me.
[14:15] <SilvaKrono> ...But one irks me.
[14:15] <SilvaKrono> We were once friends, comrades...
[14:15] <Hexedmagica> huh?
[14:15] <OathkeeperKH> ._. Oh gawd......
[14:15] <Randomnessity> HEXEDY!
[14:15] <Hexedmagica> ohayo... dajikio
[14:15] <the17m|studdeh> ..... Jesus Christ....
[14:15] <OathkeeperKH> Is alive
[14:15] <Hexedmagica> ko*
[14:15] <SilvaKrono> But now, for some reason, he tries to bring about my destruction.
[14:15] <SilvaKrono> He irritates me.
[14:15] <Randomnessity> Who's this now?
[14:15] <SilvaKrono> Thus, my recent pondering of Man's death.
[14:16] <SilvaKrono> But... I falter.
[14:16] * the17m|studdeh unleashed Kratos to destroy Crono
[14:16] <SilvaKrono> Your human ways must have rubbed off on me.
[14:16] <OathkeeperKH> Crono say who the fuck it is already
[14:16] <NumberXVMoogle> Adola, OathkeeperKH said a curse word. The incident has been logged, and will be reported.
[14:16] <OathkeeperKH> Geez.....
[14:16] * SilvaKrono destroys Kratos by spontaneously destroying all of his atoms
[14:16] <the17m|studdeh> !beat3
[14:16] <NumberXVMoogle> *punched across the face* MEEOOORW- *punched again* ROOOWL..... *drops to the ground* Murr... *dragged to a swimming pool* R-Rowl...? *held under the water* MBUBUBBROWBUBblubbubbrowl.....
[14:16] <SilvaKrono> Your petty impatience is unneeded.
[14:16] <the17m|studdeh> NOOOO THE GOD-KILLING BALD MAN
[14:16] <SilvaKrono> Calm yourself, female.
[14:17] <the17m|studdeh> ._.
[14:17] <OathkeeperKH> ._.
[14:17] <the17m|studdeh> how about this...
[14:17] <OathkeeperKH> I'm done with this....
[14:17] <SilvaKrono> But fine, since you beg so much.
[14:17] == OathkeeperKH [4420a231@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has left #wikia-kingdomhearts []
[14:17] * the17m|studdeh releases Enuo from his seal
[14:17] <Randomnessity> Crono, have fun copying my speech pattern.
[14:17] == Randomnessity [d07bf059@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has left #wikia-kingdomhearts []
[14:17] <SilvaKrono> The human named Randomnessity is the one who irks me.
[14:17] <SilvaKrono> Hah! He has left.
[14:17] <SilvaKrono> My problems are forever solved.
[14:17] <SilvaKrono> ah, you poor fool.
[14:17] <the17m|studdeh>
[14:17] <SilvaKrono> Have you not seen through my delusion yet?
[14:17] <SilvaKrono> I am Enuo.
[14:17] <the17m|studdeh> wh... what delusion?
[14:17] <the17m|studdeh> ...
[14:18] <the17m|studdeh> O_O
[14:18] <SilvaKrono> I have been warning you foolish mortals in my human vessel.
[14:18] <SilvaKrono> Prophesizing Enuo's coming.
[14:18] <SilvaKrono> My coming.
[14:18] <SilvaKrono> But you refused to listen.
[14:18] <the17m|studdeh> then who the hell did I release just now?
[14:18] <SilvaKrono> Your people chocked me as crazy.
[14:18] <SilvaKrono> Hah... you did nothing.
[14:18] <SilvaKrono> I, who created you!
[14:18] <SilvaKrono> I, who created everything you know and enjoy!
[14:18] <the17m|studdeh> You didn't create me. My mom and dad did.
[14:18] <SilvaKrono> And yet the Humans disregarded me.
[14:19] <SilvaKrono> Ah, but I created your mother and father! and their ancestors!
[14:19] <the17m|studdeh> No, my source of joy is stuff created by teh Japanese
[14:19] <the17m|studdeh> LIEZ
[14:19] <SilvaKrono> Which was created by me.
[14:19] <the17m|studdeh> LIEZ. ALL LIEZ
[14:19] <SilvaKrono> Foolish mortal! You dare question my tellings?!
[14:19] * the17m|studdeh covers ears
[14:19] <SilvaKrono> Have I not just showed you my power!
[14:19] <the17m|studdeh> I'M NOT LISTENING, YOU TELL BULLSH*T
[14:19] * SilvaKrono destroys 17's arms
[14:19] <the17m|studdeh> GAAAAH
[14:20] <the17m|studdeh> NO I WON'T
[14:20] <SilvaKrono> I have just destroyed Kratos, your warrior!
[14:20] <SilvaKrono> And I have maimed you!
[14:20] <SilvaKrono> Do you not see your mere point in the matter?
14:20] <the17m|studdeh> I can still fight!
[14:20] <SilvaKrono> You matter not!
[14:20] * the17m|studdeh summons Barney to gay Crono up
[14:20] <SilvaKrono> Raise arms against me and die.
[14:20] * SilvaKrono disintegrates Barney
[14:21] <the17m|studdeh> .... I don't have any arms. you destroyed them, remember?
[14:21] <SilvaKrono> ...
[14:21] <the17m|studdeh> MWAHAHAHA
[14:21] <SilvaKrono> Your mortal attempt at humor irritates me.
[14:21] * SilvaKrono disintegrates 17's legs
[14:21] <the17m|studdeh> gah
[14:21] <the17m|studdeh> GAAAAH
[14:21] <SilvaKrono> Don't you see? I am letting you life.
[14:21] <SilvaKrono> So you can feel intense pain.
[14:21] * the17m|studdeh summons Gangster Bahamut
[14:21] == KKD [] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds]
[14:21] <SilvaKrono> And see the wrongs of your actions.
[14:21] * SilvaKrono destroys Gangster Bahamut
[14:22] <the17m|studdeh> nuuuuu
[14:22] <SilvaKrono> THAT'S IT!
[14:22] * the17m|studdeh does a barrel roll
[14:22] <the17m|studdeh> ROLL. ROLL FOR YOUR LIVEEEE
[14:22] <the17m|studdeh> *life
[14:22] <SilvaKrono> TIME FOR YOUR KIND TO DIE.
[14:22] <SilvaKrono> YOU HAVE AMUSED ME ENOUGH.
[14:22] <SilvaKrono> AND NOW IT IS YOUR TIME TO DIE.
[14:23] <SilvaKrono> SAY GOODBYE, MORTAL.
[14:23] * the17m|studdeh is still rolling
[14:23] <the17m|studdeh> MY BODY MAY PERISH BUT MY HEART WILL NEVER DIE!!!
[14:23] * SilvaKrono disintegrates the entire universe and existence. Also, 17's heart
[14:23] <SilvaKrono> All is silent.
[14:23] <the17m|studdeh> ..
[14:23] <SilvaKrono> All is right.
[14:23] <SilvaKrono> And now...
[14:23] <SilvaKrono> I slumber.
[14:23] == SilvaKrono [] has left #wikia-kingdomhearts ["Crono out."]
Battle for rights, freedom, honor, ...and nonsense
[21:57] * Organization13 hits HKH with guitar
[21:57] <Organization13> Sorry , just wanted to try it :)
[21:57] <Sove> These stupid Disney Town minigames are so stupid
[21:57] * the17master appears out of nowhere and hits Org with a drum
[21:58] <the17master> HAHAHAHAHA
[21:58] * Organization13 is wearing drum shield, so drum bounces of org13 and hits 17
[21:58] <Sove> And now I'm bored ._.
[21:58] * the17master is hit, and his forehead is bleeding
[21:59] <the17master> ;-;
[21:59] <Organization13> Do you give up 17?
[21:59] <the17master> Umm....NO
[21:59] * Organization13 decapatates 17
[21:59] * the17master takes a gun out of his pocket an-
[21:59] <Organization13> >:(
[21:59] * the17master 's head is decapitated
[22:00] <Organization13> *>:)
[22:00] <Organization13> I'm 3.5 steps ahead of you 17.
[22:00] * Organization13 Org burns 17s body.
[22:00] * LightMouse Try use Curaga in 17m
[22:00] [ERROR] The command “me's” is not known to the server.
[22:00] * the17master 's body strangles Org
[22:00] <Sove> Curaga is not working on the dead
[22:00] <Sove> :/
[22:00] * Organization13
[22:00] * the17master 's body burns together with Org's
[22:01] <LightMouse> Bad,for this I try
[22:01] * Organization13 uses curaga on himself before he dies but 17 perishes
[22:01] * LightMouse trow water in org13 and 17m and the two falls
[22:01] <the17master> HAH! LM saved meh!
[22:02] * the17master shoots Org with a gun
[22:02] * Sove decapitates Org like Armstrong was jurdered
[22:02] * Organization13 transforms into hawk and picks up 17
[22:02] <Sove> murdered*
[22:02] <the17master> .......................wut?!
[22:02] <Organization13> Uh.... Nobody Hawk?
[22:02] <the17master> Where are you taking my body?!
[22:03] <Organization13> I'm just recpaing what happened there...
[22:03] <Sove> Nobodys home and I'm bored ._.
[22:03] <Organization13> 17, I had bullet proof vest for when you shot me
[22:03] * LightMouse catch your keyblade(Oblion) and attacks org13 and 17m
[22:04] <Organization13> Sove, I grow another head
[22:04] <Sove> ._.
[22:04] <the17master> Sove: ...Nobody's home eh? wtach out, they might take your heart
[22:04] <Sove> I mean, I'm alone here
[22:04] <the17master> oyea? the gun was a magnum!
[22:04] * Organization13 catches oblivion with other claw and uses it to stab 17s dead burnt body
[22:05] * the17master regenerates using the power of darkness and summons World of Chaos
[22:05] * Organization13 is shot starts to plummit into the sea with 17
[22:05] * the17master gives off a vilanous laugh
[22:06] <the17master> The WORLD OF CHAOS uses DARKGA on Organization13! It is super effective!
[22:06] <Organization13> 17master and org13 drown and are destroyed by WoC
[22:06] * LightMouse Remember,the keyblade is myyyyy,and use the power to catch it
[22:06] <Organization13> LM, I caught it and stabbed 17 remember?
[22:07] <the17master> oh right, this
[22:07] * the17master removes the Oblivion form his body
[22:07] <LightMouse> How,you aren't a keyblade master
[22:07] * Organization13 plucks it out of 17s han before he does anything with Keyblade
[22:07] * the17master stabs Org with Chaos Ripper
[22:08] <Organization13> I'm hawk, roxas, xion thing
[22:08] <Sove> :O
[22:08] <Organization13> X_X
[22:08] =-= Organization13 is now known as Org13|Dead
[22:08] * LightMouse Catch the keyblade and attacks 17m and org13's body
[22:08] * the17master loses a lot of blood
[22:08] * Org13|Dead has bomb in chest and will blow up in- *Boom*
[22:09] <Org13|Dead> X\_/X
[22:09] * the17master dies as LM deals the final blow
[22:09] <Sove> ;-;
[22:09] =-= YOU are now known as teh17m|Ded