"Tension Rising" is a musical composition by Yoko Shimomura that appears in the Kingdom Hearts series. Two new arrangements introduced in Kingdom Hearts III are titled "Tension Rising -Angelic Amber-" and "Tension Rising -Reaper's Revenge-".
"Tension Rising" is a boss theme primarily associated with Nobody and Heartless battles.
Kingdom Hearts II
- Battles
- Events
- Twilight Town: Defeat the Strange Enemies (Struggle), Defeat the Strange Enemies (Usual Spot), Defeat the Mysterious Enemies (Mansion Basement), Defeat the Strange Enemies (Central Station), Defeat the Nobodies (Betwixt and Between)
- Beast's Castle: Defeat the Nobodies (Ballroom)
- Olympus Coliseum: Defeat the Nobodies (Hades' Chamber)
- Cutscenes
- Twilight Town: "Axel's Mission", "DiZ's Guidance", "Surrounded by Enemies", "Defending the Station Plaza", "His Majesty, the King", "Axel's Atonement"
- Beast's Castle: "Organization XIII's Ploy", "Uninvited Guests"
- Olympus Coliseum: "Sora and Friends vs. Demyx", "Voices from the Past", "Foe vs. Foe"
- Port Royal: "Retrieve the Medallion!", "Ambushed"
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
- Battles
- Twilight Town: Guardian, Tailbunker, Avalanche, Destroyer, Powered Armor, Orcus, Poison Plant, Gigas Shadow, Veil Lizard, Stalwart Blade
- Agrabah: Spiked Crawler
- Beast's Castle: Gigas Shadow, Bully Dog
- Olympus Coliseum: Morning Star, Clay Armor, Scorching Sphere
- Halloween Town: Dual Blade, Snowy Crystal, Windstorm
- Wonderland: Lurk Lizard
- Neverland: Wavecrest, Artful Flyer, Phantomtail
Kingdom Hearts Re:coded
- Battles
- Wonderland: Trickmaster
Kingdom Hearts III
- Battles
- Events
- Kingdom of Corona: Race to the Tower![2]
- Cutscenes
Other appearances
Kingdom Hearts Magical Puzzle Clash
In Kingdom Hearts Magical Puzzle Clash, "Tension Rising" plays during boss levels.
Kingdom Hearts Memorial Music Box
The Kingdom Hearts Memorial Music Box website features "Tension Rising" as one of eight tracks from the Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 + 2.5 ReMIX soundtrack. The song is represented by Master Xehanort and is accompanied by cutscene images and quotes related to Xehanort and Disney villains.
Notes and references
Disc 1, Track 9 in the Kingdom Hearts II Original Soundtrack
Disc 3, Track 9 in the Kingdom Hearts Original Soundtrack Complete
Disc 1, Track 9 in the Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIX Original Soundtrack
Disc 2, Track 9 in the Kingdom Hearts - III, II.8, Unchained χ & Union χ [Cross] - Original Soundtrack
Disc 2, Track 21 in the Kingdom Hearts - III, II.8, Unchained χ & Union χ [Cross] - Original Soundtrack
Disc 2, Side A, Track 4 in the Kingdom Hearts 20th Anniversary Vinyl LP Box