Bustin' Up on the Beach
"Bustin' Up on the Beach" is a musical composition by Yoko Shimomura that appears in the Kingdom Hearts series. It is the battle theme of Destiny Islands.
"Bustin' Up on the Beach" is the battle theme of Destiny Islands in Kingdom Hearts.
Kingdom Hearts[edit]
- Destiny Islands:Tidus, Selphie, Wakka, Tidus, Selphie, and Wakka, Riku.
"Bustin' Up on the Beach" is approximately two minutes and one second long. It has a time signature of 4/4 time, a tempo of 132 beats per minutes, and a key signature of Bb [B flat] Major. The piece does not have an introduction or conclusion, allowing for smooth transitions between repeats. The instrumentation consists of flute, drums, piano, guitars, strings, trumpets, and synthesizer.
The piece has a much more up-beat, light-hearted tone; even a bit techno due to the use of steel and electric guitars. This tone reflects the comparatively easier training grounds of Destiny Islands. The piece moves at a consistent tempo that does not change and does not expand in dynamic contrast.
Disc 1, Track 6 in the Kingdom Hearts Original Soundtrack
Disc 1, Track 6 in the Kingdom Hearts Original Soundtrack Complete
Disc 1, Track 6 in the Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 ReMIX Original Soundtrack