Kingdom Hearts II

LV World Objective Reward
1 Twilight Town Defeat the Nobodies at the Station of Serenity Roxas: Aerial Recovery
2 Defeat the Twilight Thorn Roxas: HP +5, Guard
3 Defeat Axel in the Mansion Basement Hall Roxas: HP +5
4 Hollow Bastion Defend the Gate from the Nobodies Sora: Fire Element
5 Land of Dragons Survive the Village Cave trap Sora: Slide Dash
Ping: HP +15, Hyper Healing
6 Defeat Shan-Yu Sora: HP +5, Aerial Sweep
Donald: HP +4
Goofy: Goofy Turbo
Mulan: HP +20
7 Beast's Castle Defeat the Possessor Sora: Upper Slash
Donald: Donald Fire
Goofy: HP +5
8 Defeat Beast Sora: Armor Slot
Donald: HP +4
Goofy: Defender
9 Defeat the Dark Thorn Sora: HP +5, Retaliating Slash
Donald: HP +4
Goofy: Item Slot
Beast: HP +35
10 Olympus Coliseum Defeat Cerberus Sora: Dodge Slash
Auron: HP +40
11 Complete Phil's Training on Maniac Mode Sora: Aerial Spiral
12 Defeat Demyx Sora: HP +5
Donald: MP Rage
Goofy: HP +5
13 Defeat Pete Sora: Trinity Limit
Donald: HP +4
Goofy: Hyper Healing
14 Defeat the Hydra Sora: HP +5, Thunder Element
Donald: Armor Slot
Goofy: HP +5
15 Disney Castle Escort Minnie to the throne Sora: Accessory Slot, Auto Summon
16 Timeless River Free the Cornerstone of Light Sora: Slapshot
Donald: Fantasia, Auto Limit
Goofy: HP +5
17 Defeat Pete Sora: HP +5, Reflect Element
Donald: HP +4
Goofy: Goofy Tornado
18 Port Royal Save the Medallion Sora: HP +5
Donald: Draw
Goofy: HP +5
19 Clear the explosives from the deck Sora: Item Slot
Donald: HP +4
Goofy: Second Chance
Jack Sparrow: HP +10
20 Defeat Barbossa Sora: Drive Gauge +1, Aerial Finish
Donald: HP +4
Goofy: Teamwork, Auto Limit
Jack Sparrow: HP +15
21 Agrabah Clear the Stone Guardians trap Sora: HP +5
Donald: Donald Blizzard
Goofy: HP +5
Aladdin: HP +15
22 Defeat the Heartless in the Treasure Room Sora: HP +5
Donald: HP +4
Goofy: Auto Healing
Aladdin: HP +15
23 Defeat Blizzard Lord and Volcanic Lord Sora: Explosion
Donald: HP +4
Goofy: Armor Slot
Aladdin: HP +15
24 Halloween Town Defeat the Prison Keeper Sora: HP +5
Donald: Hyper Healing
Goofy: HP +5
Jack Skellington: HP +15
25 Defeat Oogie Boogie Sora: Item Slot
Donald: HP +4
Goofy: Once More
Jack Skellington: HP +15
26 Pride Lands Defeat Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed in the King's Den Sora: HP +5
Donald: HP +4
Goofy: Lucky Lucky
27 Defeat Scar Sora: MP +10
Donald: Fire Boost
Goofy: HP +5
Simba: HP +30
28 Space Paranoids Freeze the computers Sora: HP +5
Donald: Thunder Boost
Goofy: HP +5
Tron: HP +10
29 Defeat the Hostile Program Sora: Drive Gauge +1, Horizontal Slash
Donald: HP +4
Goofy: Jackpot
Tron: HP +15
30 Hollow Bastion
(Second Visit)
Defeat Demyx Sora: Armor Slot, Blizzard Element
Donald: Blizzard Boost
Goofy: HP +5
31 Complete the Battle of 1000 Heartless Sora: Guard Break
32 The Land of Dragons
(Second Visit)
Defeat the Storm Rider Sora: Thunder Element
Donald: HP +4
Goofy: Tornado Fusion
Mulan: HP +25
33 Beast's Castle
(Second Visit)
Defeat Xaldin Sora: HP +5, Reflect Element
Donald: Auto Healing
Goofy: HP +5
Beast: HP +25
34 Olympus Coliseum
(Second Visit)
Defeat Hades Sora: MP +10, Counterguard
Donald: Accessory Slot
Goofy: HP +5
Auron: HP +15
35 Port Royal
(Second Visit)
Defeat the Grim Reaper on the Black Pearl Sora: Summon Boost
Donald: HP +4
Goofy: Draw
Jack Sparrow: HP +10
36 Defeat the Grim Reaper at the Harbor Sora: Magnet Element
Donald: Flare Force
Goofy: HP +5
Jack Sparrow: HP +15
37 Agrabah
(Second Visit)
Defeat Jafar Sora: Fire Element
38 Halloween Town
(Second Visit)
Defeat Lock, Shock, and Barrel Sora: Item Slot
Donald: HP +4
Goofy: Auto Change
Jack Skellington: HP +5
39 Defeat The Experiment Sora: HP +5, Finishing Leap
Donald: Jackpot
Goofy: HP +5
Jack Skellington: HP +10
40 Pride Lands
(Second Visit)
Defeat Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed in the Elephant Graveyard Sora: Accessory Slot
Donald: HP +4
Goofy: MP Rage
Simba: HP +5
41 Defeat the Groundshaker Sora: HP +5, Thunder Element
Simba: HP +5
42 Space Paranoids
(Second Visit)
Defeat the Heartless aboard the Solar Sailer Sora: HP +5
Donald: MP Hastera
Goofy: HP +5
Tron: HP +5
43 Defeat the MCP Sora: HP +5, Reflect Element
Donald: HP +4
Goofy: Accessory Slot
Tron: HP +5
44 Twilight Town
(Second Visit)
Defeat the Nobodies at The Old Mansion Sora: HP +5
Donald: Lucky Lucky
Goofy: HP +5
45 Defeat the Nobodies at Betwixt and Between Sora: MP +10
46 The World That Never Was Defeat Xigbar Sora: Magnet Element
Donald: Item Slot
Goofy: HP +5
47 Defeat Luxord Sora: HP +5
48 Defeat Saïx Sora: Drive Gauge +1
Donald: HP +4
Goofy: Item Slot
49 Defeat Xemnas Sora: MP +10
50 Hollow Bastion
Defeat Sephiroth Sora: Drive Gauge +1

Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix

LV World Objective Reward
1 Twilight Town Defeat the Nobodies at the Station of Serenity Roxas: Aerial Recovery
2 Defeat the Twilight Thorn Roxas: HP +5, Guard
3 Defeat Axel in the Sandlot Roxas: Scan
4 Defeat Axel in the Mansion: Basement Hall Roxas: HP +5
5 Hollow Bastion Defend the Gate from the Nobodies Sora: Fire Element
6 Land of Dragons Survive the Village Cave trap Sora: Slide Dash
Ping: HP +15, Hyper Healing
7 Defeat Shan-Yu Sora: HP +5, Aerial Sweep
Donald: HP +4
Goofy: Goofy Turbo
Mulan: HP +20
8 Beast's Castle Defeat the Possessor Sora: Upper Slash
Donald: Donald Fire
Goofy: HP +5
9 Defeat Beast Sora: Armor Slot
Donald: HP +4
Goofy: Defender
10 Defeat the Dark Thorn Sora: HP +5, Retaliating Slash
Donald: HP +4
Goofy: Item Slot
Beast: HP +35
11 Olympus Coliseum Defeat Cerberus Sora: Counterguard
Auron: HP +40
12 Complete Phil's Training on Maniac Mode Sora: Aerial Dive
13 Defeat Demyx Sora: HP +5
Donald: MP Rage
Goofy: HP +5
14 Defeat Pete Sora: Trinity Limit
Donald: HP +4
Goofy: Hyper Healing
15 Defeat the Hydra Sora: HP +5, Thunder Element
Donald: Armor Slot
Goofy: HP +5
16 Disney Castle Escort Minnie to the throne Sora: Accessory Slot, Auto Summon
17 Timeless River Free the Cornerstone of Light Sora: Dodge Slash
Donald: Fantasia, Auto Limit
Goofy: HP +5
18 Defeat Pete Sora: HP +5, Reflect Element
Donald: HP +4
Goofy: Goofy Tornado
19 Port Royal Save the Medallion Sora: Aerial Spiral
Donald: Draw
Goofy: HP +5
20 Clear the explosives from the deck Sora: Item Slot
Donald: HP +4
Goofy: Second Chance
Jack Sparrow: HP +10
21 Defeat Barbossa Sora: Drive Gauge +1, Aerial Finish
Donald: HP +4
Goofy: Teamwork, Auto Limit
Jack Sparrow: HP +15
22 Agrabah Clear the Stone Guardians trap Sora: Summon Boost
Donald: Donald Blizzard
Goofy: HP +5
Aladdin: HP +15
23 Defeat the Heartless in the Treasure Room Sora: HP +5
Donald: HP +4
Goofy: Auto Healing
Aladdin: HP +15
24 Defeat Blizzard Lord and Volcanic Lord Sora: Finishing Leap
Donald: HP +4
Goofy: Armor Slot
Aladdin: HP +15
25 Halloween Town Defeat the Prison Keeper Sora: Flash Step
Donald: Hyper Healing
Goofy: HP +5
Jack Skellington: HP +15
26 Defeat Oogie Boogie Sora: Item Slot
Donald: HP +4
Goofy: Once More
Jack Skellington: HP +15
27 Pride Lands Defeat Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed in the King's Den Sora: HP +5
Donald: HP +4
Goofy: Lucky Lucky
28 Defeat Scar Sora: MP +10
Donald: Fire Boost
Goofy: HP +5
Simba: HP +30
29 Space Paranoids Freeze the computers Sora: HP +5
Donald: Thunder Boost
Goofy: HP +5
Tron: HP +10
30 Defeat the Hostile Program Sora: Drive Gauge +1, Vicinity Break
Donald: HP +4
Goofy: Jackpot
Tron: HP +15
31 Hollow Bastion
(Second Visit)
Defeat Demyx Sora: Armor Slot, Blizzard Element
Donald: Blizzard Boost
Goofy: HP +5
32 Complete the Battle of 1000 Heartless Sora: Guard Break
33 The Land of Dragons
(Second Visit)
Defeat the Storm Rider Sora: Thunder Element
Donald: HP +4
Goofy: Tornado Fusion
Mulan: HP +25
34 Beast's Castle
(Second Visit)
Defeat Xaldin Sora: HP +5, Reflect Element
Donald: Auto Healing
Goofy: HP +5
Beast: HP +25
35 Olympus Coliseum
(Second Visit)
Defeat Hades Sora: MP +10, Magnet Burst
Donald: Accessory Slot
Goofy: HP +5
Auron: HP +15
36 Port Royal
(Second Visit)
Defeat the Grim Reaper on the Black Pearl Sora: Horizontal Slash
Donald: HP +4
Goofy: Draw
Jack Sparrow: HP +10
37 Defeat the Grim Reaper at the Harbor Sora: Magnet Element
Donald: Flare Force
Goofy: HP +5
Jack Sparrow: HP +15
38 Agrabah
(Second Visit)
Defeat Jafar Sora: Fire Element
39 Halloween Town
(Second Visit)
Defeat Lock, Shock, and Barrel Sora: Item Slot
Donald: HP +4
Goofy: Auto Change
Jack Skellington: HP +5
40 Defeat The Experiment Sora: HP +5
Donald: Jackpot
Goofy: HP +5
Jack Skellington: HP +10
41 Pride Lands
(Second Visit)
Defeat Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed in the Elephant Graveyard Sora: Accessory Slot
Donald: HP +4
Goofy: MP Rage
Simba: HP +5
42 Defeat the Groundshaker Sora: HP +5, Thunder Element
Simba: HP +5
43 Space Paranoids
(Second Visit)
Defeat the Heartless aboard the Solar Sailer Sora: Explosion
Donald: MP Hastera
Goofy: HP +5
Tron: HP +5
44 Defeat the MCP Sora: HP +5, Reflect Element
Donald: HP +4
Goofy: Accessory Slot
Tron: HP +5
45 Twilight Town
(Second Visit)
Defeat the Nobodies at The Old Mansion Sora: HP +5
Donald: Lucky Lucky
Goofy: HP +5
46 Defeat the Nobodies at Betwixt and Between Sora: Slapshot
47 The World That Never Was Defeat Roxas Sora: HP +5, Combo Master
48 Defeat Xigbar Sora: MP +10
Donald: Item Slot
Goofy: HP +5
49 Defeat Luxord Sora: HP +5, Magnet Element
50 Defeat Saïx Sora: HP +5
Donald: HP +4
Goofy: Item Slot
51 Defeat Xemnas Sora: HP +5, MP +10
52 Defeat Xemnas's Final Form Sora: Drive Gauge +1
Riku: HP +25
53 Olympus Coliseum
Defeat Zexion's Absent Silhouette Sora: Item Slot
Donald: HP +3
Goofy: Damage Control
54 Port Royal
Defeat Larxene's Absent Silhouette Sora: MP +10
Donald: Item Slot
Goofy: HP +4
55 Twilight Town
Defeat Lexaeus's Absent Silhouette Sora: Accessory Slot
Donald: HP +3
Goofy: Item Slot
56 Agrabah
Defeat Vexen's Absent Silhouette Sora: Armor Slot
Donald: HP +3
Goofy: HP +4
57 Beast's Castle
Defeat Marluxia's Absent Silhouette Sora: Drive Gauge +1
Donald: HP +3
Goofy: HP +4
58 Hollow Bastion
Defeat Sephiroth Sora: Drive Gauge +1
59 Defeat the enemies at the Transport to Remembrance Sora: Item Slot
Donald: HP +3
Goofy: HP +4
60 Disney Castle
Defeat Lingering Will Sora: Drive Gauge +1
Donald: HP +3
Goofy: HP +4

Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

World Objective Reward
Land of Departure Defeat the Orbs of Light HP +5, Critical Impact
Enchanted Dominion Defeat the Wheel Master Deck Capacity +1, Diamond Dust
Dwarf Woodlands Defeat the Spirit of the Magic Mirror HP +5, Firestorm
Castle of Dreams Defeat the Symphony Master HP +5, Deck Capacity +1
Radiant Garden Defeat the Trinity Armor HP +10, Rockbreaker
Defeat Braig Deck Capacity +1
Olympus Coliseum Complete the Games HP +5
Defeat Zack Deck Capacity +1
Deep Space Defeat the Jellyshade in the Lanes Between HP +5
Defeat Experiment 221 Thunderbolt
Neverland Defeat Peter Pan Bladecharge
Defeat the Jellyshade in Skull Rock Deck Capacity +1
Land of Departure
(2nd visit)
Defeat Master Eraqus HP +10
Keyblade Graveyard Defeat Master Xehanort HP +10
Mirage Arena Clear Weaver Fever for the first time HP +5
Clear Copycat Crisis for the first time HP +10

Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance

World Objective Reward
Destiny Islands Defeat Ursula HP +20
Traverse Town Defeat the Hockomonkey HP +20, Deck Capacity +1
La Cité des Cloches Defeat the giant Woeflower & Wheeflowers HP +20
Defeat the Wargoyle Deck Capacity +1
The Grid Defeat Rinzler HP +20, Defense Gain Drop Bonus
Prankster's Paradise Defeat the Dream Eaters disguised as Pinocchio HP +20
Defeat the Chill Clawbster Deck Capacity +1
Defeat the Lord Kyroo HP +20, Link Accelerator Drop Bonus[1]
Traverse Town
(2nd Visit)
Defeat the Dream Eaters summoned by Spellican HP +20, Spirit Auto-Life Drop Bonus
Country of the Musketeers Defeat the Beagle Boys and Pete Deck Capacity +1
Symphony of Sorcery Defeat the Spellican HP +20, Flowmotion Turbo Drop Bonus
The World That Never Was Defeat Xemnas HP +20
Post-game Clear the Secret Portal in Traverse Town for the first time HP +10
Clear the Secret Portal in La Cité des Cloches for the first time HP +10
Clear the Secret Portal in The Grid for the first time HP +10
Clear the Secret Portal in Prankster's Paradise for the first time HP +10
Clear the Secret Portal in Country of the Musketeers for the first time HP +10
Clear the Secret Portal in Symphony of Sorcery for the first time HP +10
  1. ^ a b c This bonus can only be obtained once by either Sora or Riku.
  2. ^ Not available in the Japanese version of Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance.

Kingdom Hearts III

World Objective Reward
Dive to the Heart Defeat Darkside Sora: Fire, Water
Olympus Defeat the Heartless at the Cliff Ascent Sora: HP +10
Defeat the Heartless at the Agora Donald: MP Haste
Defeat the Heartless at the Overlook Sora: HP +10
Rescue the people from the Heartless at the Gardens Sora: HP +10
Defeat the Heartless at the Alleyway within the time limit. Donald: HP +10, Fire Boost
Defeat the Rock Troll at the Agora Sora: HP +10
Goofy: Lucky Strike
Defeat the Rock Titan at the Mountainside Sora: MP +5
Defeat the Satyrs at the Courtyard Goofy: HP +10
Defeat the Tornado Titan at the Apex Sora: HP +10
Twilight Town Defeat the Demon Tide at the Tram Common Sora: Cure, MP Safety
Defeat the Heartless in The Woods Donald: Team Attack Extender
Defeat the Heartless and Nobodies at The Old Mansion Sora: HP +10, Blizzard
Toy Box Defeat the Heartless in Andy's House Sora: Aerial Recovery
Defeat the Gigas at Main Floor: 1F Donald: Item Slot
Goofy: Team Attack Extender
Defeat the Supreme Smashers at Action Figures Sora: Speed Slash
Defeat the Angelic Amber at Babies & Toddlers: Dolls Sora: MP +5, High Jump
Take down the UFO at Babies & Toddlers: Outdoors Sora: Thunder
Defeat the Gigas in the game world Sora: Accessory Slot
Defeat the King of Toys at the Kids Korral Sora: HP +10, Falling Slash
Kingdom of Corona Defeat the Heartless at the Hills Sora: Aero
Defeat the Chief Puff at the Hills Goofy: HP +10, Second Chance
Defeat the Nobodies at the Hills Sora: Counter Slash
Defeat the Chaos Carriage at the Wetlands Sora: MP +5, Superjump
Defeat the Nobodies at the Wharf Sora: Rising Spiral
Donald: Damage Syphon
Defeat the Heartless at the Tower Sora: Armor Slot
Donald: HP +10
Defeat the Grim Guardianess at the Tower Sora: HP +10
Goofy: Accessory slot
Monstropolis Defeat the Unversed at the Lobby & Offices Sora: Counter Impact
Defeat the Unversed at the Laugh Floor Goofy: Share Prizes
Defeat the Heartless at the Upper Level and make Boo laugh Sora: Fira
Defeat the enemies in the electrified area at the Second Floor Donald: Armor Slot, Thunder Boost
Defeat the Unversed at the Second Floor and make Boo laugh Sora: Combo Master
Defeat the enemies in the burning area of the Accessway Sora: Watera
Defeat the enemies in the burning area of the Tank Yard Sora: Item Slot
Defeat the Unversed at the Tank Yard Sora: Triple Rush
Defeat the Lump of Horror at the Service Area Sora: HP +10, Cura
Arendelle Defeat the Heartless at the Gorge Sora: Groundbreaker
Defeat the first group of Nobodies at the Middle Tier Goofy: HP +10
Defeat the Nobodies at the Lower Tier Sora: Thundara
Defeat the second group of Nobodies at the Middle Tier Donald: HP +10
Goofy: Hyper Healing
Defeat the third group of Nobodies at the Middle Tier Sora: Risk Dodge
Goofy: Item Slot
Defeat the Frost Serpents at the Mountain Ridge Sora: Doubleflight
Donald: Blizzard Boost
Defeat the Heartless at the Valley of Ice Sora: Accessory Slot, Air Slide
Defeat Marshmallow at the Mountain Ridge Sora: Blizzara
Defeat Sköll at the Foothills Sora: MP +5, Superslide
The Caribbean Defeat the Anchor Raiders at Davy Jones' Locker Sora: Counter Kick
Defeat the Heartless Ships at Over the Edge Donald: Accessory Slot, More Team Attacks
Defeat the Raging Vulture at the Southern Waters Sora: Air Slide
Defeat the Lightning Angler at the Undersea Cavern Sora: Thundaga
Race against Luxord at the Southern Waters Sora: Item Slot
Goofy: More Team Attacks
Defeat the enemies aboard Luxord's ship at the Port Royal Waters Sora: Magic Flash
Defeat the Heartless Ships at the Northern Waters Sora: Waterga
Defeat the Tentacles at Shipwreck Cove Donald: Aero Boost
Goofy: HP +10
Defeat Davy Jones at Shipwreck Cove Sora: HP +10, Payback Strike
San Fransokyo Defeat the Metal Troll at The Bridge Donald: Hyper Healing
Goofy: Armor Slot
Defeat the Heartless at the South District Donald: HP +10
Goofy: Damage Control
Defeat the Catastrochorus at the Central District Sora: Firaga
Rescue Go Go, Wasabi, Honey Lemon, and Fred from the Darkubes Sora: Superslide
Defeat the Darkubes at the South District Sora: Armor Slot
Goofy: Withstand Combo
Defeat Dark Baymax Sora: HP +10, Aeroga
Keyblade Graveyard Defeat the large group of enemies at The Badlands Sora: Item Slot, Final Blow
The Final World Collect 222 Sora copies Sora: HP +5
Collect 333 Sora copies Sora: HP +5
Defeat the Lich at the Central District Sora: MP +5, Aeroga
Keyblade Graveyard Defeat Dark Riku and Xigbar at the Trial of Valediction Sora: MP +5
Defeat Luxord, Marluxia, and Larxene at the Trial of Valediction Sora: HP +10
Defeat Vanitas and Terra-Xehanort at the Twist of Isolation Sora: MP +5
Defeat Saïx at the Twist of Isolation Sora: HP +10
Defeat Ansem, Seeker of Darkness, Xemnas, and Young Xehanort at the Tower of Endings Sora: HP +10