Kingdom Hearts (game)
Kingdom Hearts Final Mix
Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories
Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories
Kingdom Hearts II
Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
Kingdom Hearts coded
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Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix
Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance

Mickey Mouse

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"Helping others always comes before asking others for help."
—King Mickey

King Mickey, often referred to as The King or Your Majesty, or simply Mickey Mouse, is the king of Disney Castle and a recurring character in the Kingdom Hearts series. He travels the worlds battling the forces of darkness and is a Keyblade Master, and the chosen Keyblade wielder for the Realm of Darkness, though he follows the path of light. Originally believing that the darkness had to be eliminated, he eventually realized that light and darkness are interdependent and cannot exist without the other due to his encounters with Riku.

Originally a ship's hand working with Captain Pete at Timeless River, Mickey eventually became a student of the Keyblade Master Yen Sid. Mickey was a main player in the conflict with Master Xehanort, and was later one of the first to notice the threat of the Heartless, inventing the first Gummi Ship to travel to other worlds in order to work against the monsters.

Journal entries

Kingdom Hearts

King of Disney Castle. He set out to learn more about the darkness, and left instructions for Donald and Goofy to find and follow the key bearer. No one knows where King Mickey is now, but they are determined to find him.

He made his debut in "Steamboat Willie" (1928).

Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories

The king who reigns over Disney Castle.

He set off alone to protect his world and all worlds from the dominion of the dark.

When Riku fell into the realm of darkness, the king showed him the way, but the two were separated when the door to darkness was closed.

Kingdom Hearts II

First entry

Steamboat Willie (1928)

The king of Disney Castle. It's been a while since he set off alone to fight the darkness threatening the worlds.

King Mickey and Riku stayed behind the realm of darkness to keep the Heartless from escaping again.

Donald, Goofy, and Sora will keep searching until they're reunited with the King.

Second entry

Steamboat Willie (1928)

The king of Disney Castle. He was the first to realize what a threat the darkness was, and the first to act. King Mickey travels across the worlds, battling the Heartless and searching for an answer to the riddle of Organization XIII and the Nobodies.

After many great battles, the King seems even more determined than ever to fight against the darkness.

First entry (Timeless River)

Steamboat Willie (1928)

It's King Mickey all right, but in this world, he doesn't have a lot to say, and he doesn't look exactly like the king we all know.

His Majesty's acting like he's somebody completely different. I wonder what's going on.

Second entry (Timeless River)

Steamboat Willie (1928)

It's King Mickey, but back when he was working on Pete's steamboat.

One thing sure hasn't changed—His Majesty was just as brave back then as he is now.

Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

Steamboat Willie (1928)

King of Disney Castle. He put aside his training under Yen Sid and ran off when he heard the worlds were in trouble.

So far his travels from world to world have been mostly accidental, since he cannot control the Star Shard he "borrowed."

Kingdom Hearts Re:coded

The king of Disney Castle. Just like Sora, he wields a Keyblade. In the past, he traveled from world to world to watch over Sora, Donald, and the others, and guide them in their journey to save all worlds from the forces of darkness.

Once the crisis was averted, Mickey returned to Disney Castle to live a peaceful life with his friends there.


Before Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

When he was young, Mickey worked as a deck hand with his captain, Pete. He and Pete sailed the steamboat Willie throughout Timeless River. This past association causes Pete to refer to Mickey as "the Boat-Boy King."

When Sora comes from the future using a door in the Hall of the Cornerstone, he, along with the future versions of Donald Duck and Goofy, mistake Mickey for being himself from the future. Four times, Mickey appears at scenes of trouble, either in peril (or appearing to be so), saving the day, or both. On one such occasion, his house is attacked by hordes of Heartless and a mini black hole that sucks up all his furniture. After each time Sora helps him out, Mickey shakes his hand and leads him to another scene of peril.

Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

While Terra, Ventus, and Aqua search for Master Xehanort and Vanitas, King Mickey undergoes the Mark of Mastery Exam under the supervision of Yen Sid at the Mysterious Tower, accompanied by Donald and Goofy, during which he uses the Star Seeker Keyblade. Later on, Mickey runs away without Yen Sid´s permission, using a Star Shard that allows him to travel throughout other world; however, it works rather randomly, as he has not learned how to control it. Terra witnesses the King's leave when he first visits the tower.

Upon visiting the Mysterious Tower, Terra watches Mickey's Star Shard take him to the Keyblade Graveyard. The Star Shard knew that Mickey needed to be there to save Ventus. When Ventus loses a fight with Vanitas, he steps in to help. They successfully drive him off before Mickey's Star Shard brings them to Radiant Garden. He later teams up with Aqua (after Ven attempts to get inside the Radiant Garden castle), rescuing a young Kairi from the Unverseds' attempt to capture her. He is whisked off to Neverland when the battle ends, telling Aqua to not worry about him.

While exploring Neverland Mickey is ambushed by Vanitas and knocked unconscious, who then proceeds to kidnap Mickey and take him to the Keyblade Graveyard. Ven tries to help Mickey when he finds out about it, only for them to both get sucked into a vortex. Mickey is left stranded in space before Aqua finds him and takes him back to the Mysterious Tower.

Upon regaining consciousness, Mickey returns to the Keyblade Graveyard, where helps Aqua battle Ventus, who is possessed by Vanitas, and eventually guides them to the Mysterious Tower, where they discover that Ventus's heart has left his body. Later, after Aqua leaves with Ventus to find him a safe place, Mickey sorrowfully hands in the Star Shard and his Star Seeker Keyblade, thinking he has failed to reach his goal and disappointed his master, and begins to leave. Before he departs, however, Master Yen Sid hands him back the Keyblade with a smile, showing him that he is indeed worthy of the title of Keyblade Master. Mickey then happily accepts it.

Between Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep and Kingdom Hearts

After the barriers between the worlds shatter, causing meteors to fall from the sky, Mickey realizes the threat that the Darkness presents. Mickey seeks help for his concerns and the danger he expects. By using the material from the meteors themselves to make a Gummi Ship, Mickey travels to Radiant Garden and meets Ansem the Wise. Mickey befriends Ansem and tells him of his concern about the growing Darkness between the worlds. It is also here that Mickey meets Xehanort. Seeing him seems to disturb the King.

Kingdom Hearts

King Mickey leaves his home, Disney Castle, leaving a note instructing Donald and Goofy to "find the Key".

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Mickey as seen at the end of Kingdom Hearts

In his journeys, King Mickey passes through the Corridor of Darkness at Traverse Town and finds the Keyblade of the Realm of Darkness. Within the Realm of Darkness, he meets Riku, asking him about his heart.

After the defeat of Ansem, he helps Sora to seal Kingdom Hearts to prevent the Heartless from escaping it. It was the choice of Mickey and Riku to stay behind in the Realm of Darkness that led Sora, Donald, and Goofy to embark on two more journeys through the worlds.

Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories

Sora, Donald and Goofy initially enter Castle Oblivion believing the King to be there, but he does not enter the castle until Riku appears in its basement. Mickey appears before Riku many times while he battles his inner darkness, until they finally meet face to face. Meeting DiZ, Mickey begins to suspect the enigma's true identity.

Right before Riku goes on to face Ansem, he tries to make Mickey promise to destroy him if Ansem conquers him, but Mickey dismisses it and promises to break through to his power and save Riku. Riku wins the battle, but Ansem tries to trap him in Darkness and Mickey takes him back to the light. Through this experience, Mickey forms a similar friendship with Riku as Donald and Goofy with Sora. Riku even calls him by his name "Mickey" from this point forward.

After leaving the Castle, the King and Riku eventually part ways.

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days

King Mickey appears in the Twilight Town woods facing Riku, who has taken on the form of Ansem, Seeker of Darkness. Mickey readies to attack as Riku calmly ties his blindfold into place, and looks shocked at Riku changing appearance. Then Riku makes Mickey promise not to tell Sora what happened to him when he wakes up.

Kingdom Hearts II

Sometime after Riku leaves DiZ's employ, he encounters Mickey and gives him the Munny Pouch that he had stolen from Roxas in the Simulated Twilight Town. Not wanting Sora and Kairi to know about his condition, Riku pleads with Mickey not to reveal his whereabouts or his condition to Sora, and Mickey reluctantly agrees.

Mickey later arrives to help Sora fend off the Nobodies that attacked them in Twilight Town posing as somewhat of a fake Organization XIII member. After the battle, he hands Sora the pouch of munny Riku gave him and instructs him to visit his mentor, Yen Sid, running off afterward. Yen Sid reveals that Mickey's reasons for leaving Disney Castle in the first place was to investigate the mysterious outbreak of Heartless and the more mysterious Organization.

At Hollow Bastion, Mickey reveals the truth about "Ansem", but is reluctant to reveal any information on Riku. He then aides the group in fending off the Heartless that Maleficent has summoned to destroy Radiant Garden. Initially, he orders Sora, Donald, and Goofy to leave Hollow Bastion and leave the Heartless to them, but Donald and Goofy go against his orders when they realize how desperate Sora is to help Leon. He later confronts them after they defeat Demyx, at first appearing angry, but soon simply decides to allow them to help.

When Goofy apparently dies after taking a nasty blow to the head while saving Mickey from the same fate, Mickey swears that the Heartless would pay and permanently discards his Organization XIII disguise. They are later relieved to discover that Goofy was only unconscious. When he and Sora confront Xemnas, he jumps after Xemnas into a corridor of darkness before it closed, thus preventing Sora, Donald and Goofy from going after him, but since he appears later in Twilight Town, it is apparent that he could not follow Xemnas all the way back to the Organization's base.

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Mickey congratulating Riku

Sora and the others meet him in Twilight Town, where they find a way into The World That Never Was through the Simulated Twilight Town DiZ had created. When they enter the world, Mickey goes ahead of Sora to look for Ansem the Wise. He eventually finds him, and rescues him from a group of Nobodies. Ansem then attempts to use his machine to convert Kingdom Hearts into data, but was unsuccessful and vanishes when the machine explodes.

Mickey then confronts Xemnas with Sora, Riku, Kairi, Donald and Goofy, and watches as Xemnas opens Kingdom Hearts. Xemnas then blocks out King Mickey and Kairi from participating in the final fight, first by launching a building at him and Kairi, closing the door to Kingdom Hearts, and later closing the dark portal to the Destiny Islands, preventing Mickey, Kairi, Donald, and Goofy from returning to aid Sora and Riku.

After Sora and Riku end the Organization's plot, Mickey waits with Donald, Goofy, and Kairi on Destiny Islands for their return. Once they do, he runs to Riku and congratulates them both for defeating Organization XIII. During the end credits, King Mickey is seen returning with Donald, Goofy, Scrooge McDuck, Huey, Dewey, and Louie, Pluto, and Jiminy to Disney Castle, where he shares a kiss with his wife Queen Minnie.

Soon after, Mickey sends Sora, Riku and Kairi a bottled letter.

Kingdom Hearts coded

Mickey writing the letter to Sora

Mickey digitizes Jiminy's Journal to investigate a mysterious message saying: "We must return to free them from their torment". When bugs appear in the digital system, he decides to create a data version of Sora to fix them.

Following the digital Sora's time in Traverse Town, he is attacked by Heartless. After disposing of them with the Star Seeker, he tries to leave the library to check the castle, but finds himself locked in, along with Jiminy, Donald, and Goofy. Somehow, they have been transported into the digital journal itself. While in the journal, he joins forces with Data-Sora and the journal itself (in the form of Riku) to dispatch the Heartless and debug the digital world. After defeating Sora's own Heartless, who was corrupting the journal, Mickey and his friends are returned to the real world when the debugging is completed, but a message claiming that a door to a new world has opened appears on the screen. Preparing for another adventure, Mickey requests to be taken into the digital world again to solve this new mystery.

Inside, he escorts Data-Sora throughout Castle Oblivion until they encounter the data version of Naminé, who tells them about Terra, Ventus, Aqua, and the reason behind the Bug Block corruption, which was caused by the real Naminé when she removed Sora's memories and later restored them. After everything in the journal was restored, Mickey returns to the real world to write the letter to Sora to tell him about those who need him to heal their sadness, and a new journey is about to begin.

Later, Mickey reports to Yen Sid that he believes he has finally found where Ventus's missing heart is, leaving only Terra's heart to be found. Their discussion quickly shifts towards the topic of Master Xehanort, who Mickey is stunned to learn will return due to the defeat of his Heartless, Ansem, and his Nobody, Xemnas, and the subsequent restoration of Xehanort. Fearing that they may have to fight more than a "single one of Xehanort", Yen Sid orders Mickey to bring Sora and Riku before him so that they may take the Mark of Mastery exam.

Other appearances

Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance

Mickey, along with Donald and Goofy, is briefly seen in the 2011 TGS trailer, being present as Yen Sid prepares to give Sora and Riku their Mark of Mastery exam. In the 2012 Jump Festa trailer Mickey is again shown alongside Donald and Goofy in Disney Castle talking to Maleficent about Xehanort. From Jump Festa onwards, Mickey has been shown in at least three different incarnations: his present one, a past Musketeer form in Country of the Musketeers, and a past Sorcerer form in Symphony of Sorcery.


"They'll pay for this."
—King Mickey after Goofy is knocked unconscious.

Although still brave, the past Mickey often will run away from fights, such as when he fled from the Heartless that appeared in his house. He does save Sora on several occasions, but only from a distance. The only major personality difference between the past and present Mickeys is the fact that past one is rather lazy and irresponsible, while the present one is amazingly active and wise. The reason for this change is probably earning the possession of the Keyblade or perhaps becoming king of Disney Castle.

Mickey is very friendly and loyal, always thinking positive. He is always ready to help his friends, trying to protect them at any costs. However, in early games, he states that he fears the Darkness and thinks that only the Light is the key, but this changes when he meets Riku- he realizes that Light and Darkness can work together, and that one couldn't exist without the other. He is also shown to be angry when something happens to his friends, like when Goofy was knocked out in Kingdom Hearts II, and he became mad at the Heartless, as did Donald and Sora.


Mickey is an anthropomorphic mouse with black fur, round ears of the same color, and a thin, long, black tail. His usual outfit in the Kingdom Hearts series is a modified version of the one he wears in modern Disney cartoons. He wears a short-sleeved jacket with white lining. The top half of this jacket is black, while the bottom half is red, and there are two yellow straps dangling in front of it. His pants are red and sport a zipper going down the front of each leg. Each leg also has a yellow pouch with a black strap that partially cover the zipper, as well as a blue strap on the outer side of each pant leg. Mickey wears very large, yellow shoes with grey backs and two orange, intersecting straps attached to the front of each shoe.

This design was eventually used as a base to create Sora's outfit in the first Kingdom Hearts. As he is not physically present until the final cutscene, at which point he is still only a silhouette, Jiminy was incapable of recording the King's outfit in the journal. However, if one looks closely, Mickey is wearing his normal Disney attire from his cartoons.

Long ago, when Mickey was a resident of Timeless River, he looked different than he did in the present day. He is colored in grayscale like the other inhabitants of the world. He is modeled after his appearance in older Disney cartoons like Steamboat Willie. Mickey's face is white and his eyes are simple black ovals. His fur is black, as are his ears, which are simple black circles. Like in the older cartoons he is from, no matter which direction Mickey himself is facing, his ears are always facing the screen. He wears the famous white gloves common to many older Disney characters. His shorts are white and have two buttons on the front. His shoes are also white, and he does not wear a shirt. Mickey also sports a thin, long tail.

In Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, Mickey wears a black vest with white lining, two yellow buttons near the bottom, and a zipper that only reaches about halfway down the vest. Under this vest he wears a short-sleeved shirt that is seems to be the same black, white-lined color scheme as his vest, though the cuffs of the sleeves are red. His pants are red and quite baggy. The pockets have white lining. Similar to Goofy, the front of Mickey's pant legs are pulled up slightly by elastic, blue straps. Mickey's shoes here are also yellow, but the tips and lower halves are black and the soles are white. Each shoe has two blue straps that intersect over the top of the shoe.

While training under Yen Sid during Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, Mickey's outfit is virtually identical to the way it looks in Kingdom Hearts II, except for the color: Mickey's clothing is colored in greyscale, losing all the colors it had, save for black, white, and grey, making it similar to Sora's outfit in Kingdom Hearts II. He also attacks using the teeth of his Star Seeker as opposed to the broad edge of the Kingdom Key D in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, adding more contrast between his appearances in both games.

During Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days and the early stages of Kingdom Hearts II, Mickey wears the black coat, gloves, and shoes that Organization XIII members wear. Though largely the same as the other coats, Mickey's apparently has contortions in the hood for his ears, and the drawstrings on his version sport Hidden Mickey symbols on the tips. In all of his appearances, except for when he wears the black coat, Mickey dons the famous, white gloves common to most older Disney characters.


Mickey Mouse was created by Walt Disney and Ub Iwerks in 1928. Although it is commonly thought that "Steamboat Willie" was his first cartoon, it was actually "Plane Crazy" where he made his debut 6 months before. The reason for this is that Steamboat Willie was the first cartoon Mickey appeared in which had sound, as well as Mickey being characterized very differently in Plane Crazy. Since then, Mickey Mouse has become one of the most recognizable symbols in the world, existing for 82 years.

On May 18, 2009, Mickey's original voice actor, Wayne Allwine, passed away from complications due to diabetes. Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days became the last work in which Allwine provided the voice of Mickey Mouse (and his final performance overall), and the English versions of the game were dedicated in his memory; the new official voice actor for him is Bret Iwan, who gave his first full performance as Mickey in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, and later voiced him in Kingdom Hearts Re:coded.


While only being a few feet tall, King Mickey is an incredibly powerful person, as shown when he defeated three Darkside Heartless in a single blow just after the battle with Ansem. King Mickey is extremely skilled with a Keyblade, despite him being one of the only two Disney characters capable of wielding one. He uses his size and agility to maximize his advantages and wear down his foes, flipping and spinning attacks, and finishing them with wide strokes of his blade. It is possible to assume he gained his abilities from his training with Yen Sid. It's also known that Mickey has used two Keyblades: Star Seeker and the Kingdom Key D, a Keyblade of the Realm of Darkness. Due to his small size, Mickey has also shown to have great agility, as he is usually seen doing back flips while using his Keyblade. King Mickey wields his Star Seeker in Kingdom Hearts coded, just as he did in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. Mickey is probably the strongest proponent of the Light, although his devotion to it is eventually tempered by his friendship with Riku.

In terms of magic, Mickey is also very apt. Kingdom Hearts II demonstrated Mickey's ability to use "Pearl," a clearly light based spell, and "Holy", the ultimate light magic. Also in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, he is shown to heal Ventus with Cure after Vanitas beat him.

Mickey is very able outside of combat, as well. He has spent a large amount of time in the Dark Realm, and his Dark Realm Keyblade, the Kingdom Key D, is a polar opposite to Sora's Light Realm Keyblade, the Kingdom Key. As a testament to his heart's strength, Mickey has never once fought with his inner darkness. He can travel easily within the Corridor of Darkness and seems to be completely unaffected by it. Based on the Ansem Reports, Mickey is said to have discovered the properties of Gummi material and used it to travel to other worlds.

In Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories and Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories, The King is a friend card used solely by Riku. This card will summon King Mickey, healing Riku slightly, hurting all enemies and stunning them for a short time, and restocking Riku's deck. Stocking these cards will allow you to use the only sleight you can as regular Riku, MM Miracle. It increases the amount you are healed and the damage done to enemies. It is one of the few ways Riku can heal himself, the other being the Oogie Boogie enemy card. In Re:Chain of Memories only, Riku can also perform the Holy Burst and Inverse Burst Sleights with King Mickey, in normal and Dark Mode respectively, in which Mickey hovers and shoots orbs of light from his Keyblade.


Main article: Mickey (D-Link)

In Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, Mickey becomes a D-Link for Ventus and Aqua. While using him as a D-Link, they can either create an aerial attack or release multiple spheres of light to inflict damage on the enemy.

Playing as the King

Kingdom Hearts II

In certain battles against bosses, if Sora is defeated, an alternate menu option will appear. Instead of the normal "Continue" and "Load Game," Sora is then given the options "I won't give up!" and "It's all over..". If "I won't give up!" is chosen, the player will be able to play as Mickey temporarily. This can happen a number of times in one battle.

In battle, Mickey can perform two attacks: the first being simply Attack, and the other being Pearl, a magical attack that damages the opponent with a homing ball of light. Like Sora, Circle allows the player to jump and Triangle performs reaction commands. However, Mickey's only reaction command is to slowly charge his Drive Gauge. Once the Drive Gauge is full, Mickey can activate Healing Light, which will fully recover Sora's HP and MP and causes the player to continue playing as Sora. If Mickey is defeated before using Healing Light, Mickey will instead use a potion to heal Sora so that he regains half of his HP, although his MP will remain the way it was before he was defeated.

While Mickey can deal damage, it is impossible to actually defeat a boss as Mickey due to the fact that he lacks a finishing move. However, Mickey is very powerful and one could use him to beat the boss to the point where only Sora can finish the battle before reviving him.

These are the battles in which King Mickey can appear:

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days

King Mickey is playable in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days's Mission Mode, wearing his Organization XIII cloak. To unlock him, the player must complete every mission, which will make the item "Return of the King" available from the Moogle shop. Purchasing it will unlock him. He wields both the Star Seeker and the Kingdom Key D, along with several upgraded forms of the latter.
