Oh no! The water! I'm in big trouble if I don't fetch it!
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Issues: nihongos, Spirit Creation mechanics

Synthesis is a recurring gameplay feature in the Kingdom Hearts series that allows new gear to be created from synthesis materials that are collected throughout the various worlds. Many of the most powerful pieces of equipment in the series, such as the Ultima Weapon, are obtained through synthesis. Moogles are experts in synthesis, so Moogle Shops are the domain of synthesis in many games.

Item synthesisEdit

Item synthesis (アイテム合成 Aitemu gōsei?) allows powerful items, weapons, armor and accessories to be created from synthesis materials collected across the worlds. New items are unlocked for synthesis by fulfilling certain criteria that vary from game to game. Each item can be synthesized as many times as desired so long as the required materials are available, except for the Ultima Weapon which can only be made once. Item synthesis can only be carried out at Moogle Shops.

Kingdom HeartsEdit

The Item Workshop in Kingdom Hearts.

Item synthesis can be carried out at the Item Workshop, located in Traverse Town above the Accessory Shop in the First District after using the green Trinity Mark in the Accessory Shop. The word "Mix" appears besides items that have already been synthesized at least once already. After every item has been synthesized at least once, Sora inherits the title of "Master Synthesist" from the moogle in the corner closest to the entrance to the workshop.

Every item informally belongs to a synthesis set, which progress in the power of the items and the rarity of synthesis materials. The first set is available upon accessing the workshop. Subsequent sets must be unlocked by synthesizing a certain number of unique items from the previous sets.

In Kingdom Hearts, there are 25 items in total that can be synthesized, which are grouped into five sets. Lists I-IV each contain six items, whereas List V only has Ultima Weapon. In Kingdom Hearts Final Mix, there are 33 items and six sets. Lists I-V each contain six items, whereas List VI is reserved for Ultima Weapon, Fantasista, and Seven Elements. Moreover, the new Encounter Plus ability is rewarded after 15 unique items are synthesized.

Set Items Unlocked
List I   Cottage
  Energy Bangle
  Power Chain
  Guard Earring
  Dark Ring
Available upon accessing workshop.
List II   Mega-Potion
  AP Up
  Angel Bangle
  Magic Armlet
  Golem Chain
  Master Earring
Create four unique items on List I.
List III   Mega-Ether
  Defense Up
  Gaia Bangle
  Rune Armlet
  Three Stars
Create ten unique items on Lists I and II.
List IV   Megalixir
  Power Up
  Titan Chain
  Atlas Armlet
  Crystal Crown
Create fifteen unique items on Lists I-III
List V   Ultima Weapon Create all twenty-four items on Lists I-IV.

Kingdom Hearts IIEdit

Item Synthesis in Kingdom Hearts II.

Item synthesis can be accessed at Moogle Shops where resources and progress carries over across all worlds, despite Moogle Shops selling different items in different worlds. Each visit to the synthesis menu deposits all synthesis materials from Sora's inventory to the Moogle Shop.

Items can either be synthesized for the first time via Free Development or Recipes. Items from the former menu are unlocked by achieving Collector's Goals and upgrading the moogle's level, whereas items from the latter menu are attached to particular recipes that are obtained as rewards from chests and bosses. Items that have already been synthesized at least once appear in the Creations tab.

Kingdom Hearts II introduces special synthesis materials that may be added to recipes of the same rank to achieve certain modifications. Bright materials double the experience awarded to the moogle, Energy materials halve the amount of materials required, and Serenity materials can be used to upgrade some items into more powerful forms. Special materials can only be used upon reaching the appropriate moogle level. At level 4, two kinds of special materials may be used at the same time.

A Rank from C, B, A, or S is assigned to each synthesis material and synthesized item. Higher rank synthesis materials are generally rarer and used to make higher rank items that are more powerful and tend to award more synthesis experience. In order to use a special material in the synthesis of an item, the rank of the special material must match the item's rank.

In addition to receiving the items, item synthesis awards the moogle with experience, which increases the moogle's level. Levelling up grants perks, such as the ability to use special materials, halving the materials required for synthesis, and unlocking new items in Free Development.

  • Amateur Moogle (LV1) - Recipe and Free Development items can be created.
  • Novice Moogle (LV2) - Brightness or Energy Materials can be used in recipes.
  • Junior Moogle (LV3) - Serenity Materials can be used.
  • Skilled Moogle (LV4) - Two kinds of special materials (Brightness, Energy, or Serenity) can be selected at a time.
  • Senior Moogle (LV5) - Rank C items are at half-cost.
  • Artisan Moogle (LV6) - Rank B items are at half-cost.
  • Master Moogle (LV7) - Rank A items are at half-cost.
  • Superior Moogle (LV8) - The strongest items in Free Development are unlocked.
  • Primo Moogle (LV9) - Rank S items are at half-cost.

Kingdom Hearts IIIEdit

Item synthesis can be accessed through the Workshop at any Moogle Shop. Synthesis materials from the stock are deposited to the Moogle Shop with each visit. All items are synthesized from a single menu with no marker present to distinguish items that have already been synthesized at least once. However, Jiminy's Journal lists every synthesized item under the "Synthesis" section and the "Synth Log" at the Workshop menu specifies the total number of unique items that have been synthesized.

Compared to Kingdom Hearts II, Kingdom Hearts III features a simpler synthesis system that omits recipes, special materials, and moogle levels. Instead, new items are unlocked for synthesis by completing Collector's Goals and Photo Missions.

Criteria Items
Obtain 2 different synthesis materials.   Fire Bangle
  Shadow Anklet
  Ability Ring+
Obtain 4 different synthesis materials.   Elven Bandana
  Thunder Trinket
  Blizzard Choker
Obtain 6 different synthesis materials.   Mythril Shard
Obtain 8 different synthesis materials.   Wind Fan
  AP Boost
Obtain 10 different synthesis materials.   Fira Bangle
  Thundara Trinket
  Blizzara Choker
Obtain 12 different synthesis materials.   Technician's Ring+
Obtain 15 different synthesis materials.   Dark Anklet
  Mythril Stone
Obtain 18 different synthesis materials.   Warhammer+
  Clockwork Shield+
  Skill Ring+
Obtain 20 different synthesis materials.   Refocuser
Obtain 22 different synthesis materials.   Strength Boost
  Magic Boost
  Defense Boost
Obtain 25 different synthesis materials.   Firaga Bangle
  Blizzaga Choker
  Thundaga Trinket
Obtain 28 different synthesis materials.   Divine Bandanna
  Storm Fan
  Midnight Anklet
Obtain 30 different synthesis materials.   Pulsing Crystal
  Blazing Crystal
  Frost Crystal
  Lightning Crystal
Obtain 32 different synthesis materials.   Hi-Refocuser
  Mythril Gem
  Lucid Crystal
  Soothing Crystal
Obtain 35 different synthesis materials.   Phantom Ring
  Sorcerer's Ring
  Writhing Crystal
Obtain 38 different synthesis materials.   Firaza Bangle
  Blizzaza Choker
  Thundaza Trinket
Obtain 40 different synthesis materials.   Chaos Anklet
Obtain 42 different synthesis materials.   Aegis Shield+
  Mythril Crystal
Obtain 45 different synthesis materials.   Buster Band
  Orichalcum Ring
  Wisdom Ring
Obtain 48 different synthesis materials.   Heartless Maul
  Nobody Guard
Obtain 50 different synthesis materials.   Buster Band+
Obtain 52 different synthesis materials.   Heartless Maul+
  Nobody Guard+
Obtain 55 different synthesis materials.   Save the Queen
  Save the King
  Cosmic Chain
Obtain 58 different synthesis materials.   Ultima Weapon
  Save the Queen+
  Save the King+

Kingdom Hearts Melody of MemoryEdit

Item synthesis is accessed through the Team Menu. There are five categories of items that may be sythesized: Items, Music Stage Keys, ProfiCard Icons, Collector's Cards, and Materials. New recipes are unlocked through advancing the Moogle Level; synthesizing an item gives EXP, and creating a recipe for the first time awards an extra EXP Bonus. There are three add-on materials which make synthesis recipes more efficient, but they may only be earned once a certain Moogle Level is reached.

Moogle Level Required EXP Description Recipes
1 0
  Item Boost
  EXP Boost
  Summoning Star
  Blazing Shard
  Frost Shard
  Lightning Shard
  "Key Art A" Collector's Cards
  "Key Art B" Collector's Cards
  "Key Art C" Collector's Cards
  "Station of Awakening" Collector's Cards
  "Story Scene A" Collector's Cards
  "Story Scene B" Collector's Cards
  "Story Scene C" Collector's Cards
  "Story Scene D" Collector's Cards
  "Character A" Collector's Cards
  "Character B" Collector's Cards
  "Character C" Collector's Cards
  "Character D" Collector's Cards
  "Character E" Collector's Cards
  "Enemy A" Collector's Cards
  "Enemy B" Collector's Cards
  "Enemy C" Collector's Cards
  "Enemy D" Collector's Cards
  "Keyblade A" Collector's Cards
  "Keyblade B" Collector's Cards
  "Keyblade C" Collector's Cards
  "Keyblade D" Collector's Cards
  "Sora" Memory Dive MS
  "Riku" Memory Dive MS
  "Kairi I" Memory Dive MS
  "Roxas" Memory Dive MS
  "Naminé" Memory Dive MS
  "Musique pour la tristesse de Xion" Memory Dive MS
  "Terra" Memory Dive MS
  "Ventus" Memory Dive MS
  "Aqua" Memory Dive MS
  "Another Side" Field Battle MS
  "Fate of the Unknown" Field Battle MS
  "A Whole New World" Field Battle MS
  "Beauty and the Beast" Field Battle MS
  "Circle Of Life" Field Battle MS
  "Part of Your World" Memory Dive MS
  "Hand in Hand" Field Battle MS
  "Working Together - Allegro vivace" Field Battle MS
  "Sora - Allegro con brio" Field Battle MS
  "Medley of Conflict" Field Battle MS
  "Destati" Field Battle MS
  "Princesses & New Seven Hearts" ProfiCard Icons
  "Characters" ProfiCard Icons
  "Organization XIII" ProfiCard Icons
  "Villains" ProfiCard Icons
  "Characters (Illustrated)" ProfiCard Icons
  "Characters (Stylized)" ProfiCard Icons
  "Characters (KH III)" ProfiCard Icons
  "Special A" ProfiCard Icons
  "Special B" ProfiCard Icons
  "Special C" ProfiCard Icons
  "Special D" ProfiCard Icons
2 78626 Soothing Crystal recipe and add-on material unlocked.   Soothing Crystal
3 176122 Basic material recipes unlocked.   Lucid Shard
  Lucid Gem
4 292489 Wellspring Crystal recipe and add-on material unlocked.   Wellspring Crystal
5 427726 Intermediate material recipes unlocked.   Pulsing Shard
  Writhing Shard
  Pulsing Gem
  Writhing Gem
6 581833 Hungry Crystal recipe and add-on material unlocked.   Hungry Crystal
7 754810 Advanced material recipes unlocked.   Betwixt Shard
  Twilight Shard
  Mythril Shard
  Betwixt Gem
  Twilight Gem
  Mythril Gem
8 946657 More recipes for add-on materials and Collector's Cards unlocked.
  "Key Art No. 1 - 20" Collector's Cards
  "Key Art No. 21 - 40" Collector's Cards
  "Key Art No. 41 - 61" Collector's Cards
  "Station of Awakening No. 1 - 23" Collector's Cards
  "Story Scene No. 1 - 20" Collector's Cards
  "Story Scene No. 21 - 40" Collector's Cards
  "Story Scene No. 41 - 60" Collector's Cards
  "Story Scene No. 61 - 80" Collector's Cards
  "Story Scene No. 81 - 100" Collector's Cards
  "Story Scene No. 101 - 120" Collector's Cards
  "Story Scene No. 121 - 130" Collector's Cards
  "Character No. 1 - 30" Collector's Cards
  "Character No. 31 - 60" Collector's Cards
  "Character No. 61 - 90" Collector's Cards
  "Character No. 91 - 120" Collector's Cards
  "Character No. 121 - 150" Collector's Cards
  "Character No. 151 - 180" Collector's Cards
  "Character No. 181 - 210" Collector's Cards
  "Character No. 211 - 240" Collector's Cards
  "Character No. 241 - 270" Collector's Cards
  "Character No. 271 - 300" Collector's Cards
  "Character No. 301 - 321" Collector's Cards
  "Enemy No. 1 - 30" Collector's Cards
  "Enemy No. 31 - 60" Collector's Cards
  "Enemy No. 61 - 90" Collector's Cards
  "Enemy No. 91 - 120" Collector's Cards
  "Enemy No. 121 - 150" Collector's Cards
  "Enemy No. 151 - 193" Collector's Cards
  "Keyblade No. 1 - 20" Collector's Cards
  "Keyblade No. 21 - 40" Collector's Cards
  "Keyblade No. 41 - 60" Collector's Cards
  "Keyblade No. 61 - 80" Collector's Cards
  "Keyblade No. 81 - 100" Collector's Cards
  "Keyblade No. 101 - 125" Collector's Cards
  Soothing Crystal
  Wellspring Crystal
  Hungry Crystal

Panel synthesisEdit

Synthesis is available in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days in the form of panel synthesis. This feature is accessed through the Organization XIII-affiliated moogle, who is found in the Grey Area of the Castle That Never Was and, after Roxas leaves the Organization, Twilight Town.

The synthesis of a panel requires certain ingredients and some munny. In addition to material panels, which replace traditional synthesis materials, ingredients may also include item panels, magic panels, ability panels, and ring panels. Recipes reappear, but they do not unlock new panels for synthesis, rather recipes are a form of material panel that are consumed in the synthesis of some panels.

New panels are unlocked for synthesis by progressing through the game to upgrade Roxas's rank. Each time Roxas is promoted within the Organization, the moogle offers new items for sale and synthesis. In addition to requiring a certain rank, some items are only unlocked once certain materials needed for their synthesis are collected. For example, many Gears become available after the appropriate Gear Component is acquired.

Rank Criteria Panels
Novice Reach Day 26
  Limit Recharge
  Dodge Rush Ⓛ
  Dodge Combo Ⓛ
  Auto-Dodge Ⓛ
  Dodging Deflect Ⓛ
  Perfect Block Ⓛ
  Block-Counter Ⓛ
  Block-Retreat Ⓛ
  Sliding Block Ⓛ
  Block-Jump Ⓛ
  Fire Block Ⓛ
  Blizzard Block Ⓛ
  Thunder Block Ⓛ
  Aero Block Ⓛ
  Block Bonus Ⓛ
  Round Block Ⓛ
  Auto-Block Ⓛ
  Homing Glide Ⓛ
  Rocket Glide Ⓛ
  Air Rush Ⓛ
  Aerial Payback Ⓛ
  Smash Recovery Ⓛ
  Quick Recovery Ⓛ
  Float Ⓛ
  Magic Ring
  Fencer's Ring
  Fire Charm
  Strike Ring
  Lucky Ring
  White Ring
  Raider's Ring
  Thunder Charm
  Recovery Ring
  Vitality Ring
  Double Up
  Storm's Eye
  Fairy Circle
  Full Circle
  Charge Ring
  Eternal Ring
  Carmine Blight
  Frozen Blight
  Safety Ring
Rookie Reach Day 117   Chrono Gear+ ③
  Fearless Gear+ ③
  Duel Gear ④
  Prestige Gear+ ④
  Nimble Gear+ ④
  Ominous Gear+ ④
  Duel Gear++ ⑤
  Phantom Gear++ ⑤
  Hazard Gear ⑤
  Hazard Gear+ ⑤
  Crisis Gear ⑤
  Crisis Gear+ ⑤
  Champion Gear ⑤
  Rage Gear+ ⑤
  Pandora's Gear+ ⑤
  Omega Gear+ ⑥
  Ultimate Gear+ ⑥
Legend Complete the game   Lunar Strike
  Protect Ring
  Might Crown
  Three Stars
  Imperial Crown
  Witch's Chaos
  Space in Its Place
  Flagging Winds
  Ice Breaker
  Down to Earth
  Lose Your Illusion
  Sighing of the Moon
  Tears of Flame
  Parting of Waters
  Test of Time
  Flowers Athirst
  Stolen Thunder
  Dying of the Light
  Nothing to Fear

Throughout the story, Organization XIII members hanging around the Grey Area occasionally ask Roxas to synthesize particular panels for them, sometimes even providing some necessary ingredients. Completing these optional tasks results in small rewards, typically rare material panels. These tasks can only be completed on the days they are given; they cannot be completed after progressing the story further.

Keyblade upgradesEdit

Kingdom Hearts χEdit

Each Keyblade begins in their base form, equivalent to level 0, and can be upgraded to a maximum of level 50. The appearance of a Keyblade changes as it evolves and certain level milestones are reached. Raising a Keyblade's level requires synthesis materials, most of which are typically found in the world of the Keychain's origin. The rarest materials, however, are mainly obtained from limited-time events or purchased with premium currency.

In Kingdom Hearts χ, Keyblades are upgraded from the Keyblade menu. Levelling a Keyblade offers better cards and increases its Keyblade Bonus. A Keyblade's appearance can change up to a maximum of five times.

In Kingdom Hearts Union χ, Keyblades are upgraded from the Equipment menu. Levelling a Keyblade increases the medal boosts associated with particular medal slots. New medal slots entirely, including Upright and Reversed slots, are unlocked at specific levels. Additionally, each Keyblade level up increases the Special Attack Gauge and Friend bonus. A Keyblade's appearance can change up to three times in total.

Kingdom Hearts IIIEdit

Keyblades can be upgraded at The Keyblade Forge, which can be accessed through the Workshop at Moogle Shops. Each Keyblade starts at a level ranging from 0 to 10 when it is obtained; upgrading to higher levels boosts the Keyblade's strength and magic, and unlocks abilities that are active when wielding it. The max level of every Keyblade is 10.

Keyblade Starting Level
Kingdom Key
Hero's Origin
Shooting Star
Classic Tone
Midnight Blue
Phantom Green
Dawn Till Dusk
Elemental Encoder
Advent Red
Dead of Night
Favorite Deputy
Ever After
Happy Gear
Crystal Snow
Grand Chef
Hunny Spout
Nano Gear
Wheel of Fate
Ultima Weapon 10

Raising the level of a Keyblade requires particular synthesis materials, unique to that Keyblade. Rarer materials are needed for higher levels and stronger Keyblades. In order of increasing rarity, Fluorite, Damascus, Adamantite, and Electrum are materials that are strongly tied to Keyblade upgrades as each level upgrade requires one of these materials. The synthesis materials used at the Keyblade Forge are shared with those used in item synthesis.

Other types of synthesisEdit

Room SynthesisEdit

In Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories, new rooms are created at doorways using map cards, which are obtained from enemies. The type of room created depends on the map card used. A doorway may have certain criteria on which map cards can be used on it, such as a specific colour or high value. Map cards that satisfy certain conditions must also be used for special rooms that are opened with a keycard.

Command MeldEdit

Main article: Command Meld

Instead of a traditional synthesis system accessed through moogles, Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep features the Command Meld system, where new Deck Commands can be created by combining specific pairs of deck commands. Most deck commands must first be mastered before they can be used as ingredients. Synthesis materials may be added to the mix to attach Abilities to the resulting command.

Although the Command Meld menu lists any pairs of compatible Commands at all times, the resulting Command is not listed until the appropriate Recipe is obtained. Unlike in other games, any command can be melded without its recipe; the recipe simply shows what the resulting command will be before melding occurs. Command Meld can be done anywhere through the field menu and does not need to be carried out at a particular workstation.

Ice Cream mixingEdit

Main article: Ice Cream

In Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, ice cream commands can be made at the Ice Cream Shop in Disney Town from flavors collected from Prize Pods. Each ice cream is made from different flavors and can only be created after its respective Command Style is unlocked. After an ice cream has been created once, it also becomes available for sale. The Sweetstack Keyblade is obtained after all ice creams are made.

Command ConversionEdit

Main article: Command Conversion

Kingdom Hearts Re:coded features the Command Conversion system, which can be accessed from the Command Matrix in the field menu. A pair of commands can be converted into a single, new Deck Command, similar to the Command Meld system from Birth by Sleep. The main difference is that the new command is usable as soon as the pair of commands are put together, a feature known as "test-conversion". It is only after the ingredient commands accumulate enough Command Points (CP) that they can be permanently converted into the new command, after which the substituent commands are destroyed. A converted command may receive an Overspec bonus of gaining extra levels and filling the Clock gauge quicker, and/or having a faster reload time.

Spirit creationEdit

In Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance, synthesis revolves around the creation of new Spirits, since Deck Commands are mainly obtained from chests, shops, and Ability Link boards. Spirits can be created at any point from the field menu.

The creation of a Spirit requires certain Dream Pieces, which act as synthesis materials. Unlike previous games, the amount of materials needed in a particular synthesis is not fixed. Rather, a larger number of Dream Pieces may be used to create a Spirit to raise its rank and starting level. Additionally, a Deck Command may be used as an ingredient when making a Spirit to provide a particular stat boost to the Spirit.

There are many combinations of Dream Pieces that can be used to make Spirits and these combinations can be used at any point in the game, provided the required Dream Pieces are available. Only a silhouette of the resultant Spirit is shown before it is created, unless the appropriate Recipe has been obtained. Some combinations of Dream Pieces give two possible Spirits as outcomes.


Main article: Cuisine

In Kingdom Hearts III, Sora and Remy can cook food at Le Grand Bistrot, which is in Twilight Town, but can also be accessed from Save Points. Each dish is cooked from different ingredients that are obtained from props and Flan throughout the worlds. One of five brief minigames must be completed each time that a dish is cooked, although multiple servings of the same dish may be made in one go. Depending on the performance during the minigame, Sora may obtain nothing, standard versions of the dish, or improved ★★★ versions.

Cooking new dishes awards stars to the Bistrot. Dishes belong to two menus: the "Classic Menu", available from the start, and the "Special Menu", which is unlocked after enough stars are awarded. The Grand Chef Keyblade is obtained after the Bistrot is awarded five stars. Dishes that have been cooked before are listed in the "Recipe Collection" tab of Gummiphone.