Kingdom Hearts Re:coded

Stat Matrix

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The Stat Matrix with various chips installed.

The Stat Matrix (ステータスマトリックス Sutētasu Matorikkusu?, lit. "Status Matrix") handles Data-Sora's stat growth and abilities in Kingdom Hearts Re:coded. You progress on a line of circuitry within the matrix, which is segmented into slots. Throughout Data-Sora's quest, he'll receive Stat Chips (ステータスチップ Sutētasu Chippu?, lit. "Status Chips") that can be placed in these slots, raising the appropriate stats and progressing further through the matrix. When Data-Sora levels up, he receives Level Up chips, that will grant Data-Sora a boost to all of his basic stats.


Chips are powered by CPUs (CPU?) that appear throughout the matrix. Chips must be installed first next to a CPU and then building outwards from it. If two CPUs are linked by a path of chips, it activates Dual-processing (デュアルプロセッサにしよう Dyuaru Purosessa?, lit. "Dual Processor"), which doubles the effects of the chips in the connecting path. While chips cannot be uninstalled, they can be replaced with other available chips.

The Stat Matrix begins with only a small area available, but a new section, with its own CPU, is unlocked upon visiting a new world.

Scattered throughout the matrix are a number of Bonus Boosters (ボーナスブースター Bōnasu Būsutā?), which teach Data-Sora new abilities, or expands the number of Commands or Accessories he can equip, and Cheat Tuners (チートチューナー Chīto Chūnā?), which can modify various attributes.

Bonus Boosters[edit]

Main article: Abilities (KHREC)
Bonus Booster Description Number of Bonus Boosters
Stat Matrix Bonus Booster KHREC.png Bonus Booster (Support Ability) (ボーナスブースター(サポートアビリティ)
Bōnasu Būsutā (Sapōto Abiriti)
Unlocks or upgrades an ability. Once activated, can be switched on or off. 23
Stat Matrix Scan KHREC.png Bonus Booster (Scan) (ボーナスブースター(ライブラ)
Bōnasu Būsutā (Raibura)
?, lit. "Bonus Booster (Libra)")
Upgrades Data-Sora's Scan Level. Cannot be turned off. 4
Stat Matrix Command Expansion KHREC.png Command Expansion (ボーナスブースター(コマンド)
Bōnasu Būsutā (Komando)
?, lit. "Bonus Booster (Command)")
Increases the number of Command slots in the Gear Matrix by 1. Requires both connectors to be linked. 5
Stat Matrix Accessory Expansion KHREC.png Accessory Expansion (ボーナスブースター(アクセサリ)
Bōnasu Būsutā (Akusesari)
?, lit. "Bonus Booster (Accessory)")
Increases the number of Accessory slots in the Gear Matrix by 1. Required both connectors to be linked. 3

Cheat Tuners[edit]

Cheat KHREC.png Five different tuners appear in the Stat Matrix. Once they have been linked to a CPU through a path of chips, they can be activated to affect different aspects of gameplay. Using cheats generally has both positive and negative effects.

Some trophies can be obtained by setting the Cheat Tuners to their more difficult settings.

Difficulty Cheat[edit]

Stat Matrix Difficulty Cheat KHREC.png

The Difficulty Cheat (難易度チート Nan'ido Chīto?) is available from the start. It makes it possible to switch between the game's four difficulty levels: Beginner, Standard, Proud, and Critical. The difficulty level determines the amount of damage Data-Sora receives, the intensity of enemy attacks, the prizes dropped by enemies, the probability of being inflicted with a status condition, the rewards obtained upon clearing a world, and whether certain trophies can be obtained.

Loot Cheat[edit]

Stat Matrix Loot Cheat KHREC.png

The Loot Cheat (ドロップチート Doroppu Chīto?, lit. "Drop Cheat") is unlocked after clearing Traverse Town. It increases the probability of enemies dropping prizes, at the cost of lowering Data-Sora's HP. The cheat can be controlled by turning a dial, choosing a value between x1.0 and x16.0.

Drop Multiplier Sora's HP
x1.0 100.0%
x2.0 94.0%
x5.0 76.0%
x8.0 58.0%
x10.0 46.0%
x16.0 10.0%

Prize Cheat[edit]

Stat Matrix Prize Cheat KHREC.png

The Prize Cheat (プライズチート Puraizu Chīto?) is unlocked after clearing Wonderland. It can change the amount of HP prizes, munny, or Time Balls dropped, at the cost of changing the strength of enemies. The cheat can be controlled by moving the lever along the grooves, choosing one of six options.

Prize Multiplier Enemy Strength
x0.0 x0.8
x1.0 x1.0
x2.0 x2.0
x3.0 x3.0
x4.0 x4.0
x5.0 x5.0

CP Cheat[edit]

Stat Matrix CP Cheat KHREC.png

The CP Cheat (CPチート CP Chīto?) is unlocked after clearing Agrabah. It can change the amount of CP earned, at the cost of the amount of EXP earned. The cheat can be controlled by setting three switches up or down. Setting them up increases the amount of CP earned, but lowers the amount of EXP earned.

Switch Status CP Multiplier EXP Multiplier
Up Down
0 3 x1.0 x1
1 2 x2.0 1/2
2 1 x3.0 1/4
3 0 x4.0 1/8

HP Cheat[edit]

Stat Matrix HP Cheat KHREC.png

The HP Cheat (HPチート HP Chīto?) is unlocked after clearing the game. It can lower the amount of HP for Sora and enemies alike. The cheat can be controlled by moving the slider anywhere between 0% and 100%. If the slider is set to 0%, both Sora and all enemies have a maximum HP of 1.

Bug Chips[edit]

Stat Matrix Bug R KHREC.png
Stat Matrix Bug Y KHREC.png

Bug Chips (バグチップ Bagu Chippu?) are obstacles that block your progress through the Stat Matrix. They have a similar design to Bug Blox, and they appear in two forms, Bug Chip: R and Bug Chip: Y, which are colored red and yellow, respectively. They can be removed from the Stat Matrix by using a Debug Device of the corresponding color.

Debug Device Description Obtained
Key Item KHREC.png Debug Device: R (デバッグコード:R
Debaggu Kōdo: R
?, lit. "Debug Code: R")
Destroys one of the red bug chips that obstruct slots in the Stat Matrix.
Key Item KHREC.png Debug Device: Y (デバッグコード:Y
Debaggu Kōdo: Y
?, lit. "Debug Code: Y")
Destroys one of the yellow bug chips that obstruct slots in the Stat Matrix.

List of Chips[edit]

Chip Description Obtained
Blank Chip KHREC.png Blank Chip (ブランクチップ
Buranku Chippu
Has no effect when installed. Prize Blox: Destiny Islands: Sector A, Destiny Islands: Sector B, Destiny Islands: Sector C, Traverse Town: Sector B, Traverse Town: Sector C, Traverse Town: Sector D, Traverse Town: Sector E
Rare Prize Blox: Destiny Islands, First District, Second District, Third District, Lotus Forest, Hedge Maze, Aimless Path, Tea Party Garden, Layer 07
Redeem: Destiny Islands: Sector A (30 SP), Wonderland: Sector B (400 SP), Avatar Sector (40F+, 15000 SP/∞)
Level Up Chip KHREC.png Level Up (レベルアップ
Reberu Appu
Increases your level by 1. Gain enough amount of experience
Trophy Chip KHREC.png Trophy Chip (トロフィーチップ
Torofī Chippu
Increases your maximum HP by 2 and your Strength, Defense, and Magic by 1. Gain a Trophy
HP Chip KHREC.png HP +2 (HP+2?) Increases your maximum HP by 2. Rare Prize Blox: Destiny Islands, Alleyway, Bizarre Room, Layer 01
Drop: Invisible (Critical Mode), Angel Star (Critical Mode), Gold Tricholoma (Beginner Mode)
Redeem: Destiny Islands: Sector B (1000 SP), Destiny Islands: Sector C (3000 SP), Traverse Town: Sector A (140 SP), Traverse Town: Sector B (150 SP), Traverse Town: Sector E (1000 SP), Wonderland: Sector A (400 SP), Olympus Coliseum: Sector A (7000 SP), Agrabah: Sector A (200 SP), Hollow Bastion Part I: Sector A (500 SP), Hollow Bastion Part II: Sector A (1000 SP)
HP Chip KHREC.png HP +4 (HP+4?) Increases your maximum HP by 4. Prize Blox: Wonderland: Sector A (0.2%)
Drop: Invisible (Critical), Angel Star (Critical), Gold Tricholoma (Beginner)
Redeem: Hollow Bastion Part I: Sector B (51000 SP/∞), Hollow Bastion Part II: Sector D (2700 SP)
HP Chip KHREC.png HP +6 (HP+6?) Increases your maximum HP by 6. Rare Prize Blox: First District
Drop: Invisible (Critical), Angel Star (Critical), Gold Tricholoma (Beginner)
HP Chip KHREC.png HP +8 (HP+8?) Increases your maximum HP by 8. Rare Prize Blox: Destiny Islands
Drop: Invisible (Critical), Angel Star (Critical), Gold Tricholoma (Beginner)
Redeem: Avatar Sector (50F+, 30000 SP/∞)
Strength Chip KHREC.png Strength +1 (アタック+1
Atakku +1
?, lit. "Attack +1")
Increases your Strength by 1. Rare Prize Blox: Second District, Bizarre Room, Layer 01
Drop: Invisible (Critical), Angel Star (Critical), Gold Tricholoma (Critical)
Redeem: Destiny Islands: Sector A (70 SP), Destiny Islands: Sector B (1000 SP), Destiny Islands: Sector C (3000 SP), Traverse Town: Sector B (150 SP), Traverse Town: Sector C (100 SP), Traverse Town: Sector E (1000 SP), Wonderland: Sector C (640 SP), Olympus Coliseum: Sector A (7000 SP), Agrabah: Sector A (200 SP), Hollow Bastion Part I: Sector A (500 SP), Hollow Bastion Part II: Sector A (1000 SP)
Strength Chip KHREC.png Strength +2 (アタック+2
Atakku +2
?, lit. "Attack +2")
Increases your Strength by 2. Prize Blox: Wonderland: Sector C (0.2%)
Drop: Invisible (Critical), Angel Star (Critical), Gold Tricholoma (Critical)
Redeem: Hollow Bastion Part I: Sector B (51000 SP/∞), Hollow Bastion Part II: Sector D (2700 SP)
Strength Chip KHREC.png Strength +3 (アタック+3
Atakku +3
?, lit. "Attack +3")
Increases your Strength by 3. Rare Prize Blox: First District
Drop: Invisible (Critical), Angel Star (Critical), Gold Tricholoma (Critical)
Strength Chip KHREC.png Strength +4 (アタック+4
Atakku +4
?, lit. "Attack +4")
Increases your Strength by 4. Rare Prize Blox: Destiny Islands
Drop: Invisible (Critical), Angel Star (Critical), Gold Tricholoma (Critical)
Redeem: Avatar Sector (50F+, 30000 SP/∞)
Magic Chip KHREC.png Magic +1 (マジック+1
Majikku +1
Increases your Magic by 1. Rare Prize Blox: Layer 01, Layer 09, Waterway
Drop: Invisible (Critical), Angel Star (Critical), Gold Tricholoma (Proud)
Redeem: Destiny Islands: Sector A (70 SP), Destiny Islands: Sector C (300 SP), Traverse Town: Sector A (140 SP), Traverse Town: Sector C (100 SP), Traverse Town: Sector D (200 SP), Traverse Town: Sector E (1000 SP), Wonderland: Sector A (400 SP), Wonderland: Sector C (640 SP), Olympus Coliseum: Sector A (7000 SP), Agrabah: Sector A (200 SP), Hollow Bastion Part I: Sector A (500 SP), Hollow Bastion Part II: Sector A (1000 SP)
Magic Chip KHREC.png Magic +2 (マジック+2
Majikku +2
Increases your Magic by 2. Prize Blox: Traverse Town: Sector F (0.2%), Wonderland: Sector B (0.2%)
Drop: Invisible (Critical), Angel Star (Critical), Gold Tricholoma (Proud)
Redeem: Hollow Bastion Part I: Sector B (51000 SP/∞), Hollow Bastion Part II: Sector D (2700 SP)
Magic Chip KHREC.png Magic +3 (マジック+3
Majikku +3
Increases your Magic by 3. Rare Prize Blox: Traverse Town
Drop: Invisible (Critical), Angel Star (Critical), Gold Tricholoma (Proud)
Magic Chip KHREC.png Magic +4 (マジック+4
Majikku +4
Increases your Magic by 4. Rare Prize Blox: Agrabah
Drop: Invisible (Critical), Angel Star (Critical), Gold Tricholoma (Proud)
Redeem: Avatar Sector (50F+, 30000 SP/∞)
Defense Chip KHREC.png Defense +1 (ガード+1
Gādo +1
?, lit. "Guard +1")
Increases your Defense by 1. Rare Prize Blox: Second District, Third District, Lotus Forest, Layer 02, Layer 10, Bazaar, Castle Gates
Drop: Invisible (Critical), Angel Star (Critical), Gold Tricholoma (Standard)
Redeem: Destiny Islands: Sector A (70 SP), Destiny Islands: Sector B (1000 SP), Wonderland: Sector B (400 SP), Agrabah: Sector E (103000 SP), Hollow Bastion Part I: Sector A (500 SP)
Defense Chip KHREC.png Defense +2 (ガード+2
Gādo +2
?, lit. "Guard +2")
Increases your Defense by 2. Prize Blox: Wonderland: Sector D (0.2%)
Drop: Invisible (Critical), Angel Star (Critical), Gold Tricholoma (Standard)
Redeem: Hollow Bastion Part I: Sector B (51000 SP/∞), Hollow Bastion Part II: Sector B (3000 SP)
Defense Chip KHREC.png Defense +3 (ガード+3
Gādo +3
?, lit. "Guard +3")
Increases your Defense by 3. Rare Prize Blox: Agrabah
Drop: Invisible (Critical), Angel Star (Critical), Gold Tricholoma (Standard)
Defense Chip KHREC.png Defense +4 (ガード+4
Gādo +4
?, lit. "Guard +4")
Increases your Defense by 4. Rare Prize Blox: Traverse Town
Drop: Invisible (Critical), Angel Star (Critical), Gold Tricholoma (Standard)
Avatar Sector (50F+, 30000 SP/∞)
Lucky Strike KHREC.png Lucky Strike (ラックアップ
Rakku Appu
?, lit. "Luck Up")
Increases your Luck by 1. Rare Prize Blox: Layer 02, Main Street, Castle Gates
Redeem: Traverse Town: Sector D (200 SP), Wonderland: Sector C (640 SP), Hollow Bastion Part I: Sector B (51000 SP), Hollow Bastion Part II: Sector B (2400 SP)
Fire Chip KHREC.png Fire +1 (ファイア+1
Faia +1
Increases the power of your Fire attacks by 1%. Prize Blox: Hollow Bastion Part II: Sector B (0.2%)
Drop: Invisible (Critical), Angel Star (Critical), Eliminator (Beginner)
Redeem: Traverse Town: Sector F (29000 SP), Wonderland: Sector A (400 SP), Agrabah: Sector B (800 SP)
Fire Chip KHREC.png Fire +2 (ファイア+2
Faia +2
Increases the power of your Fire attacks by 2%. Prize Blox: Olympus Coliseum: Sector A (0.2%)
Drop: Invisible (Critical), Angel Star (Critical), Eliminator (Beginner)
Redeem: Agrabah: Sector C (400 SP), Hollow Bastion Part I: Sector B (51000 SP/∞)
Fire Chip KHREC.png Fire +3 (ファイア+3
Faia +3
Increases the power of your Fire attacks by 3%. Drop: Invisible (Critical), Angel Star (Critical), Eliminator (Beginner)
Redeem: Agrabah: Sector D (31000 SP)
Fire Chip KHREC.png Fire +4 (ファイア+4
Faia +4
Increases the power of your Fire attacks by 4%. Drop: Invisible (Critical), Angel Star (Critical), Eliminator (Beginner)
Redeem: Hollow Bastion Part II: Sector B (3000 SP), Avatar Sector (60F+, 30000 SP/∞)
Blizzard Chip KHREC.png Blizzard +1 (ブリザド+1
Burizado +1
Increases the power of your Blizzard attacks by 1%. Prize Blox: Hollow Bastion Part II: Sector C (0.2%)
Drop: Invisible (Critical), Angel Star (Critical), Eliminator (Standard)
Redeem: Traverse Town: Sector F (29000 SP), Wonderland: Sector B (400 SP), Agrabah: Sector B (800 SP)
Blizzard Chip KHREC.png Blizzard +2 (ブリザド+2
Burizado +2
Increases the power of your Blizzard attacks by 2%. Prize Blox: Agrabah: Sector A (0.2%)
Drop: Invisible (Critical), Angel Star (Critical), Eliminator (Standard)
Redeem: Agrabah: Sector C (400 SP), Hollow Bastion Part I: Sector B (51000 SP/∞)
Blizzard Chip KHREC.png Blizzard +3 (ブリザド+3
Burizado +3
Increases the power of your Blizzard attacks by 3%. Drop: Invisible (Critical), Angel Star (Critical), Eliminator (Standard)
Redeem: Agrabah: Sector D (31000 SP)
Blizzard Chip KHREC.png Blizzard +4 (ブリザド+4
Burizado +4
Increases the power of your Blizzard attacks by 4%. Drop: Invisible (Critical), Angel Star (Critical), Eliminator (Standard)
Redeem: Hollow Bastion Part II: Sector C (800 SP), Avatar Sector (60F+, 30000 SP/∞)
Thunder Chip KHREC.png Thunder +1 (サンダー+1
Sandā +1
Increases the power of your Thunder attacks by 1%. Prize Blox: Hollow Bastion Part II: Sector D (0.2%)
Rare Prize Blox: Layer 03
Drop: Invisible (Critical), Angel Star (Critical), Eliminator (Proud)
Redeem: Traverse Town: Sector F (29000 SP), Wonderland: Sector D (2700 SP)
Thunder Chip KHREC.png Thunder +2 (サンダー+2
Sandā +2
Increases the power of your Thunder attacks by 2%. Prize Blox: Agrabah: Sector B (0.2%)
Drop: Invisible (Critical), Angel Star (Critical), Eliminator (Proud)
Redeem: Hollow Bastion Part I: Sector B (51000 SP/∞)
Thunder Chip KHREC.png Thunder +3 (サンダー+3
Sandā +3
Increases the power of your Thunder attacks by 3%. Rare Prize Blox: Library 3
Drop: Invisible (Critical), Angel Star (Critical), Eliminator (Proud)
Thunder Chip KHREC.png Thunder +4 (サンダー+4
Sandā +4
Increases the power of your Thunder attacks by 4%. Rare Prize Blox: Olympus Coliseum
Drop: Invisible (Critical), Angel Star (Critical), Eliminator (Proud)
Redeem: Avatar Sector (60F+, 30000/∞)
Aero Chip KHREC.png Aero +1 (エアロ+1
Earo +1
Increases the power of your Aero attacks by 1%. Rare Prize Blox: Layer 03, Castle Gates
Drop: Invisible (Critical), Angel Star (Critical), Eliminator (Critical)
Redeem: Wonderland: Sector D (2700 SP), Agrabah: Sector E (103000 SP)
Aero Chip KHREC.png Aero +2 (エアロ+2
Earo +2
Increases the power of your Aero attacks by 2%. Prize Blox: Agrabah: Sector C (0.2%)
Drop: Invisible (Critical), Angel Star (Critical), Eliminator (Critical)
Redeem: Hollow Bastion Part I: Sector B (51000 SP/∞)
Aero Chip KHREC.png Aero +3 (エアロ+3
Earo +3
Increases the power of your Aero attacks by 3%. Rare Prize Blox: Lotus Forest
Drop: Invisible (Critical), Angel Star (Critical), Eliminator (Critical)
Aero Chip KHREC.png Aero +4 (エアロ+4
Earo +4
Increases the power of your Aero attacks by 4%. Rare Prize Blox: Olympus Coliseum
Drop: Invisible (Critical), Angel Star (Critical), Eliminator (Critical)
Redeem: Avatar Sector (60F+, 30000 SP/∞)
Cure Chip KHREC.png Cure +1 (ケアル+1
Kearu +1
Increases the amount of HP you recover with Cure commands and Esuna by 1%. Rare Prize Blox: Layer 04
Drop: Invisible (Critical), Angel Star (Critical)
Redeem: Wonderland: Sector D (2700 SP), Agrabah: Sector D (25000 SP)
Cure Chip KHREC.png Cure +2 (ケアル+2
Kearu +2
Increases the amount of HP you recover with Cure commands and Esuna by 2%. Prize Blox: Agrabah: Sector D (0.2%)
Drop: Invisible (Critical), Angel Star (Critical)
Redeem: Hollow Bastion Part I: Sector B (51000 SP/∞)
Cure Chip KHREC.png Cure +3 (ケアル+3
Kearu +3
Increases the amount of HP you recover with Cure commands and Esuna by 3%. Rare Prize Blox: Library 4
Drop: Invisible (Critical), Angel Star (Critical)
Cure Chip KHREC.png Cure +4 (ケアル+4
Kearu +4
Increases the amount of HP you recover with Cure commands and Esuna by 4%. Drop: Invisible (Critical), Angel Star (Critical)
Redeem: Avatar Sector (60F+, 30000 SP/∞)
Fire Resistance Chip KHREC.png Fire Resistance +1 (レジストファイア+1
Rejisuto Faia +1
?, lit. "Resist Fire +1")
Reduces the damage you take from Fire attacks by 1%. N/A
Fire Resistance Chip KHREC.png Fire Resistance +2 (レジストファイア+2
Rejisuto Faia +2
?, lit. "Resist Fire +2")
Reduces the damage you take from Fire attacks by 2%. N/A
Fire Resistance Chip KHREC.png Fire Resistance +3 (レジストファイア+3
Rejisuto Faia +3
?, lit. "Resist Fire +3")
Reduces the damage you take from Fire attacks by 3%. N/A
Fire Resistance Chip KHREC.png Fire Resistance +4 (レジストファイア+4
Rejisuto Faia +4
?, lit. "Resist Fire +4")
Reduces the damage you take from Fire attacks by 4%. N/A
Blizzard Resistance Chip KHREC.png Blizzard Resistance +1 (レジストブリザド+1
Rejisuto Burizado +1
?, lit. "Resist Blizzard +1")
Reduces the damage you take from Blizzard attacks by 1%. N/A
Blizzard Resistance Chip KHREC.png Blizzard Resistance +2 (レジストブリザド+2
Rejisuto Burizado +2
?, lit. "Resist Blizzard +2")
Reduces the damage you take from Blizzard attacks by 2%. N/A
Blizzard Resistance Chip KHREC.png Blizzard Resistance +3 (レジストブリザド+3
Rejisuto Burizado +3
?, lit. "Resist Blizzard +3")
Reduces the damage you take from Blizzard attacks by 3%. N/A
Blizzard Resistance Chip KHREC.png Blizzard Resistance +4 (レジストブリザド+4
Rejisuto Burizado +4
?, lit. "Resist Blizzard +4")
Reduces the damage you take from Blizzard attacks by 4%. N/A
Thunder Resistance Chip KHREC.png Thunder Resistance +1 (レジストサンダ+1
Rejisuto Sanda +1
?, lit. "Resist Thunder +1")
Reduces the damage you take from Thunder attacks by 1%. N/A
Thunder Resistance Chip KHREC.png Thunder Resistance +2 (レジストサンダ+2
Rejisuto Sanda +2
?, lit. "Resist Thunder +2")
Reduces the damage you take from Thunder attacks by 2%. N/A
Thunder Resistance Chip KHREC.png Thunder Resistance +3 (レジストサンダ+3
Rejisuto Sanda +3
?, lit. "Resist Thunder +3")
Reduces the damage you take from Thunder attacks by 3%. N/A
Thunder Resistance Chip KHREC.png Thunder Resistance +4 (レジストサンダ+4
Rejisuto Sanda +4
?, lit. "Resist Thunder +4")
Reduces the damage you take from Thunder attacks by 4%. N/A
Aero Resistance Chip KHREC.png Aero Resistance +1 (レジストエアロ+1
Rejisuto Earo +1
?, lit. "Resist Aero +1")
Reduces the damage you take from Aero attacks by 1%. N/A
Aero Resistance Chip KHREC.png Aero Resistance +2 (レジストエアロ+2
Rejisuto Earo +2
?, lit. "Resist Aero +2")
Reduces the damage you take from Aero attacks by 2%. N/A
Aero Resistance Chip KHREC.png Aero Resistance +3 (レジストエアロ+3
Rejisuto Earo +3
?, lit. "Resist Aero +3")
Reduces the damage you take from Aero attacks by 3%. N/A
Aero Resistance Chip KHREC.png Aero Resistance +4 (レジストエアロ+4
Rejisuto Earo +4
?, lit. "Resist Aero +4")
Reduces the damage you take from Aero attacks by 4%. N/A

Related trophies[edit]

Kingdom Hearts Re:coded[edit]

Sultan of Slot Trophy KHREC.png Sultan of Slot
Install chips in every slot in the Stat Matrix.
Cheater Trophy KHREC.png Cheater
Use every type of cheat.
Fatal Flawless Trophy KHREC.png Fatal Flawless
Replay and complete an episode with the HP Cheat set to 0%.


See also[edit]