Kingdom Hearts (game)
Kingdom Hearts Final Mix
Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories
Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories
Kingdom Hearts II
Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
Kingdom Hearts coded
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep


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"All for one and one for all!"

Goofy appears alongside Donald and Sora in all of the Kingdom Hearts games. Goofy is Captain of the Royal Knights of King Mickey's court. He and Disney Castle's court magician Donald went out to search for the King, and ends up teaming with Sora for the rest of their journey.

Despite his position at Disney Castle, Goofy dislikes using weapons (instead using a simple shield in combat) and attempts to avoid fighting whenever possible, preferring to find peaceful solutions to problems. Though simple-minded and clumsy as always, and constantly the butt of comic relief, Goofy is the constant voice of optimism and, surprisingly, selectively perceptive, often noticing things others miss and keeping his cool when Sora and Donald lose it. He comes off as the sage of the group, despite how he is portrayed in the Disney cartoons.

Journal Entries

Kingdom Hearts

  • First Entry

Captain of the royal knights. He avoids fighting whenever possible. Mickey's most loyal subject. He set out in the gummi ship with Donald to find King Mickey. He joined forces with Sora, obeying Mickey's command to follow the key bearer.

Goofy made his first screen appearance in "Mickey's Revue" (1932).

  • Second Entry

Captain of the royal knights. He avoids fighting whenever possible. Mickey's most loyal subject. Because Mickey said to follow the key bearer, he once left Sora to follow Riku. But friendship soon led him back to Sora.

Goofy made his first screen appearance in "Mickey's Revue" (1932).

Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories

Captain of the Disney Castle Royal Knights. He set out with Donald after the king's disappearance.

He is cheerful and calm, and no one is more loyal to the king.

Goofy and Sora are especially good friends.

Kingdom Hearts II

Mickey's Revue (1932)

Captain of the Royal Knights.

Not long ago, Goofy left Disney Castle with Donald in search of King Mickey. Along the way, they joined Sora, obeying the King's command to "follow the Keybearer."

After helping save the worlds from darkness, Goofy continued his quest to find the King. But like Donald and Sora, he fell into a deep slumber before he could finish the quest. Wonder what Goofy was doing just before he fell asleep?


File:Donald Goofy BBS.jpg
Donald and Goofy in Birth by Sleep

Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

Goofy is set to appear in the upcoming game Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep with Donald, but does not play as a major character. So far, he is only seen in a trailer where he and Donald watch King Mickey practicing to harness his Keyblade under Master Yen Sid's teaching. He is known to meet Ventus during his time at the Mysterious Tower.

Kingdom Hearts


Goofy's role began when Donald rushes to tell him about the disappearance of King Mickey, but the secret is quickly discovered by Queen Minnie and Daisy.

King Mickey's letter explains that darkness is threatening the worlds, which appear as stars in the night sky, and have been blinking out one by one. Therefore, he left in order to study and counter the threat, and provides Donald and Goofy with the mission to seek out the "key to their survival". To start, they should head to a world called Traverse Town, and find a man named Leon.

Donald and Goofy, loyal to their king and concerned about his welfare as well as the worlds', agree to take on the mission. Queen Minnie also introduces them to another traveling companion, Jiminy Cricket, who will chronicle their travels in his journal.

With the three of them as well as Pluto, they take the Gummi Ship and begin their journey.

Meeting Sora

Donald and Goofy soon arrive in Traverse Town, having gained new, more casual, clothes. They set out in search of Leon and the key, but end up meeting Aerith, a friend of Leon's. She explains to them the situation with the Heartless, the Keyblade, and the Ansem Reports, a document written by "Ansem" that details his findings on the Heartless. They also believe that the King might be searching for them.

However, things take a turn when Heartless attack the hotel that Donald and the others are in (with Leon, Yuffie and Sora, the Keyblade wielder they have been searching for, in the next room). Donald and Goofy are about to go talk to Leon, but Yuffie dashes out of the room and crushes Donald with the door in her haste. Donald and Goofy arrive in the Third District, where they attempt to fight some Heartless, but are unable to defeat them, and a massive explosion sends them flying through the air and right on top of Sora, where they immediately recognize the Keyblade in his hand. However, before they have a chance to formally introduce themselves, they are attacked by a giant Heartless known as the Guard Armor, starting a fight that they manage to win.

After the battle, the three introduce themselves. Donald and Goofy explain that they have been searching for Sora, and that if he travels with them, they can go search for the King as well as Sora's friends Riku and Kairi; however, Donald secretly tells Goofy that he doesn't really know if they'll find Sora's friends, but he does know that they need him in order to find the King. Donald tells a depressed Sora to cheer up, and, with humorous results, Sora attempts to do so, and agrees to go with them.

Sora, Donald, and Goofy set off to many worlds, defeating Heartless, the Disney villains, and sealing keyholes that lead towards the hearts to worlds, as well as making many new friends. The group's friendship was put to the test when they traveled to Hollow Bastion, where their first adventure was coming to a close.

Hollow Bastion

At Hollow Bastion, the world that Leon and his friends hail from, and which Maleficent has turned into her base, they encounter Riku (having not seen him since their time in Neverland), having just wounded an other-world resident named Beast. When they go to Beast's aid, Riku reveals himself to be the Keyblade master, and the Keyblade leaves Sora and enters Riku's hand.

Having been explicitly ordered to follow the Key, Donald and Goofy have no choice but to leave Sora and follow Riku, much to their regret. But eventually, with the aid of Beast, Sora catches up with Riku. With the Beast lured away by a Heartless feigning to be his beloved Belle, Riku attempts to eliminate Sora once and for all with an energy bolt. However, Goofy goes to the rescue and blocks the attack, finding himself unable to betray Sora after all that they have been through together, and Donald also rejoins them, despite their knowledge that they are disobeying King Mickey by turning on the Keyblade Master. With the strength of their friendship strengthening Sora's heart, he regains the Keyblade, meaning that Donald and Goofy are no longer going against orders.

The trio then make their way through Hollow Bastion, confronting Maleficent as well as Riku, who is now possessed by Ansem and wields a Keyblade forged from the hearts of six of the seven Princesses of Heart. When they encounter the possessed Riku, Goofy is humorously deflected by a barrier, and Donald is soon separated from Sora through the duration of the battle as well.

They also come across Kairi's body, devoid of her heart. When Sora discovers that Kairi's heart rests within his own, he chooses to release it by stabbing himself with the dark Keyblade left behind by Riku, despite Donald and Goofy's protests. Though Kairi is revived, Sora loses his heart to the darkness and becomes a Heartless, much to the dismay of Donald and Goofy.

Ansem makes his reappearance (now in nearly total control of Riku's body) soon afterwards. Though Donald and Goofy are no match for Ansem's great power, Riku is able to gain control for a few moments, holding back Ansem temporarily. Donald and Goofy then attempt to escape with Kairi. While Goofy is still concerned about the Final Keyhole, Donald is more concerned with getting out of Hollow Bastion alive.

At the foyer of the castle, Heartless block their path. However, another Heartless, seemingly without hostile intentions, arrives. Kairi realizes it is Sora, and is able to revive him, much to Donald and Goofy's relief. The four then make their escape.

Kingdom Hearts

The trio then make their way back to Hollow Bastion, fighting their way through Heartless and sealing up the Keyhole opened up by the seven princesses. They then journey to the End of the World. There, they confront Ansem at the remains of Destiny Islands, and then at the endless abyss, where the Door to Darkness that leads to Kingdom Hearts itself resides. After Ansem's defeat, Sora, Donald, and Goofy attempt to seal the door, but their efforts are futile.

But then, the King makes his appearance, wielding the Keyblade of the Realm of Darkness. With the two Keyblades and the assistance of Riku, the Door to Darkness is sealed, and the worlds are restored. However, the King and Riku are sealed in the Realm of Darkness, though the King tells them that there will always be a door to the light. After sealing Kingdom Hearts the group is sent to a field where they discuss what to do next. When they are left without answers, Pluto appears with a note from the king that leads them straight towards Castle Oblivion.

Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories

Castle Oblivion

Sora, having encountered a mysterious figure, goes with Donald and Goofy to Castle Oblivion. Inside, they discuss going further into the castle, realizing that all four of them, including Jiminy, feel that Riku and the King are in the castle. But before they can progress, they meet the mysterious man once more. Donald, assuming the man to be a Heartless, attacks, but finds out that none of his spells will function. The man reveals that Sora and his friends forgot every single ability they knew as soon as they entered the castle. In addition, the figure remarks that in this castle, they will find someone they know. Granting Sora a card, the figure leaves, and the others are compelled to follow.

Sora, using the card, goes deeper into the castle, only to find that he is in Traverse Town. In addition, Donald and Goofy have disappeared, being at the mercy of the cards that control Castle Oblivion. After learning to battle, Sora reunites with Donald and Goofy, who have also gained new clothes. The three continue on, meeting memory versions of the people they have encountered in Kingdom Hearts.

Unfortunately, as they progress through the castle, they find that their memories are slowly fading. It isn't until later the group realizes that their memories are being manipulated by Naminé, and they begin to encounter members of Organization XIII, including Axel, Larxene, and Vexen. All leave cryptic remarks about the nature of Castle Oblivion, including memories, and even about the other half of Sora's heart.

But they also meet Riku, who apparently is also striving to reach Naminé, but has once again turned on Sora. Donald and Goofy reason that Riku just forgot that Sora and he are friends, but Sora still slowly succumbs to anger at all the things that have been happening to him.

The three, after Vexen had been eliminated by Axel, become separated once Sora's anger at the Organization's manipulations overcomes him, leaving Sora to create the memory-product of Destiny Islands unaided. When Sora is caught off guard by Riku, who in turn is knocked unconscious by Naminé shattering Riku's memories apart, Larxene goes in for the kill. But Goofy and Donald come in the nick of time, saving Sora and defeating Larxene. It is then that they learn of Naminé's true nature, as well as the fact that the Riku before them is only a replica of the real person. Naminé tells them that she can restore their memories, but only after they defeat Marluxia, the lord of Castle Oblivion. The three then travel to the 13th floor of Castle Oblivion. By this point, however, Donald and Goofy have forgotten about King Mickey, only recalling that they are looking for someone important.

As they make their way to Marluxia, the three also make an important promise: that no matter how far apart they are from each other, or if they have forgotten each other, they will always be friends. Using that promise as strength, they go on.

The trio then confronts Axel and Marluxia, with Marluxia using Naminé as a human shield. Marluxia escapes, but the three manage to defeat Axel, and soon after defeat Marluxia (after a round against a replica, and then the real thing). Naminé then leads them to Memory Pods, where they can sleep while Naminé fixes their memories. Donald and Goofy say goodnight, and leave, while Sora and Naminé say goodbye.

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days

Since this game focuses around the time that Roxas was born and his time spent in the Organization, Goofy, along with Sora and Donald, is induced in a deep slumber by Naminé around that time to recover his lost memories.

Main article: Mission Mode

In this game, Goofy, along with Donald are playable in the multiplayer mode of Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days. To unlock him, you must play story mode up to day 277. This marks the first time in the series that both Donald and Goofy are playable.

Kingdom Hearts II

After the events of Castle Oblivion, the three wake up with their memories restored, though they are unable to remember the events of Chain of Memories, including why they fell asleep in the first place. From the train station, they meet the King once more who tells them to go find Yen Sid, and their adventure starts again. Before doing so, they meet the three kids; Hayner, Pence and Olette.

Battle of Hollow Bastion

In the second game, Goofy's most notable scene is during the Heartless invasion of Hollow Bastion, right after defeating Demyx of Organization XIII. After the battle, as the trio meet up with King Mickey, a battle between a Satellite Robot Heartless and presumably a Nobody creates an explosion sending a large rock in the group's direction. Mickey would have been hit had Goofy not pushed him out of the way but in doing so, he is hit hard on the head instead, leading Sora, Donald, Mickey and the player to believe that Goofy is dead. However, not long after, it is revealed that he was only out cold for a bit as he meets up with the three of them shortly before the 1000 Heartless battle. This scene, despite its true intent to be a reference to Goofy's many wallops on the head and other mishaps over the years, by far, is the most mature scene in the series with the concept of death (to a well-loved character, no less), albeit supposed, and is one of the many hints of the more mature feel of the Organization XIII storyline (Chain of Memories and Kingdom Hearts II) than the first game. Goofy himself is confused as to why they were so relieved to see that he was alive, reminding Mickey of his regular head injuries ("Gawrsh, Your Majesty, I get bumped on the head all the time!").

Final Battle

Goofy, along with Sora and Donald travel back to Twilight Town to find the mansion from the picture they found when they were in the realm of darkness. When they finally reach the old mansion, they also meet up with Hayner, Pence and Olette, and later King Mickey. Together they figure out a way to travel to a digital version of Twilight Town. Goofy, King Mickey, Donald and Sora say goodbye to their friends and head off to the digital world where they witness Axel's death.

They then journey to The World That Never Was and are reunited with Riku and Kairi after a long battle through the Organization's castle. Goofy helps defeat Xemnas and leaves with Donald, King Mickey, Kairi and Pluto through a portal opened by Naminé. However, Sora and Riku are trapped in The World That Never Was after Xemnas closes it.

After Sora and Riku's battle with Xemnas, Goofy is reunited with them when they return to Destiny Islands. Later, Goofy returns to Disney Castle with Donald, King Mickey, Pluto, Donald's nephews and Scrooge McDuck.

Kingdom Hearts coded

Goofy appears once again in the library of Disney Castle, along with Donald Duck, to help Jiminy and King Mickey solve a mystery in Jiminy's Journal in Kingdom Hearts coded. To solve the mystery, King Mickey digitizes the journal to make a virtual Sora in order to relive his memories.

As more additions appear in Jiminy's Journal, Heartless suddenly appear behind them. Though King Mickey manages to fend them off, they are unable to leave the library.


While his name might insinuate that he is simple-minded and unintelligent, it is a misnomer as often times Goofy has shown to the voice of reason for the Keyblade trio, and is also amazingly calm and cheerful, retaining his composure when Sora and Donald are completely undone and freaking out. Such as in the beginning of the Traverse Town section of the original Kingdom Hearts, Goofy states that Pluto might lead to where they need to go, but Donald blows him off when in reality, if they had followed Pluto, they would've found Sora much earlier than they did. He has also proved on occasion to have more common sense than Sora and Donald; in the Land of Dragons, when Sora and Donald mistake Mushu's shadow for a Heartless and try to attack him, Goofy hesitates and shouts, "Maybe we'd better look before we leap!" Goofy also tends to notice things that Sora and Donald don't, such as when they met Mulan and he was the only one of the trio to first notice she was a girl when he said, "You're pretendin` ta` be a boy, aren`cha?", leading to a humorous double-take from both Donald and Sora, as they admitted to never having even suspected.

On many occasions, he has been shown to be the glue that holds the trio together on their adventures; never getting into an argument with either Sora or Donald. Because of this, he is often the one that Sora seems to look to for reason as opposed to what Goofy's name would suggest. He also appears to view his friends highly, often stating very good things about his friends: Sora and King Mickey. As with this, Goofy is very loyal to his friends, an example would be how he saves Sora when Riku tries to kill him. All in all, Goofy is a lovable and friendly person who always looks for the good in others and tries to help them.


Goofy uses shields, both offensively and defensively. During his journey throughout the universe, Goofy mostly uses the Knight's Shield as his primary weapon, similar to Sora's Keyblade and Donald's Mage's Staff, but his ultimate weapon is Save the King. Goofy is a physical attacker and supporter character. Most of his abilities are aimed at increasing the party's effectiveness outside of battle through various passive abilities. However, his abilities are very helpful for support such as Once More and Second Chance. A defensive character and a helpful aid.

Kingdom Hearts

Goofy is a physical fighter and also knows several support abilities including a few unique to Goofy within the game. His equipment slots and item slots increase as he levels up. Goofy can learn the following abilities during the game:

  • Rocket: Goofy charges into the air and attacks enemies. Known at the beginning of the game.
  • Charge: Goofy runs at enemies, bumping them with his shield. Known at the beginning of the game.
  • Tornado: Goofy spins and attacks enemies. Known at the beginning of the game.
  • Jackpot: Receive more HP/MP and Munny balls from enemies. Learned at Level 12.
  • Treasure Magnet: Attracts HP/MP and Munny balls. Goofy learns this ability twice, at Level 18 and Level 42.
  • Lucky Strike: Increases the chance of an enemy dropping a rare item. Learned at Level 27.
  • MP Gift: Goofy gives up 1 MP to restored 3 MP to an ally. Learned at Level 30.
  • Second Wind: Recovers from KO quickly. Learned at Level 33.
  • Second Chance: Ensures 1 HP is retained after being hit with a critical attack. Learned at Level 36.
  • MP Rage: Restores MP when attacked. Goofy learns this ability twice, at Level 39 and Level 45.
  • MP Haste: Increases rate of MP restoration. Learned at Level 51.
  • Berserk: Boosts attack power when HP is critical. Learned at Level 54.
  • Cheer: Increases Summon's MP gauge. Learned after defeating Parasite Cage.

Kingdom Hearts: Re:Chain of Memories

Goofy (card).png

Like all of Sora's friends, Goofy appears on a card and can be called by Sora during battle. The Goofy Card is a Friend Card used in Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories and Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories. His Friend Card can be used after meeting Marluxia in the guise of a hooded figure in Traverse Town.

Goofy is available as a Friend Card up until Sora decides to go to Destiny Islands. Once the game is saved upon advancement from Twilight Town to Destiny Islands, Goofy along with Donald become unavailable as Friend Cards no matter where Sora adventures off to prior to finishing up Destiny Islands.

Journal Entry

Goofy swings his shield at the enemy. Stock more than one to power up Goofy's attack.


  • Goofy Smash: Goofy's default ability. Similar to Tornado in Kingdom Hearts. If two or three Goofy cards are used, the attacks last longer.
  • Goofy Charge: Goofy lashes into an enemy, Sora hits the enemy and throws him up into the air, and Goofy leaps into the air and deals the final blow. This ability is accessible if one Goofy card and one Keyblade card are used.
  • Wild Crush: This ability is performed together with Sora and Donald - Goofy is used as a battering ram while Donald and Sora run all over the battle room, charging into enemies. This ability is accessible if one Goofy card, one Donald card and one Keyblade card are used.
  • Trinity Limit: Stock an Attack Card, a Donald Card, and a Goofy Card in any order that does not sleight Wild Crush.

Kingdom Hearts II

Goofy's Limit abilities allow him to execute powerful physical attacks with Sora. Goofy can equip three armor pieces, two accessories, and five items. His abilities are as follows:

  • Goofy Tornado: Creates a vortex to draw in enemies. Acquired after defeating Pete the second time in Timeless River.
  • Goofy Bash: Throws his shield towards enemies.
  • Goofy Turbo: Dashes at enemies and hits them towards Sora. Acquired after defeating Shan-Yu.
  • Draw: Draws in orbs. Acquired after defeating the Grim Reaper for the first time in Port Royal.
  • Jackpot: Increases the amount of orbs enemies drop. Acquired after defeating the Hostile Program in Space Paranoids.
  • Lucky Lucky: Increases the chance of an enemy dropping a rare item. Acquired after defeating Shenzi, Banzai and Ed the first time at Pride Rock.
  • Item Boost: Boosts the effectiveness of healing items like Potions.
  • MP Rage: Restores MP when attacked. Acquired after defeating Shenzi, Banzai and Ed the second time at Pride Rock.
  • Defender: Increases defense when HP is critical. Acquired after bringing Beast to his senses.
  • Second Chance: Ensures 1 HP is retained after being hit with a critical attack. Acquired after defending the Interceptor from the burning barrels in Port Royal.
  • Once More: Ensures 1 HP is retained after being hit with a combo attack.
  • Auto Limit: Sets the Reaction command to Limit, if a Limit has been equipped. Acquired after defeating Barbossa in Port Royal.
  • Auto Change: Automatically replaces defeated party members. Acquired after capturing Lock, Shock and Barrel in Christmas Town on the second visit.
  • Hyper Healing: Quickly revives a fallen party member and restores their HP. Acquired after defeating Pete in the Underworld.
  • Auto Healing: Restores HP when switched out for another party member. Acquired after completing the Cave of Wonders.
  • Limit abilities: Knocksmash, Whirli-Goof. Knocksmash is acquired after defeating Barbossa in Port Royal, and Whirli-Goof is acquired after defeating Storm Rider in the The Land of Dragons.


  • "Gawrsh, they're supposed to be a secret."
  • "Gawrsh. Are these the Heartless guys?"
  • "What do I know?"
  • "You're pretending to be a boy, aren't ya?"
  • "Aw Sora, do you have to ask?"
  • "I'm not going to betray Sora, either!"
  • "Maybe we outta look before we leap!"
  • "You mean take down that Scar feller and all those hyenas?"
  • "Your Majesty, did you happen to summon us?"
  • "You know something doesn't feel quite right."

Battle Quotes

  • "Sora!"
  • "Don't Give Up!"
  • "Help!"
  • "Goyle!"
  • "Com'on!"
  • "Somebody Come Quick!"
  • "Take That!"
  • "Donald!"
  • "Somebody help"
  • "Looks bad, fellers"


While he retains his typical appearance in most worlds, in certain worlds Goofy's appearance is altered by Donald's magic in order to allow himself to blend in with the inhabitants of those worlds. His appearance alterations are listed here:

Kingdom Hearts

  • Atlantica: In Atlantica, Goofy appears in the form of a sea turtle. In this form, he is able to to fight with his shield attached to his back.

Kingdom Hearts II

  • Atlantica: When Donald, Sora and Goofy visit Atlantica again, he is once again turned into sea turtle. However, this time he is not able to use any fighting skills as this world is altered to progress the story through songs.
  • Halloween Town: Goofy once again becomes a Frankenstein monster in Halloween Town, this time his weapon is covered in dust, making it more related to the Halloween decorations. In Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix, his Frankenstein looks are altered to a reindeer when he visits Christmas Town. In this form, he wears festive red-and-green mittens and a matching belt. This costume has a sweater vest that looks somewhat like a Santa-Clause version of his Kingdom Hearts jacket. In his reindeer outfit, his red nose blinks like Rudolph's and his antlers vaguely make a heart-shape. His suit even has reindeer hooves.
  • Space Paranoids: In Space Paranoids, Goofy and his friends are converted into data forms with circuit patterns all over their bodies, which makes them look like robots. Even their weapons are converted into data.


  • Goofy's attire fairly resembles his street clothes along with his signature hat, among others.
  • Strangely enough, at the beginning of Chain of Memories, Goofy and Donald's clothes have changed from their current attire to their old cartoon clothes and they act surprised when it changes back to their Kingdom Hearts outfit.
  • In the Kingdom Hearts II vol. 2 manga, Yuffie mispronounces Goofy's name and calls him "Zoofy."
  • So far, each time Goofy's costume is changed to that of an animal, it's always some kind of turtle, likely referencing his use of shields.
  • Goofy is the only Friend Card that can change attacks in Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories. By using a Goofy card then a Keyblade card, Goofy's attack will change from Goofy Tornado to Goofy Smash, which is a new sleight attack in the remake of the original game.
  • Interesting, that Goofy also means "Right Foot Forward" for wakeboarding, surfing, and snowboarding terms the way the board is facing right foot position.
  • In Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, Goofy can use magic although he could not use it in previously released games.


See Also
