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Issues: Add info for KH, BBSFM(if different like KHIIFM), and MOM
The Difficulty Level (ゲームモード, Gēmu Mōdo?, lit. "Game Mode") of a game in the Kingdom Hearts series determines enemy strength and limitations the player will be presented with during gameplay. In most Kingdom Hearts games, players choose a difficulty level when starting a new game, and they cannot change the level once they have started.
The original Japanese version of Kingdom Hearts had only one difficulty level, while the international version added Expert Mode. Difficulty levels and their names were standardized in later titles.
The highest level of difficulty is Critical Mode (クリティカルモード, Kuritikaru Mōdo?), followed by Proud Mode (プラウドモード, Puraudo Mōdo?), Standard Mode (スタンダードモード, Sutandādo Mōdo?), and Beginner Mode (ビギナーモード, Biginā Mōdo?).
In Kingdom Hearts Re:coded, the difficulty level is instead handled by the Difficulty Cheat, which is set to Standard by default but can be changed to "Beginner", "Proud", and "Critical" at any time.
In Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance and Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep -A fragmentary passage-, Critical Mode is only available after completing the main game first instead of right away like before. Kingdom Hearts III originally lacked Critical Mode, but it eventually became available in the Version 1.04-1.05 update.
List of difficulties in each game
Kingdom Hearts
Normal Mode
Expert Mode
- Enemies deal double damage.
- A Battle Report is shown after the epilogue, showing statistics from your journey.
- Unlocking Another Side, Another Story... simply requires completing the game.
Kingdom Hearts Final Mix
Final Mix: Beginner Mode
- Sora begins the game with a Ribbon, an EXP Necklace, 8 Power Ups, 8 Defense Ups and 4 AP Ups.
- The Drill Gummi's Attack Power is 9,999 instead of 35.
- "FMBG" is written on the top right of the save file.
- No Battle Report is shown.
- Another side, Another story... and Another Side, Another Story [Deep Dive] cannot be unlocked.
Final Mix Mode
- Gummi Ship takes double the damage.
- Damage inflicted by the Gummi Ship is cut by a third.
- "KHFM" is written on the top right of the save file.
- No Battle Report is shown
- Must complete the Hades Cup; find all 99 Puppies; and seal every Keyhole to unlock Another Side, Another Story...; and complete Jiminy's Journal to unlock Another Side, Another Story [Deep Dive].
Final Mix: Proud Mode
- Compared to the original game, enemies inflict twice the damage.
- The Gummi Ship's attack deals half the damage.
- Attacks against the Gummi Ship deal four times the damage.
- "FMPR" is written on the top right of the save file.
- A Battle Report is shown after the epilogue, showing statistics from your journey.
- Unlocking Another Side, Another Story simply requires completing the game.
- Must seal every Keyhole and complete the Hades Cup to unlock Another Side, Another Story [deep dive].
- Sora has EXP Zero as an ability.[KH I HD]
Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories
Beginner Mode
- Compared to Standard, enemies' HP is cut by 0.75x.
- Compared to Standard, enemies deal 0.8x the damage.
- Sora and Riku have a 4% chance of getting a Random Joker after a fight.
Standard Mode
- Enemies' HP is normal.
- Enemies deal normal damage.
- Sora and Riku have a 1.3% chance of getting a Random Joker after a fight.
Proud Mode
- Enemies' HP is normal.
- Compared to Standard, enemies deal 1.2x the damage.
- Sora and Riku have a 0.7% chance of getting a Random Joker after a fight.
- Save file will display "Proud Mode"
Kingdom Hearts II
Beginner Mode
- Compared to Standard, damage to enemies is increased by 1.5x.
- Compared to Standard, damage received is halved.
- The Gathering cannot be unlocked.
Standard Mode
- Player deals normal damage.
- Damage dealt to player is normal.
- Must complete Jiminy's Journal to unlock The Gathering.
- On the PS2 browser screen, the save file data's name is marked with a ☆ symbol.
Proud Mode
- Compared to Standard, damage received is doubled.
- "Proud Mode" is written on the top right side of the save file.
- Must unlock every Gate and finish the game to unlock The Gathering.
- On the PS2 browser screen, the save file data's name is marked with a ★ symbol.
Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix
Beginner Mode
- Compared to Standard, damage to enemies is increased to 1.5x.
- Compared to Standard, damage received is halved.
- Birth by Sleep cannot be unlocked.
Standard Mode
- Player deals normal damage.
- Damage dealt to player is normal.
- Must complete Jiminy's Journal, all Gummi Missions, and win the Gold Crown to unlock Birth by sleep.
Proud Mode
- Compared to Standard, damage received is doubled.
- "Proud Mode" is written on the top right side of the save file.
- Must complete Jiminy's Journal and win the Gold Crown to unlock Birth by sleep.
Critical Mode
- Compared to Standard, damage received is doubled.
- Compared to Standard, damage to enemies is 1.25x, except for the Mushroom XIII.
- HP from Bonus Levels raises in +2 increments instead of +5 increments. (Maximum HP: 60 HP)
- MP from Bonus Levels raises in +5 increments instead of +10 increments. (Maximum MP: 120 MP)
- Compared to Standard, EXP gained is 75% of the normal amount.
- Roxas learns Reaction Boost, Finishing Plus, Draw, 2x Lucky Lucky, MP Hastera and No Experience on the Third Day.
- Roxas begins the game with 50 AP.
- AP increases by increments of 3 instead of 2.
- Save file displays "Critical Mode".
- Unlocking the "Birth by sleep" video requires you to win the Gold Crown.
- In the PlayStation 2 Browser screen, there is a symbol attached to the save data file on the memory card.
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
Beginner Mode
- Roxas takes 0.7× damage.
- HP prize recovery is doubled.
Standard Mode
- Roxas takes normal damage.
- HP prize recovery is normal.
- The Decrease Challenge Difficulty (やさしくなってコンティニュー, Yasashiku Natte Kontinyū?, lit. "Be Gentle and Continue") option becomes available after going down 5 times. It temporarily sets the difficulty to Beginner Mode until the mission is completed or a regular Continue is used.
Proud Mode
- Roxas takes 1.75× damage.
- HP prize recovery is 0.7×
Mission Mode
Though not a difficulty level in itself, Mission Mode boasts a difficulty level of its own that surpasses even Proud Mode. Regardless of what difficulty you play on in Story Mode, Mission Mode's difficulty stays consistent. Due to its intended multiplayer purpose, designed for two or more players to cooperate, players deal far less damage than usual.
With the bonus defense from automatic higher levels for enemies in Mission Mode, players only deal 0.5x damage, and take normal damage.
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep
Beginner Mode
- Player deals 1.5x damage compared to Standard.
- Player receives 0.5x damage compared to Standard.
- Blank Points cannot be unlocked.
- On the PSP XMB, there is an omega (Ω) symbol attached to the save data file on the memory stick.
Standard Mode
- Player deals normal damage.
- Player receives normal damage.
- Must complete the Report Section and Final Episode to unlock Blank Points.
- On the PSP XMB, there is an outline of a star attached to the save data file on the memory stick.
Proud Mode
- Player deals normal damage.
- Player receives 2x damage compared to Standard.
- Must complete the Final Episode to unlock Blank Points.
- In the PSP XMB, there is a star symbol attached to the save data file on the memory stick.
Critical Mode
- Player deals normal damage.
- Player receives 2x damage compared to Standard.
- Compared to Standard, EXP gained is 75% of the normal amount.
- HP quantities from Bonus Levels are halved compared to Standard.
- Game begins with five command slots.
- EXP Zero is available as an ability.
- Must complete the Final Episode to unlock Blank Points.
- In the PSP XMB, there is a cross symbol attached to the save data file on the memory stick.
Kingdom Hearts Re:coded
Unlike other games in the series, Kingdom Hearts Re:coded allows you to change the difficulty level during the game with the Difficulty Cheat. Each difficulty level changes the enemy drops and world clear bonuses.
Beginner Mode
- Compared to Standard, enemies deal 0.7x damage with non-elemental attacks, and 0.66x damage with elemental attacks.
- Compared to Standard, enemies have a lower chance of inflicting status effects. (Low: 0%, Medium: 30%, Certain: 100%)
- Compared to Standard, enemy waiting time between attacks is 1.2x.
Standard Mode
- Enemies deal normal damage.
- Enemies have a normal chance of inflicting status effects. (Low: 0%, Medium: 50%, Certain: 100%)
- Enemies have a normal waiting time.
Proud Mode
- Compared to Standard, enemies deal 1.5x damage with non-elemental attacks, and 1.59x damage with elemental attacks.
- Compared to Standard, enemies have a higher chance of inflicting status effects. (Low: 50%, Medium: 70%, Certain: 100%)
- Compared to Standard, enemy waiting time between attacks is 0.8x.
- Clearing all worlds on Proud Mode rewards the player with the Proud Achievement Trophy.
Critical Mode
- Compared to Standard, enemies deal 2.1x damage with non-elemental attacks, and 2.37x damage with elemental attacks.
- Enemies always inflict status effects.
- Compared to Standard, enemy waiting time between attacks is 0.6x.
- Clearing all worlds on Critical Mode rewards the player with the Critical Acclaim Trophy.
Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance
Beginner Mode
- Compared to Standard, enemies take 1.5x the damage.
- Compared to Standard, Sora and Riku take 0.5x the damage.
- Compared to Standard, Spirits take 0.5x the damage.
- One or two enemies will attack at a time.
- The Risky Winds Forecast is not available.
- Thirteen or more Trophies are required to unlock Another Guardian of Light.
Standard Mode
- Enemies take normal damage.
- Sora and Riku take normal damage.
- Spirits take normal damage.
- One or two enemies will attack at a time.
- Seven or more Trophies are required to unlock Another Guardian of Light.
Proud Mode
- EXP Zero is available as an ability.
- Compared to Standard, enemies take 0.75x the damage.
- Compared to Standard, Sora and Riku take 1.5x the damage.
- Spirits take normal damage.
- Two or three enemies will attack at a time.
- Bosses are less likely to cheer or taunt after landing an attack.
- Enemies are more likely to use powerful attacks or action patterns.
- Five or more Trophies are required to unlock Another Guardian of Light.
Critical Mode
- EXP Zero is available as an ability.
- Compared to Standard, enemies take 0.5x the damage.
- Compared to Standard, Sora and Riku take 3.0x the damage, x2.0 in Dive Mode.
- Compared to Standard, Spirits take 1.5x the damage.
- Compared to Standard, Risky Winds has a 2.5x chance of appearing.
- All enemies will attack simultaneously.
- Bosses attack in quicker succession. During Risky Winds, bosses attack almost constantly.
- Bosses are less likely to cheer or taunt after landing an attack.
- Enemies are more likely to use powerful attacks or action patterns.
- Young Xehanort's Wild Arcanum attack includes an air combo that is exclusive to this difficulty level.
- Certain enemies will use attacks that are normally performed at low HP when they have a lot of HP remaining.
- Enemies do not flinch as much as in other difficulties.
- No Trophies are required to unlock Another Guardian of Light.
Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep -A fragmentary passage-
Beginner Mode
- Compared to Standard, Aqua deals 50% more damage.
- All damage dealt to Aqua is halved.
Standard Mode
- Aqua deals normal damage.
- Damage dealt to Aqua is normal.
Proud Mode
- Compared to Standard, Aqua deals 50% less damage.
- Damage dealt to Aqua is normal.
Critical Mode
- Starting MP and HP are halved, rounded down, compared to all other difficulties.
- HP and MP from Bonus Levels are halved, rounded down, compared to all other difficulties.
- Compared to Standard, Aqua deals 50% more damage.
- Compared to Standard, enemies deal double damage.
- Aqua's Attack combo chains are now reset by missed hits, and she can now get interrupted during the use of Curaga.
- Aqua won't survive a fatal attack if not at critical health when it lands.
- Enemies and destructible items no longer drop HP, MP, and Focus prizes.
Kingdom Hearts Union χ
Each Story Quest in Kingdom Hearts Union χ has a default difficulty and an optional Proud Mode. The Summer Adventure line of quests also has an additional Critical mode.
Standard Mode
Proud Mode
- Enemy levels are higher.
- Must use a certain Keyblade.
- Conditions are set on which Medals and Special Attacks are available.
- Continues and Friend Medals are inaccessible.
- New Keyblades and rare Synthesis materials are available as rewards.
- For Quest 800 onward, and certain event quests, all objectives must be completed simultaneously.
Critical Mode
- Enemy levels are even higher.
- Must use a certain Keyblade.
- Continues and Friend Medals are inaccessible.
- All objectives must be completed simultaneously.
- Rarer rewards are available.
Kingdom Hearts III
Beginner Mode
- Compared to Standard, EXP gain is increased by 1.25x.
- Sora deals 1.25x as much damage to enemies and takes 0.5x damage from enemies, compared to Standard.
- Must collect all 90 Lucky Emblems to view "Yozora".
Standard Mode
- Damage dealt to enemies is normal. Likewise, damage taken from enemies is also normal.
- Must collect 60 Lucky Emblems to view "Yozora".
Proud Mode
- Damage dealt to enemies is normal.
- Sora takes 1.5x times as much damage from enemies, compared to Standard.
- Must collect 30 Lucky Emblems to view "Yozora".
Critical Mode
- Starting MP and HP are halved, rounded down, compared to all other difficulties.
- HP and MP from Bonus Levels are halved, rounded down (10 to 5, 5 to 2, 3 to 1), compared to all other difficulties.
- Sora begins the game with 58 AP (64 with pre-equipped Soldier's Earring).
- Situation Commands take twice as long to build up.
- Sora receives 2.0x + 10 damage (calculated before attack multiplier) as compared to Standard.
- MP Charge times have been increased to 70 seconds.
- Compared to Standard, EXP gained is 75% of the normal amount.
- Sora has three default abilities exclusive to Critical Mode: Critical Counter, Critical Recharge, and Critical Converter. As playable characters, Riku and Aqua also have Critical Counter by default.
- Sora learns Aerial Recovery, Counter Slash, Counter Impact, Counter Kick, Final Blow, Risk Dodge, Rising Spiral, Groundbreaker, two additional instances of both Air Slide and Superslide, and Combo Master by default.
- The Soldier's Earring accessory is pre-equipped to Sora before fighting Darkside and the Shadows.
- Links restore half of Sora's maximum HP, as opposed to all of his HP in other difficulties.
- Clearing the story on Critical Mode rewards the player with the Proof of Times Past, which can be exchanged for the Oblivion Keyblade.
- Cuisine Full Course Bonus is two thirds as long.
- No Lucky Emblems are needed to view "Yozora".
Kingdom Hearts Melody of Memory
In Kingdom Hearts Melody of Memory, the difficulty is handled on a level-by-level basis, as opposed to choosing one setting for the whole game. The difficulty level affects the general charting of the tracks, such as the number of notes and the pattern in which they need to be hit.
However, certain songs are locked to Beginner Mode, and thus only have one charting:
Related trophies
Report trophies
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep
Kingdom Hearts Re:coded
Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance
PSN trophies
Kingdom Hearts Final Mix
Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories
Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix
Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep -A fragmentary passage-
Kingdom Hearts Melody of Memory
Notes and references
- ^ International version only.
- ^ Named "Final Mix: Beginner".
- ^ Named "Final Mix".
- ^ Named "Final Mix: Proud".
- ^ International version only.
- ^ Jump up to: a b Unlocks after beating the game once.
- ^ Only available for the Summer Adventure quests.
- ^ Added in the 1.04 update.
showGame mechanics
General mechanics
Attack | Magic | Items | Party member | Stats | Gauges | Prizes Synthesis | Moogle Shop | Report | Glossary | Abilities (KH, KHCOM, KHII, KHD, KHREC, KHBBS, KH3D, KHUχ, KHIII, KHDR)
Special combat and play mechanics
Command Menu | Command Matrix | Command Deck (KHBBS, KH3D) Reaction Command | Overlay command | Finish command | Special Command | Situation Command
Alternate action systems
Cards (Battle, Map, World) | Cards (KHχ) | Medal (KHUχ) | Cards (KHDR)
Alternate level systems
Mission Mode | Questploration | Quests | Music Stage
Character and stats mechanics
Panel System | Rank | Version Up | Stat Matrix | Gear Matrix | Command Meld | Drop System | Spirit
Movement mechanics
Lock-On | Swimming | Flowmotion | Free Running
Technique and action mechanics
Critical Hit | Summon | Sleight | Dark Mode | Drive Form | Limit | Limit Break | Debug Ability | Dimension Link | Command Style | Shotlock | Flowmotion | Reality Shift | Link System | Special Attack | Style Change | Attractions | Link Summon | Formchange
Treasure Chest | Bonus Level | Experience | Tech Points | Munny | Moogle Point | Heart Point | VP | Medals | Rhythm Point
Enemy mechanics
Revenge Action | Reaction Endurance | Reality Endurance | Attraction Endurance | Armor Mode
Game elements
Opening Menu | The End | Difficulty Level | Tutorial | Game Over | Save Point | Game Clear Data | Theater Mode | Trophies