"Eye of the Storm" is a musical composition by Yoko Shimomura that appears in Kingdom Hearts III and Kingdom Hearts Union χ. It is one of the Disney boss themes, along with Titanic Clash.
"Eye of the Storm" is a boss theme used during intense situations and in Battlegates.
Kingdom Hearts Union χ
- Battles
- Cutscenes
- Candy Kingdom: "The Greatest Virus", "The Final Stage", "Up We Go", "Being Me"
Kingdom Hearts III
- Battles
- Battlegates
- Olympus: Battlegate 2
- Twilight Town: Battlegate 3
- Toy Box: Battlegate 5
- Kingdom of Corona: Battlegate 6
- Monstropolis: Battlegate 8
- Arendelle: Battlegate 9
- San Fransokyo: Battlegate 11
- Keyblade Graveyard: Battlegate 13
- Cutscenes
- The Caribbean: "The Tables Turn"
- San Fransokyo: "Dark Baymax"
Disc 4, Track 17 in the Kingdom Hearts - III, II.8, Unchained χ & Union χ [Cross] - Original Soundtrack