Kingdom Hearts (game)
Kingdom Hearts Final Mix
Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories
Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories
Kingdom Hearts II
Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix
Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance
Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance HD
Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep -A fragmentary passage-
Kingdom Hearts III
Kingdom Hearts III Re Mind
Kingdom Hearts Dark Road

Neutral (element)

Revision as of 14:42, 6 January 2023 by TheSilentHero (talk | contribs)
I'm carrying on what you yourself began, and I'm creating a brand new world, one heart at a time.
Xemnas A 6★ KHUX.png
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Neutral ( Mu?, lit. "Nothing"), also called None (なし Nashi?), Non-element, Other, or special attack, is a recurring element that appear in the Kingdom Hearts series. It is generally used for attacks that do not have any of the other elements, or in some cases, embodies the ability to break through defenses.

Kingdom Hearts

Attacks and abilities

Party members

Attack Type Description
Ragnarok: Impact Special Ability After aerial combo, select follow-up attack at right time to unleash Ragnarok. [For airborne targets. Cost: 3 MP.]
Aerora Magic Deploys a barrier that absorbs damage. Damages enemies on contact.
Consumes 2 MP.
Aeroga Magic Deploys a barrier that absorbs damage. Deflects certain attacks.
Consumes 2 MP.
Proud Roar: Charge level 1
Proud Roar: Charge level 2
Summon Ability
Showtime: Blow Away Shot
Showtime: Continuous Hit Shot
Summon Ability


Enemy Attack Description
Tidus Downswing Attack (振り下ろし攻撃
Furioroshi Kōgeki
Shake Off Attack (振り払い攻撃
Furiharai Kōgeki
Frontflip Attack (前宙攻撃
Zenchū Kōgeki
Backflip Attack (バク宙攻撃
Bakuchū Kōgeki
Selphie Swinging Move Attack (振りまわし移動攻撃
Furimawashi Idō Kōgeki
Plunge Attack (飛びこみ攻撃
Tobikomi Kōgeki
Shake Off Attack (振り払い攻撃
Furiharai Kōgeki
Wakka Spin Attack (回転攻撃
Kaiten Kōgeki
Ball (ボール
High-speed Ball (高速ボール
Kōsoku Bōru
Riku (Duel) Stab (突き
Thrusts his wooden sword forward.
Spinning Art (回転技
Swings his wooden sword while turning his body.
Continuous Art (1st Stage) (連続技(1段目)
Renzokugi (1-danme)
Swings his wooden sword down diagonally.
Continuous Art (2nd Stage) (連続技(2段目)
Renzokugi (2-danme)
Swings his wooden sword up diagonally.
Damage Counter (ダメージカウンター
Damēji Kauntā
Kicks while jumping up.
Guard Counter (ガードカウンター
Gādo Kauntā
Swings his wooden sword down after blocking an attack.
Shadow Scratch Attack (引っかき攻撃
Hikkaki Kōgeki
Thrust Attack (突き攻撃
Tsuki Kōgeki
Jump Attack (ジャンプ攻撃
Janpu Kōgeki
Soldier Scratch Attack (引っかき攻撃
Hikkaki Kōgeki
Thrust Attack (突き攻撃
Tsuki Kōgeki
Spin Kick (回転蹴り
Pouring Kicks (あびせ蹴り
Abise Keri
Aerial Kick (空中蹴り
Kūchū Keri
Large Body Mow Down Attack (なぎ払い攻撃
Nagiharai Kōgeki
Body Attack (ボディアタック
Bodi Atakku
Rush (突進
Jumping Shock Wave (ジャンピング衝撃波
Janpingu Shōgekiha
Powerwild Scratch Attack (引っかき攻撃
Hikkaki Kōgeki
Sliding (スライディング
Aerial Scratch Attack (空中引っかき攻撃
Kūchū Hikkaki Kōgeki
Bouncywild Slingshot Attack (パチンコ攻撃
Pachinko Kōgeki
Air Soldier Knuckle Hammer (ナックルハンマー
Nakkuru Hanmā
Thrust (突き
Axe Kick (カカト落とし
Kakato Otoshi
Savate (ソバット
Tackle (タックル
Bandit Downswing (振り下ろし
Spin Attack (回転攻撃
Kaiten Kōgeki
Sword Throw (剣投げ
Ken Nage
Rolling Tackle (ローリングタックル
Rōringu Takkuru
Fat Bandit Mow Down Attack (なぎ払い攻撃
Nagiharai Kōgeki
Pot Spider Tackle (タックル
Jump Tackle (ジャンプタックル
Janpu Takkuru
Search Ghost Hand Slam (ハンドスラム
Hando Suramu
Sea Neon Spin Attack (回転攻撃
Kaiten Kōgeki
Body Blow (体当たり
Sheltering Zone Mow Down (なぎ払い
Body Blow (体当たり
Screwdiver Shake Off (振り払い
Spin Attack (回転攻撃
Kaiten Kōgeki
Torpedo Rush (魚雷突進
Gyorai Tosshin
Aquatank Spin Attack (回転攻撃
Kaiten Kōgeki
Reckless Rush (暴走突進
Bōsō Tosshin
Wight Knight Spin Attack (回転攻撃
Kaiten Kōgeki
Swing Down (Up) Attack (振り下ろし(上げ)攻撃
Furioroshi (Age) Kōgeki
Gargoyle Wing Attack (ウイング攻撃
Uingu Kōgeki
Flying Kick (飛行蹴り
Hikō Keri
Pirate Sword Swing Walk (剣振り歩き
Ken Furi Aruki
Charge Attack (チャージ攻撃
Chāji Kōgeki
Aerial Attack (空中攻撃
Kūchū Kōgeki
Jump Downswing (ジャンプ振り下ろし
Janpu Furioroshi
Rising Attack (起き上げり攻撃
Okiageri Kōgeki
Counter Attack (カウンター攻撃
Kauntā Kōgeki
Air Pirate Uppercut (アッパーカット
Charge Punch (チャージパンチ
Chāji Panchi
Battleship Rush (突進
The Battleship envelops its nose in a purple aura resembling a shield, and charges.
Homing Bullet (ホーミング弾
The Battleship fires yellow rockets upwards from its cannons that home in on targets.
Darkball Bite Attack (かみつき攻撃
Kamitsuki Kōgeki
Defender Shield Bite Attack (シールドかみつき攻撃
Shīrudo Kamitsuki Kōgeki
Shield Downswing Attack (シールド振り下ろし攻撃
Shīrudo Furioroshi Kōgeki
Spin Attack (回転攻撃
Kaiten Kōgeki
Wyvern Continuous Kick (連続蹴り
Renzoku Keri
Drill Rush Attack (きりもみ突進攻撃
Kirimomi Tosshin Kōgeki
Diving Beak Attack (急降下くちばし攻撃
Kyūkōka Kuchibashi Kōgeki
Behemoth Trample (踏みつけ
The Behemoth stomps the floor.
Press Attack (プレス攻撃
Puresu Kōgeki
The Behemoth leaps and tramples the opponent.
Dark Charge Sphere (ダークチャージ弾
Dāku Chāji-dama
The Behemoth shoots light from its horn into the sky, causing spheres to rain down.
Arch Behemoth[KH I FM] Trample (踏みつけ
The Behemoth stomps the floor.
Press Attack (プレス攻撃
Puresu Kōgeki
The Behemoth leaps and tramples the opponent.
Dark Charge Sphere (ダークチャージ弾
Dāku Chāji-dama
The Behemoth shoots light from its horn into the sky, causing spheres to rain down.
Destroyed Behemoth[KH I FM] Trample (踏みつけ
The Behemoth stomps the floor.
Press Attack (プレス攻撃
Puresu Kōgeki
The Behemoth leaps and tramples the opponent.
Dark Charge Sphere (ダークチャージ弾
Dāku Chāji-dama
The Behemoth shoots light from its horn into the sky, causing spheres to rain down.
Invisible Shake Off Attack (振り払い攻撃
Furiharai Kōgeki
Swings its sword while spinning sideways.
Thrust Attack (突き攻撃
Tsuki Kōgeki
Flies with its sword facing forward.
Dark Transformation (闇変化
Yami Henka
Thrusts its sword in the ground, then becomes a purple shadow and surrounds the opponent to attack.
Angel Star Wing Attack (ウイングアタック
Uingu Atakku
Holy (ホーリー
Leon Downswing (振り下ろし
Swings his sword down.
Mow Down (なぎ払い
Swings his sword sideways.
Spin Attack (回転攻撃
Kaiten Kōgeki
Swings his sword wide sideways.
Rough Divide (ラフディバイド
Rafu Dibaido
Runs up, then swings his sword while jumping and landing.
Fighting Spirit Downswing (闘気つ振り下ろし
Tōkitsu Furioroshi
Performs "Downswing" when his sword is filled with fighting spirit.
Fighting Spirit Mow Down (闘気つなぎ払い
Tōkitsu Nagiharai
Performs "Mow Down" when his sword is filled with fighting spirit.
Fighting Spirit Spin Attack (闘気つ回転攻撃
Tōkitsu Kaiten Kōgeki
Performs "Spin Attack" when his sword is filled with fighting spirit.
Fighting Spirit Rough Divide (闘気つラフディバイド
Tōkitsu Rafu Dibaido
Performs "Rough Divide" when his sword is filled with fighting spirit.
Guard Armor Mow Down Attack (なぎ払い攻撃
Nagiharai Kōgeki
One-Two Punch (ワンツーパンチ
Wan Tsū Panchi
Stomping Charge (足踏み突撃
Ashibumi Totsugeki
Stomping Attack (踏みつけ攻撃
Fumitsuke Kōgeki
Spin Attack (スピンアタック
Supin Atakku
Opposite Armor Somersault Kick (サマーソルトキック
Samāsoruto Kikku
Head Swing (ヘッドスイング
Heddo Suingu
Foot Screw (フットスクリュー
Futtu Sukuryū
Parts Attack (パーツアタック
Pātsu Atakku
Bazooka (バズーカ
Queen of Hearts Slap (ひっぱたき
Card Soldier (Heart) Thrust (突き
Card Soldier (Spade) Downswing (振り下ろし
Moving Technique (移動技
Trickmaster Stomping Attack (踏みつけ攻撃
Fumitsuke Kōgeki
Club Swing (棍棒振りまわし
Konbō Furimawashi
Club Attack (棍棒攻撃
Konbō Kōgeki
Cloud Cross Slash (凶斬り
?, lit. "Misfortune Slash")
Cloud swings his sword vertically and horizontally, then swings it up at the end.
Sonic Blade (ソニックレイヴ
Sonikku Reivu
?, lit. "Sonic Rave")
Cloud dashes while thrusting his sword. Is often used repeatedly.
Climhazzard (クライムハザード
Cloud leaps in the air, then falls with his sword pointing down.
Omnislash (超究武神覇斬
Chōkyū Bushinhazan
?, lit. "Super-ultimate Warrior God's Mastery Slash")
Cloud spreads his wing and flies around, slashing 5 times.
Cerberus Bite (かみつき
Cerberus bites with either of his heads.
Simultaneous Bite (一斉かみつき
Issei Kamitsuki
Cerberus bites with all three heads at the same time.
Shock Wave (衝撃波
Cerberus stomps on the ground, creating a shock wave around him.
Yuffie Swing Attack (振りまわし攻撃
Furimawashi Kōgeki
Swings shuriken.
Landscaper (抜山蓋世
Batsuzan Gaisei
?, lit. "Great Strength and Energy")
Throws a shuriken along the ground.
Shuriken Throw (手裏剣投げ
Shuriken Nage
Throws up to 3 shuriken while jumping backwards.
All Creation (森羅万象
Shinra Banshō
?, lit. "All Things in Nature")
Throws a huge shuriken.
Hercules Punch (パンチ
Spinning Sword Technique (回転剣技
Kaiten Kengi
Headbutt Rush (頭突き突進
Zudzuki Tosshin
Detonation Attack (起爆アタック
Kibaku Artakku
Burst of Energy (エナジーバースト
Enajī Bāsuto
Rock Titan One Arm Punch (片腕パンチ
Kataude Panchi
Both Arms Punch Shock Wave (両腕パンチ衝撃波
Ryōude Panchi Shōgekiha
Stomp Shock Wave (足踏み衝撃波
Ashibumi Shōgekiha
Headbutt (ヘッドバット
Sabor Claw Attack (爪攻撃
Tsume Kōgeki
Sabor swipes with either of his front paws.
Leap Attack (跳びかかり攻撃
Tobikakari Kōgeki
Sabor steps forward, then swipes his left and right claw.
Tackle (タックル
Sabor scrapes the ground with his front paws, then strikes with his body.
Jump Attack (ジャンプ攻撃
Janpu Kōgeki
Sabor jumps and strikes with his body.
Clayton Shotgun (ショットガン
Clayton shoots with his shotgun.
Shotgun Swing (ショットガン振りまわし
Shottogan Furimawashi
Clayton swings his shotgun sideways.
Stealth Sneak Back Kick (バックキック
Bakku Kikku
The Stealth Sneak turns around and kicks with its back legs.
Body Blow (体当たり
The Stealth Sneak runs and strikes with its body.
Space Rupture Bullet (空間断裂弾
Kūkan Danretsu-dan
The Stealth Sneak brings its glowing front legs together, and shoots a bullet of light.
Charge Beam (チャージビーム
Chāji Bīmu
The Stealth Sneak fires a beam from its eyes that chases the opponent.
Sneak Army[KH I FM] Back Kick (バックキック
Bakku Kikku
The Stealth Sneak turns around and kicks with its back legs.
Body Blow (体当たり
The Stealth Sneak runs and strikes with its body.
Space Rupture Bullet (空間断裂弾
Kūkan Danretsu-dan
The Stealth Sneak brings its glowing front legs together, and shoots a bullet of light.
Charge Beam (チャージビーム
Chāji Bīmu
The Stealth Sneak fires a beam from its eyes that chases the opponent.
Pot Centipede Bite (かみつき
Body Blow (体当たり
Tail Attack (尻尾攻撃
Shippo Kōgeki
Cave of Wonders Guardian Jaw Swing (アゴ振り
Ago Furi
Jafar Thundara (サンダラ
Jafar shoots a beam from his staff.
Genie Smack (平手たたき
'Lariat (ラリアット
Tail Whip (テイルウィップ
Teiru Wippu
Jafar (Genie) Shake Off (振り払い
Swings left or right hand sideways.
Left Hook (左フック
Hidari Fukku
[KH I]
Covers left hand in fire and swings it sideways.
Knuckle Hammer (ナックルハンマー
Nakkuru Hanmā
[KH I]
Covers right hand in fire and swings it down.
Parasite Cage Mow Down (なぎ払い
Both Arms Mow Down (両腕なぎ払い
Ryōude Nagiharai
Bite Attack (かみつきアタック
Kamitsuki Atakku
The Shark Small Bite (小かみつき
Ko Kamitsuki
Big Bite (大かみつき
Dai Kamitsuki
Tail Mow Down (尻尾なぎ払い
Shippo Nagiharai
Rush (突進
Ursula (First battle) Spin Technique (回転技
Quickly swims around while spinning sideways.
Flotsam and Jetsam Tail Strike (尻尾たたき
Spins sideways and strikes with tail fin.
Rush (突進
Thrusts body forward.
Ursula (Second battle) Bite (かみつき
Sucks up and bites Sora.
Lock Blazing Fastball (剛速球
Shock Spin Tackle (スピンタックル
Supin Takkuru
Barrel Spinning Tackle (回転タックル
Kaiten Takkuru
Oogie Boogie Slap (ひっぱたく
Swings right arm sideways.
Dice (サイコロ
Throws 3 dice. The number of eyes determine which trap activates.
Bomb Dice (爆弾サイコロ
Bakudan Saikoro
[KH I]
Throws 3 flashing dice that explode.
Saw Gimmick (ノコギリギミック
Konogiri Gimikku
Circular saws fly around.
Knife Gimmick (ナイフギミック
Naifu Gimikku
Large blades lower and spin around.
Gunman Gimmick (ガンマンギミック
Ganman Gimikku
A gunman statue shoots with a gun.
Oogie's Manor Punch (パンチ
Waves arm back and forth.
Shadow Sora Kick Up (蹴り上げる
Fly Around (飛びまわる
AntiSora Vertical Swing (縦振り
Tate Furi
Horizontal Swing (横振り
Yoko Furi
Thrust (突き
Mow Down (なぎ払い
Shadow Out (シャドウアウト
Shadou Auto
Captain Hook Letter x Swing (×の字振り
x no Ji Furi
Hook swings his sword in the shape of the letter x.
Rush Thrust (突進突き
Tosshin Tsuki
Hook swings his sword twice, then thrusts while moving forward.
Disorderly Thrust (乱れ突き
Midare Tsuki
Hook swings his sword quickly and repeatedly.
Guard Counter (ガードカウンター
Gādo Kauntā
Hook blocks an attack with his hand, then thrusts his sword.
Rising Thrust (上昇突き
Jōshō Tsuki
Hook swings his sword while jumping up.
Aerial Rush (空中突進
Kūchū Tosshin
Hook runs through the air in a panic when his rear is on fire.
Phantom Death Sentence (死の宣告
Shin no Senkoku
Inflicts the Doom status on a target. If the target succumbs to Doom, they cannot be revived.

Notes and references

  1. ^ a b c Only the horn deals None damage.
  2. ^ Only the sword deals None damage.
  3. ^ a b Only deals None damage when the club is not burning.