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Joseph T. Dalton
Master Eraqus (Art) 01.png
Date of Birth
8th of July 1995
Member since:
16th of July 2009
KH Games I Own
Kingdom HeartsKingdom Hearts Final MixKingdom Hearts Re:Chain of MemoriesKingdom Hearts IIKingdom Hearts II Final MixKingdom Hearts 358/2 DaysKingdom Hearts Birth by SleepKingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final MixKingdom Hearts Re:codedKingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop DistanceKingdom Hearts HD 1.5 ReMIXKingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIXKingdom Hearts HD 1.5 + 2.5 HD ReMIXKingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter PrologueKingdom Hearts IIIKingdom Hearts III Re MindKingdom Hearts Melody of Memory

Hi, I'm Joseph but just call me JTD95 or simply JTD. I do some edits on here when I feel like it/have time. I draw a lot on my spare time and procrastinate my exams.


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Worksheet: Radiant Garden

Kingdom Hearts II

Radiant Garden

Sora first arrives in the Radiant Garden (still known as Hollow Bastion at the time) at the Marketplace (商店街 Shōten Machi?, lit. "Shopping District"), which houses the world's Moogle Shop, as well as Scrooge McDuck and the accessory, weapon, and items shops of his nephews Huey, Dewey, and Louie. Down the stairs past the item shop is the Borough (住宅街 Jūtakugai?, lit. "Residential Area"), a residential area where Merlin's House (マーリンの家 Mārin no Ie?) is located. It's also the Hollow Bastion Restoration Committee's base of operations, as well as where the 100 Acre Wood book is located.

Artwork of the Marketplace.

Continuing on leads to the Bailey (城壁広場 Jōheki Hiroba?, lit. "Castle Walls Square") which has a great view of the varies valleys outside of the town. Far off in the distance, the Villain's Vale can be seen. From here the Restoration Site (建設中通路 Kensetsu-chū Tsūro?) can be accessed. The area contain some equipment used to restore the town and the castle, and is changed after the first visit to Space Paranoids, by the brick walls to the left being shattered, now offering a slightly quicker path through the area.

Passing through the Restoration Site leads to the Postern (城通用口 Shiro Tsūyō Kuchi?), the site of a save point and the base entrance to the castle itself. Going inside, the party must navigate the twisting and maze-like Corridors (廊下 Rōka?) before reaching the end at Ansem's Study (アンセムの研究室 Ansemu no Kenkyūshitsu?, lit. "Ansem's Laboratory"). The room contains a desk, several bookshelves, broken containers formerly filled with hearts, as well as a portrait of Terra-Xehanort. A secret passage can be found here that leads to Ansem the Wise's computer room. Ansem's Computer contains a complex data system and an elaborate network copied from ENCOM, which was updated and modified for research purposes. From here the party can transport inside the computer and access the Space Paranoids world. On the other side of the computer room is a small balcony overlooking the Heartless Manufactory (ハートレス製造施設?), which can also be accessed by use of the elevator found there. Below the Manufactory area is an inaccessible Underground Facility (地下施設?), only seen in cutscenes. The area contains a long downward spiral staircase with a long hallway at the end, with several prison cells on each side of the corridor. A the end lies the entrance to the Chamber of Repose.

The Villain's Vale surrounded by a swarm of Heartless.

After the events of the first visit to Space Paranoids, the layout of the Bailey is altered; the outer wall of the town are broken down, and the Castle Gate (城門前 Jōmon Mae?, lit. "Gate Before the Castle") can now be accessed from here. From the Castle Gate, Sora can reach the long and winding Ravine Trail (谷間の道 Tanima no Michi?) that eventually leads to the Crystal Fissure (結晶の狭間 Kesshō no Hazama?, lit. "Crystal Interstice"), a small cave-like area with glowing crystals. From here The Great Maw (大渓谷 Dai Keikoku?, lit. "Great Valley") is accessed, a large open area where the climax of the Battle of the 1000 Heartless takes place. The next and last location down this route is the Dark Depths (闇の淵 Yami no Fuchi?), where Sora and his friends encounter Xemnas, Axel, Saïx, and Maleficent.

The Dark Depths is the closest Sora can come to the Villain's Vale (ヴィラン砦 Viran Toride?, lit. "Villain's Fort"), which contains five ramshackle set of towers arranged in a castle configuration, with pipes twirling around them, rising from a pile of ruined masonry and machinery. A big Heartless emblem can be seen atop of the tower in the middle. Villain's Vale contains a room inside, also known as Villain's Vale (ヴィラン砦の一室 Viran Toride no Isshitsu?, lit. "Chamber of the Villain's Fort"), which acts as a base of operations for Maleficent and Pete.

Area Map of Radiant Garden in Kingdom Hearts II


Cavern of Remembrance

An overview of the Depths.

As the Battle of the 1000 Heartless attack begins, a hole in the castle wall at the Postern appears, revealing the entrance to the Cavern of Remembrance (追憶の洞 Tsuioku no Hora?). Climbing down the hole leads to the cave's first area called the Depths (最深部 Saishinbu?). The area appears at first to be a small cave with a stream of water pouring down a high ledge, next to a Drive Orb crystal, however, past the ledge is a short tunnel leading to an immense, beautiful crystalline cave, containing many ledges, stalactites, and stalagmites which can be ascended to reach an ornate door, as well as a healthy population of powerful Heartless.

Through the door lies the lowest part of the Mineshaft (坑道 Kōdō?), a purple, deep, and winding pit cave which is crisscrossed with pipes across multiple "floors". Each floor contains openings in the pipes that require specialized, maximum leveled Growth Abilities to traverse, as well as the appropriate Drive Form for each obstacle; the first two are also guarded by event battles with several waves of Heartless. Crossing the first chasm with Quick Run brings Sora to another ornate door, as well as a passage leading to an upper cubby of the Depths, where he can dislodge a stalactite in order to create a shortcut.

The Garden of Assemblage.

Both the door and the cubby lead to the Mining Area (採鉱部 Saikōbu?), a complex area of pistons, vents, and engines that is initially inert. By activating the engines lying at the very bottom of the chamber, Sora awakens the powerful machinery that he must navigate to reach the next room. Passing through the door leads to the second floor of the Mineshaft, which is much greener and has several pipes that must be bypassed with Aerial Dodge in order to reach the next door. Through this door is the busy Engine Chamber (機関部 Kikanbu?), filled with conveyor belts, pistons, scalding jets of steam bursting from pipes, and more powerful Heartless, as well as several hidden balconies. At the end of this is another door leading to the final section of the Mineshaft, with a final pipe obstacle which must be threaded using Glide.

Exiting the cavern through this door brings Sora to the Transport to Remembrance (追憶への誘い Tsuioku e no Izunai?, lit. "Invitation to Remembrance"), a long balcony hallway built in the same style as Castle Oblivion, with Radiant Garden's characteristic inverted waterfalls against the open sides of the path. The hall is bursting with powerful Nobodies, and Sora's initial traversal of it requires him to conquer three separate event battles, each with multiple waves of Nobodies.

The final door leads out of the subterranean caves to the Garden of Assemblage (集積の庭園 Shūseki no Teien?), which can be used to bring to face against the Organization XIII's Replica Data as well as a secret passageway, veiled by an illusion, back to the Restoration Site.

Area Map of Cavern of Remembrance in Kingdom Hearts II


Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

Artwork of Radiant Garden.

In Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, Radiant Garden is shown in its originally glory, before it got turned into Hollow Bastion. The world's castle is shown to originally have a relevantly pastel palette, with the castle sitting on top of a large town filled with trees, grass, and flowers. The walls surrounding the town have several massive fountains, and are generally covered in climbers plants. Outside the walls is an ocean, with several green mountains in the distance.

The Central Square (中央広場 Chūō Hiroba?) is a town square located in the middle of the world, filled with beautiful flowers and trees, as well as many homes surrounding the area. Going northwest leads to the massive Gardens (庭園 Teien?) area. Ascending the garden and leaving through a gate will lead to the Front Doors (正面扉口 Shōmen Tobira Kuchi?), a small circular area with stairs leading to a wide open space outside the castle's gates.

Artwork of the Fountain Court.

By heading east from the Central Square, Terra, Aqua, and Ven will arrive at the Castle Town (住宅街 Jūtakugai?, lit. "Residential Area"), a smaller back street with a Moogle Shop. Also located here is Merlin's House (マーリンの家 Mārin no Ie?), where the Hunny Pot Board can acquired. Continuing through the tunnel at the end of Castle Town will lead to the Fountain Court (噴水広場 Funsui Hiroba?, lit. "Fountain Square"), home to several large fountain layered on top of each other. By climbing the fountains and heading for the exit will take the characters to the Aqueduct (水路 Suiro?), Radiant Garden's irrigation system. Running up some stairs and across the outer walls will eventually lead down to the world's Reactor (動力炉 Dōryoku-ro?, lit. "Power Reactor"), where the Trinity Armor is fought. The Reactor can also be accessed through a broken gate at the Gardens Area.

Heading south from the Central Square will lead to a pair of stairs, one on either side, which leads down to the Entryway (エントランス Entoransu?, lit. "Entrance"). A resting area within the wall which also houses a save point. Heading outside is the Outer Gardens (城外庭園 Jōgai Teien?, lit. "Outer Castle Gardens"), a lotus shaped platform surrounded by water with even more flower beds. In the middle of the area is a fountain with a secret door in it, which leads down to the Purification Facility (浄化施設 Jōka Shisetsu?), a large platform in an open area situated below the gardens.

Area Map in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep


Kingdom Hearts III

The re completed castle
Radiant Garden's castle restored to its full glory.

In Kingdom Hearts III, the world appears to finally have been restored to its former self, and is almost identical to how it appeared in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. The world itself is inaccessible, but appears in several cutscenes. Areas show are the computer room in Ansem's Study, as well as the Central Square outside of the castle.

The Garden of Assemblage in the Limitcut episode
The digital replica of the Garden of Assemblage.

In Kingdom Hearts III Re Mind, Merlin's House (マーリンの家?) becomes playable during the Limitcut Episode, and retains its appearance from Kingdom Hearts II. Though the outside portion resembles its appearance as Castle Town in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. Inside, by accessing Cid's computer, a data version of the Garden of Assemblage (集積の庭園?) can be entered, though it looks relatively different. The digital replica lacks a sky and replaces the waterfalls with dark streams of data, as well as dark pillars seen between them. The passage which used to lead to the Restoration Site is simply replaced with a wall. From the garden the Real Organization XIII's Recreated Data can be fought. Master Xehanort and Xion's portals are unavailable until the eleven other members have been beaten. The area also contains a save point and a Moogle Shop. All thirteen battles take place at the Data-Organization XIII Arena, which consists of massively detailed circular platforms, with noen blue and purple lines springing out of the platform. Surrounding the arena are dark and ominous clouds.

Through Data Greeting, areas such as the Central Square, Merlin's House, Garden of Assemblage, and the Data-Organization XIII Arena can be freely explored.

Worksheet: The World That Never Was

Kingdom Hearts II

The Alley to Between (狭間につながる路地 Hazama ni Tsunagaru Roji?) hides a portal to Betwixt and Between. Sora, Donald, Goofy, and King Mickey used this portal to get into the world, thanks to Axel's sacrifice. The alley way connects to the main route that leads to the Castle That Never Was. The first Save Point of the world can be found here.

Exiting the alley leads to the Fragment Crossing (断片を紡ぐ道 Danpen o Tsumugu Michi?, lit. "Fragment-Spinning Road"), a long series of winding streets that lead to Memory's Skyscraper. It is full of neon signs attached to vacant buildings as well as a power plant which seems to power some or all of the city. Many Shadow Heartless are here, but in Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix, they are eventually replaced with Nobodies. Sora, Donald, Goofy, and King Mickey took this route on their way to the Castle That Never Was. Pluto also had an encounter with Axel here.

Following the Fragment Crossing is Memory's Skyscraper (記憶の摩天楼 Kioku no Matenrō?), an imposingly tall building that presides over Dark City, in a plaza near the cliffs surrounding the Castle That Never Was. At its feet lies a plaza staircase leading to glass doors, and on its face is a massive television screen, which displays memories of those nearby in Another side, Another story.... In the corner of the plaza is a wrecked truck, flipped on its side. During his battle with Xemnas, Sora was pulled into an area that included Memory's Skyscraper, called Memory's Contortion, in a battle similar to the one Roxas and Riku had. In Dream Drop Distance, Memory's Skyscraper is accessible only for Riku. However, this is where Sora first landed when he dived into this world before being put to sleep.

The left road behind Memory's Skyscraper leads to the Brink of Despair (絶望を望む断崖 Zetsubō o Nozomu Dangai?, lit. "Cliff Overlooking Despair"), a cliff with a clear view of the hovering Castle That Never Was. Sora, Donald, Goofy, and King Mickey arrive here and access the castle via a path using the Keyblade. It has the second Save Point of this world in Kingdom Hearts II.

Sora, Donald, Goofy, and King Mickey entering Nothing's Call.

Nothing's Call (虚無への誘い Kyomu e no Sasoi?) is one of the lowest known areas of the Castle That Never Was, acting as a sort of "basement". It appears to be the only entrance into the castle for people who are not members of the Organization. Sora, Donald, Goofy, and King Mickey enter the castle here. They are soon attacked by Nobodies, but make it to the next area. It is also here where Roxas fights Saïx when leaving the Organization in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days.

The castle contains a number of dungeons, such as the Soundless Prison (無音の牢獄 Muon no Rōgoku?) that lies near one of its towers, which appearance corresponds to the one seen in the Verge of Chaos in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance. Oddly, the bars of the cells are far enough apart that a prisoner could easily just walk out between them. Saïx uses the cells to imprison Kairi and Pluto, informing them that they are being used as bait to force Sora to slay more Heartless. After he leaves, however, Naminé enters through a Corridor of Darkness to help them escape. In the Kingdom Hearts II manga, Kairi escapes through the bars without help, but runs into Demyx as she and Pluto make their escape, and willingly returns to confinement out of pity when he begs her to keep him from being punished by Saïx.

Crooked Ascension (歪みを貫く柱 Yugami no Tsuranuku Hashira?, lit. "Distortion-Penetrating Pillar") is an area of the Castle That Never Was that seems to be a giant elevator that ascends and descends without actually appearing to do anything. While inside, Sora, Donald, Goofy and Riku may be attacked by either Samurai or Dragoon Nobodies if going down to Nothing's Call or up to Twilight's View, respectively.

Twilight's View (黄昏から望む場所 Tasogare kara Nozomu Basho?) is a stairway leading to the next floor of the castle. Sora can meet a Moogle here and synthesize new items. According to a flashback in Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix, occurring at some point before Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, Zexion and Xigbar discuss Xemnas's frequent visits to the Chamber of Repose and the discovery of Castle Oblivion here.

Sora in the Hall of Empty Melodies, before encountering Xigbar.

Hall of Empty Melodies (虚ろなる旋律の空間 Utsuro-naru Senritsu no Kūkan?) is a large, two-part room sometimes used as a combat training station for the Organization. It is composed of a large platform over an indefinite abyss, with a recessed second floor accessible via Naught's Skyway and multiple high balconies overlooking the room. The domed glass ceiling provides a view of the castle's highest tower. When Sora, Donald, and Goofy arrive, Saïx taunts them and sics a horde of Heartless upon them, but Riku and Kairi arrive in time to help fight the Heartless on the upper floor as Maleficent and Pete watch. Xigbar enters and challenges Sora himself, but is defeated just as Mickey and Ansem encounter the scene, and the two kings leave with full faith in Sora and his friends. Afterward, Sora's group sprints to the second floor via the skyway and are reunited with Riku and Kairi. Afterward, the room becomes a haunt for Sniper and Assassin.

Naught's Skyway (虚空を辿る道 Kokū o Tadoru Michi?) is a small outside path in a high section of the castle. It overlooks the eerie red-tinged clouds of Dark City. This is where Mickey finds DiZ, who is revealed to be Ansem the Wise, being attacked by Nobodies. After they are defeated, the two walk off with Ansem's encoding machine. Sora and his companions pass through here in order to find King Mickey and Ansem the Wise.

Sora and the others entering Proof of Existence after defeating Luxord.

Proof of Existence (存在の証 Sonzai no Akashi?) is a multi-tiered mock graveyard for the members of the Organization. It contains twelve stele, arranged by the rank of each member from left to right then top to bottom, with digital panels in the floor before the stele acting as epitaphs depicting the member's title and weapon. Demyx's stele incorrectly has number XI instead of IX. These stele actually operate as portals to other rooms in the castle, while the doorway to the next room takes the place of a stele for Xemnas. The stele for the destroyed members of the Organization have been smashed, but the epitaphs remain active for those that are conscious—therefore the epitaph representing Roxas, who has already been reunited with Sora, remains active, although his stele is smashed, while the stele for Luxord and Saïx remain active portals even after their epitaphs go dark with their destruction. Zexion's own epitaph was damaged to the point it no longer depicted his weapon,[1] while Roxas's depicts the Oathkeeper and Oblivion he obtained after leaving the Organization. Sora and his friends pass through the graveyard on their way up the tower, but are forced to put an end to Luxord and Saïx in order to open the way to Xemnas.

Havoc's Divide (混沌の狭間 Konton no Hazama?) is an area favored by Luxord. The area is sloped and leads to a steep drop downwards. The top of the area can be partially seen from Naught's Approach.

Addled Impasse (惑わしの空間 Madowashi no Kūkan?, lit. "Bewildered Space") is a large chamber with a clear view of the Kingdom Hearts moon, and appears to be where Saïx spends a large amount of time.

Naught's Approach (虚空を目指す道 Kokū o Mezasu Michi?) is an exterior passage which leads to Xemnas's tower. Eerie red and blue vapors leak from Ruin and Creation's Passage and out onto the walkway.

Ruin and Creation's Passage (破壊と創造の回廊 Hakai to Sōzō no Kairō?) is the biggest area in the castle with platforms floating in the air. Invisible paths can be used to reach each platform and eventually navigate to the other side. The room is filled with swirling red and blue smoke, with some collecting in a spiral at the top of the chamber. There are numerous windows at the sides of the room.

The Altar of Naught, viewing the remnants of Kingdom Hearts

The Altar of Naught (虚空の祭壇 Kokū no Saidan?, lit. "Altar of Empty Space") is a giant tower that is high above the rest of the castle. Hidden off the side is a glider. Xemnas often comes here to commune with Kingdom Hearts or present it to the other members. After Sora and his friends confront Xemnas here and he retreats into this Kingdom Hearts, the worlds create a doorway leading within so that Sora and his friends to follow him. The tower later collapses after Xemnas's Dragon Form collides into its side.

Memory's Contortion (記憶の歪み Kioku no Yugami?) is a strange, wavering illusion of the Memory's Skyscraper that Xemnas draws Sora into for a battle. As it is an illusion, Sora cannot "return" here, but a simulation of it can be found within the Garden of Assemblage.

Where Nothing Gathers is the Organization's meeting room.

Where Nothing Gathers (虚無が集う場所 Kyomu ga Tsudou Basho?), known to Organization members as the Round Room (円卓 Entaku?, lit. "Round Table")[2], is a circular room containing throne-like chairs ranging in height, where the Nobodies of Organization XIII can gather and discuss developments and for Xemnas to give out orders. There are thirteen throne-like pillars which each member uses as a seat, but these pillars can move up or down at the user's will, or at the leader's. Out of respect for their leader, the other members keep their thrones below Xemnas's, and later, Xehanort's.[3]

The seats are arranged in a circle with Xemnas at the prominent seat. At Xemnas's left are the odd numbered members, and to his right are the even numbered members, increasing in numerical value up until number thirteen, Roxas's seat. The "fourteenth member", Xion, has no throne as she was neither a true member nor even a real Nobody, but a replica meant to absorb Roxas so she would gain his powers, thus the reason for the group's name remaining as "Organization XIII". In Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance, Riku and Mickey Mouse battle Ansem, Xemnas, Young Xehanort, and the other members of the real Organization XIII in Where Nothing Gathers, while attempting to rescue Sora, who was rendered comatose and captured by Master Xehanort to become a new vessel for himself, who sits in Xemnas's throne while watching the struggle. After the battle, Master Xehanort lifts the throne Sora is in and tries to put a fragment of his heart on him. Fortunately, Lea appears and rescues Sora. Shortly afterwards, Donald and Goofy also appear and literally fall on top of Ansem's Guardian, which had captured Riku and Mickey, just before the real Organization XIII vanishes and each of his members returns to its own time.

Area Map of the Dark City in Kingdom Hearts II

Dark City Minimap

Area Map of Castle That Never Was in Kingdom Hearts II


The World of Nothing

Sora and the others standing in the door leading to The World of Nothing.

After Xemnas's first defeat within Memory's Contortion, he flees into his Kingdom Hearts. However, a door appears that leads Sora and his friends within that Kingdom Hearts to an area named "The World of Nothing". The first area inside the door is The World of Nothing—End's Beginning, a passageway resembling the Dark City where skyscrapers suddenly erupt from the ground in order to repel Sora. A strange black-and-white tunnel leads from this room to a platform looking out on the gigantic Nobody that Xemnas is riding. From there, Sora can climb falling skyscrapers to walkways surrounding the lower cannons of the Nobody, The World of Nothing—Twin Cannons. Once he destroys those, Sora swings his way up to the ship's Energy Core, which is kept in a room appropriately named The World of Nothing—Energy Core. After disabling the ship's energy core, he makes it up The World of Nothing—Xemnas's Throne Room, where Xemnas sits in his Keyblade Armor, enthroned atop the dragon Nobody's head in a chamber equipped with the weapons of the defeated Organization members. After completely destroying the gigantic Nobody, Sora and Riku are left in The World of Nothing (虚無の世界 Kyomu no Sekai?), a nearly-empty void of shifting greys and whites where Xemnas makes his last attempt to destroy them. He fails, however, and the boys are deposited at the Dark Margin.

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days

Roxas in the Grey Area.

The Grey Area (闇と光を紡ぐ庭 Yami to Hikari o Tsumugu Niwa?, lit. "The Garden that Interweaves Darkness and Light") is a room in the castle that serves as a lounge for the Organization's members, as well as the place where the members receive their mission briefings from Saïx. The room is wedge shaped with one wall made entirely out of a giant window, out of which Kingdom Hearts can eventually be seen floating in the distance. The room has couches and tables spread around it, and Organization members are often seen lounging about between missions. There is also a Moogle here, dressed in the Organization coat, that allows Roxas to synthesize panels and access a shop that uses heart points as currency.

The castle has a room with a computer that seems to contain information on all the Organization projects including the Replica Program and Castle Oblivion. In the Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days novel, this room is said to be Saïx's study room.

Axel's bedroom.

The Castle also contains a library filled with literature on various subjects. In here, Axel finds a book titled "The Truth about Naminé," authored by Vexen. In the Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days novel, this room is said to be in Castle Oblivion, and was Vexen's research room.

Each of the members of the Organization has an individual bedroom in the castle. The rooms are white with metal-like walls, a single bed with the headboard in the shape of the Nobodies' symbol and a window showing the heart-shaped moon of Kingdom Hearts.

Area Map in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days


Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance

In Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance, only Memory's Skyscraper, the Brink of Despair, and the real Castle That Never Was are visited in the realm between. Sora visits a dream of a dream of the Dark City of The World that Never Was, which appears more contorted and ethereal than the city initially appeared in Kingdom Hearts II, similar to the World of Nothing within Kingdom Hearts, while Riku visits a dream of the Castle That Never Was. Although the locations of the areas Riku visits can be pinpointed, whether or not the locations they visit exist in the real world version of the world is not yet known.


The Avenue to Dreams (夢境の街路 Yumesakai no Gairo?) is a large urban area beginning with an enclosed alley featuring a save point and a Moogle hologram. Up a long flight of stairs lies a piece of destroyed building, blocking the path into the city that must be scaled to advance. Beyond is an area of twisting alleys surrounded by skyscrapers that can be scaled with Flowmotion. Several buildings are adorned in blue stripes with a geometric pattern and when stood upon, they rapidly elevate, throwing Sora into the air. Another building has similar white stripes and can be destroyed by using a Reality Shift. The pattern on these stripes are similar to the ones seen in the area of the final battle against Xemnas in Kingdom Hearts II. Perhaps the most notable feature of this area is a stream of blue-green mist that falls from the roof of a massive tower extremely similar to Memory's Skyscraper and flows through the streets. The Castle that Never Was can be seen from this area, but instead of floating above a giant crater, it floats above several tall buildings. Beyond this tower, the pavement is revealed to be floating and broken, away from the rest of the city and leads off into a more urban area.

The Avenue to Dreams directly leads to the Contorted City (歪みに満ちた街 Yugami ni Michita Machi?, lit. "City Filled with Distortion"), which seems to emerge from a canyon of strange blue-green rock. This area does not have a save point. Much of the architecture here is coated in blue-green mist. Many buildings float of their own accord, attached to chunks of rock separate from the road, and several shake and swing. The blue markings appear again on the shaking section that is able to launch Sora skyward. Beyond several overturned buildings, a path of broken pavement and destroyed buildings forms an upward spiral. Neon strips and signs on the buildings can be traversed with Flowmotion. In several places, floating buildings marked with red symbols will hurtle toward Sora and must be destroyed with a Reality Shift or they will cause damage. Unlike the other areas, the Castle that Never Was cannot be seen from here.

The Nightmarish Abyss (凶夢の深淵 Kyōmu no Shin'en?) features a large open plaza surrounded on three sides by skyscrapers, with a crashed truck (identical to the one near Memory's Skyscraper) blocking access to a side-street. The fourth side drops off to an abyss that is spanned by floating skyscrapers laid on their sides, forming a mostly straight path between two cliff faces and leading toward what appears to be Memory's Skyscraper and the Castle That Never Was seen from the left. Several neon strips appear here that can be traversed through Flowmotion, as in the Contorted City area. It is the area where Sora fights Xemnas.


The Delusive Beginning (幻想のはじまり Gensō no Hajimari?) is the lowest known area of the Castle That Never Was, situated just inside the large spinning ring at the base of the castle. It is comprised of four hallways connecting to a circular central chamber, two connecting at the ground floor, two high above. In the central chamber rests an energy beam housed in an impenetrable shield that damages enemies of the Organization. It must be destroyed by entering the shield through a portal and using a Reality Shift on it. This will cease its attack, destroy the shield, and create a walkway to the upper levels.

The Walk of Delusions (幻惑の歩廊 Genwaku no Horō?, lit. "Gallery of Entrancement") initially appears as a shifting maze. Scattered throughout the maze are devices that require the use of a Reality Shift to destroy. Once disabled, the layout of the area changes, with new pathways opening up leading to the next device. Once three devices have been destroyed, the maze disappears entirely and reveals the area to be a long, straight bridge leading from the outer edge of the castle to the castle itself, across the open area beneath it. The large spinning ring, the large crater underneath the castle, and several support beams can be seen from the walk.

Fact within Fiction (虚実を紡ぐ回廊 Kyojitsu o Tsumugu Kairō?, lit. "Corridor Spinning Fact and Fiction") is a large, open-air level at the top of the castle's spinning ring, giving a view of the mechanism that spins it. It consists of several high-walled passages and thick metal pipes. Along one passage, beams of purple energy move back and forth that damage any enemy who crosses them. Near the end of the area is a large circular platform where many enemies spawn. After a flight of stairs, there is a lift that rises seemingly magically to higher floors.

The Verge of Chaos (混沌を見下ろす場所 Konton o Miorosu Basho?, lit. "Place Overlooking Chaos") is primarily a large, slightly curved balcony. The only way out of it is to take the elevator back to the lower levels, or to use Flowmotion on the massive pipes attached to the walls. Several other, smaller balconies sit on the wall with no way on or off but through Flowmotion. Eventually, up the wall, one reaches another small balcony attached to a larger one by a staircase. A narrow bridge off this area connects to the multi-turreted tower, where Riku fights the Anti Black Coat Nightmare, that can be traversed by using Flowmotion on a large pipe. The roof of this tower is also considered a part of the Verge of Chaos. This very tower can be seen far away from outside the castle, where its location is on its left side.

The arena Young Xehanort transports Riku to in order to battle him.

The Sanctum of Time (時の祭壇 Toki no Saidan?, lit. "Altar of Time') is an area visited only during the battle with Young Xehanort. After being possessed by his future Master Xehanort self, Young Xehanort transports Riku and himself to the Sanctum of Time in a similar fashion to how Ansem, Seeker of Darkness transported Riku to the facsimile of Kingdom Hearts in the final battle of Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories and Kingdom Hearts: Re:Chain of Memories. The battlefield is a large circular area with several cogs and clockwork devices integrated below the floor as well as atop pillars on either side of the battlefield, and it is surrounded by six different colored hourglasses. The area as a whole resembles a fractured ring dial. Peculiarly, at certain times during battle, the poles sticking out of the ground cannot have Flowmotion used on them. Beneath the glass is a red Nobody symbol.

Darkness's Call (闇への誘い Yami e no Sasoi?, lit. "Invitation to Darkness") is an arena-shaped area with a spiraling violet vortex below. Streams of darkness rise around the central area. This is where Riku fights Ansem, Seeker of Darkness the first time during his Mark of Mastery exam. A platform may appear in the area if Riku uses Reality Shift on Ansem.

Darkest End (闇の果て Yami no Hate?, lit. "Edge of Darkness") is a long arena that has huge dark pillars that resemble the ones found in the Realm of Darkness and a violet spiral in front of the place. In the back, there is a bottomless abyss. This is the place where Riku fights Ansem, Seeker of Darkness in his second form, where the Heartless can manipulate the space within the area at will, by either stretching it to send his enemies to the back or by compressing it to pull his enemies in front of him.

Area Maps in Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance HD

Minimap (Dark City) TWTNW KHDDD.png Minimap (Castle That Never Was) TWTNW KHDDD.png





Dream Eaters

I really don't like the Dream Eaters, but a few of them are cute, and some even are decently cool.



  • I have tourette syndrome.
  • I have a BA in acting.
  • Favorite tv shows are Avatar, the Last Airbender, Attack on Titan, and Boy Meets World.
  1. ^ Kingdom Hearts II Ultimania, Tetsuya Nomura: "Probably because he's quite enigmatic. He's the only member who showed up with no weapons but it's not because he doesn't have his own weapon, it's more of because he died without fighting, so nobody knows what's his weapon. I have an idea on what his weapon is and I might have a chance of showing it in the near future so I'll keep it as a secret for now. That reminds me, in the World that Never Was, each XIII Organization member had a gravestone for them and each of those have a picture of their weapons and that's when Zexion became a problem for us. “Eh, we're gonna put a spoiler on Zexion's weapon there!?” (laugh) That's a bit too much so we decided to destroy the gravestone so that his weapon couldn't be seen."
  2. ^ Roxas's Diary, Day 7: Entry 1: "Today they told us to go to the Round Room, where we met our new member, No. XIV."
  3. ^ Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix+ Ultimania, pg. 502; Interviewer: "During the meetings, the members of Organization XIII are sitting in chairs. Is the height of these chairs determined by things like their skills and abilities?" / Tetsuya Nomura: "No, the height of the chairs is not fixated, they move. That is to say, the height is up to each person. The leader, Xemnas, is always the highest and to be at the same height as him would have a pretty bad feeling, so the other members wouldn't do that." Translation via TheWertle and Xaldin.