Ultimania Information (Scans from KH13.com)

Portal Information from here and here. NOTE: This information is still incomplete. If anyone is playing KH3D, please help out by adding the Dream Eaters that appear in portals on either of these pages or talk pages.

NOTE: I'm not very good at Japanese, so there may be some things that aren't correct.

Link Attacks

名前 属性 威力倍率 リアクション値 リンクゲージ
ワンダージャンプ 体当たり 物理 0.8 4 毎秒7.8% ソラを乗せたスピリットが何度も跳ねながら前進し、 体当たりと着地時に広がる衝撃波で攻撃する。進路はスライドパッドで変更可能。 跳ねる回数は最大12回だが、ハナダワンヤンとの発動時は動作が速めで最大16回まで攻撃できる
衝撃波 物理 0.7 (*1) 2
発動できるスピリット キングだニャン, ハナダワンヤン, ワンダニャン
ローリングボール 物理 1.8 4 毎秒6.6% 丸まったまま転がるスピリットの上で玉乗りをはじめ、 ぶつかった敵にダメージを与える。 進路はスライドパッドで変更可能
発動できるスピリット タマシープ, ツノケラトプス, デンデンカルゴ, ドリルサイ
スピニングロデオ 体当たり 物理 0.8 (*2) 2 毎秒6.6% スピリットの背に乗って走り、体当たりで攻撃する。 進路はスライドパッドで変更可能。 Aボタンを押すと、前方に跳んで高速回転で突進できる (*3)
高速回転 (*3) 3.0 4 5%
発動できるスピリット ヤギサイバー, ヤギホーン
エアライドボンバー 飛行 (*4) 物理 1.1 2 毎秒6.6% スピリットが”ソラ”の肩をつかみながら飛び、ぶつかった敵にダメージを与える。 進路はスライドパッドで変更可能。 Aボタンで正面に突進攻撃をくり出すが、リンクゲージが残り10%以下のときは地面に突進して周囲に光の柱を噴出させる攻撃を行なう
突進 (*4) 物理 1.1 2 10%
光の柱 (*4) 物理 3.3 4
飛行 (*5) 物理 1.3 2 毎秒6.6%
突進 (*5) 物理 1.3 3 10%
光の柱 (*5) 物理 3.3 4
飛行 (*6) 物理 0.9 2 毎秒6.6%
突進 (*6) 物理 1.8 3 10%
光の柱 (*6) 物理 3.6 4
発動できるスピリット ガンミフクロウ, コウモリバット, タカイーグル, ナルバード
ハンマースロー 物理 0.9 2 毎秒9.6% 全身からトゲを突き出したスピリットのシッポを持ち、頭上で振りまわしながら走る。進路はスライドパッドで変更可能
発動できるスピリット ハリライオン
フレムスロー 突進 ファイア 0.9 2 毎秒9.6% 輪になったスピリットを転がして突進させる。スピリットが転がる方向をスライドパッドで変更できるほか、Aボタンを押すとスピリットが周囲に爆炎を放って攻撃しつつリンク攻撃の発動が終わる
爆炎 ファイア 2.7 4 1.6%
発動できるスピリット ネクッポイ, ヘビトカゲ
ユニゾンクロス 発動中 毎秒6.6% ソラとスピリットがその場で身構える。 Aボタンを押すと、両者が交差するように突進しつつ攻撃するが、リンクゲージが残り10%以下のときは、上空から地面を突いて周囲に衝撃波を放つ攻撃をくり出す
エックス突進 物理 0.4 1 10%
急降下突き 物理 2.3 3 10%
衝撃波 物理 (*7) 1.1 3
発動できるスピリット カエルおうじ, カエルシェフ, カエルソルジャー, リュウドラゴン
ポイズンダッシュ 発動中 なし 0 0 毎秒9.6% スピリットが吐いた泡に包まれ、触れた敵をマグネ効果で引き寄せる。発動中はスライドパッドで前後左右に移動でき、リンクゲージがゼロになるかAボタンを押すと、その約3秒後に泡が破裂して周囲の敵を巻きこんで攻撃しつつ発動が終わる
破裂 物理 6.3 6 100%
発動できるスピリット ドクドクサンショ
ウォータブラスター ウォータ 0.4 1 毎秒9.6% 両手に持ったスピリットの口から水を噴出させつづける。発動中は移動できないが、スライドパッドで向きを上下左右に変えられるうえに射程がとても長い。うまく操作すれば攻撃を20回以上当てることも可能
発動できるスピリット ギョライギョ, ホネフィッシュ
バブルブラスター 発動中 毎秒6.6% スピリットに乗り、スライドパッドで前後左右に飛びつつAボタンで正面に水の弾を飛ばす。 Aボタンを押しつづけるとその場で連射をはじめ、3発ごとに飛ばす弾は敵を泡に閉じこめることが可能(巨大なボス敵は閉じこめられない)。泡は2秒経過するか攻撃を受けると破裂し、周囲にいる敵もろともダメージを与える
ウォータ 0.4 1 3%
破裂 ウォータ 3.0 4
発動できるスピリット タツホース
リズミックパッド 発動中 0% 上画面の上下左右に輪が現れ、A、B、X、Y、ボタンのいずれかのマークが中央から「ボタンの配置と同じ方向」に進む。マークが輪と重なったときにそのボタンを押すと(連打でもいい)、ンラとスピリットが広範囲に音波を放つ攻撃が可能。入力に連続で成功していると、5回目からは一度に押すボタンが2個に増えるかわりに攻撃の威力が上がる。入力が遅かったり無関係のボタンを押したりすると、攻撃に矢敗するうえにリンクゲージが多く減ってしまう。攻撃できるのは最大8回まで
失敗 30%
1個押し成功 なし 0.6 4 12.5%
2個押し成功 なし 2.0 4 12.5%
発動できるスピリット ネコキャット, フルーツキャット
サラブレッドライド 発動中 (*8) 物理 1.3 2 毎秒6.6% スピリットにまたがって走り、ぶつかった敵にダメージを与える。発動中は、スライドパッドで進路を変えたり、Aボタンで突進攻撃を出したりすることが可能。スピリットごとに属性や威力などが異なるほか、エレキユニコーンとハンサムペガサスの突進攻撃には「リンク攻撃の発動直後に自動で1回使う」「攻撃前のスキがとても大きい」といった特徴がある
突進 (*8) 物理 1.3 2 5%
発動中 (*9) 物理 0.8 2 毎秒4.8%
突進 (*9) 物理 (*10) 3.0 4 5%
発動できるスピリット イタデンキリン, エレキユニコーン, ハンサムペガサス
Name Attribute Power Magnification Reaction Value Link Gauge Consumption Features
Meow Wounce Body Physical 0.8 4 7.8% per second Sora sits atop the Spirit and moves forward while bouncing many times, attacking by hitting with the body and the shockwave that spreads at the time of landing. The path can be changed with the Circle Pad. The number of bounces is up to 12, while the Flowbermeow can bounce up to 16 times, because it is faster in operation
Shockwave Physical 0.7 (*1) 2
Spirits that can activate this Meowjesty, Flowbermeow, Meow Wow
Roll Call Physical 1.8 4 6.6% per second Start balancing on the curled up Spirit, rolling into enemies to damage them. The path can be changed with the Circle Pad.
Spirits that can activate this Tama Sheep, Cera Terror, Escarglow, Drill Sye
Whirling Bronco Body Physical 0.8 (*2) 2 6.6% per second Ride on the back of the Spirit, while running forward and attacking with the body. Path can be changed with the Circle Pad. When pressing the A button, you can jump forward and perform a high-speed spin. (*3)
High Speed Spin (*3) 3.0 4 5%
Spirits that can activate this Cyber Yog, Yoggy Ram
Fly-by Knight Flying (*4) Physical 1.1 2 6.6% per second The Spirit flies around while holding Sora's shoulder, damaging the enemy on hit. The path can be changed with the Circle Pad. Pressing the A button performs a rush attack. When the Link Gauge has 10% or less remaining, the rush attack summons a pillar of light from the ground.
Rush (*4) Physical 1.1 2 10%
Pillar of Light (*4) Physical 3.3 4
Flying (*5) Physical 1.3 2 6.6% per second
Rush (*5) Physical 1.3 3 10%
Pillar of Light (*5) Physical 3.3 4
Flying (*6) Physical 0.9 2 6.6% per second
Rush (*6) Physical 1.8 2 10%
Pillar of Light (*6) Physical 3.6 4
Spirits that can activate this Peepsta Hoo, Komory Bat, Eaglider, Halbird
Hammer Throw Physical 0.9 2 9.6% per second Hold the tail of the Spirit that has thorns extending from his entire body and run while swinging the Spirit overhead. The path can be changed with the Circle Pad.
Spirits that can activate this Pricklemane
Flame Thrower Rush Fire 0.9 2 9.6% per second Make the Spirit roll in a cirlce. You can also change the direction in which the Spirit rolls with the Circle Pad. The Spirit ends the Link Attack by attacking with an explosive flame around it by pressing the A button.
Explosive Flame Fire 2.7 4 1.6%
Spirits that can activate this Sudo Neku, Hebby Repp
Decussation During Link Attack 6.6% per second Sora and the Spirit stand ready on the spot. When pressing the A button, both attack while crossing each other. When the Link Gauge has 10% or less remaining, the attack changes to a thrust from the sky to the ground, emitting a shockwave.
X-rush Physical 0.4 1 10%
Dive thrust Physical 2.3 3 10%
Shockwave Physical (*7) 1.1 3
Spirits that can activate this Lord Kyroo, Chef Kyroo, Sir Kyroo, Ryu Dragon
Poison Dash During Link Attack None 0 0 9.6% per second The Spirit is wrapped in a bubble, which it spit out, to attract touched enemies with a magnetic effect. During the Link Attack, the Circle Pad can be used to move in all directions. When the A button is pressed or the Link Gauge reaches zero, the final attack is triggered, which causes the bubble to explode after around 3 seconds.
Explosion Physical 6.3 6 100%
Spirits that can activate this Toximander
Water Blaster Water 0.4 1 9.6% per second Squirt water from the mouth of the Spirit that you hold in both hands. You can't move during the Link Attack, but the long ranged attack can be guided in all directions with the Circle Pad. If you operate the attack right, you can hit more than 20 times.
Spirits that can activate this Fin Fatale, Fishboné
Bubble Blaster During Link Attack 6.6% per second Take the Spirit, aim with the Circle Pad, and fire a bullet of water with the A button. Standing still and holding A starts a fire of shots, with every 3 shots having a chance of confining an enemy in a bubble (large boss enemies cannot be confined). The bubble bursts when attacked or after 2 seconds, damaging enemies around it.
Bullet Water 0.4 1 3%
Explosion Water 3.0 4
Spirits that can activate this Tatsu Steed
Paw Groove During Link Attack 0% Circles appear on the upper, lower, left, and right sides of the upper screen. Marks of the A, B, X, and Y button advance from the center (to the same direction as the button's placement). When you press the button when the mark overlaps with the circle (even with repeated presses), Sora and the Spirit attack with wide-ranged sound waves. If the input has been successful 5 times in a row, two buttons have to be pressed at once, and the power increases. If the input is too slow or wrong, the Link Gauge decreases a lot, and the attack is unsuccessful. You can attack up to 8 times.
Failure 30%
Successful Single Press None 0.6 4 12.5%
Successful Double Press None 2.0 4 12.5%
Spirits that can activate this Necho Cat, Frootz Cat
Equestrian Raid During Link Attack (*8) Physical 1.3 2 6.6% per second Run around on the Spirit's back, damaging enemies on hit. During the Link Attack, the path can be changed with the Circle Pad, and the A button executes a rush attack. Attributes and power differ between Spirits, with the Electricorn and Pegaslick's rush attack characterized as "Using once automatically after initiating Link Attack" and "Has a large opening before attack"
Rush (*8) Physical 1.3 2 5%
During Link Attack (*9) Physical 0.8 2 4.8% per second
Rush (*9) Physical (*10) 3.0 4 5%
Spirits that can activate this Thunderaffe, Electricorn, Pegaslick

Shop Level

1 Default
2 Clear Traverse Town
3 Clear 1 of the following La Cité des Cloches
The Grid
Prankster's Paradise
4 Clear 2 of the following
5 Clear all 3 of the following
6 Clear Traverse Town (Revisit)
7 Clear 1 of the following Country of the Musketeers
Symphony of Sorcery
8 Clear both of the following

Moogle Shop

Command Price Bargain Shop Level
  Quick Blitz 100 80 1
  Blizzard Edge 400 320 4
  Blitz 1000 800 7
  Spark Dive 200 160 3
  Sliding Dash 120 1
  Thunder Dash 480 5
  Sonic Blade 2200 1760 8
  Strike Raid 200 160 3
  Circle Raid 960 5
  Aerial Slam 800 640 6
  Gravity Strike 600 480 5
  Confusion Strike 400 320 4
  Tornado Strike 1500 1200 7
  Prism Windmill 1200 8
  Timestorm 800 640 6
  Icebreaker 1000 800 8
  Magnet Spiral 1440 8
  Collision Magnet 1000 800 7
Command Price Bargain Shop Level
  Fire 100 80 1
  Fira 400 320 5
  Firaga 1000 800 7
  Blizzard 100 80 1
  Blizzara 400 320 5
  Blizzaga 1000 800 7
  Thunder 120 1
  Thundara 480 5
  Thundaga 1200 7
  Cure 100 80 2
  Cura 600 480 6
  Curaga 1000 800 8
  Esuna 200 160 4
  Zero Gravity 200 160 3
  Zero Gravira 600 480 6
  Zero Graviga 1000 800 8
  Zero Graviza 1440 8
  Balloon 240 1
  Balloonra 720 5
  Spark 200 160 3
  Sparkra 800 640 6
  Sparkga 1600 8
  Time Bomb 360 1
  Confuse 200 160 2
  Bind 400 320 4
  Poison 400 320 3
  Slow 200 160 2
  Sleep 100 80 1
  Sleepra 300 240 5
Command Price Bargain Shop Level
  Potion 20 16 1
  Hi-Potion 40 32 2
  Mega-Potion 100 80 5
  Drop-Me-Not 40 32 2
  Panacea 50 40 2
  Panacea 50 40 2
  Elixir 2400 1
Command Price Bargain Shop Level
  Sonic Impact 300 240 5
  Wake-up Block 400 320 6
  Link Block 500 400 8
  Counter Rush 400 320 6
  Payback Raid 400 320 7
  Payback Blast 400 320 7
  Aerial Recovery 400 320 6
  Sliding Sidewinder 400 320 7
  Sliding Crescent 400 320 7
Item Price Bargain Shop Level
Fleeting Figment 150 120 4
Fleeting Fancy 300 240 7
Fleeting Fantasy 800 7
Lofty Figment 100 80 3
Lofty Fancy 400 320 8
Rampant Figment 50 40 1
Rampant Fancy 200 160 5
Rampant Fantasy 400 1
Dulcet Figment 100 80 3
Dulcet Fancy 400 320 8
Dulcet Fantasy 800 8
Intrepid Figment 50 40 2
Intrepid Fancy 400 320 8
Intrepid Fantasy 800 8
Savage Fantasy 2000 1600 8
Noble Figment 100 80 3
Noble Fancy 200 160 5
Noble Fantasy 640 3
Grim Figment 50 40 2
Grim Fancy 300 240 7
Grim Fantasy 300 240 7
Vibrant Figment 50 40 1
Vibrant Fancy 200 160 5
Vibrant Fantasy 400 2
Troubling Figment 50 40 1
Troubling Fancy 100 80 3
Troubling Fantasy 400 2
Wondrous Figment 150 120 4
Wondrous Fancy 300 240 7
Wondrous Fantasy 400 320 8
Tama Sheep Recipe 50 40 3
Pricklemane Recipe 50 40 1
Hebby Repp Recipe 50 40 1
Fin Fatale Recipe 100 80 2
Necho Cat Recipe 200 160 4
Iceguin Ace Recipe 200 160 6
Escarglow Recipe 100 80 3
KO Kabuto Recipe 200 160 4
Halbird Recipe 300 240 7
Fishboné Recipe 100 80 5
Tatsu Blaze Recipe 100 80 5
Woeflower Recipe 200 160 3
Me Me Bunny Recipe 100 80 6
Aura Lion Recipe 500 400 8
Item Price Bargain Shop Level
Confetti Candy 30 24 1
Shield Cookie 30 24 1
Block-it Chocolate 30 24 1
Ice Dream Cone 30 24 1
Confetti Candy 2 120 96 4
Shield Cookie 2 120 96 4
Block-it Chocolate 2 120 96 4
Ice Dream Cone 2 120 96 4
Confetti Candy 3 192 7
Shield Cookie 3 192 7
Block-it Chocolate 3 192 7
Ice Dream Cone 3 192 7
Balloon 80 64 1
Water Barrel 80 64 1
Paint Gun: Red 10 8 1
Paint Gun: Blue 10 8 1
Paint Gun: Green 10 8 1
Paint Gun: Yellow 10 8 1
Paint Gun: White 10 8 1
Paint Gun: Black 10 8 1
Paint Gun: Purple 10 8 1
Paint Gun: Sky Blue 10 8 1
Command Medals Shop Level
  Slot Edge 150 1
  Drain Dive 120 1
  Fire Windmill 250 1
  Limit Storm 1000 5
  Sacrifice 1000 5
Command Medals Shop Level
  Firaga Burst 2000 8
  Deep Freeze 1200 5
  Triple Plasma 1500 8
  Balloonga 1200 5
  Mini 200 1
  Stop 150 1
Command Medals Shop Level
  Drop-Me-Never 100 5
  Megalixir 4000 8
  Dream Candy 200 1
Command Medals Shop Level
  Dark Roll 700 8
  Dark Barrier 750 8
  1. ^ a b c Available with a Rush Level of 20.

Flick Rush


Points needed

  • S: 30+ points
  • A: 23-29 points
  • B: 16-22 points
  • C: 15 or less points
Time (???): Remaining HP Successful Attacks Successful Blocks
  • 1:59 or less - 10 points
  • 2:00 - 2:22 - 9 points
  • 2:23 - 2:44 - 8 points
  • 2:45 - 3:07 - 7 points
  • 3:08 - 3:29 - 6 points
  • 3:30 - 3:52 - 5 points
  • 3:53 - 4:14 - 4 points
  • 4:15 - 4:37 - 3 points
  • 4:38 - 4:59 - 2 points
  • 5:00 or longer - 1 point
  • Defeated - 0 points
  • 70% or more - 12 points
  • 60 - 69% - 11 points
  • 50 - 59% - 10 points
  • 45 - 49% - 9 points
  • 39 - 44% - 8 points
  • 34 - 38% - 7 points
  • 28 - 33% - 6 points
  • 23 - 27% - 5 points
  • 17 - 22% - 4 points
  • 12 - 16% - 3 points
  • 6 - 11% - 2 points
  • 1 - 5% - 1 point
  • 0% - 0 points
  • 90% or more - 12 points
  • 87 - 89% - 11 points
  • 83 - 86% - 10 points
  • 80 - 82% - 9 points
  • 76 - 79% - 8 points
  • 72 - 75% - 7 points
  • 69 - 71% - 6 points
  • 65 - 68% - 5 points
  • 61 - 64% - 4 points
  • 58 - 60% - 3 points
  • 54 - 57% - 2 points
  • 53% or less - 1 point
  • 5 or more - 5 points
  • 4 - 4 points
  • 3 - 3 points
  • 2 - 2 points
  • 1 - 1 point
  • 0 - 0 points


Each round gives points based on the rank.

  • S rank - 4 points
  • A rank - 3 points
  • B rank - 2 points
  • C rank - 1 point

Points needed for trophy:

Amount of rounds Bronze Silver Gold
1 2 3 4
2 3 6 8
3 4 8 12
4 6 11 16
5 7 14 20


Tournament Round Rank (Victory) Rank (Defeat)
Training Cup Round 1 60 40 30 20 10 6
Beginner's Cup Round 1 70 50 40 30 13 10
Round 2 80 60 50 40 16 13
Rainbow Cup Round 1 80 60 50 40 16 13
Round 2 90 70 60 50 20 16
Round 3 100 80 70 60 23 20
Round 4 110 90 80 70 26 23
Digital Cup Round 1 100 80 70 60 23 20
Round 2 110 90 80 70 26 23
Tin Pin Cup Round 1 110 90 80 70 26 23
Round 2 120 100 90 80 30 26
Round 3 130 110 100 90 33 30
Round 4 140 120 110 100 36 33
Speed Cup Round 1 140 120 110 100 36 33
Yummy Cup Round 1 150 130 120 110 40 36
Round 2 160 140 130 120 43 40
Round 3 170 160 140 130 46 43
Final Cup Round 1 170 150 140 130 46 43
Round 2 180 160 150 140 50 46
Round 3 190 170 160 150 53 50
Round 4 200 180 170 160 56 53
Horror Cup Round 1 220 200 190 180 63 60
Secret Cup Round 1 240 220 210 200 70 66
Round 2 260 240 230 220 76 73
Round 3 280 260 250 240 83 80
Round 4 300 280 270 260 90 86
Round 5 350 330 320 310 106 103


Flick Rush LV Rank (Victory) Rank (Defeat)
1~4 80 60 50 40 16 13
5~8 100 80 70 60 23 20
9~12 140 120 110 100 36 33
13~16 180 160 150 140 50 46
17~20 220 200 190 180 63 60

Battle Levels

World Before clear After clear
Traverse Town (1) 3 6
La Cité des Cloches 8 12
The Grid 14 18
Prankster's Paradise 18 20
Traverse Town (2) 20 24
Country of the Musketeers 26 30
Symphony of Sorcery 34 36
The World That Never Was 38

Dream Eaters

Dream Eaters that appear in each world (not counting portals and rare Lord Kyroo fight)

By World

Traverse Town


La Cité des Cloches


The Grid


Prankster's Paradise


Country of the Musketeers


Symphony of Sorcery


The World That Never Was


By Dream Eater

Dream Eater Worlds Worlds (Portals) Worlds (Rare)
Meow Wow TT1, LCdC, TG, PP TT, LCdC, PP TT, LCdC, TG
Tama Sheep TT1, LCdC (S), SoS (S) TT (R)
Yoggy Ram TT1, LCdC, SoS (S) TT, PP TG
Komory Bat TT1, LCdC, TG, PP, TT2 TT, LCdC, PP
Pricklemane TT1, LCdC, PP (S) TT, LCdC, CotM
Hebby Repp TT1, LCdC, PP TT, CotM
Kooma Panda TT1, LCdC, TG (S), PP, CotM (S), SoS (R) TT, PP TT
Flowbermeow TT, PP (S)
Toximander LCdC, CotM
Necho Cat LCdC, TT2, SoS (R) LCdC LCdC
Wheeflower LCdC, TT2 SoS
Zolephant LCdC, TT2, CotM (S) LCdC, PP LCdC (S)
Lord Kyroo SoS (R) PP
Woeflower LCdC, TT2, SoS (R)
Drill Sye LCdC, TT2 (S) LCdC, PP, SoS LCdC
Peepsta Hoo TG, TT2, CotM (S), SoS LCdC, TG, TT2, CotM
Escarglow TG, SoS (S) LCdC, TG, PP
KO Kabuto TG, CotM (S), SoS (R) TT, LCdC, TG, PP TG
Halbird TG, CotM, TWTNW (R) LCdC, CotM CotM, TWTNW
Cyber Yog TG
Eaglider TG, TWTNW (S) TG
Sir Kyroo PP (S), TT2 (S), CotM (S), SoS (R) TT
Fin Fatale PP, SoS (S)* TT
Tatsu Steed PP, SoS (S)* LCdC, PP
Iceguin Ace PP, TT2, CotM (S), SoS TT, PP, CotM PP
Juggle Pup PP, TT2 (S)*, SoS (R) TT, PP PP
Jestabocky PP, TT2, CotM PP, CotM
Thunderaffe TT2, CotM, SoS, TWTNW (R) TT2, CotM TT2, TWTNW (R)
Staggerceps TT2, CotM, SoS
Fishboné TT2, CotM, SoS (S) TT2, CotM
Chef Kyroo TT2, CotM, SoS (S)
Tatsu Blaze TT2, CotM (R) LCdC
Cera Terror TT2 (R), CotM, TWTNW CotM, SoS
Me Me Bunny CotM CotM CotM
Tyranto Rex CotM (S) CotM, TWTNW
Ducky Goose CotM TT2, CotM, SoS CotM
Aura Lion CotM TG, CotM CotM, TWTNW
Pegaslick SoS, TWTNW (R) PP, TT2, SoS SoS, TWTNW
Ghostabocky SoS, TWTNW (R) LCdC, CotM SoS
Electricorn SoS, TWTNW (R) TT2
Ryu Dragon SoS, TWTNW (R) PP, CotM, SoS SoS
Majik Lapin TWTNW CotM
Skelterwild TWTNW CotM
Drak Quack TWTNW CotM
Keeba Tiger TWTNW CotM
TT1 = Traverse Town (1st visit)
TT2 = Traverse Town (2nd visit)
(S) = Sora only
(R) = Riku only
* = Not available before world clear

Dream Eater Drops

Synthesis Materials

Figment (幻想 Gensō?, lit. "Illusion")
Fancy (空想 Kūsō?)
Fantasy (夢想 Musō?, lit. "Dream")

Image Name Enemy
  Fleeting Figment (加速する幻想?) Escarglow (12%), KO Kabuto (6%N), Thunderaffe (6%N), Me Me Bunny (6%N), Electricorn (6%)
  Fleeting Fancy (加速する空想?) Thunderaffe (12%N/16%R), Pegaslick (6%N), Electricorn (12%), Majik Lapin (12%)
  Fleeting Fantasy (加速する夢想?) Thunderaffe (8%R)
  Lofty Figment (羽ばたける幻想?) Wheeflower (12%), Woeflower (6%), Eaglider (12%), Tatsu Steed (12%), Tatsu Blaze (6%)
  Lofty Fancy (羽ばたける空想?) Halbird (12%N/16%R), Pegaslick (12%N/16%R), Ryu Dragon (12%N/16%R)
  Lofty Fantasy (羽ばたける夢想?) Halbird (8%R), Pegaslick (8%R), Ryu Dragon (8%R)
  Rampant Figment (躍動する幻想?) Meow Wow (12%N/16%R), Komory Bat (6%), Pricklemane (6%), Flowbermeow (12%), Wheeflower (6%), Drill Sye (6%N), Iceguin Ace (6%N)
  Rampant Fancy (躍動する空想?) Meow Wow (8%R), Zolephant (8%R), Fin Fatale (12%), Iceguin Ace (12%N/16%R), Drak Quack (6%)
  Rampant Fantasy (躍動する夢想?) Iceguin Ace (8%R)
  Dulcet Figment (共鳴する幻想?) Necho Cat (12%N/16%R), Tatsu Steed (6%)
  Dulcet Fancy (共鳴する空想?) Necho Cat (8%R), Ducky Goose (12%N/16%R), Keeba Tiger (12%)
  Dulcet Fantasy (共鳴する夢想?) Ducky Goose (8%R), Majik Lapin (6%)
  Intrepid Figment (猛る幻想?) Pricklemane (12%), Hebby Repp (12%), Kooma Panda (6%N), Zolephant (6%N)
  Intrepid Fancy (猛る空想?) Drill Sye (8%R), Cera Terror (6%), Me Me Bunny (12%N/16%R), Aura Lion (12%N/16%R)
  Intrepid Fantasy (猛る夢想?) Me Me Bunny (8%R), Tyranto Rex (6%N), Aura Lion (6%N/8%R), Keeba Tiger (6%)
  Noble Figment (直向きな幻想?) Zolephant (12%N/16%R), Drill Sye (12%N/16%R), KO Kabuto (12%N/16%R), Cyber Yog (12%), Sir Kyroo (6%)
  Noble Fancy (直向きな空想?) Lord Kyroo (12%), KO Kabuto (8%R), Sir Kyroo (12%), Fishboné (6%)
  Noble Fantasy (直向きな夢想?)
  Grim Figment (冷徹なる幻想?) Tama Sheep (6%N), Yoggy Ram (12%N/16%R), Escarglow (6%), Cyber Yog (6%), Fin Fatale (6%), Staggerceps (6%)
  Grim Fancy (冷徹なる空想?) Staggerceps (12%), Tatsu Blaze (12%)
  Grim Fantasy (冷徹なる夢想?) Cera Terror (12%), Skelterwild (12%)
  Vibrant Figment (情熱の幻想?) Meow Wow (6%N), Tama Sheep (12%N/16%R), Yoggy Ram (6%N), Kooma Panda (12%N/16%R), Eaglider (6%), Juggle Pup (6%N)
  Vibrant Fancy (情熱の空想?) Tama Sheep (8%R), Yoggy Ram (8%R), Kooma Panda (8%R), Lord Kyroo (6%), Halbird (6%N), Juggle Pup (12%N/16%R), Jestabocky (12%)
  Vibrant Fantasy (情熱の夢想?) Juggle Pup (8%R)
  Troubling Figment (悩める幻想?) Komory Bat (12%), Hebby Repp (6%), Toximander (6%), Necho Cat (6%), Peepsta Hoo (6%), Ghostabocky (6%N)
  Troubling Fancy (悩める空想?) Toximander (12%), Woeflower (12%)
  Troubling Fantasy (悩める夢想?) Ghostabocky (8%R)
  Wondrous Figment (不思議な幻想?) Peepsta Hoo (12%), Jestabocky (6%), Chef Kyroo (6%)
  Wondrous Fancy (不思議な空想?) Fishboné (12%), Chef Kyroo (12%), Tyranto Rex (12%N/16%R), Ducky Goose (6%)
  Wondrous Fantasy (不思議な夢想?) Ghostabocky (12%N/16%R), Drak Quack (12%)
  Malleable Fantasy (温柔なる夢想?) Flowbermeow (3%)
  Prickly Fantasy (先鋭なる夢想?)
  Wild Fantasy (暴走の夢想?)
  Epic Fantasy (大いなる夢想?)
  Charming Fantasy (魅惑の夢想?)
  Brilliant Fantasy (輝ける夢想?)
  Savage Fantasy (凶暴な夢想?) Tyranto Rex (4%R), Ryu Dragon (3%N), Skelterwild (3%)
..%N = Nightmare drop rate
..%R = Rare Nightmare drop rate.


Name Enemy
Potion (ポーション?) Hebby Repp (2%), Flowbermeow (2%), Wheeflower (2%), Escarglow (2%), Sir Kyroo (2%), Iceguin Ace (2%), Chef Kyroo (2%)
Hi-Potion (ハイポーション?) Cera Terror (2%), Tyranto Rex (2%), Aura Lion (2%), Electricorn (2%)
Mega-Potion (メガポーション?) Skelterwild (2%)
Drop-Me-Not (モーニングベル?) Tama Sheep (2%), Peepsta Hoo (2%), Me Me Bunny (2%), Majik Lapin (2%)
Drop-Me-Never (モーニングアラーム?)
Panacea (オールキュア?) Komory Bat (2%), Woeflower (2%)
Elixir (エリクサー?)
Megalixir (ラストエリクサー?)
Dream Candy (ドリームキャンディ?)
Balloon (バルーン?) Meow Wow (1%), Necho Cat (1%), Zolephant (1%), KO Kabuto (1%), Cyber Yog (1%), Fin Fatale (1%), Tatsu Blaze (1%), Ghostabocky (1%)
Water Barrel (ウォーターバレル?) Pricklemane (1%), Lord Kyroo (1%), Drill Sye (1%), Tatsu Steed (1%), Fishboné (1%)
Treasure Goggles (トレジャーゴーグル?) Yoggy Ram (1%), Kooma Panda (1%), Toximander (1%), Halbird (1%), Eaglider (1%), Juggle Pup (1%), Jestabocky (1%), Thunderaffe (1%), Staggerceps (1%), Ducky Goose (1%), Pegaslick (1%), Ryu Dragon (1%), Drak Quack (1%), Keeba Tiger (1%)
Paint Gun: Red (ペイントガン・赤?)
Paint Gun: Blue (ペイントガン・青?)
Paint Gun: Green (ペイントガン・緑?)
Paint Gun: Yellow (ペイントガン・黄?)
Paint Gun: White (ペイントガン・白?)
Paint Gun: Black (ペイントガン・黒?)
Paint Gun: Purple (ペイントガン・紫?)
Paint Gun: Sky Blue (ペイントガン・水色?)
Confetti Candy (コンペイトウ?) Yoggy Ram (3%), Kooma Panda (3%), Drill Sye (3%), Cyber Yog (3%)
Confetti Candy 2 (コンペイトウ2?) Halbird (3%), Juggle Pup (3%), Thunderaffe (3%), Cera Terror (3%), Aura Lion (3%)
Confetti Candy 3 (コンペイトウ3?) Ryu Dragon (3%), Keeba Tiger (3%)
Shield Cookie (ガードクッキー?) Tama Sheep (3%), Pricklemane (3%), Necho Cat (3%), Zolephant (3%), Escarglow (3%), KO Kabuto (3%)
Shield Cookie 2 (ガードクッキー2?) Tatsu Steed (3%), Staggerceps (3%), Tyranto Rex (3%)
Shield Cookie 3 (ガードクッキー3?) Electricorn (3%), Skelterwild (3%)
Block-it Chocolate (レジストチョコ?) Komory Bat (3%), Hebby Repp (3%), Toximander (3%), Wheeflower (3%), Eaglider (3%)
Block-it Chocolate 2 (レジストチョコ2?) Sir Kyroo (3%), Fin Fatale (3%), Fishboné (3%), Me Me Bunny (3%)
Block-it Chocolate 3 (レジストチョコ3?) Lord Kyroo (3%), Ghostabocky (3%), Majik Lapin (3%)
Ice Dream Cone (マジックアイス?) Meow Wow (3%), Flowbermeow (3%), Woeflower (3%), Peepsta Hoo (3%)
Ice Dream Cone 2 (マジックアイス2?) Iceguin Ace (3%), Jestabocky (3%), Chef Kyroo (3%), Tatsu Blaze (3%), Ducky Goose (3%)
Ice Dream Cone 3 (マジックアイス3?) Pegaslick (3%), Drak Quack (3%)
Royal Cake (スペシャルケーキ?)
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