Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix

Unversed Mission

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Unversed Mission Emblem.png

Unversed Missions are an optional sidequests in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix that can be found in each world once its episode has been completed. They appear as pulsating dark emblems, similar to that of the Vanitas Remnant.


Enchanted Dominion

Flame Box KHBBSFM.png
  • Unversed: Flame Box
  • Location (T/V/A): Waterside
  • Reward: Firaga
    • Battle description: Attack the fireballs launched by the Flame Box! Don't let them hit the ground, or the mission will end!
      • ★: 0-14
      • ★★: 15-29
      • ★★★: 30+


In this mission, the player must destroy meteors launched by the Flame Box. If the player destroys 30 or more meteors without them touching the ground, the player will earn the Firaga Command. The player should use simple Keyblade strikes to destroy the meteors and can also use the Surge-based Commands too. The meteors will deal damage to the player if they get too close, so it is recommend to have one or two Cure Commands in the Command Deck.

A more effective strategy, however, would be to use Magnet or Zero Gravity Commands. The wide-area effect of these spells means they can destroy multiple meteors at once, and Magnet Commands can continue to destroy any nearby meteors as long as the spell is in effect.


While playing as Terra, his powerful strikes can be very helpful in this mission, but his slow speed can be a downfall. When the mission starts, the player should use the Ventus D-Link, which will provide the Haste ability and boost Terra's movement and attack speed.


While playing as Ventus, his speed is a great advantage and should be taken advantage of.


While playing as Aqua, her speed can be helpful in this mission. The player can use the same strategy used with Terra. Her Barrier Surge Command is also helpful in destroying meteors.

Castle of Dreams

Lone Runner KHBBSFM.png
  • Unversed: Lone Runner
  • Location (T/A): Ballroom
  • Location (V): Wardrobe Room
  • Reward: Illusion-L
    • Battle description: Defeat as many Lone Runners as you can before time runs out!
      • ★: 0-14
      • ★★: 15-29
      • ★★★: 30+


In this mission, the player must defeat 30 Lone Runners within 1:30:00 to obtain the Illusion-L command. It is recommended to use Commands with a wide-range, such as Mega Flare, Thundaga, and Salvation. The Lone Runners will continuously run around the field, so the player should use fast moving Commands, such as Thunder Surge, Fire Surge, and Barrier Surge to reach them. It is very important to move quickly throughout the mission.


While playing as Terra, his slow speed makes it difficult to chase the Lone Runners, so it is recommended to use the Ventus D-Link in this battle, as it provides Haste which will boost Terra's speed. Also the Ventus D-Link's second emblem's Finisher can easily destroy a large amount of Lone Runners.


While playing as Ventus, the player should have the Superglide equipped to increase Ventus's speed. To reach the Lone Runners, the player should use fast-moving and wide-ranged Commands, such as Time Splicer or Faith, to defeat the Lone Runners.


While playing as Aqua, the player should use Seeker Mine, Triple Firaga, or Barrier Surge to track down the Lone Runners. The strategy used when playing as Terra can also be used for her.

Dwarf Woodlands

Vitality Vial KHBBSFM.png
  • Unversed: Vitality Vial
  • Location (T/A): Underground Waterway
  • Location (V): The Mine
  • Reward: Illusion-V
    • Battle description: The area is shrouded in poison! Attacking the Vitality Vial will make it release clouds of HP! Use these clouds to stay alive!
      • ★: 0:00:00 - 0:59:59
      • ★★: 1:00:00 - 1:59:59
      • ★★★: 2:00:00+


In this mission, the player must survive as long as they can in the poison-filled arena. The player will constantly lose HP as they remain on the ground, so air attacks should be used as much as possible. The Vitality Vial will attack the player either with a dash attack or a cloud of poison. To recover HP, the player should use Cure magic or attack the Vitality Vial, which will recover HP, when necessary. The Vitality Vial will constantly teleport around the field after every one of your combos, or on its own free will. When you use a Finisher, either your own Finisher or a Command Style Finisher and Shotlock, you will not lose any HP. If the player can survive for more than 2 minutes, they will earn the Illusion-V command.


While playing as Terra, his low speed is a hindrance. The player should mainly use Sonic Impact as a way of traversing the field, as well as a way of attacking the Vitality Vial. The player can also use Thunder Surge as a means of speedy movement and attack.


While playing as Ventus, his speed and ability to stay in the air for long periods of time is very helpful. The player should have Fire Glide equipped and use it as a way to attack and keep off the ground.


While playing as Aqua, the player should mainly focus on using Surge-based Commands, as well as Air Slide and Doubleflight to remain in the air.

Radiant Garden

Belly Balloon KHBBSFM.png
  • Unversed: Belly Balloon
  • Location (T/V): Outer Gardens
  • Location (A): Central Square
  • Reward: Illusion-B
    • Battle description: Hit the valve on the Belly Balloon's back to deflate it! Don't attack its stomach--that'll cause it to inflate!
      • ★: 2:00:00+
      • ★★: 1:00:00 - 1:59:59
      • ★★★: 0:00:00 - 0:59:59


In this mission the player must empty out the Belly Balloon's gas gauge within thirty seconds by attacking its back, which will reward the player with the Illusion-B Command. If attacked the from the front, the Belly Balloon's gas gauge, along with its size, will increase. As the gas gauge decreases, its size will decrease. The player should use Surge-based commands in this mission, as it can hit multiple times and can also help catch up with the Belly Balloon when it occasionally bounces around the field. Blocking the Belly Balloon's attacks will leave it open to a surge command.

While playing as Terra, the player can also use the Ventus D-Link to attack the Belly Balloon, as its Haste ability can make it easier to land more attacks.

While playing as Ventus, the player should make sure to use Reversal as it will immediately leave an open spot for the player to attack with Reversal Slash.

While playing as Aqua, the player can also use Triple Firaga or Triple Blizzaga to attack the Belly Balloon from the back.

Disney Town

Ringer KHBBSFM.png
  • Unversed: Ringer
  • Location (T/V/A): Raceway
  • Reward: Illusion-R
    • Battle description: Defeat as many Ringers as you can in 2 minutes! Attack the original one to make the rest disappear! Attack the wrong one, and you'll lose 5 seconds off the clock!
      • ★: 0-19
      • ★★: 20-39
      • ★★★: 40+


In this mission, the player must score over 40 points by finding and defeating the correct Ringer as many times as possible within 2:00:00. Ringers appear one at a time on the field, marked by a glowing light overhead. When the player approaches one, it surrounds itself with decoys, and the player is challenged to pick out the "real" one as they all scramble around. Each Ringer defeated grants a point, but defeating the correct Ringer will slay the copies as well, while defeating a copy will deduct five seconds from the clock. Subsequent groups will have increasing numbers of decoys, making the task of finding the correct Ringer more difficult. Ringers can be felled in one hit, but they cannot be damaged by Fire, Blizzard, Thunder, or Aero-based Commands, so the player must use basic attacks or non-elemental Commands in this mission. The key to a high score is to keep an eye on the "real" Ringer when the decoys appear and to quickly attack and move to the location of the next group.

When playing as Terra or Aqua, use the Ventus D-Link with the Haste ability to boost their attack speed. Terra can also use Sonic Impact as a way to move and attack the Ringer, while Aqua can use Barrier Surge.[citation needed]

When playing as Ventus, equip Superglide to boost his speed. When playing as Aqua, equip Doubleflight.

Deep Space

Gluttonous Goo KHBBSFM.png
  • Unversed: Gluttonous Goo
  • Location (T/V/A): Launch Deck
  • Reward: Stun Block or Stop Barrier
    • Battle description: Attacking the Gluttonous Goo will make it drop colorful orbs! Collect as many as you can in 2 minutes!
      • ★: 0-50 orbs
      • ★★: 51-89 orbs
      • ★★★: 90-100 orbs


In this mission, the player must collect orbs from battling the Gluttonous Goo, similarly to Kingdom Hearts II's Struggle minigame. The Gluttonous Goo should not be taken lightly, as it can deal large amounts of damage. The player must collect orbs by attacking it and then collecting the orbs that are released from it. The amount of orbs released depends on the damage dealt by the attack. The best strategy to use when fighting the Gluttonous Goo is to Block and then counter it, which can release up to 20 orbs. The player has 2 minutes to earn more than 90 orbs to earn the Stop Block for Terra and Ventus or Stop Barrier for Aqua.


While playing as Terra, the player should attack with powerful Commands, such as Meteor Crash or Chaos Blade, to obtain orbs from the Gluttonous Goo. The player should also have Block equipped with Counter Hammer to block the Gluttonous Goo's attacks and obtain orbs.


While playing as Ventus, the player should use the same strategy while playing as Terra and use the Block Command equipped with Counter Rush. The player can also use Thunder Surge to attack the Gluttonous Goo.


While playing as Aqua, the player should use the finisher of Spellweaver by using the Fabracadabra Ice Cream to gain a immense amount of orbs in a flash. When the Gluttonous Goo is ready to attack, use Barrier to protect yourself and Counter Blast to get some orbs.


Element Cluster KHBBSFM.png
  • Unversed: Element Cluster
  • Location (T/V/A): Indian Camp
  • Reward: Voltage Stack
    • Battle description: Attack the Element Cluster with the corresponding magic elements!
      • ★: 0-39
      • ★★: 40-69
      • ★★★: 70+


In this mission, the player must attack the middle section of the Element Cluster with its corresponding element; red represents Fire, blue signifies Blizzard, and yellow symbolizes Thunder. For every attack the player lands on the middle section with its element, the player will earn a point. If the player earn more than 70 points within 1:30:00, the player will earn the Voltage Stack Command.

The most efficient way to achieve high scores is to equip the player character with quick elemental Movement Commands: Ice Slide, as well as Thunder Roll and Fire Glide for Ventus, or Firewheel for Aqua. The Command Deck should be filled with Fire Surge or Thunder Surge to replace any elements not covered by Movement Commands. Element-based Shotlock commands, such as Flame Salvo, are also useful. In order to have as many Surges available as possible, healing should be covered by Renewal Block or Renewal Barrier. In order to increase the restoration speed of the Command Deck, equip Attack Haste and Reload Boost. Fire Screen, Blizzard Screen, and Thunder Screen are also useful in reducing time spent healing.

The Element Cluster will try to always face the player character, but its attacks can easily be avoided by dodging, especially using the invincibility frames of a basic Movement Command. If the player character's commands trigger a Command Style, be sure to exploit the style's element when appropriate, and avoid Keyblade attacks when the Element Cluster takes a conflicting element.

Olympus Coliseum

Shade Jelly KHBBSFM.png
  • Unversed: Jellyshade
  • Location (T/V/A): Town Near Thebes
  • Reward: Stopga
    • Battle description: Defeat 300 Jellyshades as quickly as possible!
      • ★: 1:00:00+
      • ★★: 00:31:00 - 00:59:59
      • ★★★: 00:00:01 - 00:30:59


In this mission, the player must defeat 300 Jellyshades as quickly as they can. It is recommend to use field-clearing commands such as Mega Flare, Thundaga, Meteor, Salvation, or Magnega to defeat a large amount of them. If the player defeats 300 Jellyshades within 00'30"00, the player will earn the Stopga Command.


While playing with Terra, his powerful and wide range attacks can be helpful in this mission. But his slow speed is his downfall, so it is recommended to use the Ventus D-Link in this battle, as it provides Haste which will boost Terra's speed. Also the Ventus D-Link's second emblem's Finisher can destroy a large amount of Jellyshades. You can also use the Cinderella D-Link.


While playing with Ventus, his wide array of swift Commands is very helpful in this mission. When the mission starts, it is recommend that the player should use the Goofy D-Link with its first emblem, as its Finisher can defeat more than 280 Jellyshades before it finishes, if used correctly. You can also use the Cinderella D-Link.


While playing with Aqua, her magic Commands can be used to defeat the Jellyshades. The player should use the Goofy D-Link's strategy like with Ventus. You can also use the Cinderella D-Link.

Keyblade Graveyard

Floating Flora KHBBSFM.png
  • Unversed: Floating Flora
  • Location (T/V/A): Seat of War
  • Reward: Illusion-F
    • Battle description: Keep the Floating Floras in the air, and collect the items they drop!
      • ★: 0-200
      • ★★: 201-349
      • ★★★: 350+


In this mission, the player has 1'30"00 to face 3 Floating Floras and must launch them into the air, while attacking them as many times as possible before they fall back into the ground and must be relaunched back into the air again. The easiest strategy is to use Shotlocks with high lock-on counts. Otherwise, it is recommended to use commands that are fast and have a wide range to launch the Floating Floras while attacking them. Commands such as Thundaga, Time Splicer, Magic Hour, Holy, and Surge-based are recommended. The player must earn more than 350 points from attack the Floating Floras in midair to obtain the Illusion-F command.


While playing as Terra, his limited amount of mid-air commands is a problem in this mission. Terra's Command Deck should include Thunder Surge to attack the Floating Floras. The player can also use the Rhythm Mixer Command Style's finisher to attack the Floating Flora.


While playing as Ventus, he possesses many mid-air commands that can be used in this mission, which should be used to their full extent.


While playing as Aqua, her Spellweaver Command Style's finisher is the best way to attack the Floating Floras. The player should use a Command Deck made out of Fabracadabra ice cream. As soon as the mission begins, the player should immediately use the Fabracadabra ice cream to enter the Spellweaver Command Style and then another to activate its finisher and finally use it to attack the Floating Floras.


Battle Mission: Flame Box (Ventus) Battle Mission: Lone Runner (Ventus) Battle Mission: Vitality Vial (Ventus)
<youtube width="320" height="240">w1t00DrDf48</youtube> <youtube width="320" height="240">ECbFv9TUEDE</youtube> <youtube width="320" height="240">2mZeO8piAec</youtube>
Battle Mission: Belly Balloon (Ventus) Battle Mission: Ringer (Ventus) Battle Mission: Jellyshades (Ventus)
<youtube width="320" height="240">-ES_GvgPwes</youtube> <youtube width="320" height="240">cmSCxlH8f7M</youtube> <youtube width="320" height="240">asCC8-sucus</youtube>
Battle Mission: Gluttonous Goo (Ventus) Battle Mission: Element Cluster (Ventus) Battle Mission: Floating Flora (Ventus)
<youtube width="320" height="240">SdquG84u2Tc</youtube> <youtube width="320" height="240"></youtube> <youtube width="320" height="240">IDZiA4icrcY</youtube>